HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-18, Page 27 are always fresh. Until you have tried "Christie's" you cannot imagine how deliciously light, crisp and flaky Soda Wafers can be. JIM THE CONQUEROR By PETER B. KY NE illustrated by Allen Dean SYNOPSIS. 137on Jaime Miguel Higuenes, Texas rancher, and Tom Antrim, sheep owner, Dative been bitter enemies. Capt. Ken Hobart; formerly a Texas Ranger and umm Don Jaime's manager, finds him 'mounded, after shooting it out with An- trim, who is killed. Don Jaime taker possession of Antrim's sheep. Roberta Antrim is advised of her uncle's death at the hand of one Jimmy Higgins. "'Crooked 13111" Latham, another uncle, wants her to marry his friend and lawyer, Glenn Hackett. Roberta leaves for Texas sand is greeted by Bill Dingle, Uncle Ton's foreman. CHAPTER XV.—(Contd.) "Oh! Why, I had no idea Don Jaime Higuenes was such a blood. - thirsty man! Is the trouble between you something that cannot be recti - lied? :''-.E should be happy to act as peacemaker, Mr. Dingle." Bit .:-Dingle, remembering his of- fence =.was honest enough to declare that the' -trouble could not be rectified and.aaed something about the easiest way out of trouble being to go around it. Then he was silent for quite a while, meanwhile scuffing his toe and gazing a bit helplessly around the horizon. Finally Ile said: "1 reckon you didn't think as much of your Uncle Tom as he used to let on.you arid." "I had never seen my uncle, Mr. Dingle; consequently he was no more to me, really, than a stranger. Our family regarded poor Uncle Tom as leaere or less of a black sheep." "Well, lie wasn't exactly a tuberose, rill admit, ma'am; but he had his good points just the same, dependin' on Ile mood you caught him in. Still, ite was one of your kinfolk. Don't Ton feel no resentment agin the man that murdered him?" J "Not the slightest. From all that we can learn, -officially, Uncle Tom was not murdered. The sheriff of this. county wrote that Uncle Tom made the mistake of taking. in too much territory, which is a fatal error aid tantamount to suicide. It seems he ambushed Jini Higgins and shot him three times. Then Higgins got under cover and stalked Uncle Tom and Idil- ed him. I am informed that he didn't know the -identity of his assailant until he saw the body." "That's the story, but it ain't true. This killer ordered your Uncle Tom to quit grazin' his sheep on the free range or he'd kill him. A warnin's' a warnin' in this country, an' if a feller don't choose to obey it he's justi- fied in arguin' the matter in the smoke the first time him an' the warnin' per- son -beets up. Your uncle didn't see no valid reason why he should have his liberty restricted by a private citi- zen. He considered his life in dan- ger, so when they met up on the range it was a case of who could get into action quickest. It was a case of an old man agin a young man, an' the young man won—as usual. But your Uncle Toni never tried to kill nobody. He just naturally defended his own life an' failed to do a good job. An', of course, a sheepman ain't in good standin' in a cattle country. They got all the officials on their side, an' a fair jury just can't be got. Ninety per cent. of the population of this county is greasers. You can buy 'em for five dollars." "I have been informed, Mr. Dingle (Crooked Bill had been her inform- ant), that it isn't considered a very ROYAL YEAST ,CAKES give you breads in tempting Variety . . MEALS become twice as interesting if you the bread occasionally. Rolls, coffee cakes, buns . there's no limit to the breads you can make with Royal Yeast Cakes and the. .new Royal Sponge* Recipe. Royal Feast Cakes keep for months. Be sure to %' have a supply on hand to use when you bake at dome. Send for free Royal Yeast Bake Book.Stand- and Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty Street', Toronto, Ont. Royal Slionge* Streusel Cake, °Ro 13 cups Royal Yeast Spondee add 2 tablespoons but- ter, utter, creamed, 34 cup light brown sugar, 1 egg well beaten, 2Y2 z cups flour to make soft dough. Knead lightly. Place in greased covered bowl in warm place. Let rise un- til double in bulk (about 134 hours). Roll out dough xa inch thick, prick with fork, brush top with melted butter and sprinkle with Streusel Topping. Letrise in warm place about 30 minutes. Bake at 350°F. to 400° F. Makes 4 cakes. Streusel Topping: Cream 74 cup butter with % cup sugar and mix with 34 cup hour, a' a cup bread crumbs and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Stir until dry and crumbly. *ROYAL YEAST SPONGE—Soak 1 Royal Yeast Cake in ra pint lukewarm water for 15 minutes. Dissolve 1 tablespoon sugar in ?