HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-11-19, Page 81044'r F'iowr THE STORE WITHTHESTQCg NEW WINTER GOODS OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE 1N ALL THE VARIOUS LINES OF GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. LADIES DRESS MATERIALS IN ALL WOOL TRAVELTWEED, NEW SHADES OF BROWN, GREEN, MAROON, AND BLACK, 54 -in. WIDE, AT $1.50 YARD. NEW SANTOYS)AND QUEEN CLOTHS, NOW ONLY 85e, YARD. NEW TRAVELTWEED IN SILK AND RAYON MIXTURES FROM 50c TO 850 A YARD. Underwear Sweaters Special line of Ladies' pure wool Vests and Bloomers very fine quality, to sell at each .' ;VO'0 Children's Underwear, extra weight, Mottled York Knit, ` All sizes each from 35c to 50e Men's Underwear of all kinds at 'LOWEST PRICES! A Special Combination, good quality, all sizes, per garment...41.50 SWEATER COATS FOR MEN, AND WOMEN, BOYS AND.GIRLS AT NEW LOW PRICES. • GROCERIES MACARONI, 3 lbs. for 19c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES, 3 for 25c MANY FLOWERS SOAP, 4 for 25c SPECIAL BLEND TEA, lb. 39c PLEESALL COFFEE, lb. 25c SODA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for - 25c EXTRA SPECIAL GILLETTS CAUSTIC SODA, CELERY! 5 lbs. for 00e CELERY! Fresh Celery grown in our own Gardens. Orders now taken Crates packed ready for winter use. for J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 A -$1000 Investment with a .$47,000.,000 Guarantee UNDER TIE LAW, EVERY OWNER OF A HURON & ERIE ;DEBENTURE, TOGETHER WITH EVERY DEPOSITOR, HAS •".FIRST" CLAIM ON THE ENTIRE ASSETS OF THE 68-YEAR- 1 OLD HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION TOTALLING OVER FORTY-SEVEN 'MILLION DOLLARS. 5% IS :NOW PAID, HALF -YEARLY, ON DEBENTURES $100.00 OR, MORE CAN BE INVESTED FOR 1, 2, 2, 4, OR 5 YEARS. Play Safe when Investing APPLICATION CAN BE MADE AT ANY TIME. APPLY TO: Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAle&Tk Have You MADE YOUR WILL2 "WE SELL THE BEST FOR. LESS SPECIAL P.RIC!ES: THURSDAY,, FRIDAY AND. SATURDAY llnicoin.,Red Cohoe ,Salmon, Tall tin ;", 23c ,Hillcrest Shortening,., 2 lbs. .22c Best Quality Australian Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Princess .Soap Flakes. (with trial pkg • *ce.) Targe' pkg 23c New Currants, •• 2, lbs + .'; 35c Lennon Peel, per Ib. 18c. Orange Peel, pe,r lb. Citron peel, per lb, Fancy Dates, 2 lbs. +i., ;' -x5c Many Flowers Soap, 4 cakes for ...,,;......... .... 25e Jelly 'Powder, 6 pkgs for = " , . .25c Large Tin, Pork & Beans ,, 18c 28c • 19c WE HAVE A PURE WOOL HEAVY RIR UNDERWEAR.AT.EX- TRA SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK. At $1.25 PER GARMENT OR $2.25 PER SUIT. MEN'S HEAVY ALL WAAL SWEATER COATS.A.LINE WE SOLD A YEAR AGO AT $4.50 TO $5.00. OUR PRICE TODAY $3.25. GET YOUR SIZE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN A HEA WINTER OVERCOAT, POLO LINED AT EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES. See THEM, J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 :"1"hursdaA, 140001ber 19104 O t Your Hardware -Store.[ Safeguarding County Roads County Traffic Officer Lever is gra- dually replacing the checkerboard .signs on the county roads with the regular arrow signs. Stop signs are also being erected at danger points, Western Farmers' Mutual =Weather Insurance Co OF -WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any. and in time the county roads will be +tb.' ' thoroughly.safeguarded, so far 60a,9 1iadial;r Company doing signs can do: it.. In this connect d' 95, ' 51YLess in Ontario- -' Mr. Lever points out that • a stop sig2hoa A1L on a county road is as imperative as Gilmozink of Insurance at Risk on Dee. {lit„ 1828, $22,206,276. F Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,878.74, on a Provincial: road, and persons dis obeying it are .liable, to a fine. . . Celebrated Twenty -Fifth The pretty farm home of Mr. and ,L*ItN"44•119 per 