HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-18, Page 7There's a wealth of rich flavor in a small quantity of this tea. EA1s good tel 6 2 CHOICE QUALITIES Red Label & Orange Pekoe Olore to play Bridge AUCTION 4,`I CONTRACT 4Wynne Fergusson Author of 'PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE" ARTICLE No. 9 The normal hand at Auction and Con- tract is one that contains a suit of not more than five cards in length. Such hands occur about four-fifths of the time and are called normal hands be- calms they are the usual hands, the ones that occur four times as often as the other types. Hands that contain sults of more than Ave cards in length are the unusual hands, the ones that eiecur only ane -fifth of the time. Hands that contain a suit of six cards are not (►articularly unusual but those that contain a suit of seven or more cards are the real freaks. Such hands occur very seldom but their proper bidding le both interesting and difficult. The following problem hands are "freaks" but interesting, because all contain most unusual features. Hand No. 1 hearts -K, Q, T, 7, 6 Clubs -None : es Diamonds -A, 3, 10, 9, 7 , A 13 : £y2 Z . Spades -none - No score, first game. Z dealt and bid one club. What should A now bid with the foregoing hand? AUCTION BIDDING: A should bid one diamond. If over- bid, he should continue bidding dia- monds and not show the heart suit at all. There is no advantage in a shut- out bid of five diamonds. Z has al- ready shown his club suit and If Y has a spade bid, he is more apt to bid five spades over a flve-diamond bid than If .A. bids one diamond. and then bids up the hand gradually. It is not ad- visable to show the heart suit because A's partner is more apt to assist hearts than diamonds and A's .heart suit is not strong enough to trump clubs and spades. One diamond, there- fore, is A's proper bid. et, CONTRACT BIDDING: A should bid two diamonds, a forc- ing bid over the dealer's club bid. His partner is thus forced to bid and, un- less be bids hearts, A's next bid should be five diamonds. If the partner bids headts or assists diamonds, A should. bid a little slam in hearts or diamonds accordingly. Hand No. 2 . Y . : A B : Z. Hearts -A, Q, 3, 9, 7, 4 Clubs -A, Q, 3, 10, 7, 6, 2 Diamonds -none Spadee-none No score, rubber game. What should Z, as dealer, bid with the toregoing %and? AUCTION BIDDING: Z should bid one heart and, of over- bid, should show the club suit. This band is different from the preceding COMFORT for COLICKY BABIES THROUGH CASTORIA'S GENTLE REGULATION The best way to prevent colic, doctors say, is to avoid gas in stem- ` aeh and bowels by keeping the en- tire ntire intestinal tract open, free from -waste. But remember this: a tiny baby's tender little organs cannot stand harsh treatment. They must be gently urged. This is just the time Castoria can help most. Cas- torfa, you know, is made. specially for babies and children. It is a pure vegetable preparation, perfectly harmless. It contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. For years it has helped mothers through trying times with colicky babies and child - "ren buttering with digestive upsets, colds and -fever, Keep genuine Castoria on hand, with the name: C,�STORI A_ CHILDREN CRY FOR .11'. one in that the heart suit is longer and stronger and the club suit is not so strong as the minor suit in hand No. 2. It is a hand, therefore, in which both suits should be shown if possible and for that reason does not justify a shutout bid :of either hearts or, eiubs. CONTRACT BIDDiNG: Z should bid two clubs and on the next bid show the heart suit. The "two -bid" at Contract is a forcing bid, so Z is sure of another chance to bid. The hand' is .. sure small slam if part- ner cann assist either clubs or hearts, and this seems tho best way to find out. If partner fails to assist either Z should bid five clubs. Hand No. 3 Hearts -none Y Clubs -none : A B : Diamonds -A, K, Q, 3, 8, Z : 4, 3, 2 Spades -A, K, Q, 9, 7 No score and A B a game in. Z dealt and passed. A bid one club and Y bid one heart. What should B bid with t' e foregoing hand? AUCTION BIDDING: B should bid two diamonds. In this hand, also, B Las nothing to gain by a shut -out bid. Both of the other suits have been shown and the purpose of a sh t -out bid is to shut out information. So, if the information has already been given, what would B accomplish by a shut -out bid? Such bid would only inform the opponents that B had a game hand in diamonds and incite them to overbid to save game. Bid such a hand by easy stages and the results will be much more satisfactory. CONTRACT BIDDING: B should bid three diamonds, which is a forcing bid and requires A to keep the bidding open. If by any chance A should bid spades, B should bid for a grand slam. With any other bid by A, B should bid a small slam in dia- monds. if A assists the diamonds, B should bid a grand slam in diamonds. . Y : A B 2 Hearts -A Clubs -none Diamonds -A, R, 3, 10, 7, 4; 3, 2 Spades -A, 7, 6, 3 No score, rubber game. What should Z, as dealer, bid with the foregoing hand? AUCTION BIDDING: Z should bid five diamonds. This is a perfect example of the shut -out bid. The purpose of such a bid Is to shut out opponents from showing the -heart suit. If Z's partner should hold the spade suit nothing will be lost by Z's shut -out bid for the spades will score as side tricks. CONTRACT BIDDING: I Z should bid two diamonds. This bid is a forcing bid and requires a bid by Y. If the latter bids two no trump, the minimum response, Z shou1il. bid five diamonds. If Y bids two spades, Z should bid a small slam in spades. If Y assists diamonds, Z should bid a small slam in diamonds. Aids to Travel in Canada's Far North Aids to travel by land, sea, or air have been developed by the Dominion Government in establishing meteor- ological and wireless stations. Thir- teen wireless stations, four of tvlii.h are Direction Fading Stations, are maintained through Arctic Canada. These are -located at the following points: Resolution Island, Cape Hopes Advance, Nottingham Island, Port Churchill, Chesterfield, Coppermine, Baker Lake, Hunter Bay, Herschel, Aklavik, Nornttan, Simpson, Resolu- tion, and Fort Smith. The Dept. of the Interior eo-operates in providing these aids to transportation and com- munication by the maintenance,of the stations at Fort Sniith, Resolution, Norman, Simpson, Aklavik, Herschel, Coppermine, and Chesterfield, in the Northwest Territories; Dawson and Mayo in Yukon Territory; and at Ed. mouton; Alberta. Living Together Learning the art of living together n Ir is the problem of the century in which we live. Class must live with class, race with race, and nation with nation. The developments of the century which has passed have brought people closer together. Lines of transports,- tied and communication have been weaving a web about the world, so that people are Closer together than ever before.. No • we must learn to live together. Owl Lafs Business Business is business, but men men, Wood Fire There Is a sound outside the door Of firewood dropped to the floor, e Of heavy wood and heavy feet, And on the window driving sleet; Working and loving and. dreaming; Inside we fumble for a match, g, "Surely this one will make it eatchl Toiling with hammer, or brush, or pen, It aught to catch! Yes, now it will!" Roistering, planning and scheming And, breathlessly, the bailee is still - Then all th b1n th Business Is business, but he's a fool Whose 'business has grown to smother His faith in men and the golden rule, His love for a friend and brother. Business is business, but life is life,' Though we're all in the game to win it. Lets rest sometimes from the heat and strife And try to be friends a minute. Let's seek to be comrades now and then And slip from our golden tether; Business Is business but men are men, And we're all good pals together. Co-operation The fastest horse in the world never wins a race without ajockey to guide him. The world's ring champion winS his belt by respecting the rules of bis trainer. Every • successful football team' submits to the greater knowledge and experience of its coach. An can- didate for president considers It wise to have a campaign manager., 'An army in action at the front must have a commander -fn -chief. Yet quite. fre- quently we see a worker who dislikes to co-operate with his boss Professor -"I am about to perform a very interesting chemicals experi- ment. Should I do anything wrong, the whole class, including myself. might be blown through the roof. Kindly step nearer, so that you can follow me better." Au angler asked a fellow sportsman if he could tell him of a really good fishing ground. "Yes," he replied, pointing to a path marked "Private." "Go along there until you come to a field marked `No Road.' Cross it, and on the other side.. you will find a fence where there is a board which says 'Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted.' In the middle of that. you will find a pond marked 'No Fish;e ing Allowed.' That's the spot." Son (just graduated from. College)- "Dad, I want you to give me some ad- vice on running a newspaper." Experienced Editor -"You've come to the wrong person, my boy. Ask any of my subscribers." This Is O.K. With Us This "papa" has a sissy sound, 'Course, "father" ain't so bad; But there is something that's pal -like About the use of DAD. A girl's ambition was to be the kind of a person that people looked up to, Now she prefers to be the kind they look around at. An apple a day keeps the doctor away -unless you get the seeds in your appendix. If some peo- ple Iived up to their ideals they would be -stooping. Sailors have a girl in every port but the modern lass seems to have a boy friend in every sport. There is no objection to love at first sight, providing the victims remain single. It's a