HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-12-31, Page 8IGlllkl!!NlIG111IDIIGIIiIIlillGl�ttlllllulllllUiil11114111GAINII{48ilHlfl�lll t Ulll[1v�fllllllillimll�i 414{1{!11111111!(IIIAI�tll111110k '€f�l!fPl sFtIIIIIIIIIIfIIUfllf(IIIW114,14!•lll1llid We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, its., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon at .._ _ __ _ _....$45 1 good buggy at ... . _.. $45 1 Blacksmith Vice at ,- . $6.25 Also Secondhand Tools HESS, the Repir Man IDIE0011IIII7i ll€5691U 11=1ula'lil lGlfil11IIGN 1011IpIllIIInUIINQIHilll99NHmiirall ISES ICllali9t9R In L1GGmmNmNWIGma arli ti m➢i- Arm' vrr� m, X ut , CIO ill TAR AI,.D TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS We thank you for your liberal patronage awarded us during the year 1931. And may the great Gift of Health, Happi- ness and Prosperity be Yours' during the coming year! J. Gascho and Son J. GASCHO & SON .I ..r dor Safe Investments BUY:. DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS PROVINCIAL BONDS MUNICIPAL BONDS 11URGN- and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Yielding 5 per cent. and Over. Appplications for large or small amounts received at any time by: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? vie es40***04111101100411/00001400111WWV00110******411411011130114111046: rt s i TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON. TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS. � STADE &WE'.ID W Wish everybody a Very, AP? Y i D PROSPEROUS NEVA .VF,.A ,1. A few'Specials for Thursday and S'atutrda t ` 1 Choice Tomatoes No. 2 tint" 6c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 19c Premium Tea (with cup and saucer) lb. 59c Christees 1 lb. Pkg. Soda Bisbiits 2 for 25c • McLarens Olives, large bottle 23c McLarens Olives stuffed -.9 oz. 23c Niblets, the corn off cob per tin 15c Peas No. 2 Tin size 3, 3 tins 25c Cream of wheat per pkg. 23c Mixed nuts per lb: 15c Peanuts per lb. 10c Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs. for .'; 25c Also specials in Men's, Boy's, Ladies', and Children's Underwear. J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. Revell and family ' . astern Farmers' Mutual of Grand Bend were Saturday visit- ors isit ors in town. ,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gascho.and fam- ily of Harriston were Christmas Day r OF WOODSTOCK visitors with relatives here. The Lar eSt Business of any Meda Surerus of the Toronto teaching staff is spending the holidays loanadian Company doing Weather Insurance Co at her home on the Bronson. Mrs. L. Kerswell, of Grand Rapids' Mich., was a visitor with her. parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Schilbe. Miss June Smith of Brucefield is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mey- ers and family. • Mr. and Mrs. C. ;9. Smith and sons Goron and Stanley of St. Joseph, were Saturday visitors with, friends at Baden. The local Christmas entertaiitxliie dent, Also Dealer in Lidhlniud Rods in town were well attended Iast week and very appropriate programs were and;all kinds of Fire Insl[cauce run off. Business in Ontario - L iinoun't of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 81st, 1928, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,878.74 Rates --01:50 per 01,000 for :years. E. ,F. Klopp--Zurich Mr. Rennie Weber of' Hamilton; I and sister, Miss' Myrtle of Toront University, are spending their vacat-' - LOCAL MAT S ion with their parents on the Bron- ((:orrected every Wednesday) son Line. • Butter lb. ................... 25 Anyway, 1931 will soon be turn- Eggs 16-22=26 Ing the corner. Perhaps it will ;ta}e! Wheat per hush. 60 the depression with it and user " in' Barley. bush. 35 the good times we had only a short Spats. •bush. ..... 25 time ago. Buckwheat 44 FJot�r 1.75 3.00 SCHOOL REPORT Shorts, ton 18.00 !The following is the report of the Bran, ton ' . 