HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-12-10, Page 7BEATTY
1. Washes clothes fast
and clean. Saves money,
time and hard work.
Splendid value. See it
to -day.
2. irons
ne thirt iet i m
the clothes in
Easy to operate. You
sit down to iron. Ask ,.
for a demonstration.
Xmas Gifts Worth While
1. I3eatty Electric Washer
2. Beatty Electric Ironer
3. Beatty Vacuum Cleaner
4. Beatty Floor Polisher
PLAN NOW to give Mother a
Beatty labour-saving
appliance for Christmas.
Mother deserves the BEST
Give her a BEATTY.
Liberal terms can be secured from the local
Beatty Dealer, or direct from the makers
at the address below:
!{. Keeps your rugs and
zarpets ince few, Gets
all the dirt. Nine nt-
ta.chments. Antiquates
all other cleaning me-
1. Just the combination
you need to keep ;^our
floors spit and span.
The finest waxing and
polishing outfit made.
Helium Keeps -
Cake Fresh
Sixty Days
'Also Can Heat or Cool Home,
Keep Flyers Warm
and Aid I11
When the British dirigible R-101 was
destroyed by fire resulting in heavy
loss of life because of the highly in-
flammable hydrogen, the cry again
went up to make balloons safe by fill-
ing them only with helium. Helium is
non -explosive but until recently its
'price had been so high and the re -
'deletions put on it by the American
government, which controlled produc
`tion, so severe, that use of it was al-
most impossible for European bal-
Now, however, with perfection of de-
vices for separating this mysterious
!gas from other gases, a new day seems
Ito be dawning for helium, says "The
Milwaukee Journal." Starting experi-
ments, which not only revolutionize
the methods of obtaining helium but
which find new practical uses for the
gas, have just been made by scientists.
WANTED -Persons to xrow
Mnellrooms for as in cellars.
Eases bookletds of
free. 25 weekly.
Canadian Mushroom Co., Toronto.
For example, experimenters announced
the other day that orange juice sealed
in helium was found to be as fresh at
the end of six months as it had been
originally. Half a sponge cake was
left exposed to the atmosphere. At
the end of two months the cake in the
helium was as moist and fresh as the
.day it came from the oven. The other
half of course was spoiled.
William Stone Sons Limited
Ingersoll, Ont.
Helium Has Many Uses
These early experiments indicate
only a few of the many uses besides
inflating dirigible airships, that are be-
ing found for that strange gas. Helium,
it has been demonstrated, can both
heat and cool the home, keep flyers
warm, preserve food, treat pulmonary
and blood diseases, aid metallurgy,
develop deep sea diving and caisson
work and be utilized in drying systems
and in the grading and grinding of
powdered materials It may even be
made available for electrical generat-
ors and transformers and in lighting
and television.
This unusual gas has had an un-
usual career. Colorless and odorless,
the lightest gas known except hydro-
gen, hellium was discovered in the
sun in 1863. Twenty-six years later it
was found on the earth by Sir William
Ramsay. Sir William continued his
work and demonstrated, in 1903, that
helium was a product of the radioac-
tive disintegration of radium.
It was an incident that occurred dur-
ing an air raid on London early in the
World War that lecl British scientists
to make an effort to provide the allies
with helium. One of the zeppelins de-
fied every attempt with anti-aircraft
guns to bring it down, Although others
were destroyed. The British surmised
that the Germans had equipped this
impregnable zeppelin with helium.
Small quantities were found in Eng-
land and France, but when the scien-
tists, ander the direction of Sir Rfch-
and Threlfall and Sir William Rfl
turned to America they found
ficient supply at Dexter, Kan.
circumstances that surrounded t
covery were quite amusing. Tb
ple of Dexter looked forward
great boom for .,heir town wee
ogists pointed out strong Indic
of petroleum.
Gas Blows Out Flame
The test well brought in g'
was decided to celebrate the go
A holiday was declared and a p
built from which the Mayor an
speakers were to hold forth.
speeches rolled out in good s:
there was a hitch when the
turned on and the Mayor trie
it. Every time he applied
match the gas blew it out.
