HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-02-04, Page 1ER ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING,EEBRUARY 4 (932, Chester L. Smith„ PeeMIt. ;1.25 a year, U.S. $1.FiI M24 $1,50 IN ARIINARS, $2 HAY Bir QH Ja *P Publicity is the1Greatest Factor in Home Merchandising *40004.41 4 4.*414 4 4R444,40+4 # 44.444444••+••••••a•0••... 4.; • • •• Harness, Etc.•• rWE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, e iBAGS. AGS. °ALICES�, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND I illARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY z • e ATTI:CT1VE PRICES. 40c Pianos ••• ft IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW e PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND A 1• CONSULT US,, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • e * SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. e ilk ALSO AGENTS FOR TIE SINGER SEWING'li:+IACHINE • f • FRED THIEL - • Z••1•1.0 • PHONE, • T02. • • • *************.494-4#04 0. Jo00011 4,0Oaoo�•�••s' • 0•••MN••f�•e sense ••e Qi••eii�ilseas.ava a4®Qeett•••••• • • • aleClearinMid1ntr • TWICE - A - YEAR SALE • • '1 Of Hi h Grade Shoes A message of great importance to you! _ Brown's Boot Shop has built up a worthy reputa€ori in I the shoe business through several years of honest deal- Iing in high grade Footwear alReasonable Prices. It has been the policy laf ,t1 -is :stere to give their customers the latest as well as the:best leathers, hence,ave met our geater a year Sales. Year by year Bley- success because the public 7i as learned that honest-to- goodnes Bargains Jiagh graze Shoes are offered. r . Sale Price.- - . -.$2.25 3 Men's Heavy Lumberman Rubbers, Meg. �` .• '$1.95 Boys' Heavy Lunalearmea Rubbers, 3-00, Sale price - - . Trine _.._.--.....___41-50 Youth's Heavy Rubbers, Reg. 2.175, Sale',px Men's Penman Pura Wool .Socks, ..Reg. 1_75., .Sale Price _ . $1.00 Boys' Penman's pure anl .SocIts, Reg• 1;50, .Sale prte .........75c _ Men's plain Rubbers, Reg. L50, Sale . Brice ...... _ . _ •• •• .90c Women's and Girl's Jersey Wool'•Gelashes, Reg. 3:50, Sale P.•. ...50 Women's Splasher Mc Geleela. s, .1 eg..3.5:u, :Sale Price >.._-,. -5 -95 Miss Pat. Pomps,Reg_ 3.:50, Sale :price ......... _ .. _ SL -Vii --$2.45 Boys' High •Grade Shoes and Oxfords, .Reg..4.00, ;sale Price —42-95 Women's Bveidour Slippers, Reg. 1.50, Sale Price • • _ . ' ...... -8:5c ..+W5+c Men's Felt and Leather Slippers, Reg. 2.00,' Sale Price These: are: en.1.j- a few oaf the many Lines not. Advertise & REPAIRING NEATLY DONE /� Shop a LOS Brown's Boot Shop WINDOW DISPLAY •••••••••••••x••••••••6•••••00••••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • g • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••414 to.. 4#4444,04 11411M1104Le.".••Ni,4!•4N04••: • 4 •43 4 4 4 4 4 4 •4 4 • • • •0 • 0 0 • 4 . • a 4 •4 •' • oilman SonI 4i •{� SUITS VERJOAT� SWEATERS UNDE'' EA. , LESS THAN COST ENISALSERSMS AND atISIERAAL enuecrotts 4411•4r 4N4$0 .0 Mei- +••!•+':teVrrF*,,r ... Huron County's New Warden LOUIS H. RADER Of Dashwood, Reeve of Hay Town. ship, was elected Warden of Huron County at its opening session on Tu- esday of last week at Goderich at 2.30 o'clock. 1VIr. Rader was born in Stephen Township 48 years ago. At the age of twenty-six he removed to Hay Township where he has operated a farm of 175 acres for the past 22 years. For twelve years he has been a member of the Township Council and for four years of Huron County Council. He specializes in good hor- ses, having won six silver cups as prize winning trophies for Clydes- dales. He also carries on an extens- We business in cattle and hogs. Mr. Rader's family have been resi- dents of Huron County for three or four generations. In religion he is a Lutheran and all his life has been engaged in church work. At present he is the superintendent of the Sun- day School of the Lutheran church at Dashwood, president of the choir and chairman of the congregation. In 1 politics he is a Conservative. Mr. Rader married Miss Clara Miller, of Hay Township, and they have a fam- ily of eight, four sons and four da- ughters, the eldest of whom is twenty years of age. This year the warden was chosen from the ranks of the Conservatives, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy motored to Exeter on Thursday last. Miss Victoria Deichert, of Strat- ford, was a recent visitor with her friends here. Mr., and Mrs. Percy Weston, of Bayfield spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Herb. Bender. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae motored to Hensall and Exeter one day last week. Mrs. Gordon Walper, who spent a few week., with her husband Mr. Walper, at St. Louis, Mo., has re- turned to Zurich, Hay Council held their. February meeting on Monday, of which. a full report of the doings will be published next week. Mr. W. L. Siebert has purchased from. C. Fritz & Son, the used New Ford formerly owned by Mr. J. W. Horner. Mr. Ferdinand Haberer is attend- , ing the Convention of District No. 8, of Fall Fairs, at London to -day, Wed- nesday, as a representative of the Zurich Fall Fair Association. Wednesday of next week is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the Lenten season. Easter comes very early this . year, Good Friday being on March 25th, and Easter Sun day on 'March 27th. Ori 7kesday, February 2nd, was the day when the bear is supposed to come out to see his shadow and if such is the case he goes back for an- other six weeks. Well he did not see his shadow this year, and we do not know whether he remained out or not, anyway we do not expect to see spring pernantly ushered in for an- other sis weeks at least anyway. Mr. Albert Schwalm, who spent the winter months: in HumboIt, Sask., as Locomotive Engineer, on the C.N.R. Reeves McKibbon of Wingham and is visiting with Ms