HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-04, Page 8WA GA? ETfiHT ,THE STORE WITH THE STOCK aring Sale Continued to Sat. Feb.6 We offer a great many Extra Special Bargains for bal- ance of this week. RQuced prices in effect on all lines of Yard Goods, Uneerwear, Overalls, Work Shirts, S Sweaters, Sweaters, Blankets, Etc... A new lot of Remnants on table, see them! A FEW SPECIALS 12 pieces of Dress Goods at per yard 39e , Blick Douchess Satin, 36 -in. wide at yd. 98c N• prints, 36 -in. width at 18c . Peter Pan prints, to clear at per yard 29c Fr tory Cotton, at per yard 10c to 25c Pillow Cotton, at per yard 29c Tu:. ish Toweling, at per yard .13c Linen Toweling, at per yard ..14c Union Blankets extra each 98c Men's Overall:, at $1.00 Men's Fine Shirts, at 89c 1liran's Combination Underwear, each $1.35 Men's Wool Work Sox., pr. 19c GROCERIES! GROCERIES! C:-'nned peas, corn and Tomatoes, 3 for 25c Gi'letts Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. for 6Oc ,japan Tea, per lb. 33c 6c 15c 38c 2c No. 1, Cream of Wheat, Ib. Factory Cheese, lb. 5 P . Tin, Corn Syrup Ba!7ing bran, lb. J. G PRODUCE WANTE SON PHONE 59 1 • Huron & Erie NOW PAYS 51/2 Per Cent. ON DEBENTURES $100. OR OVER ONE TO FIVE YEARS INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLY "ON THE DOT" Local Representarive: PLACE.. YOUR ORDERS WITH: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Atearynommter 11; EWALD! WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Special' Prices : Thursday, Friday and Saturday McCorrnick's Fancy Sodas, 10 -oz. 10c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 15c Heinz Pork and Beans, large Tin, 2 for 35c Pleesall Coffee, per lb Superior Baking Powder (no alum) 16 -oz. tin.. 23c Tomatoes 2',.2 Tin large, _ 3 for )5c Corn Sweet, 3 tins for 25c Peas, No. 4, 3 tins for 25c Fry's Cocoa, Half -lb. tin 23c Blue Ribbon, 1 ib. Tins 49c Many Flowers Toilet Soap, 4.cakes for 25c Fruto Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs for ..25c Selox (the special soap) 2 pkgs. for 25c .,...Z8c Men's and Boys' Underwear, Sweater Coats, etc., all Sale Prices. • J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 s W. M. S. Meeting Western Fanners' Mutual The January meeting was held at i Weather Insurance Co the home of our president, Mrs. Pout - ter. We opened by singing the dox= OF WOODSTOCK ology, after, which Miss Mary John- stonBusinessof any led in prayer. Then had the i scripture lesson. The minutes were Canadian Company doing taken from the last meeting. Then Business in Ontario- sang hymn 488. Mrs. Roy Lamont then gave the annual report for the Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. year 1931. We decided to have at ' our next meeting a day of prayer. 81st, 1928, 122,206;276. Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore gave the in- Total Cash in Bank and Bonds troduction to our new book, and Miss ;160,378.74 Mary Johnston and Emma McBride. gave the topic. We sang hymn 240 Ra M& 44.50 per $1,000 for 3 snare, after which Mrs. Poulter led in pra-! E. F. Klopp—Zurich yer. We closed by all repeating a I verse of scripture. Mrs. Poulterthen Adent, Also Dealer in Lidhtniad Rods served a dainty lunch which was muchenjoyed by all present. ( and all kinds of Fire Insurance Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. To ---The Man who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. To ---The Buyer who looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, He will find them both in this make of Tice. To --The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; ... WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsmithing, Our Specialty! • Please, Thursday.,. Ftroruary 4.114 10;2 ,�. .4.444.4.4,444,44+++++4.44+414.++++++44-44444,44+444444+++.4. _.our Hardwa.ro. Store WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH -SEASO + ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PSI E • LET US SIIOW YOU' OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE • BUSY FARMER NEWS ( LOCIAJ... MARKETS Weekly Crop Report (Corrected every Wednesday) Eyceptionally mild weather during Butter lb. .. • • • . •10-14-18 • • 25 January in all parts of Ontario aid- Eggs, dozen .... ~ • • 10 -14 - ed the farmer in feeding his live sto- Wheat per bush. ck which is being carried through the Barley bush. winter on less feed than usual and in Oats bush. better condition. A keen demand for Buckwheat dairy cattle that have been T.S. tes- Flour .... ted is noted and several carloads have Shorts, ton. gone to the United States. The mild Bran, ton ..... weather has made it difficult to keep Hogs .. ...... ...... - • .... 4.75 roots, vebetables and fruits in stor- age. Tobacco Progresses Tobacco is likely to overtake che- ese as Ontario's foremost overseas export, according to Hon. T. L. Ken- nedy, Minister of Agriculture. Value of tobacco grown in Ontario in 1931 was mare than $6,500,000. About 15 years ago it was negligible.. There is no doubt but that tobacco will rank as one of Ontario's greatest industri- es, declared the Minister. The British market is taking an inrceasing amo- AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICF '-.' • 4. Furniture Greatly Reduced' s We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly +E * Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest + 4 level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs nowt We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock t Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. 