Zurich Herald, 1931-12-17, Page 6A
"Lone E" hopes that all the Lope Unbitten oi" Scout Lariat work at the
Stouts of Ontario will have a 'Very
Happy and Prosperous New Tear: FIRST AID fjR: DOGS.
What will be YOUR New Year Reece
lilticn for 1932? If you are already Whilst a Louie's First Aid training
a Scout, be hopes that you will re- is not primarily intended for use in
solve to make your Scout Programme animals it works just as, well,
full of activity and advancement, and . When a'Winni,peg Scout's'collie was
if you are NOT a member of the run over by a trnbk"' anal had a leg
Boy Scouts Association, he -hopes that broken, his young 1 eviler i provised
You will resolve to join the great splints, used
World -Wide Brotherhood. of Scouts necktie for bandages, r'a'ta carried the
without delay. dog to a veterinary, where: the leg
In any case, Good Scouting to youwas placed in a east.:"Vie believe that
Doggie is well on the road to reoavery.
Arrangements are : beteg made for
We are glad to hear from Lone some 25,000 Boy Scouts from 45 couu-
Scout Dalton Woodward of Canning -
ton to attend to' the effect that the L• onies in Jamboree to Hungaryhnext
in ldThe
that place have organized themselves Jamboree will be held et 1933. o,; the
Into the."Owl" Patrol. If they use former estate of .the late'Empothe
the wisdom popularly attributed to Francis Joseph I., which has been
that well-known bird, •we know that placed at . the • disposal of the Scouts
the "Owl" Patrol will be a success. by Admiral Horthy, the Regent of
We wish them lots of fun and good
luck.• • • We wonder if any Ontario Lone
The' "Hounds" at Milford still con- Scouts wilt. be there? ,
tinue to do good work, and they keep
"On the trail" through thick and thin."..,The Camp equipment of a cetain
Alberta Scout Troop this summer
included a cow. She went along to
solve the "Safe Milk" problem. We
wonder how much competition there
Ottawa Fair?
We notice that they turned out in ful
force to a Remembrance Day Parade
The Patrol at Lucan will soon be a
full-fledged Troop, we think. TheY was to be the first up in the morning
have already recruited themselves an to milk her?
Assistant Scoutmaster, who has start-
ed in to acquaint himself with the .SCOUT STATUES.
Tenderfoot and Second Class Tests.
Good work, Lucan Lorries!
Records at Dominion Headquarters, ice rendered by Scouts, including theM
Ottawa, show that 50,880 Canadian location of de oration of the graves won't you .please replace your Gains- "Brass Brain %
Boy Scouts have taken First Aid of the Fathers Of Confederation t;or, borough?r.. I •prefer the hat." Therej
Training, and 15,631 have qualified for the Diamond Jubilee of 1927. have been a•good many times in a long; -
the Advanced First Aid "Ambulance theatrical experience when a disclaim -1
i 'critic would much "prefer
Two Boy Scgut Statues appear over
a corner- window of the -new Govern-
ment "Confederation Block" at. Ot-
tawa. They commemorate public serv-
Low.Cra Girl :and! Boy
Mary Rico of Keewatin Minn,, and Charles Brown of
Ground, Ind., with Sir Thomas, Lipton trophy cups awarded
Club -congress in Chicago as "outstanding girl and boy."
at 4-H
Mi1hio s Signing New hive tionMay
ForDisarmament Eliminate xplosio
Mammoth Petition Circulat' Device Perfected. by 0. A. C.
ing Throughout World fessor May End
I Thr eshing daze
Gains Headway i
London.—A. gigantic disarmament Hamilton.—After maUY years of ex.
declaration, launched in all five con- porimental work, the professor of phy
tinents by the Women's International sacs at the Ontario Agricultural Col -
League, is gathering moinen u has
perfected t ni as lege, Guelph, a contra
the day for the world eonfees lcq on 3 vanes for testing threshing machines
thisL great question approaches. which will practically eliminate the
London is supplying ,0w signatures danger of ire, providing certain pre-
daily to the document, which is de -II cautionary ineasures are carried out.