mother, and other Goldthorp of Colborne were also friends here. Mr. Schwalm advises nominated, but in the first round Mr. us that in the s istrict where he was Rader received nine votes of a pos- sible fifteen and the choice of Mr. Rader was uninamously adopted. He was then introduced to the chair by exWarden Beattie and the declarat- ion of office was taken by the new Warden. In a brief address Warden Rader stressed the need of practising econ- omy and reduction of taxaction. He thanked the members for his election. Many new faces were noticed four- teen new members having been elect- ed. These he urged to take part in discussions. In this year of depres- sion it would be hard to legislate to the satisfaction of the ratepayers. Economy should be practised but wisdom should be used in doing so. The experience of the older members is worth much. The basic interest in Huron County is agriculture. Depres- sion is felt and the young farmer has a hard row to hoe. "Let's try to save the property -owner so that he may hold what he has," urged Mr. Rader. "Legislate with sincereity and co- operation." BORN Denomme-LAt Hay Township, on Jan nary 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Denomme, a 'son. Masse—At Hay Township, on Febru- ary grad, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Masse, a son. ST. METER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, Sh:—Luther League. Satuatday—Chair Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 ,a.:m —German Service. 11 15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7 20 P m. -English Service. 1 very) ody Welcome to all Services. Er Turkheitn, Pastas running, the winder has been quite severe at times, with the mercury dropping from twenty to thirty--beIow zero, and several occasions the snow plows had to be put into use. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone. St .tern was held in the Zurich Town Hall, on Monday afternoon, February lst, with a go- odly number of the. ser6,scribers pres- ent, and considerable interest was manifested. Huron C.aunty's Ward- en, Reeve L. H. Rader; was appoint- ed as chairman for the. meeting, and after his opening remarks, several others made some remarks, and at this time, Mr. Harry Hoffman the popular lineman of Dashwood central gave a fine address on "better service' which indeed was helpful to all pres- ont. The Company is in a good fin- ancial standing, and during the past year 1% miles of new cable were in- stalled, which will add greatly to better servicg, .and .less trouble with the lines. The Company has at pres- ent 734 phones in operation, a gain of 13 during 1932. These various phones are being served with two cen- tral switching stations; namely, the Dashwood Central and the Zurich Central. And the various subscrib- ers are distibuted in the municipalit- ies of Stanley, Hay, Stephen and Bo- sanquet townships. The managing board being the Council of Hay Town ship. This system is known as one of the lowest rate municipal telephone systems in Western Ontario, as at the present time, those subscribers who have withstood the first ten years, during which time the debentures of their individual phone were paid, now receive every day and all night service the year around for $10. and we understand that the local lineman will call and put in one new set of batteries each year free. Then since we receive such a bargain, it should be every subscriber's duty to co-op- erate and not abuse their prlvlleges1 and make conditions bad for the centrals and other subscribers Watch and Clock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER. CENTRES. FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE Special Attention to Mailed in. Watches. Hess, The Jeweller YES! You Will Find a Differ— ence if .ence if You Bum T HE STANDARD AMTH ACI JUST.. ARRIVED! FRESH CAR PETROLEUM COKE. GREAT HEAT NO ASHES Try a Tole! Phone 74 Zurich 1 "61-- �'``' Phone lOw or 103 HENSALL,, CEM, 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 •4 SPECI LS AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STORE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS CASH 4 FF 4u 4 $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE; S,lr,, '1(1' pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought, mot I something a little different. STORE. 0 FRITZ & SON 4. $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPERS,. With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. 46 $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR I3LACK MENNONITE WORM ._Memo + BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make. + $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes cab- + tainable. Also fine shoes for best size's 1 to 51k. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Piain or Toe Caps- + finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 131h. z. 4. .1. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE + FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR R.E- 1: FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS + WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HONIE STORE WHO GIVES YOU 4"; TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER cAsH OR CREDIT. tr. t MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $.2.40 and $2.75 pit. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIE. At + DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CAT.ALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT 4 .1. STYLES TO SUIT' YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAVE * 4 MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA t. Phone 82 oir 115 Zurich. el 43+44++++4++++,+.14++4+44+44ir +++++++4 4++++++44:4+.44 .D+ . ■ \• Season's Greeting WE EXTEND TO ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR N. DOUGLAS. GENERAL MERCHAIIIT PHONE' 11 " 97 BLAKE 1