Zurich Herald, 1931-11-19, Page 5faraday, Novem5cw XSth,, (031! BUSINESS CARDS. DU'DLEY.E, HOLMES '3ARRISTER. SOLICITOR, nem - mew T-ARY PURL C; ETC.. OFFICE Hamilton $tireet, Just off the Square, GQDEIICH, Ontario, Special Attention, to -once and • Court Wolin • 1" Mr. Ilolnnes ;nay be coasted at ir.[F,ETING. OF HURON COUNTY Goderich by Phone, and PhoneeIDOUNCIL thsaorges rammed. To! 'rows 'Wants, For Salo, Lest, Found, Notice, Eta. Ads IN T I COLA a NOTICE -.-yam....... u The Huron County Council will meet. in the County Council Cham- ber, :Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the: afternoon, Tuesday the 1st day of December,. 1931. All accounts : and petitions .must be in the. hands of the Clerk not later than 'Monday the .30th day of Nov- ember to insure attention, and notic- es of deputations or requests for heating should be sent in previous to the Council meeting. Goderich, November 14th, 1931 Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL tS[JRGGON 1t DEITZ BLOCK-• Illt1OH Every Thnrsaay,' FridaYS Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHW OO D Riney Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday A-U-C-T-t-O-N•E-E-R , OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National Seyoot of Anetioaneersng., Try the Sear 'Registered live Stock, (All Breeds.) Torras in keeping with prevailing Vices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell an ti: Anerwlsere. ?hone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Leer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX IL AM IN A POSITION TO CON - Swat any Auction Sale, regardless Mr to size eat article to sells I stiffen your'business, and if not satisfied win crake no charges for Services Ren - Awed. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood !),hone 13-51. SERVICE Why. We 'have the Better Class of Customers /HIGHU. S. L_ CLASS GOODS, MAR - BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, V LIB .•Q.IL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION' and Mechanical Work Farts, HohnSng at,ne to Micrometer Settings, No work. Watch the. cars that at WELN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS, CLIENTELE. ;guess STOP s. DASRWOOD ONTARIO ,ip0iN11YNlNlMMR0OORM'R Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING SWAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 'MOM THE'FIRM OF yUNGBLDT o DEIfTh ERT, THIS 'WELL ESTAB .iSUED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & Sou 414110001111111111111114000101111411110041011401 SAL . 1931 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 1 a FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal IPI6CIAL DISCOUNT OF 60 Cta.. Ton .►in ba allowed for cyan. ltl■i,e Rawls as prises wiiR albums* n Jame 15ti. se `Ila■ L.1 VE POU LTRV WANTED %Tedat a entry Day till It arapek. J m• U. not feed Fowl sa11aIR :claim„' wheat **not ins FOR SALE Two fresh Holstein cows, of extra 'good quality. For quick sale apply to. Aaron Oestreicher. Mrs. Roland Geiger was end visitor with friends at lily Mr. and Mrs, Halton" were Friday - visitors at :iondok Mr, and Mrs, Albert He, and Mrs. W. G. Hess visited With fends; at Brinsley'• on Sunday,- t ,' Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dick op Kit- chener are spending a. few ,Weeks visiting friends on the Branso-line. Mr.. and Mrs, Ervin Dedels f and i family of Kitchener, , visited ; .with• e r1111111411 rtRAL:D Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess mot- ored to London on Monday. Miss Edith Klopp is spending the week with friends. at Detroit. Mr, Alf, Melick made a businese .. trip to Appin on Monda' Rev. and Mrs. E. Tuei'kheaim mot- ored to Kitchener the past.week: Mr, William Dumart of, Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut the past week. Mr. Robert Truss of London sp- ent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thiel.. her parents, Mr: and Mrs, Edi !liters' Mr. and Mrs. By. Hoist and Eunice Sr., last week, were visitors at the home of Mr A number of delegates of 'r'loc=, and• Mrs. Fred Hoist, Crediton. al Luther League attended t an- Misses Elva and Lena Kerrigan of nual convention at Kitchener tpest, London, spent.' the past week with week. ,; • .. their cousin, Miss Helen Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wa tr of November this year has five Sirn- Guelph, were week -end visitors# /with days; only twenty-four wore:ng days; the former's parents, Mr. and „Mrs. one holiday. W. C. Wagner. Mrs. C. Silber who spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dreier oKrn- weeks with friends at .Hensel"! and cardine were Sunday visitors` the Chiselhurst, returned to her home home of the formers parents,��. the in the village. Evangelical parsonage. s Mrs. Alex. Foster is spending a Mr. and Mrs. Cowen of Fergu `ac- week with her daughter Miss 'Helen, companied by Miss McGinn • of at Detroit, and also visiting at Pon - Morriston, were Sunday ;visite at tide, Mich. the home of Dr. and Mrs. „fi H. Z.. Cowen. e-, Mrs. E. Rader and daughter; Miss Laura and friend o.f Dashwood,were Mr. B. L. Botch manager a the' Bell Telephone• ,Comtpany of a don, Sunday visitors with the former's 1 FOR SALE accompanied by . Mr-. Dowea, ''who father, Mr. J. Decker, A couple of New Quebec Cook ;holds a similar position