HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-04, Page 5" inxsdar„ ' 11 ruary `thi; X9.32 Eu:It1.1CM *iLLkAL, BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E. $OLMES *ARR/STER, SOLTCI r k, NOT- ARY -ARY PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE—Ilamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. iiSpecial Attention to Councel aru Court Work. Er. Holmes may be consulted at 'Goilerich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. William B . Brown A. S. P. "Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop rev YOU Wants, For Salo, ■ .hist, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN 'MB COMMIS i FOR SALE Mr. Ed Bossenberry of Bayfield, called. on Zurich friends on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend were visitors in town on Tuesday evening,. Mr. John Mero, .of North Dakota, A. well made building 14reet 5 called .on friends in town on Tues - inches by 10 feet 5 inches, suitable day. for a garage, or hen stable or col- Mr. Ward Fritz of town, accom- ony house, has two windows and a ' panied by Mr. Ezra Bender of Dash - .door. For further particulars apply wood are on a business trip to Wind - at the home of E. Oesch, Zurich. sor this week. Mr. Leonard Prang is attending technical school at Toronto and is taking a course in automotive re- pairing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grigg, residents of the Babylon Line, were both tak- en to London Hospital for treatments Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner were the past week at Varna, visiting their sore, Mr. Albert Horner, who was quite ill, but is improved. ' Mr. Sandy Elliot of Exeter, the Ford dealer of Exeter, was in town Wednesday and looked over things • for the coming season's business. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (To' 9D.LS., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyosr,Associate Member Engineering Institute of 'Canada. Office--Seaf orth, Ont. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. ',DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6t HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National 'School of Auetioneerieg. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds./ Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size: or article to sell. I solicit pour business, and if not satisnedmakwill e no charges for Services Ren- • ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. Ford Prices Reduced AS MUCH AS $200.00 ON SOME MODELS New T'udar. now Delivered in Zurich at $495. Big Reduction an. all other Models. USED CARS ALSO REDUCED SEE THESE: SERVICE by We have the Better Class of Customers *UGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. ATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- WELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES .Ni) TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work Alone • to Micrometer Settings, No ;guess work. Watch the ' cars that STOP at WEI.N'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE.. 1111 B. DASHWOOD 00000000M0000600*00000 ONTARIO 1931 Ford. Tudor, 1930 Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Tudor 1928 Ford Tudor All Model T Fords SANDY ELLIOT Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET like new $390. $275. $190 $150. $5.00 to $25.00 — Ford Dealer Zurich and Exeter. Lowest Prim Ever — FOR — Reliable Custom Hatching Our last weeks announcement has brought in many orders. Ts yours one of them? Or can you still afford to risk, the uncertainty of using a small incubator for the slight con- sideration of 2c. per Egg. Even with a small order we can persuade you that the Square Deal Way is the most economical way to secure your Baby Chicks. "Square . Deal Hatchery" Dashwood, Ont. EARL GAISER, Proprietor Phone 8.0 ANNOUNCING WHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF 4fUNGBLi7T DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB :LIMED MEAT BUSI.NESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & Son 000000000i000011041•04l000°g00 L,, t VE POU LT RY WANT Box 36 FOR SALE :'•i• , For Quick Sate -1 4 -yr. old cow due Jersey ;3 heifers due in spring; 8 young calves. Apply to J. C. Salmon, Zurich. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. Mr. Leonard Bender was to Tor- onto the beginning of the week. Miss Pearl Wurtz spent the past week with her aunt in Dashwood. The many friends of Mr. William Uttley of town will regret to learn that he was rushed on Sunday to St. Joseph's Hospital, London and operaten on what is thought to be concer. However Mr. Uttley, who is in his 74th year, withstood the operation fine and is progressing as well as can be expected. Old King Winter made his appear- ance good and plenty on Saturday, and a real old Canadian storm gret- ed us over Sunday, and it sure seem- ed cold, it was the remnant of the big blizzard experienced in the West- ern Provinces. Then on Tuesday a change took to inuch milder and it now looks as if the weather was go- ing to break up again and give us mud aplenty. On Friday we are told the road to Hensals became al- most impassable, as the wheels were cutting through the top surface at several places.. The Royal Knight Men's Bible Class of the Evangelical Church held their re -organization on Sunday with Rev. W. Y. Dreier, acting as organ- izer. The following officers were ap- pointed: President, Dr. H. H. Cowen Vice -President, Mr. Menno Oesch; Secretary, Mr. Edwin Gascho. The teacher of the class being Mr. W. H. Edighoffer, and assistant, C. L. Smith