HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-12-10, Page 8THE CHRISTMAS.STORE O. again the Joyous Christmas Season is here, bring- • ing with it happy memories of other Christmas Days, • an0 no doubt you are again looking for suitable Gifts fo.-. your Friends and Loved Ones. We are ready with a,:eat var•iety of Christmas Goods for your inspection •at Lowest Possible Prices. FOR LADIES' ater Coats, Silk Hosiery, Fire Kid Gloves, Silk L.r...-;:erie, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Mine Silk Bed Spreads Dresser Scarfs, Papetries, Chinaware of' every Description. FOR MEN New. Scarfs, Sox, Ties, Gloves, Sweater Coats, Belts, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Caps. FOR THE G1RL3 AND BOYS .nrthing in wearing appaiel such as Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves, Toques, as well as a new assortment of Toys, Dolls, Games, Books, Etc., Etc. NEW FRUITS and NUTS 'Oranges, Dates, Figr, Shelled Walnuts and A.'..-noricls, Peels, Candied Cherries and everything else .'uiied for the aristmas cake. Also new Walnuts, ;monds, Filberts, Brazilsz, Pear „Its, and a we:11 assorted stock of Candies, Chic:elate Bars, Etc. JOE'S PLACE, DRYSDALE AD carries a good stock of staple Deygoocls, Groceries c; all kinds, flour and a supply of New Fruits, Nuts, C dies, Oranges and everything required for the Holi- e .• Season' at very reasonable prices. J. S. Bedard in charge, who will be pleaced to have you call! 1 ...:*011001(•tHAltRA' !,,,,V....SC•RIGUM-V2•1,1MIEW9a satax.o.,411Witarat<=4===='.-.•mszass-,,anstagg..,..= utupti.s.g...4., .. 14,4 lr........ 12110211••10EIMPOM0=0W, , i • BUY: DOMiNION OF CANADA BONPS PROVINCIAL BONDS MUNICIPAL BONDS • Elortar-D-EgENrruREs CANADA TRUST MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES Yielding 5 per cent. and Over. Appplications for large or small amounts received at any time by: ko„rew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY •Have You MADE YOUR WILL? suor...11a vadMaar......"2:111100M6••••••• lit•amsr, , pge..• .0 OpClorouttaltammon+ ...I.Merf459022,111•Map18102MIZIPang =IV • g t,t9 WZ,t7'045,t,**afacia*61**attsetametrisrAino*cieeesicet,:stacommmige: erle I.NA1114 HOMES WITH COLDER DAYS COMING, NOW IS THE TIME TO CON- SIDER YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE WINTER • • MONTHS LET US HELP YOUR PROBLEMS WITH: iots_ lebec Heaters or fieelali'urnaces Here are some Grocery Specials for this week. We are having New Specials every week. So far our Sale has been a great success. But there are still many Bargains... Come and get your inter Requirements! 1 Fry's Cocoa, Half lb. Tin Quick Quaker Oats, large pk. Ready Cut Macroni, 2 lbs. for No. 2 size, Canned Tomatoes at Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. Superior Store Baking Powder, French Cream Candy, per ib. Chocolate Drops, per lb. Christmas Chocolates 3 lb.Box .. . .. . . ... ... . 19c 20c .5c Y 6c ....... .............. 9c •b. Tin 22c .......119: 9 rbox —.... .... 89c SEE OUR TOYS AND CHRIS, CARDS, -ETC. YELLOW FRONT STORE iTEN1S Or LOCAL INTEREST Miss Smith, who spent a few we eks with her mother, who is keeping , house for Mr. J. Deeker, has left for her home:in'Hamilton. • Mrs. W. P. Finkbeinei and daugh: 1., ter, Miss•Hazel, of Stratford, • were .7( week -end visitors at the home of Mr,'1' and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman: H '. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haugh and family of Dashwood, were Sunday Ai visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis and family of Holmesville, were end visitors at the home of Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer, Bab 1D1)L WINTER-.,FtgRT...4 The winter fieetr bor last week included nixie rreight7' ers, with two more on the way. There • may be still further additions before the close of navigation. SCHOOL. REPORT Report of 'M.S. No. 1, Hay and Phoeter 14* Farmers' Matual insurance Co 'WOODSTOCK est Business of any Company doing ess Ontario- nsurarAce at Risk on Deo. 928, .$22,296;275: 160,878.4 in Bank and Bands er,'111,009 box 3 years. died Rods sof Fxe lasuranee Stanley for the month of November Jr. IV—Lawrence Ayotte, Berea; Denomme, Franklin Corriveau. Sr. III—Rosella Corriveau, Una; jeane Aubin, Emma Denomme, Ger- aldine Geoffrey. Jr. III—Verna Sreenb,n, Marie Far rell, Thomas Denomme, Alfred Den- omme, Regis Aubin, Clarence Geo- ffrey. II—Armellda Aubin, Doris Ayotte Teddy Geoffrey, Arnold Denomme, Charlie Sreenan, Loftus De:notnree, Grace Snider, Patrick Aubin, Irving Snider. I—Andrew Denomnie, Avalon De- nornme, Alvin Ayotte, Eldon Denorn- me. Pr.—Jean Sreenan, Mane Geoff- rey, Joe Denomme. L. E. Rose, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT Of S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the month of November. Sr. IV—Gladys Gingerich 97, Win nifred Battler 94, Grace Wein 98. Sr. III—Anthony Hoffman 75, Rose Hoffman 74, Fred Farwell 72, Irene pot don 13 Fl, S • 0•110004000100•0010•11103•10•1000000••••••••••000110.00 KAIRKET3 d every Wednesday) .46, • .... ••••••—••••• • 25 .... 1..8-39-163-38 ..... „ ..... . 4-12 — ...... 6-8 bushel 1. 65 35 . 25 44 1.75 3.00 18.00 .... 