/ pint milk. Add to dissolved yeast cake. Add 1 quart bread flour. Beat thoroughly. Cover and -let rise over night to double in bulk, keeping in warm place free from draughts. Makes 5 to 6 cups of %m^ batter. Buy Made -Bt.. canads Goad. TY reprehensible crime to kill a sheen,. herder in this country." "It's almost the principal outdoor sport, ma'am. An' a greaser don't mind Bustin' anybody. All that wore ries him is: Can he gist away with it? Personally, I'na only a hired man; but I got my private opinions, an' I'M here to say it just naturally don't look right for you to be the guest of—'1 Mr. Dingle raised his glance from the station platform and gazed across toward the approaching herd of cattle, He appeared, alert, poised for flight; whatever had been in his mind to,say remained unsaid, and he was pro- foundly interested in a horseman who was galloping around the flank of the herd, evidently with the intention of passing on in front of it. "I reckon I'll be moseyin' along, ma'am," said Mr. Dingle, "We can discuss our business when you cone to the Antrini ranch," The horseman had cleared the herd and was coming on at an easy gallop; behind him a boy on a small pinto pony labored to keep up. "There's the man that killed your. Uncle Tom," blr. Dingle almost`hiss- ed. "I reckon I don't care to meet that hombre until I can choose the time and place myself." And with- out stranding upon the order of his going Mr. Dingle went—in a flying leap off the station platform. He lit running and continued on to a dis- reputable old automobile which Rob- erta had observed parked in the sha- dow of the stock cars; in an in- credibly !short space of time he was on his way hone. The horseman, observing Mr. Dingle's departure, spurred his mount to afurious gallop; apparently it was his intention to intercept the latter as he fled down the dusty road that ran parallel with the tracks. "He's going to shoot," screamed. "Oh, the brute!" Mignon CHAPTER XVI. Six pistol shots rang out and Rob- erta saw little puffs of -dust leap up beside Bill Dingle's right rear tire. A pause of about two seconds -then six more shots and six more puffs of dust beside the same tire. Then the horse- man pulled up, turfed and jogged quietly up to the station. He dis- mounted a little stiffly, dropped :the reins over his horse's head, and ad vrnced limping to the station plan; form, upon which he, climbed labor-: iously and disappeared into the sta- tion. "Did you see, Miss Roberta?" :.lige non whispered. "He was all smiles! A smiling murde'_er!' Ugh!" "Thank heaven . t horse cannot out- run a flivver, Mignon. Nor can a man on a running horse do accurate shooting. The range was too long and all his bullets dropper': short. I won- der if this pale child on the fat pony is the rascal's son?" . "This is exactly like the movies Mignon quavered. "It's wonderful So thrilling! Oh, I'm so glad you brought me with you, Miss Roberta." "When that man emerges you'll ex- perience some more thrills," Roberta warned her maid. "I'm going to tall him some things about himself he has not, in all probability, been told be- fore." "Do be careful, Miss Roberta. He's so desperate---" "I']l reduce him . to pulp. I'm not afraid of his guns. I intend to pro- tect my foreman. That is the duty oran employer. This„ Jim Higgins had his own witnesses when he killed Uncle Tem, but we can testify to his. effort to kill Mr. Dingle. I shall have him arrested and tried for attempt to commit murder. The blood -thirsty wretch!" The station door swung open, and Don Jaime Higrenes limped out, stood as erect as his damaged underpinning would permit, bowed from the hips and all but swept the station platform with his sombrero. Then he straight- ened and said: "Mees—I mean Miss Antrim—I am devastated to think'" "How dare you presume to address me?" Roberta cut in icily. "I am not aware that I have the dubious honer of your acquaintance, sir, although I believe you are my uncle's slayer, Jim Higgins." He stared at her without rancor, nor did the pleasant smile that had crinkled his undeniably good-looking countenance fade the slightest. Rob- erta made swift appraisal of him. He was about six feet tall, strongly -built, lithe and graceful. An out-of-doors, athletic girl herself, Roberta knew that this was was as hard as nails with scarce a pound of superfluous fat on him. His complexion was a reddish Leper Treatment brown, a most agreeable color -scheme in Aulstralia when taken in conjunction with crink- ly jet-black hair and large black Isolation hospitals for the treat- ment of Australian lepers have bee.i established in New South Wales (Lit- tle Bay), Queensland (Peel Island, near Brisbane), Western Australia (near Cossack) and the Northern Ter- i Quality has no substitute T'' 'ireslyrom i4e9arektaff ped manner of slurring his consonants, Roberta knew that Spanish was this man's mother tongue. "It was my mis- fortune to be the instrument of 'an inscrutable fate that wafted your de- lectable uncle to his mansion in the skies." "Has anybody eve told you what a cool scoundrel you are, Mr, Higgins?" Don Jaime shrugged. "I dare say a few sheepmen have said harsh things about me behind my back." "Do you enjoy killing men, Mr. Hig- gins?" "Oh, no! Not even in self-defen�.e." Roberta had a feeling that she was not going to make much progress in the face of the man's debonair indif- ference. "I never suspected my uncle's murderer was such a frontier dandy," she said witheringly. Don Jaime drew ore of his pistols, Canadian Honeys And Fermentation (Experimental Farm Note) The honey industry of Canada has suffered considerably through fermen- tation of the honey in storage. This fermentation is now recognized to be due to yeasts capable of developing in highly cncentrated sugar solutions. In an effort to discover any relation which might exist between tine chemi- cal analysis of honey and its tendency to ferment an examination of some 200 samples of honey collected from all over the Dominion was carried on by the Divisions of Apiculture, Bac- teriology and Chemistry of the Do- minion. Experimental Farms. Chemically, with the exception of a flipped six empty brass shells out on few cases, the analysis of Canadian the station platform and.thoughtfully honeys lies well within the recognized reloaded the weapon. "One is liable to scare most anything out of the brush in this county, Miss Antrim. I suppose you entertained the popular impression that a frontier murderer standards. Differences are noted ac- cording to floral origin and to geogra- phical distribution. Buckwheat honey has a higher moisture nitrogen, titrate - able acidity and ash and a lower sue - is physically as well as morally an- rose content than clover honey. Ac-, clean." He loaded the other pistal• cording to geographical distribution "I'm sure I shouldn't be blamed if my Ontario and Quebec and the Eastern parents preferred cleanliness to cer- tain brands of godliness. The tree grows as the twig is bent, you know." "Was your father a pian of violence, Mr. Higgins?" He nodded, "All the Higgins tribe have been scrappy." "What do you mean by trying to shoot my foreman?" "Why, it's the open season on sheep- herders. We're allowed one a day, and old Dingle Bell is the first I've flushed in a week." "He'll be the last you'll flush in many years if there is such a thing equal, moisture is very important and as law and justice in Texas." (To be continued.) Earth Things By Gene Boardman Hoover, in. "Kaleidoscope" provinces show the highest moisture and nitrogen content. A high ash con-, tent occurs in British Columbia and' in. the Eastern Provinces and a, high ; sucrose content in honeys from British Columbia. For this comparison, the results have been taken from honeys of one floral origin, viz: clover. Correlating the chemical analysis of honeys which remained sound (up to I October 1, 1930) with that of those fer-i mented (prior to October 1, 1930) it; was found that as causative agents of i fermentation, other factors being nitrogen and titrateable acidity may play a part. It is of interest to note that buckwheat honey, higher in these constituents, ferments more readily; than clover honey and is produced largely in Ontario, Quebec and the , Eastern. Provinces where fermentation is most prevalent. I like the pungent smell of earthly " things— A meadow, and a plowed field after rain; A wine -red patch brings The feeling I am nearing home again. I like the ancient smell of burning wood The musky essence of old cedar trees, Upon a lonely sand dune I have stood Sniffing the breakers from a thousand seas! of clover always From every