HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-11, Page 4ZVRjClat Ass* LD
Ii& 'T'lbus. I4lyles of Detroit, is vis -
ng lois 'niece, Mrs. John Armstrong.
and Mrs. Len Talbot f Bar-
eld npeatt .Sunday at the home `Of
h-.. seed Mrs. W. 3. Dawson.
''rev:, and Mrs. E. A. Peulter of
Varna axe entertaining the ye ung
nieople of Goshen and Blake at a Val-
iantinn Social on Friday even -mg, Feb
rruaar,3," 1th.
Mae Peter Manson of }Iensall, is
%pending e. few days at the home of
Mr. zm Mrs. Lorne Ma 9bn..
Miss Lydia Gingerich of Scott
Vitternorial Hospital, Seaforth, spent
lithe week -end at her home on the
'meson Line.
"_i'he Young People are being ent-
eert fined to a valentine social at the
x„ dpi, onage, Varna, on Friday evening
NT. Harold Johnston of 'Zurich sp-
ent .Sunday at his home in the vil-
Ignite a number of the young peo-
• 3e in this vicinity are enjoying the
Braced skating in Mr. S 1niltz's field.
Rev. Mr- Poulter •of Varna called
ase friends in the village. on Satur-
zIL'Liss ladys Douglas of Scott Mem-
1 Hospital, Sealmth, accompan-
iied by several nerves spent Saturday
+:a:ning at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Doug-
Wes. Joe Belittler spent Sunday
es;ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy.
"▪ rimer on the Town Line.
Irs. Gerber Sr., spent a day re-
• t r with friends hi the village.
;1r. Stanley Moore left to spend a
dew weeks with his uncle in Toronto.
•fir. and Mrs. W. Turner and Mr.
and Mrs. R. Consitt spent a day in
Mr_ and Mrs. P. CanipbeI. and
rhitown of Hay Township spent Fri-
i?g at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mm. Frank Farquhar and son John
Hensall spent the week -end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coch-
Mr_ and Mrs. Ross Love and little
Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Keys and family near
Mrs- Alf_ Smith and daughter Mar-
elan of Crediton, are spending a few
:days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Z. Richardson.
Mal Joe Forrest of Seaforth is here s
'edits week getting his clover seed thr- n
The W.M.S. will be held at the S
lamze of Mrs. Ross Love on Friday 1
Z.ernoon, February 12th. A special
;programme on the Day of Prayer is
ring prepared.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Love of Hensall,
ea -sited their son Gordon, who has c
been. confined to !his xoom for several
weeks, but, is able to be up a while
Mr. D. 1F`. Anderson attended the
Presbyterial meeting .held in Clinton
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horne' . of Ex-
eter visited friends here recently. We
are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs.
Harney are coming back to our com-
munity to live again.
Mr. Oluf Pedersen spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener,
spent the week -end with her parents..
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Held escteatain-
ed a number of their friends on Fri-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stadelbaner and.
family and Miss Clara Kraft of Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. V. Heywood
and family of Exeter, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft.
Miss Sophia Stire of London, spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Stire.
Mr. and Mrs. cvm. Smith of Wind-
sor spent the week -end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mrs.
P. Brown who has been visiting here
returned to Detroit with them,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer
visited friends in Crediton on Sun-
Mr. Stanley Smith of Stratford,
spent Sunday with* his family.
Mrs. Hopkroft is spending a few
days in Toronto this week.
Everybody come to the Pork and
Bean Supper in the basement of the
Evangelical church on Wednesday
February 24th.
Special "Day of Prayer" services
was held in the Evangelical church on
Sunday evening. The choir rendered
an anthem entitled "The Lord is My
Shepherd". Solo by Ray Guenther,
"Now I lay me down to deep'. Solo
by Harry Hoffmaan "Teach me to
Pray", an address by Mrs. G.
Wildfong and Mr. Sauer, which was
very much appreciated.
