HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-12-31, Page 1; • ' r Vol. XXXII No. 24: 'PI a le0 • a ta ZURICH, THURSDAY MO:. To our many Readers and Dorn forbet that 1932 is leap. year. Now is the chance for somei bf our maiden ladies. Z., P. S. SCHOOL REPORT CONTINUATION SCHOOL. Report of Christmas EXaminatioas. iVlarks shown, are pupil's average marks on all examinations. Form I --Paul Hess 77; Lenora Haberer 76, Louise Sreenan 76, Wil- fred Klopp 73, Augustus Clarke 71, Charles Thiel 71, Florence Geoffrey, 70, Margaret Lamont 69, Florence Denonnue '65, Fxed BYtIvW31 ,63, Doris • - • •••000,004.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o4.04.4r4**o • • • • • • • • 4 Pianos Pianos • • ros I FRED THIEL - .ZU PHONE 107.. 4. '- i•••••••04144.444444•404••••••••••••••••.***********i- Harness, Etc. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS. TRAVELLING BAGS„ VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO liTIE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND. CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOE T SINGER SEWING MACHINE 10H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 110011111•0111111011104114646.6612110040 •••••••••••••••••••••••••: • to •04 • 'figieferIES, AFcept this as an expression of our good will - We send crur thanks for your generous support during 1931 And look forward to enjoy a Prosperous and Happy New YEAR Brown's Boot Shop ISE:PAIR/NG :NEA.ITIN DONE SBA OUR DISPLAY Brown's Boot Shop WINDOW 2 • 1 • • . • • 2 -,..imp•••••aitescieepaesses•••••••••••00**04464•••••••••• vd 00A.44•40440 • • • 4 4 4 4 • 4 4' • • * .• 4 Season's Greetings 1 • THE 1104311AY ;SEASON - .Affords:ainaaa pleasant ,oppoitunsly jj. it e express (our •=ppreCistion (of your 1, amid :good towan3s • , ,titt• Bitay ourzserVice confinne to Le. factor in the Tresperitir AcT we 'wish for :you wffng .1 the .Co ming Year!. 1 3i 4 • I • nala -Oh offman „„ „ bion, ISIMALLWERS iSPRAIrizia• DDIECtitkiks. •••• Apt .1,40......e4Polooftwooe•two4poommotorrot. vow toskrOttiii)44.44,444.-0.0.41* DE:OkNIBER 31 (931. Chester'la Smith, J?tzh stas a year, U.S. $1,00 n *drool, *1.50 LI.,T AR REARS, IP MAR isx we extend. Season's Gte6ting8... Greb 62, Ross Johnston 62, Cautin 60, Louise Willert win lYlelick 57, Ralph Uttlei Form II—Quimby Hess Z, rice Gascho 67, Hazel Utt Ruth Church 61, Rosa Ze Alice Decher 58. • A. P. PreSent#140',.. • Rawe, Prin An interesting event 'tail. :on 3VIonday evening when osro-at''.01.ty;, four ladies called at the '4' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Browna-erldal couple) to present Mrs. Broaili Miss Flossie Weber) with 14001,.• t. :xt aneous shower. Mrs. BriW1akIia. theis spending vacation at her home Happy New Year! Dr. am • l, Mrs. H. H. Cowen and little Miriam. were Sunday visitors at 'Fergus. Miss Isabel Manson, R.N, of De - taken completely unawares .7,f met the ladies at the door. dress was read by Miss LettW• heim, and the gifts presente opened by Mrs. Brown, antlaW,0 nice and useful. Mrs. Bro4 red , in a very able manner wit; Tio.1.0 of appreciation. A contest wAa4alaYa, ed which added spice to the: ,ing A fine lunch was then servO ich consisted of various kinds *iches, cakes, home made can: R• cocee. This all was heartilyaetapy„k Social chats and singing tlYaqaeli-, place. All left for their horakk very happy, and. wishing Mrs. Brown a ery happy we t The address: '.? Dear Flossie: We girls have gathere,,, this evening to show, ini a s' the sincere friendship we,, you. In the years that are p4 have always proved yourself friend and willing worker, rejoice in the fact that yoa marriage will not alienate Ya• our midst. As a small toke sincere acection for yoa, jag you mu aa-•,..-tataaaate, , cept these little gifts. May e daily reminders of the happy have spent together as friendaa 4aia aye p • ch happiness anOud.4tat lArotaa, Y r Friends. DANCE At • Town Hall, Zurich On Goshen line north. Miss Ruth Zirk of London,7 spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirk of the Bronson. Mr. Gerald Bedard of the Toronto teaching staff is spending the holidays at his home here. Mrs. Wm. Thiel is in care of Mrs. Albert Hess, who is confined to her bed. 1931 Auto licenses and drivers' Permits are now ready. Renew at office of A. F. Hess, Zurich. Don't forget the New Year's Dance in the Town Hall, on Thursday even- ing under ,the auspices of the Agrie- ultural Society. Miss Leila Witmer of Kitchener, is aying with her parents, Mr. and Witmer of the Babylon. Mrs. Clarence Hoffman of dait were Christmas visitors with their parents here on Christmas day. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and dau- ghter Hazel of Stratford were holiday visitors at the home of the former'S sister, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Mrs. W. Jervis and daughter Aud- rey of Holmesville are spending the holidays with her parents, air. and aaaagaivaaVar.i-,_araav, MiSs Elizabeth Rennie, aVlucsPent a‘ievr days with her sister, Mrs. Lydia, Geiger, returned to -Kitchener last ''week. The many friends of Mrs., A. Rose will regret to learn that she was tak- en to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday, where she will take treatments. Among those who spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob •Ortwein, were: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goetz, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morris of Stratford, Mrs. Roy Nelson, Misses Mildred and Gertrude Ortwein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and litte daughter, Mr. Haines and Mr. Corra al of Detroit, Mr. and Milton Deitz and family cif Zurich. A happy time was spent by all present. Word was received here of the passing of Mr. Joseph Wickias at his home in Ingersoll, on December 24th, in his 75th year. Mr. Wickens has beem quite sickly with heart trottfile the past year, and gradually be- , came worse till on Thursday to sue- umbed. Deceased was well known by many in Zurich as he frequently vis - with Mrs. Wicken's parents, Mr. and S T. PETER'S • Mrs. John Hey, Sr. Deceased was ;twice married and two children sur- vive with his first wife, and with his second marriage, his widow, Mrs. :Wickens (nee Melinda Hey) survive. .The funeral was held on Saturdayto Friday, 8h.:—Luther League. ' the Ingersol cemetery. Deceased was Saturday—Choir Practioe ° 'formerly a farmer but for the past SUNDAY SERVICES seven years had retired. 10.a. m:—German Service. 11.15 .a. m.—Sunday School. ;; SCHOOL MEETING 7.30 p, m.—English Service.1 • • A large number of ratepayers we- Ever.aboay Welcomes to all Sergi. on. re present at the annual school me - E. Turkhaim, Pastor . eting on Wednesday morning at the a' Zurich school, when a very favorable report was given by the trustees. A motion was put through sliming the ATTE NTIONI secretary of the trustee board to receive $30. instead of $15" as form- erly. The chairman, Dr., A. T. Mac- odi,er i , Garae Kinnon in discassiaga th!e teacher's g — salary question advised Oat Zurich teaehers,were receiaing the same sal- aries as other teachers in the com- munity of schools of riearly the same size. Too small salaries will cut the grants down and will be a detriment to the staff of teachers. In the elec- tion of officers, Mr. L. W. Hoffiean was elected for another term as aud- itor. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon was the elected as trustee for another term of three years. The trustees were recommended by those present to again try and have a singing instruct- or give services. No delegate will be sent to the Provincial convention at ,11 JAM( KIPPEN, ZURthlt Toronto. THURSDAY EVE., DEC. 31st. Under Auspices of Zurich,-Agricult ural Society Name the prize. New and Old Time Dancrng; Denomi Orchestra will furnish the music. Refreshment Booth Orchestra Contest. For a Admisslon—Gents 35c Ladies ne Gallery 10c EVERYBODY WELCOME Evangelical Lutheran -Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changetess Christ for a chaise. jag World" 0 HORSE SHOEING ANI) ALL e • KINDS .1' OF BLACKSMITIIING, A1IJTi4OBILE REPAIRING, FEND- ERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. "No Matter How Badly Damaged. BESTOIL OR GAS, .A:TJTO ACCES. °RIES. CHARGER REASONABLE Give Us a Call! • 3 • 0 • • • • • A HAPPY and Prosperous NEW YEAR To All is the wish of Hess, The Phone 74 YES! You Will Find a Dfen. ence if You Bum Prices now at Rock Bottom Low for the Season. Stock up NOW with thix Genuine Anthracite For Cash Payment a Discount of stss Jeweller per Ton Nail be Ailowed. Zurich ca=..teicra, Phone lOw or 10J HENSALL„ ONT.. 4+4. 4. 4. 4. 4. - • • • 41. 4.4. • 4. 4. 4444444444444444444444444444+4444444444.*04444+ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. It is in all sincerety that we extend to one and all the most :71,01;•fre, 471r•*vv, SEASON'S.. GREETINGS Wishing for You and Yours an overflowing abundance of the pleasures, the joy, and the happiness which is associated with this season, and may the coming year bring to you the Priceless Gifts of Health, Prosperity and Contentment • • 44. 4. 4. 4. 4. - ••• 4' 4- 4. 4. 4. C FRITZ & SON ZUrith -e. MEMBER OF MUTU.AL SHOE STORES OF CANADA Phone 82 or 115 41111.11•010•11011.11M1IMMOMMINVIVISRIVP Season's Greeting WE EXTEND TO ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS • Merry Christmas AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MER OMAN?' PHONE 11 97 SLAKE „ , I