4 4 We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated. Massey -Barris Farm Implerinent Repairs. Johnston 86 Kalbfleisch 1. Hardware Furniture. Phone 63 4 4E'4.44+4• .1444 .++++++++++++++++444** 3: 11111111!ll(1111MMIN111111111111I1111u111111181a 1111111111llllfli11011lllll01111110111111111111111111111E111101111111111111!lillll1111lpflllNllllii41ll 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIII11I111111lllfflllli1118iItRlr 11111111 fr We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, EtC., Etc... 1 good Lumber Wagon ...... $45 1 good buggy at $30 4 wheel Trailer Complete .............$25 KEEP ON SMILING! B. HESS, the Repair Man 11111fp1N8111181111N1118111MiMilnUM11111111111N11111N111If111111111f11111181111111N1i111>b(i.>116i819i18N®111NtlINf1118Mill1111N111111111f1111N81111 IIII1N1 J.8111111111Nh1M81f • i t.++•FST•+++++++++++++++++++i+4 F+++++++++++++++++++++•+ 30 ZTATILI011 25 ... 44 1.75 .3.00 18.00 18.00 Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have It! • STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT, r .. .. >, ..i of the Province at the present time, short courses in agriculture and home economics are being conducted un- der the direction of the local Agric- ultural Representative. In general the courses are of two types—Three Months Courses and One -Month co- urses. At the agricultural classes the young men get instructions in respect to the care . and management of live- stock; the balance of rations, soil management, crops and cultural meth not of Ontario -grown tobacco and ods essential to economical product - the domestic consumption is also in- ion; marketing, insect and disease creasing. The Canadian High Com- control. missioner in London informs me that our tobacco is highly regarded in En- gland. The 1931 crop, due to favor- able weather conditions, was the lar- gest and of the vnest quality in the history of Ontario. Marketing Ontario Beans For the purpose of arriving at more efficient methods of marketing Orit- ario dry beans, growers and dealers held a meeting at Ridgetown recently On the invitation of these two groups A Farm Program the Ontario Marketing Board, as re- presented by W. B. Somerset, chair- man, and J. A. Carroll, secretary, took part in this conference. Tenat- ive plans were agreed upon and,when the gathering dispensed, all members expressed themselves as well satisved They feel that the bean industry is well on its way to becoming stabiliz- ed, Consumers need have no fear that the result of such a meeting,will. mean price control. As a matter of fact, commented Mr. Carroll, the mat. erialization of our present plans will. result in a better quality of bean re- aching the consumemr, in a more elii dent manner and,,it is hoped, in lar- ger quantities. It seems strange, he continued, that an Ontario produced food of such high nutritive value, and that parents and young folk in the of such low cost, should be almost family should sit down and talk the ignored by our shoppers, so far as dtuation over and settle on a policy popularity is concerned. l feel: that if or practice that would reduce the , this product were brought to the at- operating expeb'ses of the farm car tertian of shoppers in this province o reasonable limits and lessen the a different story could be told re- ..nnual depreciation. garding tl*e sale of Ontario dry beans Short Courses Well Attendeel At present we are -working to that 7Cn nearly every county and district end. A farm program for 1932 was pre- sented in a recent address by W. R. Reek, Supt. of the Ontario Experi- mental Farm at Ridgetown. In it he favored the rearing rather than the purchase of feeder cattle, a type of cow that will snake a cream check possible as web as a steer, a consist- ent hog breeding policy to avoid the disastrous results of dumping in and out, a well -cared -for stock of poultry a cash crop suitable for the soil and locality, clean seed—and thrift, The practice of thrift was applied to all farm operations and to the product- ion in garden and otherwise of many home necessities,. The autom.obiile was not condemned as apiece of farm equipment, but M'r. Reek declared GARAGE ATTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GRE A.SE S ll Zurich t 1.44444444.444.44+++++++++++,4114.4.4.444++++++++++++++++++ 1 f 's.4..p+.♦4+ i4++++d+++++++F++MRA# HERALD orricE 1 Do You Know? + 0 4. THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR ' SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! 4. • •THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARRON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH! A. GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER 41IIAN 4. TITIES AT SIMILAR REDtI'CTIONs. THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS 4. MERCANTILE Pb.; L`lI1tS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING +i LA OUR . SPECLTT. 4. 4t44i+rh*i!