HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-11, Page 7Grocers guarantee this lea.
Money back if you ask for it.
2 CHOICE QUALITIES •—. Red Label & Orange Pekoe
Owl Laffs
Contagious—Like Measles
Happiness is like measles; you can-
not have it without givinfg it to some-
one else.
When Business Is Good
Advertise Some to Get More.
When Business Is Slow,
Advertise More to Get Some.
If you can smile before breakfast it
is very likely that you can smile the
rest of the day. Love at first sight has
a great precedent: Adam's for Eve.
Many a man has Jost his fight by stop-
topping to pat himself on the back. Any
wife knows that the ideal husband is
one who can pay her compliments and
her bills. A lot of the talkies are
dumb. As soon as a husband is broken
of one bad habit he acquires another.
With airplanes and radios riding the
air all the time it is no wonder the air
bucks up occasionally. Putting your
purse under your pillow does not
necessarily mean that you have
enough to retire on. Before leaving
your present position for a new one,
be sure the new one has mor- advant-
ages than a mere advance in salary.
Here's something for the girls to con -
older: When airplanes become com-
mon and take the place of autos, there
will be no opportunity to get out and
walk back home. He who laughs last
laughs best, but he soon gets a repu-
tation for being mighty dumb.
Brown—"When you sleep, your fore-
head reminds me of a story."
Light Brown—"What Story, 'Sleep-
Sleeping Beauty'?"
Brown—"No. Sleepy Hollow."
"Daddy, dear, may I have a dime,
Daddy (with a smile)—"Surely, son.
Hers it is." •
Little George (anxiously) — "This
time you won't make me give it back
after the visitors are gone, will you
Daddy dear?"
Harry—"Is Gertrude homely?"
Charles—"Well, if her face is her
fortune, her husband didn't marry her
for money."
Sam held her hand and she held hiz'n,
And then they hugged and went to
They did not know her dad had riz'n,
Madder than hops and simply siz'n;
And really 'tiz'n right to liz'n,
But Sam got hiz'n and went out whiz'n.
Troubio Averted In Either Case
A man who g'- es in when he is
wrong is wise.
.A man who gives in when he is right
is married.
Little George (after he had been in-
troduced to the guests for dinner)—
These Reflectors can be attached
to the light bulbs in the head lamps
of your automobile.
They greatly increase your driving
vision, lighting the roadway
fence to fence.
They are a',ld at alow price.
They are guaranteed for the life
of your car.
This is not a painted light bulb.
Write us for full particulars and
exclusive agency selling rights.
Hamilton,, Ont.
Timid Customer — "Do you keep
fountain pens?"
Too Smart Saleslady—"No, but we
sell 'em."
Timid Customer (walking out) --
"Well, you willkeep the one I was go-
ing to buy."
Explorer—"I have made a remark-
able discovery.' A tribe of human be-
ings that possess no weapons of war-
Listener—"Is that so? Well, I didn't
think there was any part of the world
that uncivilized."
CHILD need
French Scene
glory to play Bridge
*yWynne Ferguson
A discussion of 'he following ques-
tion of a correspondent should interest
all Auction and Contract. players:
.-"First hand has bid no trump, sec-
ond has passed, third has over -called
his partner with two hearts and fourth
has bid two spader. Under what con-
ditions should the original hand (a)
bid two no trumps, (b) raise his part -
mer to three hearts."
This particular question opens up a'
very wide field of discussion and one
that can be handled only in a very
general way. For the purpose of this
discussion it will be assumed that
neither side has .- roore. Also assume
that the dealer has bid one no trump
with each of the following bands:
It is the most delightful of French
inns, in the quaintest of French set-
tlements. As you rush by in one of
the innumerable trains that pass it
daily, you may catch glimpses of tall
trees trailing their branches in the
still stream—hardly a dozen yards
wide—of flocks of white ducks pad-
dling together, and of queer punts
drawn up on th shelving shore or tied
to soggy, patched -up landingstairs.
If the sun shines, you can see, now
and then, between the trees, a figure
kneeling at the water's edge, bending
ovr a pile of clothes, washing—her
head bound with a red handkerchief.
