HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-25, Page 5lThursdety, February:. 2.5't'T 11932; MVP Sova BUSINESS CARDS Wiellts, For Salle, Loot, DUDLEY Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IIIARRISTER, SOLICITOR,. NETT-. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off. the Square, GODER1CH, Ontario. Special Attention to Couneel and Court Work. MT. Holmes may be consulted at &oderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. William H. Brown A.S. P. ,graduated Font. Spic atilt 'AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B,.A.Sc. (Tor.), tDJL,S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, svey®r, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D S. ;RENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZUT IGH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOOD, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and • Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National !wool of Auctioneering. _Cry me for Registered Live Stock, lAl1 Breeds.) Terms . in keeping wrtn prevailing 12riCes /1Q:14q for Sale. Will, anything .Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write_ Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM LN A POSITION TO "' CON- •aiuct any Auction Sale, regardless so to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied win snake no charges for Services Ren offered. a ri ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 18-57. SERVICE 'Why We have the Better Class of Customers UGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. /BATTERIES,, MOBILE OIL, MAR - VELURE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TURES, GENUINE IGNITION iParta, Hblming and Mechanical. Worts alone to Micrometer Settings, No guess. work- Watch the erre that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH, CLASS, CLIENTELE. 11. S. Wein. 'DDASHWOOD ONTARIO • 000110•NO.00••HO.ON•00 Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a goad Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weine s, Hams, Etc., always on. hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve Your 11.. Yungblui & Son • • 190etteeeSO0000000®000 e 00 LIVI3 POU LT V WANTED T►ken, every Day till 3 &eieok, p.m, Do not feed Fowl sante 'ramming when brought in. r 11i FUIS COLVIDI FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE, A Brunswick Console Phonograph with Records, privately owned 412.00. -1 -less the J eweller. LOST Between my farm and Dashwood, a. logging chain. Finder kindly noti- fy, Arthur Weber. NOTICE 'NOTICE is hereby given that a permit must be obtained from the Board of Health of the Township, of Hay to eut or harvest. ice from any lake, river, stream, pond or other water for the purpose of being .sold or used for domestic purposes, and no person shall sell or deliver or dis- pose of in any way any ice for de- mestie purposes without first obtain- ing a permit therefor from the local Board of Health. The Board may re- fuse a permit, or revoke any granted by it., when in their judgment the use of any ice cut or sold or to be cut and sold for domestic ,purposes under the same is or would be detrimental to ,the public health. This notice is given under Section 100 of The .Public Health Act., By Order, Board of Health, Township of Hay. For Sale A quantity of hard drywood, also some good mixed hay, for sale. Sol. Gingerieh. FOR SALE LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C. J'eff'rey of town is spending a few weeks with her son Paul at De- troit Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth of town were recent visitors with, the former's 'brother at Crediton. The .many friends of Mr. Cyrus Coiosky will regret' to learn that he is confined to his bed with illness ±Miss .Ruby Church who is attend- ing the Westervelt Business College, at London, spent 'the week -end .nn- der the parental roof in .Zurich. BORN --At Goshen Line, Hay To- wnship, on February 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Steinbach, a daughter. Mr. Albert Lichte of Tavistock is spending a few weeks, with his friend Mr. Edmund Schwartzentruber '.of the Bronson Line_ The excavation of the cellar under Haist's Bakery is now completed and splendid progress is being made in putting things in shape. Miss Cathern. Merner wl o is atten- ding London Normal School,, spent the week -end at her home here, .re- turning to the city on Tuesday ,after- noon to resume her studies. C. Fritz & Son have. exchanged a good used coach to Mr. Fred. W. Hess of Hensall for the town lot in the east end of town opposite the Hess Electrical shop. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, and daughter Jacqueline and Mr. and Mrs Walter Scott of Seaforth, were Sun- day visitors at the latter's parents. Mrs. Minnie Fritz and daughter Veda of London; Dr. and Mrs. Pink of Deleware, were Sunday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen of town. Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Welland of De- troit, bridal couple, visiter over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams, and family of the Bronson Line. Mr. George Eisenbach, of Grand Bend, and who has been in Detroit, visiting his brother for about six weeks, has returned home to the Bend, A well made building I4feet 5 The employees of the Reith Bakery inches by 10 feet 5 inches, suitable for a garage, or hen stable or col- ony house, has two windows and a door. For further particulars apply at the hone of E. Oesch, Zurich. Ford Prices Reduced AS MUCH AS '$2©0.00 ON SOME MODELS New Tudor now Delivered in Zurich at $495. Big Reduction on all other Models. USED CARS ALSO REDUCED SEE THESE: 1931 Ford. Tudor, like new .. $390. 