01,0tI . for 1 years. Mrs. Peter Marlene, of Stephen Tpzo : <F. Klopp'--Zurich west of Exeter, was the scene of ,a•� joyous festivity on Friday last, when forty-five of their relatives and fri- ends gathered to;, do them hone on alt .kit of Fire tnsuranie -tkeir''-twenty4Ifth; wedding-ch-c.t) e; The happy couple were . ii ar' red by` : the late pastor of 4ion Luthern church, a took up farming where they now re Dashwood, the Rev,• Mr. Thune,' andraLoom, MARKET$- n, ' ' '` side. Tables were ; •et laden with r vf'cirtseted eyed": ;W-.adnarday) ple delicacies to tempt the most ems:. atter `iia.• :.:.. acting taste. Fred .tire acted as Eggs toast master. r, r�hickens engaged in community speee1 es .to t hehappy couple ,and their fami,.yof 'ducks ..�:' •.410: :two girls and one son. Various Ss nries•i ese' " ' and singing were :indulged, in ,!'flber i, .,.• _ , were numerous beautiful gifts of� P,.zcxkeys, .., .. ..... ted .which showed t Conn:yieat, titshel 50 Meat, Also Thaler is Lightning Rods to Supperove theparty 25 17-32-37 ' 7-14` ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: • WARM HOMES WITH COLDER DAYS COMING, NOW IS THE TIME TO CON- SIDER YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE WINTER MONTHS LET US HELP YOUR PROBLEMS WITH: Quebec, Heaters or Hecla Furnaces NO OTHER KINDS QUITE SO DURABLE. AND.ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE. EVETROUGHING, ETC. CALL US UP ABOUT THAT EVETROUGHING JOB YOU WANT DONE AT ONCE, WHILE THE WEATHER IS STILL FAVOR- ABLE FOR OUTSIDE WORK. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- AGE IN THIS LINE OF WORK • We can supply the Public with Seasonable 11' Hardware at Moderate • Prices LES Us .S ow You OUR FULL. LINE OF GRA rrEWARE AT LOWEST t.PRp VAiLgs*id 1 Good supply of Smoke Cure on hand t . .. Furniture Reduced. We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn- $tore at GreatlyReduced Prices, s, which 4 wilt move it out rapidly'. Be sure and get your requirements at these low prices t WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY _°CHEAP, Johnston & Kaibfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 {. +.1.444+++4.4.4-1•444.+4.4.44414-04,44+++++++++++++++++++++44. Ulldllii!ltlllllijf1l '''" Vl I1JIi0191{u �St"JIUi!!UllllGllllmuntilllBl(1{Iu1111nall N1(IIQHNH 1119111(llllli!iL'IW@lUf irk' lildiil411lQUH!!IHIWWiflIflllUllllllll811111IN{ is We Repair Wagons, Buggies, - Auto. Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon at..... ..... . = I good buggy at. 1 Blacksmith .Vice at verware presented -w..•. . • .: esteem of the donors. Mr. Marten M M, rley •.. ... : •:. pis33 ...!•••••••••"•••.•......••• ............ 20E { Buckwheat 44'I Flour ' 4 .. . ............ 1,75 3.00 Shorts 14.00 Bram ;z i 14.00 Live Fogs 4.75 Full Line of, and Shelf Hardware, • Sherwin -,W i 11 lams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. • FURNITURE! F tIRNITtJR1±,! 1 � �T &WEIDO ZURiCH ONT. _:_.....ADE in a few well chosen remarks thank- ed those assembled for their presence and for the joy they had brought to himself and wife, and wished all present the same measure of good things in life that had been meted out to them. Mr. Martene is presi- dent of the Hay Township Mutual Fire Insurance Company. BUSY FARMER NEWS The 48th annual Ontario Provin- cial Winter Fair will be held at Gu- elph, Dec. 7 to 10th, when it is ex- pected that the largest entry in the history of the Exhibition will be out Entries close Nov. 23rd. The ideal fall weather was most beneficial to farm operations. The majority of farmers have completed their fall plowing and practically all Ontario crops have been harvested and threshed. Live stock has come through the fall in excellent condit- ion and less feeding of grain has been necessary than in most years. The New Honey Grades The consuming public is showing a special interest in the attractive