HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-12-10, Page 11 VOID XXXI 21 ni ZURICH, THURSDAY MORN! '.oeks tili atinstmas. The Canadian Dollar will do, most of his Christmas shopping at home. Loa Year is just around the cor- ner, and it's not to early to jump to the Conclusion that it would be a god year for things ta go he with leaps and_bounds. LivelyColos for Id:eskers: Ontario's 1932 license Plates .are black and grey, but .More lively mode has hit plates across the border, 'ac- cerding to a survey Made by the Automobile Club of Phildadelphia Six states have white on "tlack for their new license tags, six have white 404.41.:00 Gq11,-En+ItY1.04,004, OA.** 0.4)*,C. 0,, 41^ arn,e,ss, Etc. • WE HAVE A LARGE, STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS„ VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND 4t, ARE OFFERING THE SAME To THE PUBLIC AT VERY • • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. • • Pianos •Pianos , • * IF YOU...HAVE BEEN tr,'HlINKENG OF ADDING A FINE NEW • PIANO. TO .THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND • Coustma- usc,. AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • . . sriERLOCK MANNING LINE. * • • . • , ALSO AGMTS FOR TRW. SINGER SEWING MACHINE • FRED Till EL - ZuMOH • - • • • PHONE- led. • 4,444•4444.0-akergA4 4.40044.4.:.04400.5.041,0400004? -044,44).o • izt 646666te waitOta.GttIMI.T.S 1 0 • • • 0 O 3 1 -.Styles and New, LOW PRICES HIGH GRADE SHOES OF ESTABLISHED MERIT. IT IS FASHIONABLE TO BE THR/FTYI TIMES HAVE CFL/UsIGED. NO1V-A-DA3S WE MUST BE SMART . AND MOST OF US IVIUST BE ECONOMICAL. THIS STORE TaliCOUGH. CLOSER CO-OPERATION WITH MANU- FACTURERS, THE LOWEST COST OF 111ATXRIALS AND PAR- ING OF PROFITS,. NOW PRESENTS TO YOU NATIONALLY KNOWN SHOES AT A PRICE REDUCTION OF FROM ONE TO TWO DOLIgARD PER PAIR Men's Solid Leather Work Shoes at $2.25 to 32.95 New Fine Diress Shee.s at $2.75 to $3.95 Boy's School, Shoes at $1.95 to $2.95 O Women's Rik. Canvast 1 strap at .$1.00 * Womene Pant and Ricl'Porop at $1.95 to $3.95 Children Schaal Shoes from 95c to $2,50 6 REPAIRING NEATLY Orem s Shop DONE SBA OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • 6 • • •, • • (,1 0 5) 6 6 0 6 1*********40W1444Ateleshimeaega*WleteD0 **Goise.e6V90.0 -IR*010 ••••••• 1 : UIL gasalsikk..~0_414e414P.1%.004•044 • Suith.• • • • • • • • UARAN EED - INDIGO DYE ; 3 6 EXTRA T 1OUIWRS Chilly $25.1 • . • A. WONDERFUL BARGAIN: • 6., 01 • on 1 off an . . . . .........,........................... Wit EllitliaL01011.214ND leatutaid. ratottelitreS ECEMBER 10 19als on blue, four have black on /elle) four have white on green, thre!)lytve chosen black on orange, three black?' on yellow and three white on mar own , In Police Court When Aaron Fisher, Colborne Tp youth, wve. told by Magie. Reid la court last Saturday thet it would cost him $10.25 and that in future i v.iteld pay him to eee that all ifehtS, on his eae weie burniug, he eeplied; "At that pvice? Yes, it will pay develop,:d that risher was twiee' warned by Seargeant Ross Le WO, Ids light"; feeed. •"Lit your light shine," was the magistrate's advice to the erring motorist. Peocastinat7 ion is the thief of time, and money, RO Arthur DeRocher found out. has. been driving a car nil eintinie without the formality of taking eu a driver's license, a mutter of OP: dollar. He Aectired an apprication form, but procastinated about fiIUn it out and ttlk:ng it to the issue", When Seeeee,nt Ross asleed him hie lleenee he said he had an appli." etion :royal at ho. woso't od enough, it cost Arthur •$5.75 procastinate. Bank of,Montreat /ssues :Stron„ • riop With Your Hot - - Annual Statement Replete with indications of mark. strength and reflecting abili under exceptional conditions t maintain its usual liquid positia the Bank of Montreal annual stateink ent makes its appearance at a mos opportune time. Shareholders have! grown accustomed to recognize th traditional strength of the Bank' position. This year, however, " many different interests have looking forward'te, eeel. t71.. a s of theedbUntry. appears on another page of , thiS %;egi is 'easily miderstoodi. and J,slioWe' moment of the healthyeonditiou, this vast inStittdi011. Y „ .