A duett by Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher
and Cathern Finkbeiner "Sweet Hour
of Prayer". A special collection was
taken in aid of the mission fund.
Dashwood Choir, Annual.
The choir of Dashwood Evangelic-
al church held their annual meeting
and election of officers on Thursday
evening with 20 members present.
The treasurer reported a balance on
hand of $48.63 and disbursements for
the year amounting to $43.37. It
was decided to contribute $20 to the
General Crurch Fund. A Cantata
entitled "The Story of Eeaster' by
R. IL Stultz is to be given on Easter
unday evening.. The officers for the
ew year are :-President, Miss C.
inkbeiner; Vice -Pres., W. Wolfe;
ecy-Treas., Hy. Hoffman; Leader,
Hiss Alice Hoffman; Asst. Leader, Mr
W. Schenk; Organist, Mrs. A. E.
Oestreicher; Asst. Organist, Miss
Gertrude Hoffman; Librarians, A.
Oestreicher, G. Wildfong, itt the
lose a jolly social hous was spent
.4 '7r -•+-i°-i -1-14 F4+4- i -k•b•b+++444:4.4 4.14.4 4 '- 4.4 4.4-•;44- ;_4- • : 4.44' d
4 Let IJs Quote You
On Storm Sash 'and Doors
.Before the cold -weather arrivs
S Call us and we will measure your windows
c. KA
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acseadsssss•aa3ee•ssseGoeor+aee issohasososaodtsa eyeossci.s
!Your Goal Supply
The cold Days are now being ush-
ered in. - Let us supply
� 3 s -ou with
the best fuels at lowest prices
Try our Chick Starters, Chic.
Feeds, Liyl g Mash,
3r ~9ge a ctelsacoc. tatioarw .rs+ra►�l►.
while the executive .committee served
Ladies' Aid.
The Ladies' Aid W.aVL;S. tof. the
Dashwood Evangelicalchumlaheld
their February meeting on :'f hrersday
in the church: basement with 17- mem-
bers present. Mrs. D. Tiernan gave
a paper on Missions followed by a
vocal solo by Rev. A. W. 'Sauer. 'Mrs.
G. Wildfong read a chapterof thd'
mission study book "The . Christ of.
the Indian Road", after. which;,Mrs,
A. E. Oestreicher gave a piano solo.
Mrs. D. Tiernan presided fon the bus -
Mess session. 61 sick visits were re-
ported and Mrs. D. Haugh and Mrs.
R. Goetz were appointed a, visiting
committee for next month. Plans
were made to hold a "Pork and Bean
suppers on .Felenteary 24th and the
following committee are to be in
charge of the .supper arrangements:
Mrs. D. Tiernan, Mrs. R. Goetz, Mrs.:
E. Bender, Mrs. V. Schatz and Mrs.
J. Wildfong. The executive of the
choir is to have charge of the pro-
Mrs. Yungblut of Waterloo is sp-
ending a few days visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Jas. Bonthron.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden of Exeter,
were pleasant visitors with friends in
town one day recently.
Mrs. Peppier of Hanover is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron
and other relatives. Mrs. Peppier was
a former Hensall girl and her many
Hensajll friends are glad to see her.
Mrs. Robt. Higgins, who was tak-
en to the Scott Memorial Hospital, 2
weeks ago for an appendicitis oper-
ation has so far recovered that she
was able to return to her home on
Friday last. She has been in very
poor haelth for several years and her
friends have been very anxious about
her during the two weeks she was in
the hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Bartram North and
daughter Audrey have returned home
to Woodstock after visiting with re-
latives here.
Martha and Merle Carlile of Lon-
don spent the weekeend. at their home
:Mr.. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
children of Detroit have returned
home after a -few days visit with re-
latives here, Mrs. Sweitzer being cal-
led home owing to the serious illness.
of her mother, Mrs. R. Higgins.
