HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-01-14, Page 5$U$IN SS CARDS DUDLEY E. HOLMES ,3,,ARRISTER;,` SOLICITOR, $O7 ART PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE-HamiltonOFFICE-Ilamilton Street, Just off Bete Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Co -meet and Court Work. lir. Holmes may be consulted at dereeh by Phone, and Fbone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEIT°Z BLOCK -ZURICH livery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HAR'.4'Z•.FAB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD eory Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A•U-C-T-1-0 N Fe:E-R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey. M. Jones National $&iOol of Aaetioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock„ (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing :prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will *le11 anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX L AM IN A POSITION TO CON- .ang ct any Auction Sale, re as to size or article to sell. '1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied will Make no charges for Services Ren- .viored, ARTHUR WEBER=Dashwood flame 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers -HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- WELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES -AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Warts, Hohning and Mechanical Work .die to Micrometer Settings, No -guess work. Watch ti.e cars that .BTOP at WEIN'S. They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. B. Weil ■ UASHWOOD -- ONTARIO 11.""•11, 1.NMNARNBMBNIB111009011 nriehs Popular NEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING 'GMAT WE HAVE PURCHASED. .MOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLtT dt DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB WILED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE H. Yungblut & Sou ;p�MdNNRNRSMMMOiN cOAL 1931 A nnoun c ement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFEiCT FOR Scranton Goal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal .116. SPECIAL. DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. for Ton will be allowed Sear awn. IAriar Z rly as prices will advance on Jsao 16tb. Case & Son IRo a• t<6 IiENSALL LIVE POULTRY - WANTE Races, every Day till $ cfelock, p.m. Ile not feed Fowl sae morning when brought la. • e Wiest Cask Prices •--CASH FOR-- C.r+ m and Eggs - W« O'Brien • 1M tom Wants, For $ale, LAW, Found, Notices M. Ads Ill comas t NOTICE Having raave•d the Beauty Shop from down town to our residence for the winter season, 1 am making a special offer for two weeks, Marcell- <M• and Fingerwaving for only 25c. Lottie E. Turkheim, Zurich. For Sale Light DeNvery Ford, for .sale very cheap. Also a power motor in good condition, rebuilt, mounted on strong iron stand_ Good for grinding and heavy work.. L A. Prang & Son,• Zurich NOTICE The annual meeting of the Unique Farrenea's Club will be held at the school house on the 14th concession on Friday evening, January 8th, for election of officers and taking in members- Also. the delegate's report to the Convention at Toronto. Com- mencing at 8 o'clock.. Everybody welcome. A. Hendrick, Secy-Treas- RADIO 1 have received the agency for the Celebrated PH1LCO RADIOS Which come in a wide range of size and prices ranging from the five tube to eleven tubes. Before purchasing. a Radio be sure and hear the Philco Balanced Super- heterodyne set. If you are interested in a .radio be sure and let us give you a demonst- ration. Allan J. Schrag Phone 1-96 Zurich SERVICE WITH SALES ANNOUNCING NEW RADIO TUBES PRICES UX 201 A UX 112 A UX 245 UX. 226 UY 227 UX 171 A ItiX 280 UY 224 $L15 2.10 L65 1.20 1 50 1.35 1.50 1.90 ¶JY 224 A „,,. n. 2:40 1.77E 2Rtl.. ....�_ . 2.20 IJX 231 m. 2.2o All other Radio Tubes not listed 'here reduced accordingly. For Sale by Stade & Weide, Zurich. . FOR ',SALE For Quick Salm--f 4 -yr. old cow due Jeasey;3heifers due in spring; 8 young calves. Apply to J. C. Salmon, Zurich. NOTICE J. C. Salines & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appretaiated. Phone 94-16. William H. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER !S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Se. (Toe.) 'O.L.S., Registered .Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Aaroriate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office-Seaforth, Ont. Murton & Elie Debentures are a legal investment for executors and trustees. Safe for estates funds. Safe for the hard earned savings of individuals. 5z per annum is paid half - yearly upon $IOO and ever for 1 to 5 years. • i6pplicationsareacceptecdby Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith and xae motored to Louden on Sunday, Mrs. 3, Wiggins of Ingersoll is spending a few weeks with relatives here.. Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Benders of Grand Bend were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Wagner Mrs. Ed. Harness of Exeter, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, E. Oesch Mr. and Mrs. Samuel •Gottschalk. of Seaforth spent a pleasant week -end visiting with relatives in town. BORN -In Stanley 'Township, an January 9th, to Mr. anis Mrs. Clar- ence Parke, a. son. