HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-11, Page 6It is very probable that there are a aster building and citizenship training large number of boys who read this organization is revealed in a report to column week after week, and although the National Office of the Boy Scouts they aro not Scouts, they very much of America from the Scout Executive wish that they could be. I would like in the Phillipine islands, Mr. Ernest those boys to realize that the Lone Voss. He stated as follows: Scouts have been organized especially Yesterday, in Judge Vicker's court, for them, and all that they have to do here in Manilla, Attorney Charles Mc - is to spare a moment to write a note . Donough, while questioning didmvhy inu- to Lone Scout Headquarters asking tive brown -eyed boy, i for full particulars, and then they, too, are you here as a voluntary witness can share in all the fun that Lone in this criminal ease?" The boy proud - Scouting brings to any boy. ly drew himself erect. "Because, Sir," It is not very difficult, is it? Why said he, "I am a Boy Scout and I pro - not write that uow, at once? The ad- mised on my honor to do my duty to God and my Country, and to be trust- worthy." dress is given below. Lone Scouting Grows Apace During this past week we have re- ceived applications for membership "Lone E" has received a letter from from over a dozen boys is various Mr. Robert P. Middlecoat of Hemming - parts of Ontario. Five applications ford, Quebec, who was formerly a came from Colborne, four from Lucan Troop Leader in a Troop in London, and the others from Merrickville, Par- England. Mr. Middlecoat read about rY Sound and South River. We wel- the Lone Scouts in a local newspaper come all these recruits to our ranks, and did not know that the Loniea were and we know that a good time is in flourishing and weca nnde assurelly him.tthiscou store for them. ; Scout- ing is very much alive in Canada and News From Overseas—More Scouts Down Under I especially in our Province. Perhaps some Lone Scout would like Sir Kelso King, Chairman of the to write to Mr. Middlecoat, who has New South Wales branch othe Boy some interesting experiences to tell, Scouts Association, attributes a very and who would probably be able to substantial increase in the number of give some very useful hints from his Australian Scouts during 1931 to the Scouting experience. visit of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell. News From the Provinces . A Major First Ald Test LoniesPlease Note: A motorcycle accident at a country I crossroads in which two girls suffered broken legs brought an. unidentified English Boy Scout a major test of his training. He acted immediately, and gave effective first aid with improvised splints and bandages. Famous Admiral in Boys' Work Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Roger Keyes, famous for his services during the Great War, especially in connec- tion with the operations against Zee- brugge, on. St. George's Day, 1915, has become Assistant County Commission- er for Sea Scouts in Buckinghamshire. Scouting Influence An interesting incident demonstrat- ing the results of Scouting as a char - On February 22nd, Scouts all over the world will celebrate the 75th birth- day of the Chief Scout of all the world, Lord Baden-Powell. A Thought For This Week "The player who smiles most enjoys the game most." How to Become a Lone Scout Drop a line to The Lone Scout De- partment Boy Scouts. Association, 330 Bay Street, Toronto 2, and ask for par- ticulars, which will be gladly sent. Lone Scouting is open to boys between 12 and 18 years of age who are not able to join a regularly organized Troop, and is especially meant for boys living on rural routes and small villages. Write to-day.—"Lone E." Mount Vesuvius' I 16-Yer.r-Old Aviatrix Light Goes Out Naples, Italy. — Mount Vesuivius, after centuries of quiescence, present- ed a new problem following fresh rumblings and explosions last week. The curious thing in connection with the event was. the discovery that as soon as the explosions ceased, the crater, which always has been lit up at night by internal fires, was cold dark. Natural scientists have begun an investigation to determine why. I An observatory, a military police'. barracks, a conveut, a railfoad and a I hotel on. the volcano's side were shaken, but their quake -proof construc- tion protected them, observers said. Attendants at the observatory after working through the night, learned little except that the epicenter of the quake wa's within, or under, the moun- tain ountain and it apliarentl: affected only a small area. Compulsory Voting Approved in Peril- Lima, eruLima, Peru.