It was concluded that the
was too strong, nm the pipe
tended and a bonfire used.
tempt to ignite it -but the' g
not burn. Great was the 'e
the Mayor and th. eteaple.1
who had been confident Ilia
would spring from the dole:`'
drilled, Rival towns gave"`
ha ha and made wisecracks ala
ter's "wonderful fire extingui's
But it turned out to be ate
of he who laughs last. lang
Professor H. B. Cady, •of t1i
sity of Kansas, discovers' '.._
contained •
Threlfall'hea, • :o c
presentatives to Kang-
so satisfiedwith what'
amid the wheat fields that th
plans for an extraction` plant.,
While this was not built, th
States, upon entering the war;
prepared for the production o
•spending millions in surveys,
and building containers for
and transporting the gas. Bp
war ended hundreds of steel,
ers of compressed helium we
for shipment to France.
Now a Great Industry;
"Helium thea became a gree
time industry of the United
alone, for its deposits, foun
Texas Panhandle, near Amite
far richer than anywhere MS'
world, the gas assaying 1.75
helinm. The two fields in Cane;'
north of the Montana line,
other in Ontario, produce her'
but eight -tenths of 1 per cent.
"Fifteen years ago this gas
$1,700 a cubic foot, To -day it;
cheap that it is used in toy b
as well as dirigibles. Helium i
over and over again, as it easel
he purified of the contamina
that seeps into the gas bags.
United States uses only heliu
ships. The six commercial airs
service in the United Stataee
equipped with helium.
"Helium is hailed as a bless,
persons who have to work unclee
dations of high artificial air pre
The new discovery enables dee
slivers to descend to greater d
and remain under water a much lager
time. Tunnel workers will be alibi to
labor under much higher air pres fiilre"
42itette adacco-.
,G papers :;attached
2or hP,ack9es
and NEU
Ivli`e. Nagger (to garbage man as aha
epe=e back (1oor)--"Am I too late for
the garbage?"
(larbege Man -"N9, ina'am, Jump
right til,"
Neighbor ladies probably saw little
that they considered fascinating about
Cleopatra. People with clean records
often are targets for dirty 'remarks,.
There is only one more thing to be
feared. .Some men take their troubles
to bed with them, but wise men sleep
alone, The girl who shops around for
a Husband never knows what is in
store for her.
Joe-"Ele's a crook; he's wanted
in Chicago."
Sam -"Why do they want anymore
crook's in Chicago?"
Gladys -"I'm a little dubious."
Calvin -"Why don't you take some-
thing for it? ,
The church -school lesson in the pri-
mary department was about Samson.
After the teacher had described the
great deeds of the man, to her small
charges, she asked:
Teacher -"Now, where do you sup-
pose he got his great strength?"
Little Fellow -"Oh, I guess he ate
an S. Macpherson of Toronto, win -
,of the Gold Medal in Toronto in
e y e,a Champion Baby of Canada,
ning from a visit to the Old
1;if i .board the `Athenia".
Driven From the System
Just By Drinking This "Tea"
A simple but WONDERFUL REMEDY for Rheu-
matism, Neuritis and "acid" complaint=. Not a
O'df'li or medicine, but a tropical plant called
YA. .A. beverage is made of the tiny leaf,
hio you prepare and drink like ordihary "Tea,"
No te�naq,�ble or fuss', you make it In your own home;
Mi'flip RELIEF Is 11:.LT AT ONCE, and becomes
,evident more and more every day. I3undreds of
padple in all ranks of lite have received lasting
benefit and have sent mo letters praising this won -
'de ful little plant.
Drink e, cupful of. I1ERV15A each morning and yo,.1
win reel a different person. The reason Is that it
expels the urio acid poisons and PREVENTS NEW
A.CCTIMULATIOINS of further acid deposits in the
,Over in England, where so many people suffer with
rheiu tism, H RVEA has given such wonderful
resp td that today every mail brings a sheaf of
letters asking for, free trial packages, which arc
gladly sent by the Importer of 1IE1tVEA, So many
requests were received also front Canada, that a
Canadian, depot has been. established and the same
offer of a trial package free is now mads to every
sufferer from rheumatism or neuritis.