18.00 Christmas Examination for S.S. No. Live Hogs 3.75 8, Hay. 75% Honours, 60% pass: _ Sr. IV—Donald Oestreicher 88, Herbert Miller 81, Elgin Rader 76,. Elmore Gackstetter 67, Hildegard:. Miller 66, Lorne Rader 61. Jr. IV Frieda Bocker 71, Glenn; Walper 70; Vernon Schwartzentru- ber 68, Delton Schwartzentruber 63. Sr. II—Carl Oestreicher 71, Elm- ore Rader 63. Jr. II—OrIen Schwartzentruber 72° Esther Price 61, Hilda Rader 54. Sr. 1st—Martha Miller 69, Jackit Weber 69, Hilda Becker 62. Pr. ---Louise Finkbeiner 90, Eileen Miller 65. No. on roll 22. Average attendance 20.6. E. M. Brown, Teacher. BUSY FARMER NEWS Potatoes For Poultry Farming increases in value as an occupation just in proportion to the; extent to which incidental by-prod- ucts can be marketed at a profit.Not only must the farmer sell all his goo quality products at a fair price, bu, he must also find a market for a much as he can of the unsaleabl product. It has been found that eater net profits per bird can be ma and a finished bird of finer qua]! November Harvest , November n seeo21d growth of and favor produced through cratr., oats on the 26th of November is Lyn feeding on a,ration "of equal parts of experience seldom' enjoyed by farm ' iddlings, rolled oats, boiled potat- ers, even of Southern Ontarro. Yet oes and skim -milk than is the case `this was an ' actual accomplishment where cornmeal is fed. Potatoes, fine this year by K. H. Robertson of Jean ly ground or boiled, are proving et., ette's Creek, in lent County. The ceptionally good for finishing pool-, oats were not ripe, but many ofthe try, particularly when fed in conjun- heads were almost ready to turn when ction with the "white" graing .an+ , when they were mowed under as fer milk. Crate -fed poultry 'offers a re-, tilizer. The stalks, were over 40 in - ally attractive market outlet for cull ches long, whereas straw in the first• , B potatoes. crop was short. The heads were just Testing Cows Pays` ;: as large and the kernels just as sol - The Peel County Cow Testi id. Mr. Robertson had 140 acres of Association is gaining in favor oats this year., ; They ripened very producers to enabduring Hulk and cream � quickly the latter part of the them to cull their flocks on produ* harvest season, with the result that :on of butterfat and milk as deter r when they were cut they were -very ripe. The grain shelled and fell to the ground, amounting for the se- cond crop. • -. • ,Tharsdayr Ilst, • wth in recent years and the value of these tests. The number of herds in - •creased from 32 to 58 in the period 1929-31, while the number of cows on test monthly increased from 494 to '766. A comparison of high and low herds showed a high herd of 8 cows having 10,332 lbs. of milk and 380.56 butterfat and a law herd 6,- 325 ;325 lbs. milk and 234.46 lbs. of but- terfat, representing a difference of 4,007 lbs. of milk and 146.10 butter- fat. From Many Climate A review of the students who have attended O.A.C. during the last half century is contained in the annual )i report from the College. It shows that young men and women from ev- ery province in Canada have been enrolled as well as representatives from no less than 44 countries in Europe, Asia, South America and elsewhere. Empire wide and world "wide recognition is being given O.A. C. graduates. Each year brings evi- dence of .worthy contributions to world wide service made by graduates Greetings! WE ARE HAPPY TO TAKE THIS ' OPPORTUNITY . OF EXFRESING OUR APPRE `. k'.; CIATION ' 'AT THE PAT- RONAGE THAT HAS 13E - EN ACCORDED US DUR- ING THE PAST YEAR AND TO WISH ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS And a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR Johnston Kathfleisch IHardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ZURICH ONT. 3 and by milk tests each month fi the entire year. Interesting #igur� **M*#MRNMMIMS have been :compiled to show the ',gr ZtTRICII " GARAGE ATTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER - 1 HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich 4. 4. IIERALDOPPIOE • 4. • • Do You Knowe t I THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVtCE FOR FIRST . I , CLASS JOB PRINTING! * THAT WE SUPPLY 'AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS , * AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. • THAT WE CARRY RST STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- * ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. * • THAT WE'tCARR'Y IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT 4. . TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR * , SIEZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING 4. PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES 'i' AND MEMODIAL WRITING PAPER. 'I' • THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH * A GOOD . WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- y ,i„ 'PITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. N THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PAINTING * OM SPECIALTY. t• * 4.