The annual meeting of the United
Church was held the other evening,
with a fine attendance. Rev. Sinclair
presided. The reports submitted on
the whole were of a very encouraging
nature and marked progress during
the year. At the close of the business
meeting, refreshments were served
and a social hour spent.
At the January meeting of the
Huron County Council Reeve Geiger
was appointed a member of the Hur-
on County Old Age Pension Board
and will have charge of the work in
the South end of the county. Messrs
Robert Higgins and John Cameron of.
Lucknow will be the county auditors.
Little GIoria Twitchell, who was
seriously hurt a couple of weeks ago
by falling down a ladder on a •cem-
ent floor, is recovering nicely.
Dr. Moir, who has been the effic-
ient health officer for a number . of s
years, has resigned the position. He
has done thiss out of deference to J
the Hensall doctors who have both t
refused patients to his sanatorium. E
The council also felt that since Dr.
Moir is no longer a ratepayer in the
village that the position should be
given to one of the resident physic
ians. Dr. Moir has been compliment.
by the Health Department. for the
efficient manner in which he has car-
ried on the sometimes difficult posit-
ion of health officer with a minimum
of friction.
wasotherwise sha-
the right eye
ken up,
Prof. W. Brenton Kerr, M,A., Pro-
fessor of History at the University
of Buffalo, son'of Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Kerr, of Seaforth, was the guest sp-
eaker of the Stratford Historical So-
ciety at their annual banquet in the
Y.M.C.4.. in that city the other even-
ing. He was introduced' by Hon. Dr.
3. D. Monteith, of Stratford.
At the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Rich-
ard Robins, Brucefield, on Sat., last,
their second daughter, Celia Dorothy,
was united in marriage to Wiliam
Jas. Forsyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Bel of Kippen. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. W. A. 'Bremner:
Afterwards the happy Couple left, on
a. trip to Toronto, Peterlioro and Bos-
ton. On their return they will reside
on the groom's farm near Kippen.
William 'Sneitth, the last remaining
member of the old London crew of
the Huron and Bruce crew has left
Wingham after a run of 26 years,
for Brantford where he will run from
'that. city to Black Rock. Mr. Sneath
has been off work•for the past three
months with an injured leg. With the
uncertainty of train runs, he does not
intend moving his family until next
The Agricultural Short Course at
Dungannon, conducted for a month
under the direction of Representative
Ian MacLeod,. was concluded last Fri-
day, evening with a banquet, at which
about one hundred people sat down.
The Course was attended by over 60
young people. '
The Goderich Board of Trade is
planning a banquet to G. Spotton,
M.P. and C. A. Robertson, IvLL.A.,
North Huron, the date fixed for the
event being February 12th. Arrang-
ments for the banquet have been left
in the hands of a committee. The B.
of T. also are asking that the Agric-
ultural short courses next year be
held in Goderich.
The remains of the late Mrs. Geo.
Etherington, of Marlette, Mich., were
brought to Exeter Saturday last:for
interment in Exeter cemetery. The
deceased passed away. in Port Huron
on January 28th. She was in her ?5th
year. Her maiden name was Mayner
V., second daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. Etherington. She was
born in Usborne Tp., on the farm
now occupied by Wm. Etherington,
but most' of her life has been spent
around Port Huron and Marlette.
Goderich's Civic Holiday race meet
is planned on bigger lines than ever
for the year. At a meeting of the
Trotting and Pacing Association on
Tuesday night last, the urogram for
this year's meet was decided' upon,
and is: to include three stake races
for $1,000 each and a class race with
a purse of $500, making a total pur-
se of $3,500. This guarantees that the
Goderich meet will be the biggest and
best race meeting in Ontario this
year. ee
His _Honor Judge Costello has giv-
en judgment on two appeals against
the Goderich assessment roll of that
town. H. A. Sutherland appealed a-
gainst the assessment of $15,000 on
the Capital Theatre property on West
trees, and •a reduction of $3,000,
making it $12,000. is ordered by the
udge. The appeal of W. Ahl against
he assessment of his property on
est St., at $600 was dismissed and
the assessment confirmed.