signor to rive th sstatesm . head °e , Fire Marshal Heaton announced dur
world drive n statesmen . p the , ing the special Wentworth lire inquiry
world for�vaxcl on the path of Peace. at Rocktou,
Every adult in a village in lntontgom-, The mechanical device has been iu
eryshire, population
ope, bas signed. So'has i,the possession of ofeviees of the.'C7ni-
the- villages
ponula ant of several frozeI versity of Toronto for some consider -
tier villageu in France, able time, and has been found to be
The league section in into Arabicr- has ren- i satisfactory after thorough inspection.
doted the document and, Mr. Heaton said that efforts were
is hard athwork colIndting. signatures I made to have the product available
among the natives. India, Japan, Indo- for the present threshing season Ile
promised that the apparatus woule be
available early next year. The attach-
ment records operations of the separ-
ator, and detects defects which might
result seriously.
Static electricity within the blower
was the cause of many Ontario farm
fires last year, Fire Marshal Heaton
added. Just what caused this peculiar
condition he could not say, but. the
feeling has been expressed that ma -
d anted F rs i u " r the hat."
Man" badge. Returns which are coming in to
For quite a number one
U r of Scouts this L Scout. 'Headquarters at Toronto I —May, 1582, - By Recording Changes in
thefirst step to showthat these columns are being
Predict Weather
China, among the eastern .countries,
are participating.
In Canada the goal of 500,000 signa-
tures appears in sight. A transcon-
tinental caravan tour which traversed
the United States has visited 125 cities
in 25 states . and collected 125,000 sig-
Holland, where the press has circu-
lated a slightly different petition, has
quickly amassed 2,500,000 signatures.
; -
training has proven rs a es At a•recenteainner party in Paris the Strength of Sun Rays
a he diversifiedvy Degree ini Medicine. throughoutrwith interest nby many boys host provided .a: novelty which mays:1` Washington.—The goal of success-
BoyThe training which the this Province. Application possibly, become a feature of dinnerScout Programme gives to a boy for membership in the Lone Scouts .p Jul,Tlong-distance weather forecasting
average one per day. Parties in the electric . age Beside ay be brought nearer through the in-
frequently enables him to decide on each plate was a telephone, which was ention of a "brass brain" designed to
the career for which he is most fitted. If you are not already a Scout and
would like' to be one, why not write
connected with a distant salon, whergure•changes in the sun's heat.
at once -to the Lone Scout Depart- l a superb orchestra was playing. The l:4 The "Brain" was exhibited for the
ment, Boy Scoots Association, 3301 guests were thus able, between the ti'irst time at the anneal meeting of the
been on range all summer, Bay Street, 'Toronto. They will be { courses, to pass the,. time pleasantly `:'regents of the Smithsonian Institu-
an Ontario farmer applied to the Ot- glad to send you particulars. Lone, in: listening to good music instead of tion.
t d d f h in smalllm ing obvious remarks. about the ' It was invented by Dr. Charles G.
ors for a Scout roping expert The � � ► .4and calcul 'gee and evaluates c an
boy was taken out to the farm and'routes, where there is' no regular Although the electric boll is now rn, a the amounts of radiation h Treat
promptly suec?Pded in lassoing "LONE E ", vogue in many hotels, its. use is notcoming tote earthfrom the
horse. eaeas farmer had seen an exof- allowed many
dthe leisurely': kith all life depends.
Jokes of the Pas
When unable to capture a horse
that had be
Tho whole population only numbers chines should be grounded. The ofli
8,000,000, tial thought the speed of the mechan-
ism within the separator might pro -
the Disarmament Conference is due to duce the current, and said that in
begin, the league is redoubling its many places officials had demanded
energies throughout the 45 countries.that ground connections be made, re-
lated.iwhich the petition has been cireu- ardless oY whether threshing was,
The declaration on disarms gdone inside the barn or in the fields.
ment which the friends of peace are
The fire marshal suggested that it
asked to sign came into being at a
meeting of the Women's International might be advisable for farmers to
thresh in the field rather than run the
risk of losing their barns,- and said
that while operations were carried on
indoors as a convenience, he doubted
if the time and labor saved compen-
sated the farmer for the risk involved.