18.00 C75 rt. • • .. • .... • in apples' and the decline of pn lower levels, a better aver- age een, maintained than expect- ed. s sold McIntosh apples from We Ontario for $6.35 a barrel, growlq reputation. Recently the -19- 31 a 1 Wes of these clubs were bro- w. 4:',', sMiddl5es.9ex0i hSinanow efforttoto and county's excellent potato Gr Kin 7 on the Glosgow market. „dalesex Potato Clubs ears ago a number of boys lube, sponsored by the Lon- tg,,n ber of Commerce, were for- ught C.: a conclusion by a potato fair in On, at which about 150 yo- utlifil 4 otato growers of the district ex10 their potatoes. Following the0.4,. , here was a banquet at which , uncap, Director of Agricult- ureastr's as the chief speaker, •r pse Registered Males BUSY FARMER NEWS breeding practice in poultry has 1 recognized the value of file highly' lrepotent male bird ill build- ing* oek production. When the fateiie.- or poultryman eau raise the aver production of the pullet om 120 eggs to 150 or 160 are 1,141,054, oo.grith ,rbird in a flock of 100 pui, against 1,026,910 in lt for the nine months sheep real cash value of the high .1930, andy mate bird is immediately ap- hatnpionship trophy at the RoyClArintar Fair for the hest half bush of whet, held by the prarie s for many years back, came ario this year. The winner was s Hart, 'whose farm isiocated Government and reflectA definitely a mak [e Zcreral near Woodstock. Ile a specialty of seed grain and lv.eisllt7xeidst"Ilinfidtr:eliedthnaittbeVngtratadre has b stEccessful exhibitor on a numb r of occasions, winning the Foster 70. • d, NO OTHER KINDS QUITE SO DURABLE. AND.ECONOMICAL ' II Class—Arthur Foster 90, Leen- bine.i TO OPERATE. EVBTROUGIIING3 ETC. GALL US UP ABOUT THAT. EVETROUGH1NG JOB YOU WANT DONE AT ONCE, WHIBE THE WEATHER IS STILL FAVOR- ALLt FOR OUTSIDE WORK. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- ' AGE IN THIS LINE OF WORK Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - Williams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc, FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! STADE & WEIDOI 0 ONT. • I ZURICH trid4 ard Hoffman 84, *Ruth Witmer 78; Cyril Gingerich 76, Keith Wildfong 71, Neil Gingerich 70, Lennis Ging- erich. 64, Albert Hoffman 58, Gerald Gingerich 24, Class—Marie Wein 75. Theresa Hoffman 72. Primer—Doreen Gingerich 100; No. on roll 19. Grace E. Pepper, Teacher. For the first nine months of this year the number of head of live stock going through our Canadian stock yards is considerably higher for the same period of last year. For inst- ance, cattle number 582,602 as com- pared with 454,320 a year ago, Hogs mambo:red 860,482 compared With. 306,188 for the /line months in 1980 British Apple Market "More cheerful prospects for Ont. .1rio apples"? is the way Andrew Ful- provi ton heads his latest bulletin from, to Cr London, Eng., was written after Doug, the return to power of the National E from now on. Ile states that in sP- tato , special on barley at, Woods- jieeelieeeelia4000.04000046elitile**********4141461414/100111114111 ite of the letyy trans-Atlantic shill- tack year. TlfsaQ$1y, boorabo Oar' :+*+44++++++++4.++++++4*++40+++++++++++++++++44+444 I Your Hard re "re It We can supgy the TO1ic with Seasohaide .E. :II + Good supply of Sank Cure en hand . 0 gfo Furniture :Reduced • We are offerincr our Entire Stock of ii iture at Greatly Reduced Prices, verhich ., t will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get .., • your requirements at these F,�w prices . ' WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR Hardware at Moderate Prices Let Us Show You. OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOtEgT PREVAILING PRICES: - f SALE VERY CHEAP, 4 ohnston litbrcivitre &:,Purniture.- hone ea •••••••••.•0•70,..?•=r.....=,..•••••0••••••• We Repair.. Wagons, Buggies,. Auto Tops, -Etc., Etc.. 1 god Lumher lAragan at $45 1 good buggy at ......... . -. 1 Blacksmith Vice at....... . .. .. ... .........,L........ ..... ....40.25, . ,. .„ Aisp Secondhand l'„`i:Ols.. ... „,-....: . , ,......., .... HESS, tile 10,1 epair Man.. . • ... 11111111111191111131MIDIElfiliii111111111W211111111111112MIllattIMINEMBRIM111111111111111111111144121411fill11111E111144 ATTENTION TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS 4 WE ARE NO'll FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF t GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- !ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE ,FR0M OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED, * 1. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- * * HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAIVES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY i * , REASONABI..E. t GAS t1LS GREASES 1 IL IVIousseau Zurich i..Kit++,1141-fr++++++++++i÷z-H$00+.6,4,riiq-&-E,+++,4*,Fri-6.0i,e4o&-fri•Oi•tth1. !Is %CO COCIDOCCOOS C @COO GOW6390 • • YOU! 0 I Sup • • • • • • • • I WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD CLOVER SEEM ALSO Le• & Son -DO CUSTOM SEED CLEANING. NUL TRY FOODS • Try our Chick Starters, Chick Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc. tshoomosetneutimmormiteasesossomiedoetwomortemoik ," ^ OCCOOS 4100100 1: 1 •The cold Days are now being ush- ered in. Let us supply you with the best fuels at lowest prices