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0, Smith aiid sons Gordon and Stanley of the Blue Water Highway, attended the -funer- al of a relative at Waterloo' on Sun- day. Messrs Wm. 8. Johnston and Ken- neth Routledge are busy auditing the treasurer's -books of the township,, of Hay, and also the Telephone account The members of the Zurich Agri- cultural Society are putting on a dance in the Town Hal, Zurich next Wednesday evening, and a good time is promised to al Iovers of this kind of amusement. Mr. Cyrus Colosky of town has the distinction of a good flock of laying hens, and has kept a strict account :daily of the eggs gathered, and from the 57 hens he gathered ;565 dozen of eggs. The hens are of the White Leghorn variety and are quite a busy flock. The fine weather has brought out many signs of spring. This Wednes- day, Mr. Ted. Haberer brought into out office a nice big healthy dendelion in full bloom, which he plucked on the roadside south of Zurich, and we would like to ask our fathers if they eau recollect in years gone by of the dandelion blooming in the mid- dle of January. On the same day Mr. Jacob Baker wandered in our 'office and advised us that a dayago he saw a guarter snake quite active. Last Wednesday night a very ami- able crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck, 14th con- cession, Hay. The evening was spent playing music and nothing but music, as there were some exceedingly good musicians there. One of them being Mr. Dale Mousseau, one of the lead- ing pianists of Windsor, also Mr. Wilfred Denomy of Montana, and .how that boy can play the 'violin.. There were also a number of visitors from Detroit, Clinton, Grand Bend and Ingersoll. This was the fourth yearly meet of the "Moonlight Or- chestra" featuring these outstanding musicians mentioned, before as guest artists of the evening. LADIES' AND REPORT The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Emanuel Evangelical. Church, Zurich. held their annual business meeting on Thursday afternoon, December 3rd in the classroom of the church. Mrs. Aaron Weber, lst vice-president, was in the chair and led the devotional part of the meeting. After the mon- thly business was taken care of by the President, Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, Rev. W. Y. Dreier took the chair to take charge of the annual election of officers. Rev. Dreier gave a short ad- dress to the Ladies admonishing them to do their best always, and to strive to do better than their best -To have a high ideal, and to keep the words of Paul always before them. -"Let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." The election resulted as fol- lows; President, Mrs. W. Y. Dreier; 1st. Vive-Presinent, Mrs. A. Weber; 2nd Vive-President, Mrs. C. Fritz; Recording Secretary, Miss Jane La- mont; Corres. Secy., Mrs. L. W. Hof- fman; Treasurer for Ladies' Aid, Mrs J. E. Gascho; Treasurer for W. M. S., Mrs. 0. Surerus; Organist, Mrs. L. Geiger; Assist., Organist; Mrs. R. Geiger; Librarians, Mrs. T. McAd- ams and Mrs. A. Mousseau; Auditors, Mrs. C. Eilber, Mrs. D. Oswald; Sec- retary of Literature, Miss et H. The Treasurer of Ladies' Aid report- ed: Total receipts for the year $313.61, Total expenditures $205.78, Balance on hand $107.83. The Trea- surer for W:M.S. reported: Total re, ceipts for year $8L00; Contingent fund $26.00; Expenditures for loeal branch $10.03, The bower committee reported: 383 sick visits during the year; 89 bouquets, 205 treats, 39 cards. Boxes were made up from. the picnic iunch and sent to -sick and shut-ins. 23 boxes were made up by the committee at, Christmas from do- nation's sent in by Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. members and were sent to sick and shut-ins. Money paid out, for fruit and flowers $8.96. Circulat- ing leaflet contest report: Group No. 1 had a total of 360 readings; grottpe No. 2 had a total of 348 readings; group' No. 1, winning by 12 readings. The 'Working Committee -reported Making one quilt which was sold at the fovyt supper for $5.00.. Three comforters and one quilt were also made and given as a. donation from thin Lad1:610 Aid and Mission Society Relief for Eirangelieals in the Mr, Ezra Dufnart and gent friend of Kitchener were here the beginning of the week, on a little hunting trip, The local hunters are again on the war path against the jack rabbits and on Monday were out with rod and gun and when, they returned and counted up all the spoil, it totalled up to 46 jacks.. We remember some winters when we would be looking for the annual January Thaw, and in some instances we did not receive it, but this Janu- ary most of us are looking for the annual freeze-up, as after the frost over the week -end the weatiher. this Wednesday is again just like April, with plenty of mud, after the rain, Mrs. D. Garinger Passes Word wac rteei=•.• passing at Star City, Sask., of Rachel Ann Garinger, widow of the late Daniel Garinger in her 75th year. Deceased was a former resident in the Parr Line, Hay, and then moving to south of St. Jeseph, where they lived for several years, when the en- tire family went West and took up land. Some years ago her husband departed this life, and she leaver to mourn her loss six sons: Moorman Josiah, Truman, Herbert, Oliver and Abner. all in the tar City rli!