HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-11, Page 8At FT TT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW SPRING GOODS Now Arriving Lit us show you our New Line of Prints, Broadcloths, Curtain Mat- erials, Towelings, Cretons, Art Sateens, Chintzes, all at NEW LOW PRICES GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Canned peas, corn and Tomatoes, 3 for 25c Gilletts Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. for 60c Japan Tea, per lb. Factory Cheese, lb. 5 ib. Tin, Corn Syrup Baking bran, lb. 33c 1 5c 38c 2c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 el 11 •z:; Huron & Erie NOW PAYS 51i �� Per Cent. ON DEBENTURES $100. OR OVER ONE TO FIVE YEARS ° INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLY "ON THE DOT" Local Representarive: PLACE.. YOUR ORDERS WITH: Andrew F Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have Y o u MADE YOUR W I LL? i Alemeers 1•04115:19[11=21.19•611,..•V am••••,...er.rmo•wovaraloatelsomileseammiinosratmwmanceszo=atar I Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. To ---The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. To ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, He will find them both in this make of Tire. To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsmithing, Our Specialty! Please,, Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have It! STAG &•• WEI ZURICH -� ONT. —�f ■ At .1$LIE'AL.`/ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Always a full line of Fresh Grocer- ies in Stock, at lowest possible prices . Men's and Boys' Underwear., Sweater Coats, etc., all Sale Prices., •- J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 Ordinary gasoline will freeze at 173 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. U. S. Increases Postal Rates An increase in postal rates to meet a prospective $150,000,000 deficit in United States postoffices revenues was recommended by Postmaster General Brown. He appeared before the Hou- se of Representatives Ways and, Means Committee at Washington to:I explain the Administration's requests for increased. postal revenues to help. balance the Government's budget. Brown recommended that the first class postal rates be increased from two to three cents an ounce and estimated this would bring in $100,-- 000,000 additional revenue. Brown said he favored a slight advance in second class rates. BUSY FARMER NEWS Raising Prolific Sows Sterility in pigs is difficult to cure but most formrs of it can be prevent- ed by proper management. Fertility is heritaoie, therefore always select bre- eding stock from large litters. Breed- ing sows must have more protein and calcium than fattening stock in order to build up ilesh and bone ni their young. The important sources of supply of these are meat and protein meal, milk and legumious pastures. Exercise is essential i'or regular pro- f duction. Snow condition sometimes causes sterility, but this is when ghe pigs are over -fat and lack exercise. • .e,.p.posure in winter will delay breed- nig. Contagious abortion is spread •tiu•ough afterbirth, dead piglings and e discharge contaminating ins food, e? waterand boddings. • • • • • 0 9, • • • • The San Jose Scale That the San Jose' scale, the bug- bear of the Niagara fruit growers, a- gain looms up as a dire menace to the industry, was the statement of • Prof. L. e,eitstii, pro vie tea. eiit.elnologg,.,.,, when addressing the Niagara Fruit tiro wen' Association recently. Ite- viewing the history of this pest, prof Ceasar declared it to be the worst O menace to the fruit trees that Ontar- io has ever known. Its revival was ilrst noticed .in 1:3::9 atter an absence of a dozen years from Niagara orch- 1 • • 1 N!SSSil14$S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••111 ►er•A••I��N••stSl�ist0 ,. -.: � unfertilized had not only been main- e be allowed to go to .seed:. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 21st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,878.74 Rates—$+1.50 per $1,000 for S years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Adept, Also Dlealer in Lidhtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance LOCAL MARKETS. (corrected every Wednesday) Butter lb. 25 Eggs, dozen . Wheat per bush. 60 Barley bush. Oats bush. Buckwheat ..:.. 44 Flour 1.75 3.00 Shorts, ton 18.00 Bran, ton .... 