-KZ-144 = - -•- eeeaeteeeeteeee....e. eereee: Mud. Koehler of Kitchener, with Zurich friends here the ecan'Icd. Mrs,. Milford &thine; and Itgft*ASci1 fr.V.A0rOd to on 'Wednesday. odly peepe> from ce were in town on Sunday, the funeral of the late Mrs Elopp and daughtee Telland. were Sunday ,vis - the former's mother, Mrs., of town.. Mrig: E. Tuetheim aii e, and Master Herbert, are a:.few days with friends at this - week. -meets on *ruessday, •-5th for the last business the year!, ,af'ter this date 6 's book s be closed iMlefinancial statement .0and printed. 'Zurich felends. of :dr. will regret to learn 1111 an attack of append - he week -end and on taken to London I-Iosp- Chester P.25 a year; U.S., sr.ss IN .4,10:4.4ots, 5231 erelifin a Wedding Rings .vo The Finest Wedding Ring Made Engraved $7.50, to $12.00 'Plain $6.00 to $9.00. For Nov. and December we will give -*doe. Community Tea .Spoons free with each True Love Ring. 11 miler Yes! You will Find a DIFFERENCE IF YOU WEER i'I`Firl,SO DAV ANT...SIPA. 07 Prices now at Bottom low for fle: Season. STOCK UP NOW WITItE TaiS GENUINE ANTHRACITE For Cosh I'ayment aDiscaunt avaa .per Ton wil be Alloweel. 77.7).; C"? Phone lOw ox 10J HENSALIe on -T. -14++++ +++++++++,-/Pio++++4++,L4++++++++++++++.1.444 +.4+4+4.1.4 .z4,s 4. ( T •4. , .6, 4. •,,..-, 4. + .6 AT THE 4. .9. + .+,• MUTUAL SHOE- 5TOBE 4. 4. 'a. .I.' .. 4 i: -1. .c.: eted. on. Pleased to re - ton withstood the op - 1. is progressing just be:expected, and in oweks will be CARD OF THANKS We -take this medium in greatlyi thanking OUT neighbors and :friend f Or tlx sympathy and assistance reife dered during the passing of the, lat§, Mrs. George Clausius. Also for the ' loan of cars and the services of the choir. linsband, Sons and Daughters. 9f he ere- er tute- was held on Mon- CloCli with Mrs. H. G. Hess Foll owing the opening Meeting a delightful address annual W. I. Convention held on, was givoli by the delegate t a, Roy. The topic of the T. on Relief was well given by I: ev.) W. Y. Dreier. 1ac con:- thdn rendered a humorous 1: tee name quilt contest closed eeting with. 'Mrs.. O. Surerus winners. The Rising side is Institute ire:Inhere social ev- rS. J. Hey took the chair usinesS peat of the evening. f thanks was tendered to mmittee in charge, and the 2g was closed with the National 111. 4. 54 WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST 4. IN MEMORIAM Wurm-Catherino Wurm. In sad and lovieg remembrance of our darl- ing Mother, who paeeed away five years ago, Deceinber 11, and our dear Father who went to his 'eternei rest, July - 25, 1897, thirty-four years ago. "May their souls rest, in peace, awl G Mrs. Henry Rupp Passes pe Rau, relict of the late r..,13,upp, passed this Iife at the g• her daughter, Mrs, Rinker '0 -ford, on Friday, December 4, 9 years, 8 mons, and a9 days. ' only about two or three weeks may od grant that we .always a win be worthy of their teachings." •,i . pp ,. in .eenica end Mrs Ru wee. ' '''', e I Loving and Lonesome Children. viste., d and little friends , ' ' a 'all her ol (111,0e think that she would be called as she seemed in fairly good although she .was a sufferer of tis for some years, and this fin - ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang* ing World" Friday, 8h: -Luther League. Saturday-Ohoir Practice, SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. in:--Gernian Service. 