—Compulsory voting for' men between the ages of 21 and 60 was recently approved as part of the new Peruvian constitution in process of adoption by the constitutional con grass. The secret ballot also was ap- proved. Voting will be optional •for men over 60. Last week the con- gress rejected equal suffrage for women, but women over 25 years of age will be permitted to vote in. mu- nicipal elections. Good Trade Balance Joy sticks are nothing new to .1liary Equi of Portland, Ore., who, after two years of instruction, be- comes youngest aviatrix in the northwest at sixteen. English Misses At ,Lake Placid Two young ladies aged twelve and eleven respectively are shown in a smiling mood at Lake Placid. They are Megan Taylor and Cecilia Colliege, representing the pick of British skaters. Saved From the Sea Are summer storms more danger- ous than those of winter? The contrary view is the general vakia and colored roads in Scotland tone,hat yet figures just 1ummer show are the latest experiments to be tried that during English four summer months by European highway engineers. All of last year Ew i le lifeboats rescued sorts of surprising materials have 107 persons, while the rescues dur- ing the first four months of the year iron, molten stone, rubber, cotton, and were 104. This seems to suggest that, wood—hi the hope of finding an ideal in 1931, at any rate, summer was as track for motorcars: bad a time for sailors as winter. In the Czechoslovak experiment I Some would have us believe that in In all, the lifeboat rescued ground glass was mixed with cement most countries, work, wages or Profit persons from shipwrecks last year. and the resulting surface is said to are very, very scarce—if so, happiness They also saved twenty-six boats from have been found very durable and not must be on the decrease. destruction or helped them to safety. * * * * But rescue work was not carried out susceptible to the heat of the sun. Accomplished Women of the Eighties "le Miss Darcy much grown since the spring?" said Miss Bingley; "will. She he as tall as I am?" "I think she will. She is now about Miss Elizabeth Bennet's height, or rather taller.' • "How I long to see her again! I never met with anybody who delight- ed me so much! Such a, countenance, such manners, and so extremely ac- complished for her age. Her perform- ance on the pianoforte is exquisite," "It is amazing to me," said Bingley, "how young ladies can have patience to be so' very accomplished as they all are," "All young ladies accomplished? My dear Charles, what do you mean?" "Yes, all of them, I think. They all paint tables, cover screens and net purses, I scarcely know any one who cannot do all this; and I am sure 1 never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time, without being in- formed that she was very accomplish- ed." "Your list of the common extent of accomplishment," said Darcy, "has too much truth. The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse or covering a screen; but I am very far from agreeing with you. ht .your esti:- motion sti-motion of ladies in general. I cannot boast of knowing more than halt a dozen, in the whole range of my ac- quaintance, that are really accom- plished." "Nor .1, I am sure," said Miss Bing- ley. "Then," observed Elizabeth, "you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman." "Yes, I do comprehend a great deal in It." "Oh, certainly," Cried• his faithful as- sistant; "no one can be really esteem- ed accomplished who does not great- ly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowl- edge of music, singing, drawing,.danc- ing,, and the modern. languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and ex- pressions, or the word will be but half deserved.". "All this she must possess," added Darcy, "and to all she must yet add something more substantial in the im- provement of her mind by extensive reading." "I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women I rather wonder now at your knowing. any." "Are you so severe upon your own sex as to doubt the possibility of all this?" "I never saw such a woman. I never saw such capacity, and taste, and ap- plication, and elegance, as your de- scribe, united." Mrs., Hurst and Miss. Bingley both cried out against the injustice of her implied doubt and were both pretest- ing rotesting that they knew many women who answered this description, when Mr. Hurst called them to order, withvhit- ter complaints of their inattention to what was going forward. As all con- versation was thereby at an end, Eliza- beth soon afterward left the room.