safe bet that a girl who takes a flier in marriage is likely to make a forced landing. Be master over yourself. Do not say all you know. Do not believe all you hear. Do' not do all you can. Calm and quiet are the signs of strength; hurry and haste betoken weakness. it is too much to expect that a man 'will regis- ter enthusiasm after having had ex- perience with a dull thud. There are two sides to every question -- the wrong side and your side. A man will in the end get more tired of his favorite vacation stunts and much sooner than he will his regular work. Uncle -"And what's your ambition, Bobby?" Bobby -"I ain't got any. 1 just want to be a vice-president," New Facts on . Goethe's Ancestry Sangerhausen, Germany. -The cost- ing of the "Goethe year" of 1932, which brings on March 22 the 100th anniversary of the German poet's death, has given new impetus to re- search concerning his life and family history. ttp to a few years ago the oldest known ancestor of Goethe's was his great-grandfather, the blacksmith Hans Christian Goethe, who lived in Astern, in the Province of Saxony. Then the great -great-grandfather ,vas discovered in the person of Hans Goethe, of Sangerhausen, in the Harz, but he could be traced back only to 1671. Friedrich Schmidt author of a history of Sangerhausen, has now succeeded in establishing that Hans Goethe was born in Berks, near Soll-' derhausen, also in the Harz, and that he was registered as a citizen of San- gcrhausen in 1657. SORROW Do you know what Luther said? "Suffer and be still and tell no man thy sorrow trust In God --His help will not tail thee," " This 3s what Scripture calls keeping silence be- fore God. To talk nu1oh of one's sorrows makes one weak, but to tell one's sorrows to Him who hearetll in secret makes one strong and calm. -Tholucks ka, e gasses a room Come out like fireflies from the, gloom. The big logs settle into place, And vivid shreds of golden lace Hang trembling on the blackened brick; The eager flame, springing to lick The shadows from the dusky wall, Consumes them, too, and embers fall .And smolder in a molten been - Another log will make them leap Into new strength and throw once more A magic carpet on the floor. --Edna 11. Howe, in the Christian Science 3foriitor. - What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON IIlustratecl Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished Innelt Every Pattern Here's a ci, frock favor- ing the smart i:'.a contrast so pop- lar with the grcwr-ups this season. It can be long or short sleeves, just as you please, A. wrap -over side -closing effect makes it so individual. Two shades of wool crepe is an ex- cellent scheme for its development. Its inspirator combined a light navy blue with pale blue, so thoroughly French. It's 'darling dress too for "dress - up" occasions fashioned of brown vel- vet with pastel -red crepe silk contrast. Style No. 3272 may be had in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 re- quires 116, yards of 39 -inch material with 1 yard of 35 -inch contrasting. Another cute idea is green tweed mixture with yellow plain woolen. It niay be made of one material, if desired. 110W TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name ; nd address plain- ly, giving, number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto Rheumatism So Bad He Had to Quit Work Albert Berger Piot Bothered Since Relieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, "I was terribly bothered with a weak back and rheumatism in my shoulders,"writesAl- bert Berger, Wingle, Ont, "It got so bad I had to stop working and stay in the house. 1 was two weeks in bed, when a friend advised me to try Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills. I gave the Pills a fair trial, and they relieved me right away. My back is good and strong now, and I am working every day. I have never been bothered with rheumatism since, I recommend them for anyone suffering from Rheumatism, Lame Back, Sciatica." Rheumatism and kindred ailments thin the blood very rapidly. Dr. Williams' PinkPills enrich the blood stream and create new red blood cells, which is the reason they are so successful in combat- ting such ailments. Equally good for all rundown or nervously exhausted people, Try thent, At your druggist's, 50c, 273 Working Every Day Now. LEG AILMENTS et you suffer from varicose veins, vari- cose ulcers, swoilet,'Iegs, tender feet and other similar disorders, write for full lnlormation about 171.ASTO, the famous treatment which has brought relief to thousands of men and womeu-free sample sent post free on request. The New Era Treatment Co. 7.itnite3, 'Dept, 152L, 456 Craig St, W., Montreal, ALWAYS SATISFIES axricco u:uff a Air On Thames Shore (Lines for the opening of the New Theatre of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art). By 3ohn Masefield. All things longed for in youth, Beautiful things of trutb, - Are found before