HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-18, Page 4itsTANLEY TOWNSHIP
Win iii '' i ey
W� �l.sl�. nl 1 and family..
isp i t Sunday with • Airs. llfc'I inlay's
„gsarents, Mr. and Mrs. GeQ, Coleman
*f Egmendyille.
Zvi,jean IgtRxnIcy visited
at tlzo
Wane of her brother, _ Mr. Wilsr':i
f amplitll of • Seafarth.
• Miss Beatrice Gascho of 2 ti i : 'eh„
•spent, the week -end with her - -Mend,
Wes (Grace Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Lamont visited
Reir;.and Mrs. Alee, McCo.>:•nell of II
a na, on Friday evening.
.)ay of Pra er was onserved'
In the UJnited Chasrch, Varna Iasi.
Friday, there was a good'attendance
A ssreay successful. Va1ettiait> Social
Vas "field at the pareonagt, Varna, ori
s idra.y evening Sebe n skeet 70 of tete
',song people of . Gostens, Blake ai£ui,
'Narita were present. ' 'irst the leutil`.
Isyssekly program of ,the Y,S.P. •e3nes
;given,-ollowe 1 by • a social evc i ins
ref rnia is and giriint•e . atter • 5::f14 Pli
8 M i seas Served.
.11.S --:The regular n t y lane-
e:'tin.,g• a he Women;' ,•y o-
-e:iets, was field an Fridese F..br ary
12 eft 'flee hone of Mre. Ross L ovte,
ism The World', Day o= Friesen. Mrs,
'KR,sev: ¢ 'Conner •es esitlisees 11; e opened
seersmeeting ng by singing.. d-Iy.ini
"rztaTMIi aria • r.pral
"w2s .sdAsees Reset ctiv e reasliess was the
ttaes'so., silent prayers es nowa-ei sly
1. 'rd's Prayer in uni.sm, Prayers
Toe' ode. :Countries anon .scripterc
waw ;isiven.` lY train 2 l cayr, :Toa
India and Africa by 1riveer for Dar
:'..e .rle and ''(3 +untrv' ?, . dr,. J. C'r•ch
r *ir Tor Canada and eur Canadians,
;'by Mee, 'Lir. Turner re, Peace zaTai
dis,aiareiat Conference by Mrs. R.
iicAltisier; for di#fietnities; c'onf .s-
.ex'by . Mr . R. Me AI _ter ; for our
diili�uitsi;s •by Miss Anx;:e JarrotleThe
r.<cietery -and Trea teter then gave
Meir reports which -entre adopted.
tee litr;snP:ss-'v,•as flys, taken. It was
decided that the ocicty Make t'wo.
. � i"sY
year, x
One heavy and one
of 1114W material, Ao that the teef
woe as Hillsgrc-en be used and take the
text from each 4.ttex for the kiltalith
of March, IL will be the letter, The
study wile then taken froiix;41t'•c iehap
ter• by Mrs. W. Tamer, Hymn 249
The meeting closed with prayer by
Mrs. C'onalt.•i
Mrs, R. Love is visiting her son
Rose and Mrs, Love ;fit ,p'rsent,
M r. Ferdinand Stelck attended the
funeral of a relative at ;Sitehenerl
Mrs. Jrio. Riclieselson ;has returivedj
to her home atter sptxiding a fews,
weeks with.J 'se slaughter at Tillsone
Mr. and IM "phos. it'onsitt of :It1en•:
Nall visited mall ttheair son Russe] 4•e -
:Miss t%erlyr, Tliit: of 2tuith sp
ent the 'ssessiesserild with her faritand,,
Miss Miriierves ;Reassert.
Mr• Bind -alias. •i3am Ms:rot to "of
Blake Visa t d. :Mrs and Mrs, 'Chas:
Steppe nsone i-eesSit ly.
Mr, rasa; 'Mrs. A. Love %aid' •sfon
Earl :atttrt:decl:52 funeral a•,a %=r+tilati-
ve natar Ulotle>ifdji .