Exeter Council is passing a by-law
to collect taxes twice a year.
Alan Dewar, 12 year old son of
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Dewar, of Howick
fractured both bones in his right
forearm, just above the wrist, while
playing in the gymnasium at Clifford
school recently.
The new provincial bridge at Clin-
ton was opened for traffic last week
The structure is of reinforced con-
crete and spans the Bayfield river on
No. 4 Highway,
Seaforth Spring Fair wil be held
Tuesday, April 5th. This date was
set at a recent meeting of the direct-
ors of the Society. Hensall Spring
Fair will be the week following, Tu-
esday, April 12th.
The Twelfth of July celebration
for this district is to be held in God-
erich this year. This decision was re
eched at the annual South Huron
county meeting of the Orange order
'veld at Exeter the other evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kipfe.r. lireeefield i
villi have been livin in the Walker
'lou.;!!, for the pa4 few months.
noved last week to Mrs. W. Nesbitt';.
'Souse on the London Road, where Mr
Ti;ipfer will carry on his barbering
u,iness as usual.
James Handford, who is a familiar
'g•ire in Exeter, had the misfortune
i fail Friday lest while returning to
'•z hone from down town. He trip -
)ed over a board • on the sidewalks
...�L' ::.. +.. _.. cuttin. a x 1d:3 Bi o'.
The Council of the Township of
Stephen convened at the Town Hall
Crediton, on Monday, January 11th
at 11 o'clock a.m. The members were
all present with the exception of Ed-
ward Gill who is still confined in the
hospital. Each member present sub-
scribed to his Declaration of Office
and took hie seat. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and ad-
The Provincial Auditors' report for
Road Expenditure from Jan. 1st,
1930 to Dec. 31st, 1930 was received
stating that all records were round
to be in excellent condition and that
expenditure of the Corporation amo-
unting'to $12,962.29 without any de-
ductions had been found to be cor-
rect. This sum included a grant of
$150.00 paid to the Trustees of the
United Church at Grand Bend for
improving a street from their church
to the cemetery. The report was or-
dered to be filed.
That the Reeve and Clerk make
application to the Department of Pu-
blic Highways of the Province of On-
tario for the statutory grant towards
the expenditure incurred by the Tp.
on Highways for the year 1951.
That a reduction of 10% he made
n the salaries of Reeve, Deputy-
ac:, ve,' each Councillor, Clerk, Treas-
nre.r and Auditors and no others and
that the following officials be appoint-
ed to the offices set following their
Joseph Guinan, Assessor, Truant
tegistrar and Sheep •,Valuata.or; Jno.
W. Graybeil and Chas. W -Christie•
Auditors; Ernest Guettinger, careta-
ker; .Wm. Sweitzer aand Henry Bea
meinters of tho .Roar.:. , f
Cls Lawson, Gee. Merrier and W. H.
Oh -Ver, Sanitary Inspectors; Ernest
Guettinger, .Milk Inspector; Win.
gweitzer and Henry Heaver, repres
mtatives on the Athletic Field . Board
Eli Lawson and Henry Link, Cow
rag Inspectors; Eli Lawson, Geo.
Merrier and W. B. Olive;. Motif
Altendance Officers with their form-
er divisions; Fence Viewers, Henry
Mills, 3. Morlock, C. Christie, J. Rats
H, L. Kraft, Eli King, W. 3. Brown,
John Gill and Jas. Hodgens. Pound
Keepers, B. D. Cook, Hiram Shap -
ton, Royal Geiser, Michael Ryan, W.