If you are quick, the miniature
river will open just before you round
the curve, disclosing in the distance
groups of willows, and a rickety foot-
bridge perched up on poles to keep it
dry. All this you see in a flash.
But youmust stop at the old-fash-
ioned station, within ten minutes of
the Harlem river, cross the road, skirt
an old gardn bound with a fence and
bursting with flowers, and so pass on
through a bare field to the watet's
edge, before you catch sight of the
cosy little houses lining the banks.. .
I have a love for the out-of-the-way
places of the earth when they bristle
all over with the quaint and the old
and the odd, and are mouldy with the
picturesque. But here is an in -the -
way place, all sunshine and shimmer,
with never a fringe . f mould upon it,
and yet you lose your heart at a
glance. It is as charming in its boat
life as an old Holland canal; it is as
delightful in its shore life as the
Seine; and it is as picturesque and en-
trancing in its sylvan beauty as the
most exquisite of English streams.—
From "A Day at Laguerre's and
Other Days," by F. Hopkinson Smith.
When your child needs regulating,
remember this: the organs of
babies and children are delicate.
Little bowels must be gently urged
—never forced. That's why Castor's
la used by so many doctors and
mothers. It is specially made tor
children's ailments; contains no
harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics.
Yon can safely give it to young in-
fante for colic pains. Yet it is an
equally effective regulator for older
children. The next time your child
baa a little cold or fever, or a di-
gestive upset, give him the help of
Ceasforia, the children's own rem-
edy. Genuine Castoria always has
the name:
Bess—"Jack Timid has asked me
if he might call to -night. I think
he wants to tell me that he loves
Tess—"Oh, that goes without say-
Bess—"Yes, and I'm afraid he
will, too."
Hearts—Q, 8
Clubs—A, 10, 4, 2
Diamonds—K, 10, 9, 8
Spades—K, J, 7
Hearts—Q, 10, 7, 2
Clubs—A, 10, 4, 2
Diamonds—K, Q. 9
Spades -10, 4
Hearts -7, 2
Clubs—A, 10, 4, 2
Diamonds—K, Q, 9, 8
Spades—Q, 7, 2
Hearts -7, 4
Cruris—A, K, Q, 7, 6, 2
Diamonds—K, 10, 7
Spades—K, 7
Then assume that his partner has
bid two : ^^-'ts and fourth hand has
bid two spades. With Hand A, the
dealer should bid no trump. He has
a double stopper in the spade suit and
only two hearts. For this reason the
no t.ump bid offers the better chance
for game, I '.is partner has a strong
heart suit, it is up to him to bid three
hearts. The bid c " two no trump indi-
cates a strong hand but no particular
help for the heart bid. Always hesi-
tate to help your partner's suit bid
with only two trump., or less. The only
exception to this is when you hold ace
or king and one other. tt
In Hand B, the dealer should un-
bid three hearts. He has no
stopper in the spade suit and yet very
strong help for his partner's heart bid.
This hand is a fine example of the type
of hand or. which to assist partner's
suit bid.
In Hand C, the dealer should pass. He
has only one stopper in spades and
less than normal hell for his partner's
heart suit. For that reason, he should
neither bid two no trump nor three
hearts. It is a fins: example of a hand
that is just under the requirements for
a two no trump bid.
In Hand D, the dealer should bid two
no trump. He has only one stopper in
the spades but his. set-up club suit
makes the hand a good chance for
game in no trump. The fact that it
contains only two small hearts makes
a three -heart bid inadvisable. It is a
fine eample of a hand that is just
over the requiremen:i for a two no
trump bid.
It is manifestly impossible to include
in this discussion all of the various
types of hands that might come under
the conditions specified in the ques-
tion, but the foregoing examples are
typical and will act as a guide in the
gre"at majority of instances. As a gen-
eral rule, bid two no trump if you have
a double stopper in the suit bid or
three hearts if you have three or more
hearts to an honor and a sound no
Last Instructions ,
When I am dead, and ashes in your
In a mild Virginia meadow take your
And pause a moment, thinking of the
Those rare road -walking days that
couldn't last.
Think, "This was her body that swung
along with me,
The same road the same violets, the
very locust tree."
Think, "God she loved, and the wit-
nesses of God
And in especial the Virginia sod.