This class has the distinction of hav- ing the largest membership of any class in the school, -some forty mem- bers being on the roll. A social ev- Mr. and Mrs. John Truemner of Detroit, were in town the past week visiting with the former's mother,Mrs E. Truemner, who was quite ill but is somewhat improved. No Changes in Act Hon W. A. Finlayson announces + that there will be no general revision °i + + of the Municipal Act at the session + of the Ontario Legislature which op- ens on February 10th. Our mailing list has been correct - up to Feb. 2nd, and if you have renewed yous subscription to the Herald before that date, kindly look at your label and see if you have be- en given credit, and if no credit has been given, kindly let us know at once and we will give you credit at out next change. Mr. Ferdinand Haberer, the prop- rietor of the local skating ring ad- vised us early in the week that he t is flooding the local rink, and with � a continuation of cold weather, there + would. be skating by Wednesday ev- ening, v ening, but these hopes have been shattered by the mild weather on Tuesday and Wednesday. Under the new Cemetery Act each t county council must appoint two of a committee to look after the, cem- eteries in the county. In a great many communities there are delabit- ated cemeteries that no one claims and no one looks after them. But fortunately in this community these have all been looked after previous to this act being passed, and little is to be done in this district. At the recent annual meeting the Zurich Public School, it was p sed that the trustees again comms to give singing lessons to the vario sooms of the school. The Secretary, Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, however ad- vises us that in order to get the Government grant, this course must begins with the fiscial year of the school which is September 1st, and by commencing these courses at pres- ent, the local section would be oblig- ed to bear all the expense, as no grant would be forthcoming. So the trus- tee board decided not to take this up till next September. of as- nce us Farmers' Sun Sold The Farmer's Sun, official organ of the United Farmers of Ontario, has been sold to G"aharn Spry of Ottawa It will be published as a weekly and no longer an organ of the farmer' movement, it will, it is understood, continue to co-operate with the U.F. 0. Mr. Spry, the new owner, it the secretary of the Association o: aan- adian Clubs. He intends, it is under- stood, to continue publication in Tor- onto, and will, for the time being, use the present editorial offices in the U.F.O. building. The first issue und- ening and banquet is being held on I er the new management made its ap- Wednesday evening, February 10thpearance on January 21st. in the church when it is expected CLEAR ALL 1931 FORD that around a hundred guests and, members will be present Manitoba claims to possess a tine but undeveloped mineral field, which is said to be the `largest and most promising deposit of beryl to be fo- und in the world' Early Riser We are told sometimes that it is hard to get the boys and girls up in the morning. This seems to be true even in the Old Land. There is in Southampton a ladder -maker, hale ,and hearty at the age of 107. He was heard complaining the other day that while he gets up every morning at 'half -past six, he cannot get his two 'boys up until half -past seven.. Per- Ihaps they will do better when they get a little older as they are now on- ly eighty-three and seventy-five years :of age. Give them a chance! Ontario Load Over '' ken. every. Day till 8, o'elureh, pan. ,not feed Fowl lama ming' when brought be ;hes. Cask Prices .--CAM FOR* Cream and Eggs W. O'Brten 11 nomV rani PRODUCTS er unseasonable winter weather, this Lowest Prices in History will Clean ' Cut Factory For New 1932 Products Regardless of the fact of the cath - year, the local jack rabbit hunters New Ford automobiles are now be - are enjoying a big season. On Tu- ing sold at lowest price in their hist- esday some 33 hunters armed them- l ory. This is an announcement made selves with gun and shells and start- l by Sandy Elloit, Ford Dealer, Exeter Subscribed The new Ontario Ioan of $25,000,- ,000 25,000y;000 which bond issues went on the ;market Tuesday last, was oversubscr- ibed by $39,000,000 in three hours. Such a response from the investing public is a tattering tribute to the solidness of; the Province of Ontario credit. Five million dollars of ,these bonds were for a term of three years bearing interest at six per cent., and the other $20,000,000 were for a term of fifteen years and bear inter- est at the rate of 5.9 per cent. That the investmentwas considered a so- und one, and the interest returns generous, is amply proven by the re- ception the loan received at the hands of the investing public. Are the peo- ple in general hard up? It certinly does not look like it if good, security lbrtheonaing we: feel safe in Say,- rug alenig u.tia, Choi is more money in Can- ada at present than at any ot;ner Mime that, we kunw sit. ed out for an afternoon's sport, and to their delight it was an idel day for one of the few firms dealing in the Ford products in this part of the this kind of sport as the jacks were province and who is able to obtain quite plentyful. On their return in a number of 1931 models, which are summing up they noticed that a few new records were established. The former record for a day's shoot by the Zurich boys was 72 jacks. But on Tuesday they went over the top, and brought home 78 jacks. Ernest