11.15 a. in. -Sunday School: 7,30 p. in. -English Service. Everyloody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkhebn, Pastor ATTENTION! Edigh offer Garage HORSE SHOEING AND ALT, RINDS OF 11.LACICSMITHING, AUTOMOBILE REPAIR'ING, FEND. ERS AND 1303)IES REPAIRED. No Matter How Badly Damaged. BEST OIL OR GAS, AUTO ACCES- ORIES. CHARGER REASONABLE Give Us a Cant ;JACK ICIPPEN, ZURICH so! lie di all pWeakened what was once a heal- thYei*nd rugged conetittttion, Born anOaised at New Hamburg, where ,IW4nd her. husband, the late Henry Rupp Jived when first married, later theY, moved to Stratford, and then to 2.7eleieli; where they raised their fam- ilv,eaid during their long stay in Zurielf. had made 'many warm friends whieW will miss the departed. It is abent a year since the departed left 1 Zaric,i and moved to Thedford. with hd.44ughter, Mrs. Rinker, who took tI10, 'et of care with her mother. A familt .61. grown up, children survive, Olain, Edward, Norman and Elmer ituitik Of Detroit; Christ Rupp of W000Ock..; Mrs: J. Taylor and 'Mrs. SA' liter of Detroit, and Mrs. Rin - r' kerkt eDatroit, are the suhviving chi'. dre4While there 'are also two broth - of the -departed still living. The fer4aLtook place from the home of Air::,!red Mrs. Fred, Rinker of Thed- fetObn Sunday to the Zurich Luth- eranehhurch for service at two o'clock int4i1ent being made in the Luther- an'Z,eineterY, with her pastor, Rev. E. Trrkheint oftleiativg. ilf.rs. Rupp was • i:felong Memberof the Lutheran c-luqch,. and was Ia. member of St: 1.),-tor4s Ladies Aid for Many years. Tinil .body, of sisters occupied a por- tio*.in,the church and rendered a .,vorli sk4it,.ble anthem during the sorv, (ic.4... While the pastor, had indeed a . -,7e1 t appropriate message.' , 11! 1i. LES C OUR s.t :11*.? POUND ON THE COUNTER OF O• UR STORE FOR YOUR RE- FERENCE AND 'OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT TH/S STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU 411as, 4. 46, TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT. , + $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE' SUP- pers, Low ,Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought, not something a little different. $1.25 PAIR .WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAT' KID HOUSE SUPPE...RS,. With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3,00, $2.75, 32.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENTNON1TE WORK BOOTS,. Paneo or Leather Soles, Sterling, tnul Sisman make. $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes eihe tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5- 31.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. etisi finer Shoes for School, Sikes 11 to MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, lied or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.75 pr. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL CE- DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR .IInCES ARE TRES/WE WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing pronaptly done 0 rr z SO N MEMBER OF MUTUAL &-i0E STORES OF CANADA Phone 82 or 115 Zurich, 44- , +i,++44....2.4.i.'„K-4i,4•44++4•444,44+.C.4.4.....:^++++++++4.44,4+4,iPE.444.r.4. +-,-...".........*ee-L'...."'"'"XITreeree.t.ere=!"-..t.7.7...,-.7.7-,.....=»..e.e.=,,ere=eeeeZI7,7:.-7.17,.-.• Christmas Gree WE INVITE YOU , TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE WE HAVE ON DISPLAY A NICE ASSORT - 41. m MENT OF USEFUL Gwrs SUITABLE FOR YOUNG AND OLD, AT PRICES Tf7A1 ARE AWAY BELOW FORMER YEAAS. We also have , Our New Raisins, Curren, Peels, Candies, Nuts, ',Oranges, Lemons, Etc, We Cordially Invite littu to Our Store! •R N OUGLAS GENERAL MERCMANT PHONE 11 97" * -,4,4,40,4-4eve epee- reeetIe`g 14-4464