Here we walked together, the wind
As on` the first bright morning of the
Hungry, tired, and tremblingly in love,
And something sang, I think a 'brown
wood -dove,"
These thoughts will pass like summer.
Pause no more.
I shall be there as happy as before. --
I shall be there to watch you turn
Remembering. Then fling the ashes
—Virginia Dare in The Montreal Star.
The Interdependence of
Detroit News: Every great modern
industrial country is dependent on
world economy. Even we in the
United States are finding out that
our wealth. is not simply the coun-
try's resources, means of production
and population, but is conditioned by
the international exchange of goods,
services and capital. National self -
elf' containment is a pure political
phantasy, as our own rapidly dwind-
ling foreign trade with its terrible
concomitants of bankruptcy and un-
employment so tragically attests.
"The list of American Presidents
presents an almost unbroken array
of British names."—Haveloclt Ellis.
The Poet's Day
The poet's day is different from an-
Tho' he doth count each man his own
heart's brother.
fee crystal-clear the air that he looks
Ift gives each color an intenser hue;
Bad Attacks of Fila
E.M.Ward i:indsW no der of I Picii-Me-®R
in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"I have had
attacks of the 'flu'
frequently since
1919, and sometimes
very bad attacks,
but always when on
the road to recovery
I take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I find
them. a wonderful pick-me-up."
So writes E. M. Ward, Saskatoon,
Sask., who further states: "I would re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all
from that rundown,. listless feel -
'ach bush doth burn, and every flower sunerers
i ins. I have taken the bills on many
flame;occasions, and they seem to tone up my
The stars are shining; silence breathes blood wonderfully. 1 have been anaemic
a name. for years, and find that, when I get run -
The world wherein he wanders, down, after taking several boxes of Dr,
dreams and iii. ,;s Williams' Pink Pills the color comes back
Thrills with the beating of intlaible to my cheeks and I have wonderful
wings; i vitality." ." ms' Pink P
` g new blood and increasing the
1 red blood cells which restore the wasted
Arid all day long he rears from hidden Dr Williams'
Pills health
birds by
What New York
Is Wearing
The low, melodious pour of imusicked
plate I' tissues and revitalize the exhausted sy
words, tem. 'they remove the cause auhte doW n
Richard Watson Gilder, in " G'ow. torn.
conditions. TrY 271t
IIlustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
nished with r,•..,.?� Pattern
( your druggist's. 50e a package.
Hints to Motorists
Front wheels of all ears toe -in, oe
are gathered at' the front, tocompen-
sate for the fact that the wheels taper
from top to bottom.
Stoplight bulbs are more powerful
than many car -owners realize. They
average around fifteen candlepower in
brilliance. Unless the motorist is
aware of this, he might, in just drop-
ping around to pick up a bulb, get
one of inadogbate power. It takes
quite a bit of brilliance in the signal
to make certain the oncoming driver
will catch the "stop."
Two handy aids to visibility are:
Keeping the windshield wiper blade
back at the top of the arc, and wiping
the dust from the glass before driving
into the sun. Both are so easy that
it is surprising more motorists do not
see that they are done.
A brush with bristles that are not
overly stiff is really the ideal thing
with which to clean the closed car tap.
It gets down into the material :n a
fashion that is impossible for a cloth
or sponge. A little lukewarm water
—and nothing else—is the thing to
use on the brush.
There are quite many causes of pop-
ping back into the carburetor, a con-
dition that may cause the engine to
catch fire, especially it the outside of
it is dirty and covered with oil. The
four most common ones are dirt in the
carburetor, sticking intake valves,
water in the gasoline, and an air leak
at the intake manifold connections.
Many a car owner is only partially
locking his door these days by leaving
the• windshield • open, making it a
simple natter to reach through and
Iunlatch a door from the inside.
Classified Advertising
BUILT typewriters, UNDSIt-
all makes of portables. Special for this
month, express prepaid: UNDIORWO&,D
MODEL 6, factory rebuilt, regular 3155;
our price $47.60. Write THOMAS' .911
43 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont.
List of wanted inventions and full,
information sent free. The Ramsay Cure.
pony. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Lank
Street, Ottawa, Canada.