He thought it a mistake to drive�trac-
tors into the barns, and expressed the
opinion that some other means should
be found to haul separators.
taws District Boy Scout Headquart- Scouting is to en a or oys weather.—Aub., 1583. ' Abbot, see`-etary of the. Smithsonian,
t towns and villages and on rural s gas
the Scout Troop b ,i h sun on
re "'
League at Prague in August, 1929. It
runs as follows:
The undersigned men and women,
irrespective of party, stand for world
disarmament. •
"They are convinced that competi-
tion in armaments is leading •ala coun-
ountries to ruin, without bringing them
security; that this policy renders fur-
ther wars inevitable; that wars in the
future will be wars of indiscriminate
destruction of human- life; that the
governments' assurances of peaceful
policy will be valueless so long as
those measures of disarmament are
habits of the .waiters if we may judge The radiation apparently rises and
h thery landlord called for the rent •
again next month!" it would by the. folloR'ing irectious, posted falls over regular cycles.: Dr. Abbot
� en- to be the cause
• A celebrated dandy was one evening ,he wanted a name for it he might call tertarnment at a seaside resort. „ of changfs rn the weathr.
in company with a young lady, and ob-
serving her kiss her favorite poodle
' he advanced and begged the like favor,
remarking that she ought to have as alone one evening recently, were re -
much charity tor him as she had hearsing how they would . dispatch a
shown to the dog. "Sir," said the burglar if one suddenly appeared in
belle, "I never kissed my dog when he the room'. One of the heroines )vas
was a puppY." The fellow took the armed with, her brother': sword, and
hint and went off instanter.—June,
* * *
have "Come
good sale. So it would: and if over one of the bells in.a house of says these "cies seem
it the postphonograph.-Sept., 1882.
Two ` brave young ladies, whilst
the other nourished a hatchet. In the
midst of a rehearsal a "frightful mon-
ster" in the. shape of a mouse ran
John Buil has a rooted objection to l across the floor, when one of the girls
everything "new tangled." . When the I incontinently fainted and the other
Act was passed requiring owners of l smashed a OW'mirror in attempting to
"common stage -carts" to place their • climb upon the bureau.
names upon their vehicles in letters of * * o *
Gentleman (who has stepped upon
her dress) : "A thousand pardons,
madam." Lady (pleasantly): "it's of
no consequence, sir." What she said.
cumstance to circumvent the new law. of him: "Awkward, stupid fellow! My
A wag of a baker at Guildford, in Sur- ,gathers are all torn out and I've got
rey, scattered his name all over the to go home." What he said to him-
, cart, placing a letter in each panel. self: "Confoundedly ridiculous fashion,
The most ingenious device, however, those trains in the street! Make a
was that adopted by an Acton man• i man look like a fool, cutting up such
What he was required to put on his ; capers with them!" -January, 1886.
a, given size, by a curious oversight
no clause was inserted to secure that
these names should be legible, and
every advantage was taken of the cir-.
the knob. It you do not get
wex in fifteen of twenty;aiinu
it again."—Sept., 1883.
cart was "Amos Todd, Acton: a stage -
cart." He re -grouped the letters in
such wise that they read: "A most
odd act on a stage-cart."—Jan., 1884,
* * *
A young lady said to her lover:
"William, how far is it around the
world?" "About twenty inches, my
darling," replied he, as his arm en-
circled her waist.—Dec., 1884.
* *
* *
A. bicycle dealer has utilized the
happy thought of presenting a pair of
crutches and a box of court plaster to
each purchaser of a bicycle.. He is
monopolizing the trade. -Dec., 1886.
A fashionable young lady accidental-
ly dropped one of her false eyebrows
in her opera box the other evening;
A fashionable lady witness fainted : and greatly frightened her beau, who,
dead, away while giving her testimony, on seeing it, thought it was his mous-
and the doctor who was summoned tache.—Dec., 1881.
said it resulted from her corset being At a lecent'duel'near Vicksburg, the
too tight. The incident was very pro- parties discharged their pistols with-
perly entered upon the minutes of the
case as "a stay ,in the proceedings."