=i.atni't'foi'.gi`c the Poi2. 'and :Bean
S!cltal'e;'e In the basement uu::the Evan-
gel:cra1 ehnrri on Wednesday 'everitng
P&-hrual.y '24fh. Folio w•iri >'the•euliper•
,a eogea.ni e, snsisting of: e pray entit-
leki Aunt' Vi :ginia's ear -Tru re pet eat d
.musical nen bers wil be 4iven •by s'io-
- isin -talent..
.Mrs. P. 'Humble of SRirnia spent a
ew. days «. th her mother, Mrs. Mirk-
7h nner and CFathern latt :wee?•.
• 11.rs. ds Ila Fisher 4 London -was
ec1111ed home on Saturday •owing to'the
laness of,her daughter :Edna.
Mr. aim Idoffman of London is
'pendi.ng::a few days s i•tix •r•dlativas.
1411•s. A. Haugh and children spent
I°a few 'dayse• with her er ents, _i'VIr::and
Aire ...A,'ISI-unsex•:in Lowson,
Mervyn Tiernan is attending a
Fbardware se onvention 'in Toronto this
t', ozu9otr3 t'.'9&9'85e.c et.•oemocOozerize:50..etas vowa.000seast,Gteeasomi,
.Baby Celiicks and Custom Hatching
,,are ziffe-rrir=z• Blood-tes'te?d Quality Baby Cacks in
six poplar breeds. Barret :and -White Rock, Black
Mirircas, `" Wlaite Wyandottes, 'Write Leghorns and
fakJersey B1dc 'Giants.
'Tray; 'hold eleven dozen eggs eaeb. Plant 'in eiharge of an sexper-
ienceil operator. Phone -or write -yew: reservation early. ,'C'harge
'of tvgiv.and one 'half :cents per egg. 'lhe•+pend on :.E:ogarth to gene you
a satisfactory lbateh.
The ifogartb Baby. Chick ;Hatchery -
iBi? a]!i3iJy*aee+r�*¢r^'sa 060®C•60gc304et@1®7s@ $0®••VC*000••Oaese,
B arieSsisiele t- i•+ 4 3••F+.1•+.1•s•%•os.;••fi + r 1 I•is••F•4•r ••f•+�F�:+•.II•,A3•++++4+$
it.r� TTc Quote �%n�� :,4
efore -the cold 'weather arrivs
. PHONE 69
- :t a
On Storm Sash 'and Doors
Call us and we will measure your windows
4.:-;, 4.+•i• :•,3.3.3 ar++ F 2, 4.1.,,F•.g++ 4+ ;,,g1a.1•.I.•1.+•1••6••i•3.3••1••:••4+o`••H•3.3rd•3•
i'!' 6 % MOO*0••Mr•fJ•••
�..r Coal Supply
1 The -are cold Days now being ugh
The -cold Days .
s erect. in. Let us supply, you with
the Lest fuel at lowest prices
Try our Chick Starters, Chick
Feeds, Laying Mash, .Etc. v
states that the report sent iron
"�dericli anti lubh5he cl
be & Son � 1 ern tltr, lnc*•;s,
'"' � � J .c.., e�7lt i1Iw�.
!;ileo• •; •,44.6 is Vvilaon it zn
s>y ''' ?� dstBsd•Cgtllillwrl•�e•Arr�• f v �Yor� .1 not 'bet :od until Jur1e,
Ur, Addison '1'ielalfnii IS `a smiles
on the arrival of a son on 'Thursday
February 11th;
.MVlrs. A, Oeesteeicher:. • entertained.
her.Susiday School Clem to a skating
part' • on Monday evening After..
skatiaag demean was stwved and -the re
inaind<r of the evening was spent in
The Fun Galorx Club 'entertained;
tartan gerit, faicaxslsat a Valentine'
Midge .last Frady 'evening at 'the,
home af' Mr, aid Mrs. T. Klinmpu•'
Eight 'tables w re, in play axar3 '44;
prizes were won by urs. lx. Wiiu�"
fong Nand 111>. A. E. O sttr.ieher and'
the-cnnsolath .r by Mr, 'Harold eller
man. Refmshnnents Were served at -
the close, The. committee who had.,
charge of arrangements were ' 'Miss.
