HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-04, Page 4gel! *OWL BLAKE. ll'ir Lang Foster thipped Week eta of cattle to Totonto on Tue day . Ir. ''ohn. Thirsk, accompanied, by Lr ft n Johnston. spent . a eet iple of *Jaye,last Week with frieede in Lu- ecaat and Londonn. r Miss Gladys Douglas of n'cott Me- cnorial Beep4W, Seaford-;, spent Sat- eurday under the parentaa roof. Mr- Russell Mansoni 'epent the we - 46k -end with friends a tt Toronto and Dundass. Mr. Earl Weldo Of Zurich, accord- :;parried by Mr. Haeold Johnston, cal- eied on friends in the village on Sun- Line. Mr. Ed.J ohn Sin andfamily of Goderieh, spent a day last week: 'with Mr, Nelson dee and fainly on the Babylon laic, Mr. Roy Labnont has recently dis- posed of twee horses to Mr, G. Dow of Exeter, •a'nd one to 1V Ir. McGrath of Dublin for a good Agure, Mr. Ld4 yd Scotchmer went to Tor- onto With a load a'f cattle on Mon- day. Me. Clifford Kell made a business trip tee Stratford Bast Friday. The members Of the Stanley Co - weal met at Varna on Monday for the regular meeting. Mr. John Rath -i xaxll was appointed Road Commission ear for another year. ti Our assessor, 'Mir. John A. Arm -1 strong, is busy making his rounds ef teahe township. Mr. Harry Calver is spending a few. (flays at the home of Mr. Robt. is-; Zteheriing is now the oreer of the '•Olinchey. ;l&ir. Albert Schnell of • Edmonton, ;Alberta, called on friends and 're- ves here recently. Mx: W L. Forrest of Clinton, Mre HILLSGREEN .has. Mustard of the London Road, visited at the home of Mr. J. B. Fe'r- Nesst and family recently. We are pleased to report that Mr. Z. Love is improving from his illness. Miss Mary Hagan of London, sp- -ent the week -end with her sister, Miss Doi ,r and brother Frank. Mr. John Turner of Clinton and Mr. Jack MaGraw of Dineen were in this vicinity last- week. The W.M.S. will be held on the `Day of Prayer, Friday afterrnron, 'eiaruary 12th at 3 o'clock, p.m. TANLEY TOWNSHIP Ir. Mervyn Keys, who is atten'riing 'University at London, spent the we- :tiend at the home of leis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Babylon DRYSDALE Word was received here of the death of Louis Durand at the Genm.- al Hospital, at Bad Axe, Michigan, -aged '79 years. Mr. Durand was a Huron old boy, and came to this no 'untry from Montreal when a child with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Durand when a young man, he had a wagon shop at Bayfield where he was married to Miss Matilda Bushey, some years after they left Canada to mabe their home in the State elf Mi- chigan, ichigan, where Mrs. Durand pre-dece- lased him a year ago. He leaves a I grown up family. Mr. and Mrs. John Mero Jr., of Grand Forys, N. D., after visiting in Montreal, spent a few days here with their many friends and relatives. Jack was at one time a blacksmith at Blake, and one and all of his old friends sure gave him a hearty wel- come both at Blaye and at this place SUR C;H., $ARALle They left Tuesday, a,ln. for their home. Mrs, Elizabeth •hero, nmather of the former, who had been with her sister, Mrs. �Celinas, accomnpanied them.: Jack had left this eornunity thirtyrthree years ago and seen 0, ;gre- at change. DASHW OOD Toy A. Kellerman of Wataerloo, slx?lmt a few days with relativea. • On Saturday evening, January 30, Billie Reid entertained sixteen of her friends at a bia•thday party. Games were enjoyed and the girl's prize was won by Ella Eveland and the boy's by Albert Goetz. Lunch was Urved by 11.iresses Laura Mae Reid and Verna Birk. Rev. Silas McFalls of London con- ducted services in the Evangelical church several evenings last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reschke of . Detroit were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manner. Mr.' Clarence Routledge of London spent the week -end at the home of Mr. P. Fassold. Miss Pearl Wurtz of Zurich spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. J. Kel- lerman. SCHOOL REPORT Room III V Class—Stuart Wolfe 74,4 Ella Eveland 71, Gertrude Hoffman 68.2; Howard Klumpp 67, Phylliis Reid 66.1, Evangeline Held 54.7, Sr. IV—Hubert Restemeyer 77.2 ; Milton Willert 77.1; Lorna Kraft '71.2 Maida Wein 71.2, Albert Goetz 70.2, Wm. Ness 64.",' Robt. Hoperaft 62.6, Reta Fassold 58.1, Harold Kraft 58, Marg. Restemeyer 57.4, Fred Hop - craft 48.8; Mervyn Willert 45.4; L. Genttner 38.7. Jr. IV—Myrtle Gaiser 86, Paul Ness 76, Murray Wolfe 70, Irma Wein (37, Eileen Willert 65, Garnet Weiberg 63, Alvin Willert 60, Floyd nonce 42 Luella Des'a -dine 40 . ' jDesja ] , Carl Maier 35. G. Keeler, Teacher Room II: Sr. III—Hilda Maier 72, Douglas Schenck 63, Edna Maier 60, Ward Kraft '59, Herbert Ness 57, Lloyd Guenther 50, Erma Keller 50. Jr. III—Harry Hayter 80, Dorothy Kraft 79, Lorne Kleinstiver 76, Lois Gaiser 72, Harold Maier 64,. Roy Bender 64, Jean Moulton, Donald Restemeyer 61, Nina Desjardine 55, Anthony Voisin 54, Ruth Hoperaft 54, Ross Guenther 4, Evelyn Bayn- ham 48, Leona Fisher 45, Francis Eveland 42, Verda Rinker 42. Jr. II—Jean Held 88, Margaret Wein 87, Karen Pedersen 76, Mary Moulton 72, Milford Mason 10, Ruth ! Willert 69, Dorothy Voisin 63, Helen • Baynham 63, Jack , McLachlan 64, Walter Ness 58, Florence Voisin 56, • Willis 1Vlclsaac 56, Carl Wein 53, • • Lester Schenk 52, Geo. Mathers 49.' • E. R. Martinson, Teacher • Room I •• Sr. I—Doris Willert 96, Dorothy • Baynham 92, Sigrid Pedersen 88; • Jack Gaiser 86, Kenneth Kraft 85, Reta Matahers 83, Ray Guenther 80,. Hazel Schenk 76, Evelyn McLach-lan 71. arit23e0482110490104040 #•0er•S6! a0eee108®aa®a0®aeease®®ae•m9!•ea! rr ! SCHRAG'S GARAGE• • As es • ATTENTION! PLEASE! •• s We have opened a Service and Repair Garage • lio formerly the I a EDIGHOFFER GARAGE • w And are in a position to give First Class Work, on all e 3 makes of cars, and all other Motors.it IMPERIAL GAS, OILS, AND GREASES is 'r Also THE FAMOUS ATLAS TIRES • : With a One Year Guarantee. I PHILCO RADIOS! PHILCO RADIOS as Give Us A Call! es Schrag Bros. Phone 154. Zurich :I LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES of eggs wen a broken, It was a nar- row escape for both parties, Zurich t The lVtasons of Lurieh Lodge a." Hensall, held an At Horne in the town hall last Tuesday evening, on which occasion there was a very large attendance of the members and their wives present and a fine sociail time was spent. The first part of the evening was devoted to cards, the spacious hall being well' filled with an array of tables, and games were played with zest until 1.1 o'clock, when tempting refreshments were served to the large company comfort ably seated. The death occurred at his home an the London Road south' of town on Friday afternoon last of Henry Dougall in his 79th year. A numb- er of years ago while attending a shooting match on his own farm he was shot by a bullet in the leg and has been crippled since. A few we- eks ago he slipped and fell, suffering severe injuries which no doubt caus- ed his death. Ile was born on the farm where he died and was very successful farmer; he and his sons own several hundred acres of 'land. He was of Scotch descent, Presbyter- ian in religion and Liberal in politics. Besides his aged widow he leaves to mourn his loss, two daughters, Mrs. Orville Taylor of near Zurich and Miss Jean at home and five sons, Andrew, of Usborne, John of Inger- soll and Samuel, Thomas and Malcolm at home. The funeral was held to the Hensall Union Cemetery_ 0J200#600e+0060•91!!!!!O! m•!•t!••M•eilO!!!M••!!!N , ,. ". i'^'....:.-•: •. 1 :.Jx. J. �. .�4 J. --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .1 • ♦ . : i •i-•- :.--.7..-..j;. LJ... i'i .f'.,G.-..1 `---"i"'-------y ' Lot Tis Quoto You On Storni Sash 'and Doors Before the cold weather a.rrivs ;1 Call us and we will measure your windows C. KALBELBISOR PHONE 69 - - ZURICH • SEEMIUMILIOXIMIZIMENI • • . d..;.,; ., ;. z. y.-1`.,�^I•.,a•II-`r•�-`A-i• :-•,�--�--;--'r`i `A �`:"ti,� y�•;` �•�••, i•�••i �4'i •i �•d•> � n'-4•�'M`r•�•; :•�••i••i, 0415140betat•:e604441 I Your Coal Suppiy 4 it •The cold Days are now being ush--• er ed in. Let us supply you with the best fuels at lowest prices POULT] RY FOODS 1 FOODS Try our Chick Starters, Clue Chic' Clue' Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc,4 WE A IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD CLOVER SEED. ALSO le DO CUSTOM SEED CLEANING, . l►r *041001.41.440As 4440 0404040400**&no 0 ea 44 le 4, Pr. A Dorothy Wein 95, Dorothy Hayter 89, Vivian Disjardine 87,. Grace Restemeyer 86, absent; Gordon Kraft 86; Dorothy Moulton 33. Pr. B.—Donald Gaiser 92, Russel Tieman 91, Ada Willert 89, Norman Eveland 84, Shirley Durr 83; Mildred Maier 72, Mabel Jackson absent. Pr. C.