Out effect, whereupon one of the sec -
Feb., 1883."..` tends interposed, and proposed that
the combatants should shake hands,
A man will carry twenty sovereignsTo this the other second objected as
in. his waistcoat pocket, but S. woman' unnecessary. "Their hands," he said,
ricers a morocco purse as large as have been shaking half an hour,"—
one's fist, and too heavy to be carried Feb., 1882.
Jawson: "How dud.,your automobile
turn out i
Dawson: "Beautifully! Although I
* * * I ran over two pedestrians and three's
l bicycles and knocked two wagons into
Eggs are; cheap in the Shetland Is -1 1
lands. A Young man went there, and , a ditch, my. motor Was net at all in -
after a day's walking thought he would juror, and 1 arrived just on tune." -
like some dinner. They had nothing Aptii, 1901. 1
but eggs at the house. He said, "Bring At a certain theatre not long ago
12 nts Worth." They brought two a entleman raked a lady friend 111'
dozed and told him the others would' front of him if she had any objection I
tomo pxosentiy.--Aug., '1582.. to removing her Gainsborough, • She':
* * *
'"Someone has sugge`ed that if the' had not, and gladly obliged him. The
inventor of the phonograph would platy proved to be a miserable "oodge-
bran out a little machine to be at- podge, and after. the first act tile gen.
bring tlenian said, "Thank you great"ty; but
tacked to the doer which, would says .
n ans-
s, push Tasty. Bait
The rity'visitorwas supercilious and
inquisitive. He was wandering about
the little'country town, noisily and of-
fensively amused at its rustic sim-
plicity. In. the course of his meander-
ings he came upon a native fishing in
a stream. The old fellow was gazing
intently at an apple which. •dangled
from the end of his line.
The city man approached. •
h d -
Bessie—"What .do you think of
higher education?"
• Bert—"It's all right, except in the
colleges where they let it take up
too much time from football prac-
Los Angeles. — Police were faced between a moose and an elk was re -
with one of the toughest jobs they've codify killed in the Deerlodge National
Forest, in Bear Gulch. The animal had
a body and horns that were half elk
and half moose, and was known by
had stolen seven pet skunks belonging United States forest rangers as "the
to R. N. Bawman, and the cops were elk with the funny horns."
sent out to locate and bring back the
animals. Gas masks were part of the. That virtue which requires to be ever.
equipment taken along. guardedns scarcely worth the sentinel.
I say, old fe low, w at are you o
ing' there?" he asked, obviously
"Fishin'," said the native, without
looking up..
"Well, what's the apple for?"
"Bait? Aren't you using a worm a
"`Well, where is it?"
"In the apple."
Half Moo.., Half Elk •
The first known specimen of a cross
Arctic Route Declared
Most Practical Air Link
London.—The Arctic route is the
delayed that should be the first result most practical air link between Great
of the Pact for the Renunciation of Britain and North America, according
War." to H. G. Watkins, leader of the British
Artie air -route expedition. Winnipeg
1,200 Species of Bird Life
Habitants of N. America
There are more than 1,200 known
birds on the North American contin-
ent. Scientists have now found and
recorded the eggs Of all of these spe-
cies. The last to rbe found were those
would be the Canadian terminus of the
route, althiugh he declared it would be
some time before it could be used com-
mercially because of the lack of geo-
graphical and meteorological know-
From London, the .nost likely route
-Would lie over Northern Scotland, the.
of the Harris sparrow. That. bird is SO Faroe Islands, Iceland- aid.-aereee.•
clever at concealing its nest and eggs Greenland about the latitude of the
that ornithologists were unable to find Arctic circle. From that point the
either despite more than 100 years of route would be over the lower portion
searching. Dr. George Sutton, Pitts- of Baffin Island and down the west
burgh ornithologist, however, wouldn't side of Hudson Bay to Winnipeg.,Ovcr
give up the search. • He led an' expedi- the entire route there would be : no
tion into the icy wastes on the western
shore of Hudson Bay. There some 40
Miles north Churchill, Manitoba, he
had for a long time—but it .wasn't any
.tougher than that of the thieves they
were sent out to capture. The crooks
in the pocket, to escort live shillings,
a couple of postage stamps, a recipe
for making curry -powder, and two pat-
terns of dress goods. --Web, 1882.
sea . jump longer than 700 miles.