Akce Hoitaan, Miss Ella. a.'ttt:thison
Mrs. R. 7r1. Taylor and Mrs..A• O.es-.
tre i We convenor.
l4011te a lot of wood is lain-i1r'ark-
eteul . in tht- village at pa,',e nt . but
very few logs are coming en.
:Mary Buchanan, It N. cf St. Whom-
aa, was a week -end visits -le with .her
:peewits, Mr. and airs- ) lr:x• Buchan -
Mr. and "Mrs. Thos. McNeil and
Mrs. Wm. Higgins of Clinton called
on Hensall friends.
Chas. Rhodes of 'Jo1eelo, Ohio, vis-
ited a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Laird M1c!kle.,
:Margaret Slavin ,was taken to the
Scott Memorial Iiasliiral, Seaforth,
for a slight operation 'but ' is home a-
Mrs. Frecl Bonthron gave a birth -
lay party to a number ,of her elderly
lady friends, with quite a number
being present.
The interior of the Masonic Lodge
has 'been recently inipenv:e'd by re-
decorating it.
The World's Day of Prayer is to
was held Friday afternoon in tai Pre
sbyterian church.
Mrs. Thos. Dickson has been spend
ing the past two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Glenn of the London Rd.
The friends of Harry Horton are
are pleased to see him .sant •again.
The Chautauqua dates for Hensall
are March 21st, 22nd, :23rd and 24,
The friends of Mrs. John Parke
are pleased to learn that she is recov-
ering from her recent serious illness.
Robt, Cameron has beim appoint-
ed Fire Chief to take place of Victor
Boa, who has moved to Lorndon. Mr.
Cameron will, no doubt, make ;a good
and efficient chief, while Lloyd Pass-
more will prove a good mechanical
member of the Brigade.
The many friends or Wm. McKay,
who had •been ' principal of ore school
for a long time but now a resident
of Windsor with his danghter, were
sorry to hear of his late illness neces-
sitating his going to a hospital, but
of later reports is inunproved.
Thee .friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alexa
Henry are sorry to hear of the Yea:th:
of their daughter, Marguerite, 'Mrs.'
Robt. Wright, which occurred sudden
ly at the,ia• home iir Cass City, Mich.
She was born at Marquis, Sask., 20
years ago and after disposing of their
farm rmoved;to Micho where they con
-ducted a grocery 'business and were
frequent visitors with Hensall friends
She was married Only two years ago.
new movement of grain' through
the Goderich Elevator is noted, ship
ments going to South Africa, on t'..
account of New York shippers. A fair
amount of export grain is being ship-
ped these days.
Mrs." Jas. Lindsay, of Clinton, pas-
sed her 92nd birthday, February 10,
She was born in England, on the day
on which the late Queen Victoria was
'married, was brought to Canada by
her parents when three years of age.
Many happy returns were extend-
ed to Thos. Stephens, the genial ow-
ner of the Queen's hotel, Seaforth„
who celebrated his 91st birthday on
Monday. He has been a resident of
Seaforth for 69 years, and in spite
of his age, is stil active and takes a
live interest in the management of
.The Queens.
The North Huron County Orange
Lodge at its annual meeting at Wing -
ham .accepted the invitation of • the
South Huron Lodge to join in the
celebration of July 12th this year in
Goderich. This assures a large gath-
citing in Goderich, and there are pros
poets of the attendance also Of lock-
c.i from Perth and S. Bruce.
Mayor S. S. Cooper of Clinton an-
nounces that he is reducing the rent
als on all his property in the town by
ten per cent. He is. a large property,
owner, having •:2 tt lar; s, aad axe
reduction will mean $500 or mor,,
cut from his income..
At a meeting of Clinton Collegiate,
Institute stadraits a debate was held
on the propoaicion that "a sspecitl mu
nicipal tax should be levied on all
bachelors over 35 years of age." The
decision was in the affirmative, ,Pre-
suniably in leap year the tax would
ae: pain by the maidens.