—Phyllis Baynham 55, Don- ald McLachlan 58, Herbert Weiberg 50 . Alice Hoffman, Teacher HENSALL -Mrs. M. Miller of Detroit is spend- ing a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Bonthron, Alice Higgins has returned home after spending several weeks in Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill were recent visitors with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children of Detroit, spent the .week end with relatives here. Mary Hemphill and Katheryn Dry- sdale spent a few days with Kippen friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North of Woodstock visited with :mends in town recently. The many friends of Mrs. Robt. Higgins regret that she was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Tuesday last, where an operation for appendicitis wer performed and she is doing as well as can be ex- pected. Grace Forrest of Seaforth spent a few days at the home of her par- ents here. Little. Gloria Twitchell, while play- ing with some other children the ot- her day., had the misfortune to fall off a number of steps from a ladder coining down with great force upon a cement floor, receiving a severe. shaking up, and suffering greatly from shock. Last Wednesday G. C. Petty and Lloyd Vennor were going to Toronto on the highway near Cooksville, with i truck load of eggs, one of the front .arcs burst, capsizing the load into !e ditch. Fortunately ely n+ ithcr pen 'ere injured and the truck only sli- ghtly damaged, but a large quantity COUNTY NEWS ught mountains of suow for eeveral days. The St. Marys Journal is the latest to come forward with a story on freaks of nature in the following: "Eden nature mares mistakes some- times, so if we humans stray from the beaten path on occasions it wo- uld seem that it is not such a crime after all. Ont of the peculiar freaks of nature brought to light recently was something out of ordinary and as such it is worth mentioning. When Sylvia Alkema, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alkenma, was having. lien morning egg: she was surprised and somewhat nonplussed to, find, embed':`• ded in the centre of the spheroid, a full grown bean or large field pea. This was a .case where nature had slipped apparently."' O'0day, i`ebruary 4th, 1.932 •and at the annual meeting hell ou. j aaz l4tb, the following officers we-- ire e- •. 'are elected: Freglitent, Mrs. Jas Mus. tard 1St '- nos., NAM Jas, Finlay- . soia; 2nd mice., Mrs. Wmm. Alexan-,• oder secy'treas, Mrs. J. L. Render- scsi; Directors: 'W. Ivison, Mrs. A. Monteith, Mrs. D. A. Aikenhead, Mrs. J. 'Bowey, Mrs- J. McDonald, Mrs. J.. L. Henderson, W. French; Dnrectors newly elected for 2 year term, Mrs. G. E. Thompson, Miss Jennie Ches- ney, Miss M.. Whitman. The burial took place in Grand. Val- ley on Thursday last of W. Logan Craig, editor of the Wingham Adv: ance-Times,who passed away at his residence in his 64th year:. 'The. runeral service was held at his late residence, interment being made in the Grand Valley cemetery Thursday afternoon following a sedvice .inlKnox Church, Grand Valley, under the aus- pices of the Masonic Order. t The Kipnen Horticultural Society have closed a very. successful: Yeo' Gordon Taylor, of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor, Ex- eter. Justice J. M. McEvoy, of the; Sup, reme Court of Ontario,. who suffered a stroke at Ottawa the other night, was slated to preside at the Assizes on Feb. 29th at Goderich. As a law- yer in London before his elevation Justice McEvoy was intimately known to scores of people in Huron. Reeve Conrad Schmidt, of North Easthope was elected warden of Perth County at the inaugural ses- sion of the 1932 Perth County Coun- cil at Stratford on Tuesday last. Re- eve D. C. Henson of Mitchell was al- so nominated. The Progressive Euchre and dance given for the benefit of the Bayfield Publis Library the other evening in the Town. Hall was a decided scccess both financially and socially. There was a large attendance and all re- ported a good time. Laverne Harness, Exeter, is being congratulated by his friends on the winning of a Bulova watch presented by the R.G. Dun Co., Detroit, for the composing of four line rhym in con- nection with the R. G. Dunn cigar and their radio programs. 