Bates has the distinction of killing two jacks with one shot, while Char- les Surerus had the highest total by shooting eight. The boys are again out this Wednesday afternoon and we hope they will make another good haul. being clears Womens' Institute The Zurich Branch of the Woinens' Institute met in Town Hall on Mon- day evening, at 8 o'clock with Mrs. A. Foster in the chair. The meeting was opened in usual way by singing Institute Ode, followed by Lord's Prayer. The following program then took place, every number being very much enjoyed. A paper on "Valentine" by Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch which deserves great credit. A Sax- ophone and Clarionet duet by Messrs Hugh MacKinnon and Howard Klopp was much enjoyed. Piano duet by Ruth Foster and Winnie Battier also was well rendered. Dr. A. J. Mac- Kinnon was the guest speaker of the evening. His subject being "The History and Practice of Medicine from the earliest times to present Day". This talk was indeed well re- ceived by all present, as it was very instructive and educative in every detail. A contest theri followed the prize being awarded to Mrs, W. John ston. The business part of the even- ing then followed with the President Mrs. Klopp presiding. It was decid- ed the Institute would donate 515.00 towards the local library Zoe• new books. Thirty-five members respond - !ed to the roll call. Three new mem- bers were enrolled at this, meeting. rhe meeting was closed in the usuala way, followed by a dainty lunch ser- ved by the committee in charge. Af- ter a hearty vote' of thanks to those taking part in making an unusually interesting everiiiig,the meeting was orought to a close by singing the National .Anthem. d to make way for the new products of this company.. Be- caus3 of the fact that only a limited number of models are available, pro- duction having been stopped, select- ed dealers in various territories were presented with the opportunity of disposing of these cars. Because the new Ford products will be announc- ed within a short time, it was decid- ed to make the clearance as speedy as possible and to do so by establishing a new low -price level. While deliv- ery may be made at once on some models, on others within the course of a week or so, people who give this announcement any thought should decide quickly. A day's delay niay mean the loss of an unusually attract- ive proposition. A few used cars are also obtainable at interesting prices and there may be seen by anyone who cares to visit the Ford Garage at Exeter.—Adv. Better Prices Cheer Imo* PDS P.++14°+++++++++++++++�f+j"F++'0 r':'+•II• •�F•7�aw•?:'�ir+ '�k'++ +++++++"1 MasseyBarris 1pe a.ent WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM. PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW IVIACHINERY TO LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU Brantford A CALL Windmills and Pumps HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- LOW THEIR VALUE. 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. HOW 'ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. RE1bfEMBER, WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! N. E. Sieran, Agent, Zurich ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H..F++++++++..++++++.4.1.l,+.Ne+ rWWWWWWWWVEWWWWWAVAIVAMWEIMMit Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR. SUPPLY OF PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, TOILET Perfumizers, and Brushes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS 1Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich mff,wwwiwitmiftwammJ. Farmers Australian wheat farmers are gre- atly heartened by the better tone in the warld wheat market. Growers who abandoned wheat for other crops as a result of the depressing prospec- ts last season are now regretting their action. Six months ago the distress of wheat growers was one of the par- amount political considerations in Australia. Now it seems that the wheat industry is destined to go a long way towards the recovery of the Commonwealth, economically. Wheat markets' overseas have armed during the past few weeks, and al- though the tonic effect of the last British election is given as one basic factor, the position of the Soviet, in - the opinion of merchants, also has borne largely on the present position. Russia, it is said ; is experiencing' difficulty in filling in full contracts entered into some time ago for wheat to be shipped to Britain and elsewh- ere, and apparently the Soviet agents have h:.....ily ovcrsol+l everywhere. Buyers may have to look elsewhere for stocks. 1 ,oQ0 o1'Vi . n chose the modern SILENT GLO Because— It Lights Quicker—It Gives" More Heat—It Consumes Less Oil and more Air per Unit of Heat Generated This is the result of patented features not found in any other burner—the Silent Glow "Superheater" and the "Inner Combustor." Let us show you its noiseless, odorless, smokeless oner- ation, and how easily it will fit into your own range or beater. `i cu control the s^ i; r .r:.:..r •.,':ih a :ample valve. Burns cheap fuel oil with blue vapor flame—absolutely safer. Written five-year factory guarantee, $50.00 up. More "Silent Glow" Burners in use than all others combined l!��1I llllli1111111l1l11I I I1I1111(1111 111 . NT !� r.RADEMARKREG.INGAN.ANDU.S.PAT.OFF. �' A I Bina ?i0.. Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim neatens for homes, camps, sic., and Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large homes, apartments and other large bnildings. "MADE IN CANADA" ZURICH - ONT. WILLIAMS BROS.