Sherrif ' Middleton, oi: Goderich
Leavitt's Theatre
Exeter'' — Ont
Thurs., $friday, Saturday
Felh, 18, 19, ' 20
The 'Ser>i5 tional l3ritish Comedy
(Played two weeks in New York)
Lynne mead Walls as the world's worst
Burglars, bring you a load of price-
less Fan,
Added Attraction
"RING CROSBY" (Radio Star)
Mon., Tues., and Wed.
Feb. 22, 23, 24
Authentic and Educational Picture
Of Adventures in -Africa
Thurs„ Friday, Saturday
Feb. 25, 26, 27th.
and all Star Cast.
Chickens Come Horne.
sessions, was entirely unwarranted.It
is the intention, to proceed with the
case at the assizes court to be held
in Goderich Feb. 29th,
Thos. Hatter, of FAxeter N., the
oldest resident, who if now in his 951
year is i11 and in a critical corulitionJ
and, his family have been summoned,
to his. bedside. He has been a remark',
ably smart man for his years has be -1
en• confined to his bed for six weeks.
Previous to that tune he was able to j
be rip and around and last summer
looked .after his own garden. .
life week is Clinton's Hospital
Birthday Week, when all friends of
the- Pitblic Hospital will have an op-
poittiuitty of contributing a birthday
gift:'i >; ''. , Envelopes have been dis-
tributed;"at the churches in town and a
surrounding community.
• 114.40:1 xis" 'k'9eba ary "18th, 193'g
0044035, 00) ftt there a • � �a i
.� the a.e i� u
hal cases set down. for trial at th
Spring Assizes in February, and a
attempt is being made to .keep th
sheet clean and avoid the 'expenses o
caling jurors. When Wilson was hel
for questioning after alleged forgery
on Deputy Reeve 1Vloser's account at
Goderich, for $860 had been detected
he was asked to write on a slip of
paper. 0. 13. Stranton, Toronto,
handwriting expert, testified that the
same hand wrote the 'forged cheques.
Tellers of the Royal Bank at Coder-
i.ch and Clinton also pointed out to
Wilson as the man to whom they pd.
$580 and $250 respectively, but both
admitted that they `took no steps to.
have the man identified before hand-
ing over the cash. Wilson was mar-
ried five days after the forgeries al-
legenly were committed. His bail of
$2,500 was not renewed, as the bond-
smen withdrew. -
Over the signature of Mayor W.
H. Willis the citizens of Wingham are
requested to'send all transients who
call at horses of citizens for meals or
other assistance to the mayor. • Ar-
rangements have been made for ke-
eping a record of all transients and
any meals or other assistance they
may require will be provided, the adv
Prof. C. T. Currelly, of the Uniti
ersity of Toronto, Director nal the
Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeol-
ogy, and an Exeter, old boy, was el-
ected as a Felow of• the Society of
Antiquaries/ of Great Britain. This
society was founded by Bing Charles
II at the same . time as the founding
of the Royal Society. Prof. Currelfy,
it is understood, is the first Canadian
to be honored with the initials F. S.
On Feb. 8th, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
McGavin of Tuckersxnith, two of the
oldest residents celebrated the 68th
anniversary of their ,marriage. They
were married in Stanley township on
Feb. 8, 1864, by the .date Rev. Mr.
Yokeaxn, residing during the neat i8
years in Stanley and McKillop 40 ye-
ary ago the moved to Tuckersrnith
and purchased the farm which is still
their h
i- Brock br,
.l3aroe � le ,ate their golden oe d --
� a�wea
e ing anniversary and at that time he
n appeared sto he inhis usual health.
e He was in his 71st year,
Duncan McKellar, agent for the
Massey -Harris Co Winghaun ended
his life in his bedroom with. shot-
gun; He was formerly- of Glencoe,
nd took over the agency at Wingh-
ham G months ago. He was, 43 yeare.
f age. No reason is advanced for
the rash act, unless there were busia-
ss worries. Surviving are a widow'
nd three young children. Dr: Red:
mond, coroner, investigated and de-
cided that an inquest was unneess-
Two yong men appeared before
Mag. C. Reid, Goderich, on charges
of stealing .money from milk bottles.