0. M. Johnston, of Toronto, and an old Clinton boy, and a former member of the 161st Huron Battal- ion, was re-elected president of the Optemerical Association of Ontario, at its 23rd annual meeting held in Toronto last week. Seaforth News: Mr. Thomas Mc- Millan, M. P., who was in town yes- terday, says, that the winter of 1879- 80 and that gf 1889-90 were just such winters as this one. At least that there was no snow except a little be- tween Christmas and New Year's. All teaming had to be done by wagon. All municipalities in Huron Coun- ty have now paid their county rates to the County Treasurer. They total $237,762.65. Howick and West Waw- anosh townships were the ouly mun- icipalities which did not pay before the new year, and these were sent in shortly after. For the firfist time in years, Goderich town paid up its co- unty tax in the same year they we- re incurred. The death took place in Exeter on Friday last of Mrs. E. H. Morse,who passed away at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. D. A. Gordon. E. C. Morse and C. C. Morse of the Ex- eter Lumber Co., are sons, these fain flies have moved to Exeter within the year. Geo. Smale, one of the early pion- eers, of Mitchell, passed away at his home in Mitchell in his 83rd year. He was around town up until a few days when he was taken with a severe at- tack of pleurisy and being advanced in years his chances of recovery, we- re not good. At the special meeting of the Sea- forth council the other evening; _ it was decided on that the fire brigade be given a grant of $300. and that assessed members be rebated $1.5.00: on their taxes for 1931. After .some discussion this carried. ' County Constable Thomas Gundry of Goderieh, is looking for the mean thief who last Thursday night broke into Jack McDonald's fish Louse at the harbor and stole a keg of fish which had been salted down for 'the inter, also 25 gallons of gasolene. The thief taking atvantage of the pro- prietor's absence, as he is out of town. The side door of the fish house was smashed in. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Reynolds, highly esteemed residents of Egmon- dville, celebrated the golden anniver- sary of their wedding. on; Jan. 22rde The occasion beim observed quietly as members of their femily a • a di.$ tanee were unable to, be pteseut• 50 'years ago their marriage, wase bei aid- ed by a ranting snawst rm.w.Y.e_, Tiro' Daisies were picked on a lawn in Lucan just after Christmas this. year. 'bow's that for this northern. r'im'e "• • Coal to Go Up An increase of at least $2 per ton in the Brice:; sof anthracite coal was forecast at Kitchener the other - day, -when a :dealer said that Amer— ican operators have voiced their in- tentions to stop accepting Canadian money en payment of their accounts if the present 'High exchange rate continues. Operators will insist upon payment in 'U.S. currency, it is said monlitilMIMPROMIIMMOar ani A Debenture Investment - That D'aspeks Anxiety Complete freedom from anxiety about security exists when savings are. invested. in Huron & Erie Debentures. These debentures are authorized by the Govern- ment as investments for executors and trustees. Your savings are just as important as -any' trust funds. Therefore,. choose a Huron & Erie: Debenture *hen you have money to invest. • S/% per annum is paid half -yearly upon $100` ,and over for 12 months or Longer up to 5 years. investments of small. 'sums as well as large. .@Amounts are invited.. Hiron &e MORTGAGE CORPORATION "0/tier than the Dominion of Canada" Andrew F. Hess, Agent, Zurich, Ont - G. Me,edit2,. K.C., Cliaiiman or $oerT Th,mr. Cconyn, President Maj. -Gen. Hon. S. C. Mewburn, TLC, C.M.G., Vim -President M. Aylsworth, General Manager ••••••••••••••••••••40#4044.40 **e **•s •••••••••••••• • • • tt • • • • m • • • • • • 0 • to • • • I• • • s i•4. 4. • 4.• to 0 0 i4. a r • 40• • • • 4. 4. 4. • 4 w ZURICH HERALD'S ••- •- 4* . •• 40. 40, Clubbthg I1ist.. .. ±.. ....s .. I-: $.t 1'0� . , * - ZURICH HERALD and the follow ug aper for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record .----..-.. Toronto Daily Globe ......... .........--..,..-.- $6..00 • • Toronto Daily Mail and. Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star - _. ,._. , ... $•7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press — .............. ' $6.00 w•' London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate .....,.__....,...,$2.25 Farm and Dairy ...__:... - $2.75 FarmersSnn...Irwonto wk. ..$2.5O , Family Herald and Weekly Star . $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years ..... $3,00 w• • Canadian Countryman .. ... $2.25 �•i► *- Weekly • Weekly Witness ....- �. .. $3.1• $2'.50 w . Farmers Magazine ...-.----....1.--.........i 40,• i. Huron Fxpositox, Seaforth .................... $2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. • Ws have the Agency. for every. reputable Magazine ,in ,'. 40.. • Canada and the Uttitect States, and can save you money 40 . on the moat: of therm. • , 40 Rehr all your Papel and Magazines at our ••,. e Office and save Troble and Money • • HERALD OMCE, Znrich. 412 To, : 4 ••** •b* .**•,:•A•* 54•i!R•1►****4•11•4M••••4••• °