ap- pearance and convenience identificat- ion of quality which is macre possible by the new honey grades, which came into effect this year. Where honey is sold by grade the grading must con- form to the Canadian standards, The Canada standards for hongy provide a natural classification by color into the four classes: white, golden, amber and dark. Potato Soiling Campaign Under aiuspices of the Ontario Growers' Market .Council a selling campaign on potatoes Tim been lain - The Council is urging the thou - .ands of employers in Ontario to pur Chase ten bags each of home-grown potatoes, and at the same time to in- duce their employees to do similarly. The employers are asked to make ar- rangements for financial assistance, if necessary, in the purchase of these potatoes, and to °;furnish storage sp- ace for them. An appeal is also made to the. , farmer to register with the Ontario, • Growers' Markets Council. Layers Need a. Real Home W1 e there are many factors that. enter .into the management• of the poultry, flock, there is nothing that will have greater influence on the poultr''. raiser's success or failure than the way in which he houses his flock. '.Birds of good breeding, no matter' how well fed, will not return maximum profit unless well housed. The poultry house is the hen's home, and to be comportable and give good production, the house should have proper ventilation, insulation and sa- nitation; it should have a proper lo- cation,plenty of light, be dry, and have 4tnyple Dor space. Wl►y Burn Straw Stacks • When with the use of suitable che- mical, they can be converted • into mane e the question °'Why burn sir I aw stacks?" is really pertinent. Str- aw is Worth 'something more than as a bedding material, and not the least valuable is its use for the,making of artificial manure. The use " of 100 point s.,of'anihonia sulphate and 100 lbs. f lime to each ton of straw, and •t iii thoroughly soaked with wat- er pfl,duces manure of distinct fer- tili e ' ta1tie. Prom three to six mon- ths .0,,rd required for the organic changes to 'become effective and the resultant sabstance has Much of the appea 'artee and practically the same value as barnyard :ruam. $45 $45 ....$6.25 Also Secondhand Tools HESS, the Repair Mari p3 mmoslG ii'4G111M iladri r" 1141 iliGl{IIIIIIIIIIIRUlmlllli(}lilll179ldiuNlRR`lYlllllil!ImW'11I;1!IEpFSAii(uamirfilm9111911(lifll((rfi(fNili(IlNflilvliilltlll((m l 1 } vt.t+p++. ami t4.4*+44+44 1-4.4 +4+ 4 $f+++ ZVRICS " GAILtFE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QtrANTRTRES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY (ONS1DERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER: HAUL JOBS ON AL1. MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERT REASONABLE. GAS UIL9 GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich T 4 •t 4 4 4.t • 4 •Do You Know?-- • THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST • • CLASS JOB PRINTING! tTHAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS 4t, AND ANNOUNCEMENT; ALSO CALLING CARDS„ t BUSINESS CARDS ETD„ 4�,,, IF Ti AT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- - ,` ERY SUCH A,$ BUSINESS LE .LJr:R 'HEADS, ENVELOPE$ ,,,� $ B TADEMENTS; • S, .MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS; 'ETC... , 4'• THAT WE CARR Y IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT ;4. * TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR • SIZES, 'CARD PAPER, BRI$TO .S, CARBON' OR TRACING 'e PAPER, BUTTER . PAPER,. MEMORIAL ENVELOPES 4. AND Ik MORTAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOURORDINARY SIZE INS BOTTLE WITH A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS: LARGER QUAN-- + TITIES AT SIMILAR, REDUCTIONS. . THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUGTION''SALE POSTERS MERCANTILE POSTERS iND'ALL GENERAL PRINTING t . atm ,s1 AL'I'Y, 4 HERALD OFFICE 1