It;.is • thought others are implicated
and the Mag. adjourned the case in
order to allow the admission of fur-
ther evidence. The charge grew out
of complaints of householders in the
north end east section that wholesale
pilfering of milk bottles was g
carried on. _
DJ. B. Whitely Goderich was
re-elec ed president of' the Canadian
National Trotting and Pacing Assoc-
iation, the annual meeting of which
was held in the Prince George Hotel,
Toronto. Other delegates from God -
rich were Dr. W. F. Clark and G. S.
itt, while Warden Rader was one of
he speakers.
With a view to economizing in, the
ost of the administration of justice,
f which complaint has been made in
axon County, Mag. Reid the other I o
ay coniiinitted Norman Wilson, al- 1
eged forger, for trial at the June f
Nan is like a anotor. When there
is something the matter with either'
they begin to knock,
I:.l. S. Postage!
o that iso coni' ion should result
it is worth stating that though a two -
cent postage rate exists -in the United
States, it is not applicable in Canada.
The two cent rate applies only with-
in the boundaries of the United States
Letters from there to Canada must
l carry three cents postage, otherwise
the receiver of such letter will be cal-
led upon to pay an extra two cents
postage before the letter will be 'de- /
!livered, that is if only two cent stamp,
is put on when first sent. This is
usually inconvenient and causes gen-
erally considerably delay in the letter
reaching its destination.
Egg-a=day Record Backed by..
Probably no country in the world
can equal` or even come close to the
Canadian record of a per capital
consuniption of over an egg a day.
That this claim is no idle boast is
proven by officials figures just pub-
lished by the Dominion Bureau of
Statistics. These figures after bal--
ancirxg exports against imports and. •
taking into account stock on hand,.
show an apparent egg consumption of
394,094,509 dozen. These are figures.
that talk. They represent the huge
'total of 2,64'9,134,108 eggs consumed,
within the Dominion by a population
officially estimated at 9,935,000 *in-
in-, ottter words 366.18 per person, or-
r'just one egg a day for every man,
woman and child in Canada.
Established 1900
-Hreald Printing Office
SUBSCRIPTIONSUBSCRIPTION RATES, $1.25 •year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in.arrears or $2.100 may be charged. U._
S. ;1.50 in advance. No paper discon_-
tinued until all arrears are paid un-
less at option of publisher. • The date
sary. .
of zvlaiclx every Subscription is paid
Albert Cramer, of Hibbert Town -!psi tlenated on the Label.
ship, simply couldn't keep . out of thei ,ADVERTISING RATES Si
grasp of the law in Stratford polio: , Display advertising made known -
as the Mag. sentenced him to i on application.
two months in jail after he had pie- Miscellaneous articles of not more
than four lines, For Sale, To Rent;, •
Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One insert-•
tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 his. 50c:.
aded guilty .to a charge of keeping
liquor for sale. Two constables paid
a surprise visit to Cranier's home on
Friday last and six men were round Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.OVP
there imbibing quite freely of Crane-1,fer first in.onth, $1.00 for each foe-•
er's liquor. His arrest folowed and he l fowl g month.
pleaded guilty. Professional Cards not exceeding
A shadow of gloom was cast over 131 inches, per year $5.00.
the Exeter community the other day In Menxoriam, one verse 50c, 25c
N it was learned that William for each additional, verse; Card' of,
Brock had died suddenly at the Thome , Tiianlc , S0c.
f his son, Warren, Usborne Tp.'He Auction Sales—$2.00 per sfngT s
•gid seen felon ill only the night he- inserlaon if not over four inches in:
ore On Janna 26th Nr an
T3'' , ditlrs length.
Veranet33.16 .nvs .. era,: rrxa•,aw tiara x,vmcraIV,—
Each of the more than 600 branches
of the BANK OF MONTP4 AL,uo matter
where it is located, has behind it the
full resources of the whole arg aniza-,
i -
tion,wkick has �m.avapiftaa1 ansi ..eser've$
of over$74,000, 00, and Assets
exceeding $ 50, 00,000.
No account is too small and none
too large for the BANKS OFMONMAL
to handle with efficiency and cour-
teous attention to the customer's
individual requirements.
Established 1817
ToaatAsscts in excess of 750.000,000
Zurich Branch, C. H. Joy, Manager..