blow, Drifting like incense to a deity .. . They wake my _laggard senses—and bestow A redolence upon my memory. Primeval odors ... I have loved since birth -- Created when God made the fragrant earth! corner of the world they Society News A'nervous young curate had to dis- course upon the vicissitudes of Jonah and the whale. "And for three days and three nights?' he began, "Jonah was in the----" He blushed, stammered, stopped, and then started again. "For three days and three nights Jonah was in the—" Once more he was covered with con- fusion, and stopped and mopped his face with his handkerchief. Then he gathered his courage and with a mighty effort he finished tri- umphantly: "And for three days and three nights Jonah was in the a society of the whale." -- ;.-- snappy eyes. His hat was soft light -weight white beaver, broad brimmed, high -crowned, and pinched to a peak. He was an im- maculately clean white drill shift open at the throat, sans necktie ant. `ritory (near Darwin). At the end of sans sleeves below the elbow. His 1929 there were 20 cases in. residence overalls were blue and new and ai:e at Little Bay, 64 at Peel Island, 16 inches too long for him, for which zea- in Western Australia and 23 in North son the excess had been turned up in Australia, according to an official a cuff over his expensive high -heeled summary. During the year 1929 it boots. His spurs were of the approved total of 16 eases of leprosy was re - stockman's pattern, brass with silver' ported in Australia, of which n were inlays and steel heel chains; around I recorded in ueensland, 1 in New South his waist was a wide, hand -carved leather belt supporting two pistol hr.i- stens carved to match. From each The fact that a high moisture con- tent encourages fermentation was indi- cated in previous experiments by the Division of Chemistry and the present work confirms this earlier conclusion. Wales, 4 in Western Australia and 5 • in North Australia. holster the pearl butt of a pistol pro- A boy of live, bringing hotiie from truded, there were spare cartridges school his first certificate, was asked in the belt. by his elder brother what he had gain.• "Yes, I ails Jun Higgins," he admit- od it for. "For laoliteness, you sill;, ted, without a particle of shame or en:- nss,'a Ire replied. barrassment, and from the inflection of his voioe, from a certain faint clip.. ISSUE No. 7—'32 For Baby's Bath More than that of any other inember of the family, baby's tender, delicate skin needs the greatest care and attention. The soft soothing oils in Baby's Own Soap make it specially suitable for babies, and is clinging fra- grance reminds one of the roses of France which help to inspire it. "It's best for you and Baby too" Burroughs Cash Machines A distinct advance, applying new principles and new features to the registering of cash and recording of all transactions: Furnish information that makes money and protection that saves money. Made in a variety of styles for every line of busi- ness and every individual need. Write today for a free demon- stration. Burroughs Adding Machine of Canada Limited Concourse Building Adelaide and Sheppard Sts. Toronto; Ontario 4 00 all Par -makes wtl.Basmead oTable Syrup ' The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited, MONTREAL WIT= going, anyway„ THE modern Miss needs no "time out" for the time of month. If you've ever taken Aspirin for a headache, you know how soon the pain subsides. It is just as effective in the relief of those pains peculiar to women! Don't dedicate certain days of every month to suffering. It's old- fashioned. It's unnecessary. Aspirin will alwaye enable you to carry -on in comfort. Take enough to assure your complete comfort. If it is henulne Aspirin it cannot possibly urt you. Aspirin tablets do not depress the heart. They do not up- set the stomach. They do nothing but stop the pain. Headaches come at inconvenient times. So do colds. But a little Aspirin will always save the day. A throat so sore that you can hard- ly swallow is made comfortable with one good gargle made from these tablets. Neuralgia. Neuritis. Rheumatism. Pains that once kept people home are forgotten half an hour after taking a 'few of these remarkable tablets. So are the little nagging aches that bring fatigue and nerves by day, or a sleepless night. Genuine Aspirin tablets cost so very little after all, that it doesn't pay to experiment with. imitations!