we die, If we but try. This building that we see So fair, once seemed to be Beyond all hoping for Here, on Thames shore. How many millions tried, How many millions died, To bring this change of heart To England's art? 0 happy you who are young, Speaking the English tongue, Whose art shall light and ail.. England remade. England our holy land Made beautiful, made grand, 0 you young souls, what joy For girl and boy. May this new home of yours Give England what endures, Beauty, wisdom and truth, Forever youth, O strivers here beginning, What glory for your wincing The England none now knows, Who wore the rose. "My parents left metwo very good legacies. One wasa good con- stitution, the other was the neces- sity to work." -Sir Alfred Yarrow. COULDN'T COMB HAIR Crippled by Rheumatism "1 had been suffering with rheu- matism for about 2 years, and about this time Iast year was /aid up for 10 creeks. My hands and arms and knees were the worst affected. I could not get about at all. I could not wash my face or comb my hair. All this had to be done for me. At the beginning of this year I started taking Iirusehen Salts every morning and I am pleased to say I ani quite well now and able to see to my home and can go out fn an kinds of weather without it affecting me." -Mrs. P. K. Ilhetunatism is associated with an excess of Uric Acid in the system. Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salts have the power of dissolving uric acid so as to render it capable of being easily washed out of the system. Other ingredients of Kruschen assist Nature to flush out this dissolved uric acid through the bowels and the kidneys. Other ingredients still, prevent food fermentation taking place in the intestine, and thereby cheek the formation not only of uric acid but of other impurities which poison the blood and pave the way to health. • For Constij .iotr Non habit forming Safe Scie31ifie .`. Bad CorkS ipaiiof A,aad. Sick Headaches Ended By Vegetable Pis Formerly a wreck from Constipation, Sick Headaches and Indigestion, Mr. V. H. writes: "It was a red-Ietter day for me when a friend recommended Carter's Little Liver Pi71s. Results have been marvellous:" Because they are PURELY VEGE- TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for cor- recting Acidity, Biliousness, Poor Corn- piexion and Indigestion. 25c. & 75c. red nkgs. Ask for Carter's by NAME. For Quick Relief from COUGHS & COLDS TAKE fr BuSNURE S The very first sip of this potent, pungens, ponetrstilts !mixture gets teaulte. ACTS LIKE A FLASH. - A SINGLE SIP PROVES CTI M-12 Classified Ac vt;rtlsling AGENTS WANTED, AGNLTIC AI"ruMA: IC RAZOR lex Sharpener interests every man who sees it. Splendid seller at $3 on money back guarantee. Substantial profit. Pullan Co.. Maud St.. Toronto. TYPnwn'T$ES 1 ,10r0NDERFUL BARGAINS iN US - ♦v I:UILT typewriters, UNDUR- WOODS, REMI\UTONs. ROYALS, •tLso all makes of portables. Special for this month, express prepaid: UNDE"RWOI )D MODEL 8, factory rebuilt, regular $155, our price $47.80. Write THOMAS Sic CORNEY TYPEWRITERS. LIMITED, 43 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. AN OFFER. TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay C0331 - piny. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Lank Street, Ottawa, Canada. POULTRY AND EGGS WANTED. Highest market prices paid. Imme- diate remittance. Rosenfeld Poultry and Egg Co., Montreal, Earnest Effort The lukewarm and those who do not work sincerely and, humbly, will be re- jected by God. I desire that all breth- ren should labor at useful occupations, that we may be less of a burden to the people, and also that we may be less subject to maladies of the heart and tongue, and may not be tempted to evil thoughts or evil speaking. Those who cannot work, let them learn to work, Teething "Baby's Own Tablets take away that teething fever," writes Mrs. Alfred Bungay, North Sydney, N:S. Effective also in relieving colds, fever, colic, upset stomach, constipation. Chil- dren like them. Absolutely SAFE -See analyst's certificate in each 25c package. 231 Dr. Williams' erennecesetne.... BABY'S OWN TABLETS eat PHIL IPS �\4µpF MAGkss, 4 For Troubles doe 'lo Ac'zd INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GASES -NAUSEA OUR STOMACH UST a tasteless dose of Phillips.' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 50 years. One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid. It's the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient way to kill all the excess acid. Tho stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You are appy again in five minutes. Donten a d p don credo methods. 'mploy the best way yet evolved in 1 the years of searching. That is !fillips' Milk of Magnesia. Be sure get the genuine. The ideal dentifrice for clean ecth and healthy gurus is Phillips* Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth- paste inCs)inst acid - mouth. (Nadeaad YSJ No.