Astronomers Will
View Sun's Eclipse
Toronto—The Royal Astronomical
Society of Canada have formed a
committee to organize an expedition
to Northern Quebec to observe a
total eclipse of the sun on August
Professor II, R. Kingston, Lon-
don, Ont., suggested the possibility
of broadcasting the eclipse by tele-
vision from an airplane. He said
the path of totally would be 100
miles wide.
Import: of Canadian tobacco
through the Port of London in 1930
amounted to 728,000 lbs. and in 1931
to 2,070,000 lbs., and is still on the
Her& a splendid slip that hes
quite a number of points to aid and
enhance the matronly figure.
There is the bias cut of the upper
edge, so comfortable and slimming to
the neckline. The moulded bodice
gives snugness to the waistline, cut
bias at the front.
The wrap -over arrangement at the
back makes it shadow proof.
Style No. 3480 will give you a mar-
velously slimming silhouette, that will
give you a more youthful appearance.
You can make it in crepe de chine,
crepe satin or flat crepe.
It„is designed in sizes 16, 18 years,
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust.
It takes but 2%,, yards of 89 -inch
material for the medium size,
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, a and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto
Fugue in Seven Sharp*
Blinks—"I hear you and your neigh-
bor are on the outs. What happened?"
Jinks --"Well, my kids are taking
music lessons, and the other day he,
sent over an ax With a note ai ltg,
'Try this on your piano'."
But not for long!
Highest market prices paid. Imme-
diate remittance. Rosenfeld Poultry atia
Egg Co., Montreal.
” I started taking Krusbhen Salts
for biliousness, and for the last two
years I have been perfectly free from
an attack. Now I continue to take
them, as I find they keep me in perfect
health. illy husband used to joke
about me taking Kruschen Salts ; now
he takes them himself, so do my
children. My sincere thanks."
—Mrs. G. P.
When your gastric or digestive juices
refuse to flow, your food, instead of
becoming absorbed into your system,
simply collects and ferments inside
you, producing harmful acids and
gases winch give rise to biliousness,
heartburn and flatulence.
Iiruschen is a combination of six.
mineral salts, which goes right to the
root of the trouble. It first stimulates
the flow of gastrin and other juices
to aid digestion, and then ensures
complete, regular and unfailing elimina-
tion of waste matter every day. And
that means a blessed end to biliousness,
and a renewed and whole -hearted
enjoyment of your food without the
slightest fear of having to pay the old
painful penalty.
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
There's something sort of pathetic
about a horsefly sitting on the radiator
of a truck.
Witty a small eur-piece, .0 small ,, rite
in the outer ear. Powerful enough to
enable you to hear in Church, Theatre,
meetings, hone conversation, etc. \Cr+.te
for Booklet'and trial offer today,
The Great London Bearing Aid Co. Ltd.,
Suite 1112 Star Bldg., 80 Sino W., Toronto
No better
car ractive
exists today
Std everywhere let
25e and 75c red pkgs.
ISSUE No. 6—'32
Stomach Ulcer
"Had an ulcer for 7 years with pain
two hours after eating; also had
hemorrhage. Took Dr. McLeod's
'Stomachic' and soon pain left me. I
have had no return of stomach
trouble the past 4 years. G. Town-
send, Gerrie." For introductory bot-
tle write: Dr. McLeod, Wroxeter, Ont.
Caticura Soap
for Daily Use
Cutieura Ointment
To Heal Skin Troubles
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c.
For Troubles
due to Acid
the Acid
ICK stomachs, sour stomachs and
indigestion usually mean cxcest
acid. The stomach nerves are
over -stimulated.
Too much acid makes the stomas
and intestines sour. Alkali kills acid
instantly. The best form is Phillipe
Milk of .Magnesia, because one barna»
less dose neutralizes many times ita
volume in acid. For 50years th est an
and with physicians everywhere.
Take a spoonful in water and your
unhappy condition will probably end
iq five minutes. Then you will always
know what to do. Crude and harmful
methods will never appeal to you. Goe
Prove this for your own sake. It me
save a great many disagreeable hou .:
Be sure to get the genuine Philli,
Milk of Magnesia prescribed
physicians in correcting emu