*ree. Also one brother, Mr. Lemuel Burk- holder wno is an inmate at she Hur- on. County Home, at Clinton. Effects of Sleet Storm. The recent sleet storm which struck the district north of Bayfield and at Goderich on New Year's Day, though it was not noticed to any great ger- ions results as through western Ont- ario. Telephones, telegraphs and power wires coated in ice swayed with the wind broke off hundreds of poles and the services carried by wir- es were cut off. Goderich was pract- icaly cut off for several days so far as telephone and telegraph communi- cation was concerned, and it wil be some time before normal conditions are resumed, though temporary con- nections have been ecstablished. The rural telephone lines centering in Dungannon suffered severely. Nine- teen poles between Dungannon and Carlow were snapped off and others were broken, and the wires snapped off and tangled. South towards Bay- field many poles and wires were the victim of the ice. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband, Harvey Colosky, who died three years ago, January 18, 1929 In the lonely hour of night, When sleep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts are in the silent grave Where my dear Harvey lies. O'h what I'd give to grasp his hand His kind face to see To hear his voice, to see his smile. That mean't so much to me. His loving Wife, Freda. NOTICE, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the County Council Chamb- ers, Court House, Goderich, on Tues- day the 26th day. of. January, 1932, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Accounts or notices of petitions or deputations should be sent to the Clerk on or before the Saturday previous, to ensure attention. Municipal Clerks are asked to for- ward Certificates of election by mail, as soon as possible after first meeting of their Councils. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, Jan. 11th, 1932 NOTICE The annual meeting of the mem- hers of Zurich Agricultural Society will be held -in the TOWN HALL, ZURICEI On TUESDAY, JANUARY 21st 1932 at two o'clock, p.m. Business -Receiving financial report election of officers, etc_ A. F. Hess, Secy-Treas. E. F. Klopp, President. CYCLONE LEAGUE .At a .meeting of the Cyclone Hock- ey League held in Crediton on Dec- ember 30th, the following schedule was drawn up for the coming sea- son. Jan. 8 -Zurich at Dashwood. 8 -Grand tend at Crediton. 11-Dashwoon at Zurich 11 -Crediton at Grand Bend. 15 -Grand Bend at Dashwood 15 -Zurich at Crediton 19 -Dashwood at Crediton 19Grand Bend at Zurich 22 ---Crediton at Dashwood. 25 -Zurich at Grand Bend 29 -Crediton at Zurich. 29 -Dashwood at Grand Bend. Managers of each team are to form an executive of the Leanne.. Vio, Reith, Zurich; Add. Tiernan, a Dashwood; Valtnce, Ctedi:ton;;; y• ................4.........„......,+++++++........„:„...: . MasseyHarris Implements.• WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM. PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO 4. LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU * A CALL 4- 4. Brantford Windmills and Pumpst * t HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD3, r SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR + EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUETS, WE ;c i• SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ''°' ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. , BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- 4. LOW THEIR VALUE. + f + 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. + ¢ HOW ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEMBER, WE + + GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES + Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! + N. E. Siem on, Agent, Zurich* .i, g. ,I„1p'I'.1..1.,1.'t,.l..q.'it.++++++++++++ + 6+ ++++ + ++ + + ++++++++++++.r. .+ �ivum�rwuyvm�wrr�r�urwtiunwnrAVM �MAW/ 'm Zurich Drug Store 1 1 "Win 1lTai t4ii111111 f) (iHi�>r� 1 Ante. ii liltllilll(11iflf((Hli AT THIS GRAND YULETIDE SEA- SON WE CANNOT EXPRESS OUR GRATIHUDE IN ANY MORE TAN- GIBLE WAY THAN BY WISHING OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUS- TOMERS A MOST PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Full of Happiness KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich iAtiO RMANNWPIN WAPV MUMMA), PAWPAW; ,•+•++••++++++++++++•+••+r+ , a >:. a •oe♦+++o••••+•++••+ • •• • • •• ZURICH HERALD'S • • • •e • • • Clubbing List •• ♦• • • • • ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper • • • •• for one Year: w• • • Kitchener Daily Record $5. I0 •Z + Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 • • •Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Z • 1 pronto Daily Star $7,00 s Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 •• Z • London Free Press $6.00 • London Advertiser-.,.... $6.00 •• • ♦ • •• London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 • •• Farm and Dairy $2.75 •Farmers' Sun $2.50 • • Family Herald n.n ``� �'.:i ,' Styr $2.25• ♦• • Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 •• •• Canadian Countryman :23:2155 • • s Weekly Witness • • Farmers' Magazine $2.50 •Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 • 2 s • • And •a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. • • • Wei have th for Agency every. reputable Magazine .in • Canada and the United States, and can save you money 2 • on the most of them. • Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our • Office and save Trouble and Money • 1. HERALD OFFICE - Zurich ;ANDREW '.s k $ Zurichreg... A. C. Itatvu11e :(hand ;mit s.ia t;!bbi*•••ei, *•*•trv,,vwvvvdv*••ww4••* *e eet)44;49914*