Mr, Lee, the !viper tor of HERVICA "tea," offers
to send you, through his Canadian representative,
a trial package of. this "tea" free. If you feel you
ere getting benefit, he will supply you with a fur-
ther quantity at a small charge, From his own
personal experience, ho states that this 'tea" is
Most effective for rheumatism and Allied Com-
pliant -and what it did for him in a fe weeks it
ehduld do for you --•if you will give it 0, fair trial.
;]'net send your name and address and YOU 'Will re.
valve. tree of charge, a trial package of Hervey
"ilea" for rheumatism. It yen wish you ma,y send
four Monts in stamps to help pay postage and dis-
tribution comfit.
r.t WITNESS ia'nxtrxixNO,
Sole Agent for
1.1. S. LEE, London, Eng.
(Colonial Importer and
r -
,'Twenty Things To Remember
1. Remember that work
means character is the end.
'2,.That •That sincerity is the
of. all honest work.
3.'.That you label your
4. That only cowards
5. That no one can hold you down if
,you are determined to succeed.
tee, That every man is destined to do
eniothing worth while.
'7. That most people judge you by
est impression.
8. That the only way to sell lnsur-
nce is to see prospects.
9. That few men succeed until they
10. That hard work is no small part
of genius.
11. That it takes no longer to say
kind words than those that cut.
12. That the only way to keep your
credit good is by paying your debts.
13. That it is easier to do good work
than poor, if you once learn how.
14. That the more difficult things
are to accomplish, the more worth
15. That a sensible employer is more
anxious to push you ahead than to
hold you down.
16. That you are one link in a great
17. That ambition develops, while
selfishness thwarts body and mind.
18. That rules are necessary to a
business as laws are for right govern -
19. That you can't
in one clay.
20. That times, progress and meth-
ods change.
She -"Where will you be stopping
at when you get to Paris?"
He -"Lady, when I get to Paris, I'll
stop at nothing."
During the making of "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," they naturally came to the
scene where Simon Legree has to
whale the tar out of Uncle Tom.
Everything was ready, the lash lifted
and about to fall when Uncle Tom let
out a yell.
"Hold everything," he bellowed. "I
forgot to put on the cork undershirt."
is only a
own work.
are afraid to
Let not sleep fall upon thy eyes
till thou hast thrice examined the
transactions of the past day, Who e
have I turned aside from rectitude?
What have I been doing? What
have I left undone, which I olight+to
have done? Begin thus from t'he
first act, and proceed; and lit ban-
elusion; at the ill which thee has
done, be troubled, and rejoide or.
thee good. Pytliagottt8.
Schoolboys Wear Overalls
Raleigh, N.C.-Twenty-five liki�le
students of the Nashville, N,C,Mrfigh
School, recehtly appeared at school
clad in neat blue' overalls, made of
cotton, and informed the pritiainel,
I Professor Gray It. King, that it was
their intention to carry on a canpaign
{designed to stimulate the increased
use of the South's staple. The `boys
t urged the girls to join then] in this
movement, especially in the matter
of wearing cotton hosiery.
learn everything
Willie -"Pa, what is excelsior?"
Pa -"Long saw dust, son!"
The Kid -"Pop, how soon. will I be
old enough to do as I please?"
The Old Man -"I don't know. No-
body has ever lived that long yet."
There would be many more thin
humans in the world if it were half as
much fun taking it off as it is putting
it on. Halt the world would like to
know how to persuade the other half
to let loose of its money. A man used
to go to the golf club a great deal,
coming home rather late. His wife
became suspicious and went through
his pockets one night, and found noth-
ing but -a hole in one. The world is
made up really of three classes, those
who really try, those who half try and
those who don't try at all.
Classified Advertising
Lista of wanted tnventiaps a�n(4� u
inYoi'pietiOn sent Ares, 'a`he pCaxxtsay Colne
Wall's •World Patent Attorneys 275 ,1auk
Sti set, ,(7ttawe., Canada.
(►X,�D I'TCTUR S 'WAN'1'IiD. 1�ItxN"$ l
'lI iiD by N, Currier and Currier el
Ives. f xamino all ,pictures, if printed b'`
above:; state titles, size, condition, to Ta
k�. w{iifams, Digby, Sova Scotia.