The Canadian end if the route has
been investigated thoroughly, said Mr,
discovered several nests and eggs of Watkins, bu: the central portion is par -
the elusive Harris sparrow. Each titularly inaccessible. The east coast
nest, he reported, contained five tiny
eggs smaller than those of the robin.
They are pale green in color, with mot-
tled brown marbling. Most. of tlietn
were found 1n small bushes near the
'Gator` Mascot
Ono Florida football team. lin o young- alligator as mascot.
we • see "Billy” in the conmanyoll a co-ed and cheer leader.
Millionaire Class Shows • •
Big r a$
New York: A -decrease of 23,496 in strange animals that once lived in
the millionaire list is shown. accord-' Montana and Idaho. The Montana ax-
ing to a report issued•by the U.S. I pedition is hunting for the bones of
Treasury Department. In 1928 static- distant ancestors of the camel and
tics showed 43,184, while after the rhinoceros that lived there millions of
stock market dollapse the number had Years ago. Under the direction of Dr.
shrivelled to 38,550. - 'Charles W. Gilmore, of the National
And last year, so heavy wore the Museum, this party also has an eye
inroads made by the depression, only
a mere 19,688' were left.
•The Treasury Department defines a
millionaire: as.a person with an income of the'National Museum, is centerin;
of $50,000 a year, representing at 5 per its operations in the Snake Riper Val -
cent. a capitalization- of $1,000,000. Iley of Idaho.. There it is seeking the
Throwing further light on the tre- fossil remains of an extinct species of
mendous losees suffered by the rich, 1 horse believed to be the "missing
the statistics show that while 511 per- I link" between modern horses and the
sons had incomes of $1,000,000 or more three -toed steed 'of ancient times.
in 1928, there were only 149 in this
category in 1930.
The housewife answered the door-
bell's ring. At her heels were two r and
poodles. A policeman stood on. the the time will inevitably come when
step.• those who are carrying the' burden will
'"I see you have a couple of dogs,"
he remarked. "Have you licenses for tell those who are unemployed to got
them?" .
"Oh, no," she replied, "they're too
Greenland is mapped only roughly
and knowledge of flying weather and
conditions in that region is practical-
ly negligible.
Historic Expeditions
Two scientific expeditious are now
Sly inka In States searching for the fossil bones of
open for the bones of animals that no
longer exist. The other expedition,
under the direction of N. H. Bose, also
The Dole in Australia
Sydney Bulletin: "The dole will no.
lastt long. In effect it means that
those who are in work have to main-
tain those who are out of work. d
j young." . • . . -
I The poodles frisked round the po-
work and snpport:themselves.
g Doing
Smifins was one of triose men Who
!iceman, and he patted them. like to get something for nothing, ane
"Mice, friendly little things, Aren't when he called upon a friend and
they?" he said. found that a nice fat chicken had just,
"Yes. Ypu'd never think they'wMere boon placed on the table, he smiled.
mother and dau—" j Then he sniffed appreciatively.
The summons arrived 4n due time. "I say, old mat," he said, "that
smells good. Are you going to eat it
Two Wrongs • a.one?"
Ilow do you like•lt now that mummy The other knew Smiiline.
has gone away for a little 'while and "Oh, no," he said, quietly. With.
left you behind?" asked governosh of splaach and potatoes and things • like
her charge. that."
"Pee got daddy," said 'the child. "Me — •a - - —
hugged and kissed daddy last night." "Now, •boys," said the master, "T
"Willie! You know that's wrong, want • to . test your knowledge at
you : should say: '1 hugged and kissed geology.: Jones, tell me what you
(faddy last night'." • know about alabaster." "Please,
"That'd be wrong, too," said Willie, sir, lie was the chap who caught the.
"That Was Friday night." " P ci'ty • Thieves!"