18.00 Hogs .. - 4.75 Thur � y ION-..Ift !' Your a,r, are Store ,W .CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC. WITH SEASON: ABLE HARDWARE AT MODER, .T pnicE:' LET TTS Snow YOU OUR FULL LINE OF -GRANITEWARE I AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. ' + f Furniture Greatly Reduced + We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest Ievel and are sure to advance. Secure your needs nowt We also have some Good Used . Furniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock - We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated Massey -Harris Farm Implement Repairs. Johnston & Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 f • ++d++++++++++++t++F++++4444+++tib i +++++++++,;4,+++++++ ++ VIIIlINHlN11N1NI11N11111101111N1111NIIlINl111l9111111111111111N111111 NN IIINNNIIIIII111111➢IN IMMI11NiIINNIIpIINNI;i('NIL911ENNl1IINNN INIONINIIIMENl11lfNNlNNIiNIIIIII111111IIfBIIIfNIIIIN1iIN19t We Repair Wagons, Buggies, 11 Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon at....�. �....--. • -� 0 : 1 good buggy at 4 wheel Trailer Complete �- KEEP ON SMILING! $25 JIESS, the Repair lean MIININIIINNNII111IIIIMI1NlIIINNININIIiiNNiNIINININNIIN 1111N111111131111NlNIIN1111NNN111M1111 111111111ENTiii�. I NMIN{Nl'!'IIIINNIi!V RNtilNt{NHiNHHNIO1111111gli If lglf ;4. 1-4444-+ +^P ++ 4-44•F•+�6••P•+ Fri•++4 1.++++++++++++++44++++44 10-14-18 ,.. 36 ZtTRIC1I 25 ATTRNTION! . 1 tained but had increased where the corn was planted latest, and had be- en fertilized. This was in addition to barn yarn manure. Good soil pre- paration, good seed and proper culti- vation must be provided if best re- sults are to be attained. An Attractive Home "Oh what an opportunity if I only had the time!'" This is the remark of a Larry visitor at the Ontario Agricult- ural College recently. She had come to the College to make enquiry about certain perennials . which she withed to plant in the yard of her farm home and was told about short course of' instrustion in landscape gardening to be given at the College from Feb. 15 to 19th. On looking over the pro- gram of this short course she saw that there were to be instructions and demonstrations in garden planning, bids. Since then the scale has incre- and the selection of the most suit- able kinds of trees, shrubs and bow- ers, and she longed to take the co- urse. The opportunity is there for her and for many others, and no bet-. ter way could be found for farm women, or men either for that mat- ter, r to spend a happy, interesting week in the middle of winter in stu- dying and making plans for the bea- utification of their farm homes so that their lives might be more enjoyable in the years to come. All persons in - corn borer. In this connection, O.A. terested in this course should under, C. officials conducted a test in Essex .tan(1 that there is no charge for in - County, planting corn at three diff- ;tructiof and that a program of the. Trent dates, a week apart. Suitable course may be had for the askiing. fertilizer was applied at 200 pounds ased tremendously, and he icared that the mild weather conditions this winter would result in its return next .season to a very large extent. Effect- ive spraying of all trees with lubri- cating oil, using 4 per cent., was urged by Prof. Casear. Late Corn and Fertilizers Many fanners are talking late planting of corn this year and fertiI- izing in an attempt to control the tray acre. The fertilizer increased the Seeds Are Weed Menace Studies carried out by Canadian ;yield of ears 700 pounds per acre in weed specialists show strikingly: the the earliest planting, and 715 pounds menace of weeds through the nultit- pem acre in the latest planting. i g tate ude of their seeds. For instance, a planting meant a larger per cent. of single plant of wild mustard, sink immature ears at harvest in all cases weed, foxtail, pigweed, or champion 'nut from the plots planted.last there produces from 10,000 to 20,000 se- as 33 per cent. less soft ears in the ads, worm -seed mustard about 25,000 +rtihzed -area than there was on the and the tumbling mustard abort ertilized. The gain of fertilized coat 1500,0110. iVloral: Weeds should nes p TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS tw WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- I ARD GlU. DE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT t 1' LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- ' HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS MTH CHARGES VERY 4. REASONABLE. • GAS OILS GREASES II, Mouseau Zurich f 4 I'+tr+•E+•!•+++•1++4+++++++f++&•+++ti +4-fi t.++.4.44 +444.44++4++++.+.+ 04! 4. '' 4.,t" +K.+4 ee4.4.+t+n a ter+e ****+eI4+ +G 4-3.4.44 +44.4.++R+4.4+++i o • +! 4. 4. HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?irk That I am the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for, all men, Merchant% 1Vlanarfacturers, ` Etc.. I go forth to tell the World . the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers.. I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest1 1 ana Masater Salesman . at Your Service, and my • Name :isz kDVERTISE! • • *************************t