193.0 Ford Tudor $275. 1929 Ford Tudor .............$190 1928 Ford Tudor $150. All Model T Fords $5.00 to $25.00 1SANDY ELLIOT — Ford Dealer Zurich and Exeter. NOTICE 3. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated, Phone 94-16. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Mary Stephenson, Deceased! NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Mary Stephenson, late of the Township'' of Stanley, in the Co- unty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the sixth day of January, A.D. 1932, are requited to deliver to Albert McLinchey, Varna, Ont., or Edward Johnson, Goderich, Ont., the Executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or be- fore the 29th day of February, A.D. 1932, a full: statement of their claims togetherfrer with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities if held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having Highest Cash Prices 1 regard only to sties claims as shall FOR—have received due notice and in ac- -CASHcordhnce• therewith, CREAM AND EGGS DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of Febornnr : A. 10., 1932 W. O'Bripn are sporting a snappy horse drawn vehicle which is made from the low- er part of an old Ford car, although the outfit looks rather heavy but we thing it must be durable and ride nice on the rubber tires. The publisher of the Herald wants all the news of Zurichand community that is worthwhile publishing, please send it in of phone, or if passing our door just drop in and tell us and we will do the rest. Mrs. and Mrs. Chris. Schwartzen- truber„ accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Zehr motored to Kitchener the past week, from which place Mrs. Zehr took the train for her home in Beaver Fall, New York State, after visiting friends on the Bronson Line for several weeks... The weather man for almost the' first time all win er ' has given us anything that looks like winter. The ground is nicely covered with snow, although not much, and these rather .,nappy and cold nights make us re- ..lize that spring has not as yet arri- Ted, although next Monday will be the last day of February. The local sportsmen are enjoying these fine afternoons on the jack rab- bit hunt, and although the catches. are usually net so big as at first yet the boys are running up a big aver- erage. We notice the total number of jacks so far shot this winter, is far in excess to any previous winter. Dr. Hadley Williams, the priminent surgeon of London, died in the hos- pital at that place on Tuesday after- noon, with an attack of heart failure. Dr. Williams was a particular friend of Dr. A. J. MacKinnon of Zurich, and with the skill of these two doctors many a life has been saved in the immediate community of Zur- ich. . Mr. E. F. Klopp recently attended the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Western Farmers' Weather Ins- urance .Mutual Co., at Woodstock. This company enjoyed a very good year's business the past year, as their losses were not heavy, and the coin any is becoming stronger every year. They have 8,380 policies in force at a risk of $19,593,724; and their cash and bonds on hand is $199,101.61. Mr. Klopp is the representative for the Zurich district for this company. and anyone desiring this kind of in- surance should see Mr. Klopp. An event of unusual interest will take place on Monday evening, March 7th, when the Women's Institute will feature a debate on a very timely subject, "Resolved that the League of Nations should be Abolished." Well known persons have been secur- ed as participants in fire debate. Since a request has come to the members of the Institute to open the meeting to the general public, the Town Hall has been secured for the occasion and the public is invited. Music by a well known orchestra and other a•lded features will comprise the ev- ening of dolightfial entertainment. FTNGT.ANI?. Clinton~ Ontario. You are invited to attend. More ail igloos; i:or theraid aatiaic }p..d ^z' " aci:t w`t e' �_• 1 Mr, A. Melick made a b usiness "*"0' r! MNO A ►r .M..rr0.0*plp006,0 *04000001000 ► trill to Detroit last week i r i Father Power visited with his O SCHRAG'S GA.RAGE lrarenreits at St. Tomas, the past week Mr. John Mousseau of Grand Bend r Was on business in town on Saturday.• M and P J tam- ATTENTION?' IO1.'V? PLEASE! E! Mr. Mrs. Paul Jeffrey anei am- O• ily'of Detroit were recent v sitors • with the . former's .mother in town, a We have opened a Service and Repair Garage Mr. Frank •Uttley is brightning up formerly the the; interior of Krueger's barber shop • EDIGHOFFER GARAGE ;With a now coat of paint. • • The late Wm. Wrigley jr., left a fortune of $35,000,010.0, made from chewing gum. The secret was Wrig- ley's belief in advertising, in which he invested millions. Mr. Ed, Bossenberry who for some time has made his borne at Layfield, has moved to the horne of Mr. and I'Irs. Emerson Gabel, of the Bronson Line. Huron County Warden L. H. Rader is at Toronto this week `attending a meeting especially called by the Min- ister of Agriculture Kennedy in the general interests of agriculture. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klopp and Millie of Waterloo, Mrs. Clara Wag- ner of Shakespeare, and Dr. 'Copp of Kinnaut, Ont., were week: end visitors at the home of Mrs. Wm. Klopp of town. Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer of the Bab-. ylon Line, whe spent a few weeks visiting with her daughters, Miss Leila at Kitchener, and Irs. Wilfred Jer- vis at Holnresville, has returned to her home. The many friends of Mr. Oliver Surerus are pleased to learn that he returned home from London Hospit- al on Saturday; where he has been taking treatments, and 011ie is again joining the boys in the jack rabbit drives. In renewing his subscription to the Herald, Mr. David Schnell, of Aber- deen, Sask., writes: We are having a pretty severe winter so far, lots of snow. Snow banks eight feet high at lots of places, with the thermom- eter around 40 to 46 below lately. Say Hello to the boys for me. The letter was dated February 16th. Send Them the Herald. • And are in a position to give First Class Work, on all •• ®- • makes of cars, and all other Motors. 0 • IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND, GREASES • °. Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES • With a One Year Guarantee. 3 'P1-IILCO RADIOS KOLSTER RADIOS i LOW RATES ON PLATE OR CRYSTAL WINDSHIELDS AND O • DOOR LIGHTS. BATTERY CHARGING, CAR WASHING AND • POLISHING. — PRESTOLITE BATTERIES. o • 0 Give Us A Call ! 0 0 Schrag Bros. Phone 1.54. Zurich 1 0 • • • i • • • • e LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES •• !'O..0ib•OOS000s•••.•.00O••o00•i!e•••lOriGeanlm•etme *Segim•l Sea Instead of writing that weekly let- ter to distant friends, why not have the Herald tell them the news of the'. district. Save yourself the trouble of worrying over what to say eack week . for $1.25, which is considerable less a than the stamps al;me it will cost you for the whole year. One paper • usually gives more news than a dozen letters would. Change in Pension Act A change is being made in the Old Age Pension Act. 75 per cent of the cost will be borne by the Dominion government and 25 per cent. by the Provincial government and the coun- ty.'Applications will be sent into the Huron County Board the same as ev- er and passed on by the Huron Coun- ty Board. An Ontario government In- spector will then inspect the case and only on his approval will the pension be paid. . Mrs. Mary Jane Redmond, daugh- ter of Mrs. T. Elliott, passed away away following a paralytic stroke she suffered about a week previous. She had come to Eketer from !.er home in Marlette, Mich., to visit her mother, a week before she was taken ill. At- tending the funeral of the late Wm. Brock and following at the Eketer cemetery she collapsed and was bro- ught to the home of her mother in an unconscious condition and she never afterwards regained the power of speech or sight. She was 57 years of age, and is sur-: ived by two 'sons and one daughter. • The New Bridge at Clinton The new bridge just south of. Clin- ton, on No. 4 Highway, which was started on Sept. 23rd, took just a little over four months to complete. Although the weather has been favor- able for work, trouble has been caus- ed by floods The bridge has two spans 54 feet each; width of road, 30 feet side walk 5 feet. The Department is beginning to build all bridges 30 ft. instead of 24, the olcl width, and this is one of the first so built. It took 60 carloads of material, nine cars of ce- ment and 14 tons of steel and cost $20,000. On page four of this issue is very comprehensive article on pre- vailing conditions of the Zurich Hy- dro -electric System and don't fail to study this article. Mr. K. J. Lam- pman, superintendent of the rural hydro electric system with offices at Exeter, interviewed a number of farmers living in this vicinity with the object of having them sign up for hydro power service. The service en. ch- arge for rural consumers•, has b greatly reduced recently and this is encouraging many farmers in the ru- ral parts of Ontario to sign contracts for lights and power. The farmers in this section have been slow in tak- ing advantage of the conveniences supplied by the use of electricity, as very few residing within a raclious of five miles from Zurich are connected to the system. However, it is hoped that more will take advantage of the opportunity offered :hem to have hy- dro brought to their homes and pro - Vide the "onvenienccs en4ove "lair us er,t its Yi11ag Car 4,0101 sad Piro t a Zurich Drug Store1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE .HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. +.i.y.`Y.y..LJ»++ C-1• SO- . . : •L f .L 3..j.+ - SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERAT1ONS : Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN hr. PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich, opfflowNywAppmkp PAWPAW PAWPAW! 14+ A CLEANER KITCHEN and A COSIER HOME with "SOLENT GLOW" Take a good look at these two pictures—the stove is the same in both, but what a difference in +cleanliness and convenience! 'Which is the happier woman? A Silent Glow Oil Burner in- stalled in your present range, heater or furnace saves labour and is positively clean, free from smoke, soot and odors It gives a steady, evert beat which you can adjust or regulate by the turn of a valve. No labour, no watching and absolutely safe. Burns cheap fuel oil. Each burner is guaranteed in writing for five tyears. See the Silent +. ^--rhtiforeyoubuywinter fuels IT LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE :HAT BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GEN1.1ATEDa Il10ltitii ll��llil� �Il� ii�i�� e . aj ry s II�: ?YiADE MAkK REG. I,N GAN. AND I,�.S. PAT.02�F+ �' 1�. OIL B Up tllakersofSsltu*GlbwPilgrimHeatersfardomes, camps, etc,, and Silent Clew Power Bxrmersfor heating tome homes, apartments and other largo building , "MADE IN CANADA" WILLIAMS BROS, ZURICH - ONT. fits www Just the thing for the kitchen range or heater, in your. Sn :hirer 1§:0Malio Q$: a.16.30 e'