1 Love, G. Wolper, A. Baker; A. J:Amy
C. Finkbeiner, A. Baker, S. Pollock,
C. Desjardine, 13. Ford, . W: Stade, G.
Steeper and R. Bropliey. The appo-
intment of Weed Inspector and Road
Foreman be /aid over. to' the next
linnet -mg on Feb. Ist.
oe�.+ad'!y. '7ei:gna ry i t'h, 19:32
>L.lito Cle;k �arward
a letter to
Councilor Edward Gill who is con-
fined in the Victoria 7•Iospital, London....
extending to him the sympathy of the
Council and wishing him a speedy re-
The fealowing orders were passed''.
aand ordered to 'he paid
1Vfunicipal World, supplies, $8.79;
MX. Merlocic account .30; Canadian.
Bank of Commerce exchange 3.65
dan. Bank of Commerce, commission
Cos say collections 81.30; F. J. Wick-
wire printing 43.50; Jas. Willis sheep
killed by dogs 21.00; Joseph Guinan
sheep valuator 2.00; Sundry persons
Municipal Election 143.05. ,
The Council adjourned to meet a-
gain at the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday:, February 1st, 1932 at 1 p...
1Henry Eilber, Tp ': Cleric..
684Annua1 Report 1i
of ��'
The Huron& Erie Mortgage Corporation
Presentees in its customar?r understandable form
331st December, 19311
The Huron & Erie' owns:
[ Assets ]
Government andi other high grade bonds arid
debentures,»....... _ _ .... ...__--_..._._..-...• ;t 3,966,239.00
First Mortgage investments including interest
due and accrued _ . . 38,086,766.67
(Spread over 6 provinces)
Huron & Erie buildings (seven cities) 3»_»333. 2,168,802.99
Canada Trust Company Stock........_. __ 1,560,485.00
(Mod; of et subsidiary company carried ,as be(oar Teal value)
Loans on bonds..._. ,, 98,730.00
Real estate on handl-
Farms -$ T,,713:56.
Cities (Ontario)._.2'S5;025.G2:.......».._................................ 242,739.18
The assets of the People Loan and Savings !Cor-
poration held as security for the amount still
owing to The Huron & Erie:... _----.-._-_-__.-__ 1,100,646.76
Gash at branches au& in, hanks.. _.... 582,287.02
The Huron & Erie owes:
.[ iiabi`iities
To savings' depositors 110,085,507.46
To, debenture investors 29,735,578.74
To shareholders for dividendpayable l'an. 2,,1932 100,000.00
Surplus Security
If from what we own
-you deduct the amount we owe_- _ 39,921,086.20
-it is clear that The Huron & Erie can repay to
depositors and debenture owners every dollar of
their money and still have a surplus oi'....._..._ $ 7,885,610.42
The latter'amount represents additional security for de-
positors and debenture owners nal' of whom 1+ave•F1RST
ela6a upon every dollar of the corporation's.assets.
The foregoing presentation clltarly indicates the position off
this Corporation at the conclusion of its 68th year 'of successful'
This long and honourable record .amply justifies the unhesi-
tating confidence placed in this institution by the Canadian people.
"Mier than Mu D.baaiair egr Cg+reHn
Andrew F. Hess, Agent, Zurich, Ont.
G. Meredith, KC, Citaiintint of the Board
usere Cro'ye. President M. Ay7swe,rtb. r".enerai Manager
Maj. -Cee. Kon. S. C. Mewbern hI!C , 'Vice -President
•94***** 64444>449444,•.409*4.
eit04+40AO.00•o00e0040404•A A
Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 41.
Toronto Daily Globe $6.00
Toronto Daily Mail and Empire . 56.00
Toronto Daily Star ._..................... $7.00 :
Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 •
London Free Press $6.00 4
London Advertiser ... $6.00
London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25
Imran and Dairy • $2.75 icer•
Fanners` Sun . ..4?.. - $2.50
Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25`
Family .Herald for 3 years $3.00 . t
` $2.25
4. -
Canadian Countryman ..:.._..�..... 3333...... . b
Weekly Witness $3.15 •
Farmers' Magazine. 3333.3
. _333 ..-$2.50 ••
Huron Expositor, Seaforth40.
Clubbing List
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And a• great many more that we cannot enumerate here,
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