— Jane Austen, in "Pride and Prejudice." Silver Lining IBY „HECK. Everybodys goal in life is "Happi- ness." "Anybody is happy "who is able to play the rode "which best satisfies him "in his own eyes." —Van Loon in The N. Y. Tribune. * * ' * To "play the role," means W -O -R -K. Rich or poor, lie must work by brain or brawn, or there is no satisfaction, no happiness. * * * * Work, then, symbolizes Happiness. It brings, wages or profit, which in turn bring food, fuel, clothing, amuse- ments. - * Ground Glass Road • Tested in Czechoslavakia London.—Glass roads in Czechoslo- * * * only at sea. A Whitby lifeboat was taken inland a few months ago to save flood victims. The Royal National Lifeboat Institn- tion now has a fleet of 184 lifeboats, of which 107 are motor lifeboats. Six- teen of the latter were added to the fleet last year—the largest number ever built in one year. TRUTH It a crooked stick is before us we need not explain how crooked it is! Lay a straight one down by the side of it, and the work is well done. Preaoh the truth, and error will stand abashed in its presenoe. Spurgeon. 20 P.C. Added to Import Duty By Norwegian Government Oslo, Norw.—An increase of 20 per cent. on import duties was recently Reported by Bulgaria approved by the Storting. An important provision authorizes Sofia—Bulgaria has a very "air Sofia—Bulgaria the Government to exempt goods re - arable" trade balance. During No- , gulated by treaties and goods not pro vember exports exceeded imports by1 duces by Norway. more than 100 per cent. Merchan- I The estimated revenue from the new dise worth 713,000,000 levs or about duties will amount to 9,000,000 crowns $5,000,000 was sent out of the coun- ; (about $1,680,000) the first half year. try and products worth 351,000,000 The reason for the additional duties is lees were shipped into it. I the deficit is the last half year's bud - The sums received from this ex- get. A. royal'proclamatien was pub- aess ofexports over imports all go to lisped bringing the new scale into ef- to pay Bulgaria's debts abroad. Rigiiex fact immediately. regulations make it impossible port money for private transactions. "Glamour only makes husbands glummer. Be yourself, and as nice a one as possible."—Faith Baldwin. Latvia and Estonia Lift French Pilot Tests Feasibility Export Duty on Timber Of Air Line to Madagascar Le Bourget, France.—Captain Lu - Riga, Latvia—In order to assist dovic Arrachart landedhere recently the. Latvian timber exporters, the after a trail -blazing flight to Mada- Latvian Government has abolished gasear and return with information the export duty on various kinds of "which may presage regular mail and Foods, and especially on pulpwood. For want of self-restraint mall;,' men are engaged all their lives in fighting wth difficulties of their own making, and rendering success impos- sible by their own cross-grained un- gentleness; whilst others, it may he much less gifted, make their way and achieve success by simple patience, equanimity and self-control.—Samuel Smiles. passenger service: The outward trip wood. was accomplished in ten days, with In Estonia various faeil%taes have stops along the dangerous Sahara route. The return trip took eight days. Aviation authorities believe the pro- New Mineral Identified jected line could be run without diffi- Stanford *University, Calif.—Prof. malty. A. F. Rogers of the mineralogy depart- ment of Stanford 'University has idea- War is dying. It dies because it can - tined a new mineral which he calls not pay its way. It dies because, Sanbornite. Ile said it is a barium through the spread of education and silicate Bever found before. the demand of 'commerce, no part of The new mineral was named after the civilized world can be suffered to Mr. Prank Sanborn of the, California eugage in a life -and -death struggle retreat), of Mines, It is a lump of ore with any other part—David Starr picked up' in Mariposa County. Jordan, also been granted to the timber ex- porters. NEWS, the land that informs us •"— why, where, when work can be had, nen• will help to keep mankind working Stilton Cheese Once Q - y and happy. London.