Sea -water weighing one and a half
tons was recently brought from South
America to London tor analysis. It
travelled the distance of 7,418 miles
in glass bottle stowed in sixty pack-
ing cases.
Radios $29.50
Battery operated, beautiful -walnut-
finished floor consoles, with built-in
speakers, Do Forest Crosleys, West-
inghouse, Marconi, up-to-date, won-
derful distance -getters, sweet tone,
including tubes, speaker, instructions
how to install and opera.te. Tested,
well crated, express paid, bargain
price $29.60, Money back guarantee
If not satisfactory.
L. A. SovraameGee SALES,
BO Boseneath Gardena, Toronto
]warn ropey taking ore
of rbeaut friends
line ofPla
Cards, faeludiu
P114, new Initial Card
po adngti
popular low pries
'OROS�ta>t"(; SlimmingNew
No experonoo flooded, Xou
start et once, end year sp
time will pay yea bander= d
am ie' Send to manefacturor for
VD a. o. u O lit samplea of initial and other hlrr.
eaaiity, moat attractive playing cards, Find out how yp
too, can earn extra money this easy Way. No pp11gat e
GeneralCardCo. 22 MOIGnsionfildg,T0rento,Onf
For Quick Relief from
The very first rip of this potent,
pAmgene, penetrative mixture
gets results.
Money -Ba etc Guarantee
Postpaid OOc bottle
Try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Suffered Bad Cramps
Agonyeverymonthl Splittingheadache...
bad backache ..: those terrible cramps.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound relieves this unnatural suffering.
1,0 FIAGA/
or'Ttort ;es
due to Acrd
WHAT many people call indigene
tion very often means excess
acid in the stomach. The stomach,
nerves have been over -stimulated,
and food sours. The corrective is an
alkali, which neutralizes the acids
instantly. And the best alkali. known
to medical science is Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia.
One spoonful of this harmless,
tasteless alkali in water neutralizes
instantly many times that much
acid, and the symptoms disappear
at once, You will never use crude
methods when once you learn the
efficiency of this. Go, get a small
bottle to try.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips"
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by
physicians for 50 years in correcting
excess acids. 50c a bottle -any drug
I store. (Made in Canada.)
ctiEFiv 1901 diD
Held by Unseen Hands
Unseen hands held this woman in
her bed, They held her limbs and
her joints, so that she was scarcely
able to move. They were the hands
of the uric acid fiend --and their
grip became tighter and tighter
every day.
She had almost despaired of ever
loosening their hold -when she
made what she describes as " a
wonderful discovery." She found
Kruschen. Read how it helped her i--
" 1 have suffered terribly for a very
long time with rherunatoid arthritis.
The pain I've suffered T cannot explain
to you 1 1 commenced taking Irusehen
six months ago, following directions,
and I am thankful to say in less than
a week 1 was able to get a night's rest
and sleep. That was something 1 had
not had for a very long time, l+ly
joints seemed completely locked and
I could not turn in bed for pain. Now
I'm able to sleep well, turn with ease,
and get about' fine, and my joints seem
to be quite different. It was one day
when I 'cons, reading in the newspaper
about Kruselien that 1 deckled to try
it. And now I shall never be without
it, 1 consider Z ruschen is a very
wonderful discovery." -Mrs. E. 1,.
The system of the rheumatic subject.
is a producer of that dangerous bod'J
poison known as uric acid, which is
composed of knife -edged crystals. ft
is bred in accumulated waste matter
which the organs of elimination hail
failed to expel. ICruschen is a powerM
solvent of these flint -hard crystals. re
swiftly dulls their sharp edges, tri am
flushes thein out of the system. Your
pains ease ; swellings subside; knotted
joints become loose.
Better still, Eruselicn eliminates the
root cause of the evil. Taken rogularll,
it keeps your liver" and kidneys la
perfect tune, so that these elilnint u4l
organs fres your inside from all poisoli•
breeding waste products
Hrusoben Salts is ab` iati. t
Drug Stores at 45e. end 7de. l