—England's famous Stilton A broadcast, a print, a speech, a cheese did not originate in the town wire or wireless to the effect that of that name, although it did become there" is a scarcity of any one thing famous there. What is today known or commodity, helps, because capital - and 'acclaimed by gourmets as Stilton ists will hire workers, start machinery cheese was originally made at Quenby, to fill the scarcity, supply the de - Hall by the Ashbys, who owned the mand; wages will flow again, and place many years ago,.and it was then happiness be restored. If word is known as Quenby cheese. An enter- prising landlord of an inn at Stitlton bought up large quantities of t''e cheese and made it famous tinder its :esent name. dam construction, new automobile bumper, have greatly increased the out put of Algoma Steel Corporation lately. * * * * Building—December of last year showed very substantial increase in authorized building . in Ontario, Que- bec, Manitoba, New Brunswick. On- tario's gain was $342,857. Banking—Premier R. B. Bennett last Wednesday stated that Canadian banking system. had not suffered one single failure during the previous twelve months, while over two thou- sand had failed in the same time in passed around that there is an over- abundance of a product, means are, or 'should be, at hand to remedy the condition. That is the purpose of this Silver Lining. Through the me- dium of news, good news will keep a proper, sane balance of supply and Other Uses of Paper Pulp demand—informing those who want The enormous use of paper for profit, work, service, where they can newsprint has overshadowed its many g it and find the Happiness they other vital uses, say the Canadian News Letter. Other uses include ce- ment and flour bags, rug pads, cur- tains and blinds, serviettes, handker- chiefs, towels, doillies, cord, contain- ers for food and drugs, packing cases, wallboard, cores, upholstery, drinking cups, plates, dishes and spoons. The paper milk bottle is meeting with fa- vor in New York, although its use in Canada is at present negligible. want. *' * * * Even news of this kind helps the shut-in, the cripple, the old, whose active minds derive satisfaction in the knowledge that those who care for them are in a position to get work. * * * * Sault Ste. Marie.—Special mater- ials, re-inforcing steel bars used in Draws Metal from Eyes This lin,.;,.. 1.e,ienot is used for extracting tiny met al splinters from injured optics and is • said tc tc the most powerful lit the world. ' It bas ilii' v.11 of ten horses, the U.S.A. * * a * Trade — Parliamentary measures have resulted in shifting the balance of trade in Canada from an adverse balance of $73,000,000 to a favorable balance of . $10,000,000 is another statement by Premier Bennett. * * * * Transportation—A couple of weeks ago this column stated that: there was a rumor of amalgamation in air, rail, and truck transportation. Yesterday, January 20th, ° Sir Henry Thornton advocated such a measure. * * * Orono, Ont.—Christmas presents to be distributed among the poor of this town had to be salted away for an- other year, as nobody could be found poor enough to enjoy then. * * +_ * Here is one you cannot dismiss with a yawn. More than half the popula- tion in Sault Ste. Marie have a sav- ings awings account in the banks and post - office. This city subscribed $500,000 to the Government Loan three weeks ago. * * * * New York. — For two months de- pression will not be using rough tac- tics on the City of New York, because eight banks, on aanuary 19th, loaned the City of New York $12,000,000 to tide them over a serious financial condition. * * * Breweries—Canada Bud Breweries Ltd. show an increase of $405,000 foi the year 1931 over 1930, bringing tit( volume to the $2,000,000 mark. Om of their officers is reported as saying that the last they saw of the depres• sion she was walking away with only one spat on. * * * * Mortgage Corporation—Let us give the spotlight to the Canada Perman- ent Mortgage Corporation, whose gross assets have grown nearly $4,- 000,000 during 1931. Profits were $913,928. * * * * Lake Shipping—National Associa- tion of Marine Engineers make a strong protest in the federal House against the cutting clown of crews -and overloading ships in the Canadian lakes. *, *. * * Telephone -"American Telephone and Telegraphic Company, world's largest corporation, managed to earn its usual annual dividend in 1931," is a statement of the president, Walter H. Gifford. * * *., * Power—Reconstructions said stop, look and listen to Power Installation. as it increased 8 per cent. during 1931.. * * * * Gold—Ontario' output has set a record in 1931. The total output for the Province is around $42,900,000 and peak was in December last. * Radio Broadcasting—A. E. Leary, Assistant to the General Manager of broadcasting station CI CL, stated that their sales during the last two weeks were greatly on the increase. In fact, the sales for December were the highest in the history of the com, pany, and already show a great in• crease over January of last Aar.