at TO (tato, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf, of (Stoves at a big reduction in price for :paid an official visit, to the loctet Kitchener spent Armistice Day at quick sale. !ephone officials of town on IKoiday: the home of the latter's parents, Mr. Stade & Weide — Zurich f The Board of Directors and the and Mrs. Thomas Johnson. ;Officials of the; Hay Township Mutual (Fire Insurance Company held. antieet Mr. Lawrence Fowlie, Mr. and Mrs ing, in the. De mitiiom Hoteh. n Satuir Fred Fowlie of London; and the Miss day, when, considerable businesswas Ethel and Frances Fowlie of Bayfield transacted. were Sunday visitors at the home of Meseta, Gordon Rau, Vincenf:Jef- Mr, and Mrs Gideon Koehler. frey, Harold Klapp and Lawrence Times are said to be brisker in Corriveau, all of , Detroit, spent' • the Ottawa than at any other city in week -end at their respectiveelinmes Canada. This is attributed to the in the vicinity, returning'to `,Detroit 12,000 governmentemployees get - on. Monellay: "' ting the same pay as when there was An automobile., stripped of f!s'tires no financial depression. 1 ,markers, radiator and small. parts, , €idler• made every Tuesday and but, the engineintact and other vise Do you know that five weeks from +Thuesday. Applebutter boiled by in good condition, was found"re"dent- Friday, this week, will be Christmas lappointment. ly in an isolated spot in AIex Mous- Day. Don't forget, . and get in line F. C. KaTbffeisch, Zurich. ,seaa's .hush, three miles souilittinat to do your .shopping early, as the i of Hensall in Hay Township. lsresum- locale merchants will be showing a line display of goods to choose from. FOR SALE For Quick Sale -1 4 -yr. old cow :due. Jersey;3 heifers due in spring; i8 young. carves: Apply to J:. € . Salialent, Zurich. Cider Mill NOTICE, J_ C. Salmon • & Son, Teamsters, wish to. advise the public that they are still' in, the sante business, with priees as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William. H. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Oflee--Seaforth. Ont. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkcheim. Paster New Cemetery Act in Force •• Ontario's new Cemetery Act—an act which was passed at the last ses- Huron County Traffic Officer Nor- Mr. John Albrecht of town brought sion of the Legistlature, providing man Lever of Clinton is making mar- into the Herald .Office on Monday, a for commission, control and super- ked improvements in this section real fine sample of wild raspberries vision of cemeteries, and aiming pr- by replacing the former large check- which he had found strolling through imarily, at a clean-up of the hund- er boards with large arrow sighs the woods that day. Some or the reds of neglected burygrounds that which will point the ' direction which berries were nice and ripe, others are to be found in this province at the road follows. This is a marked were still green while there was also the present time ---is now officially in improvement, as with the old cheep- considerable- blossoms visible. Truely operation, having been proclaimed at er board a stranger coming along this is a most favorable season, and. the last council of the Remy Cabinet. did not know which way he was 1•e- the scientists who claim that the quired to turn, but it is easily seen earth is getting colder, seem to be { '. """_ with the new .signs, Mr. • Lever pis 'somewhat astray in their predictions also working. on the case of the hit -i this fall.. Mother Forced e to mew and -run car which knocked the bug Fatherless Childrengy off the road in the streets of .Zur- much anxiety is being entertained :• • ich a week ago. these days by the various hunters of be - Annette loons et. you ��ax teruite ••e+'' • the district, and many hours are be- you paxrae at her bedside !a ad- Next Sunda will he observed as ing enjoyed in trying their luck to sta mire her needle work, o expert uietl slipupto a Bock of wild bake 3111* beeorne that one [eels gg flatly Day in the Evengelical chureili, q Y a table runner she hies insole Wil sew a prize at ths fair back Logia. When special services and grog is• ducks of wild geese, and play their "'atomic homier—words that bring will be given. In the morning 5 .t repeating shotguns on them. Piob- team as she tells ou hour she longe to be there to fool after her family ice, Rev. Dreier will give the spa , i ably one of the best and most suc- *ei0Re ltzasLesnd filled ,(0 lather- message. In the Sabbath Schoolr a cessful expeditions was enjoyed the rt+Ap r� lt�+ t chested aye for the "Royal Knight"HBible . Edi holier School,sthe..f. Eatete eek when Mr, Ulric Snell of past which Mr. W. g, Gideon Koehler, W. J. John- sen e. not coag. 1d b vera: Iliac e>!ae ttrm, gas claimed by this die- teacher, will put on a half hour pray: stop, :Herb., Mousseau of Zurich ret- aeone. when she was sent to the 'To- gram, this will be' followed by .the urited from a two days hunting trip *Fifth no, s regular teaching of the lesson. Then in the Camlache district for ward latera the careful rutttrnezAe, file boot.raa>t�eC. the fresh air rRbd pates,t in the evening service ReY• walio eleven of these stalwart successful in bagging aaaarbinrt are greaten l.er.plaalr tell tie lnson, of Stanley Township, andbirds. And nils the eve". road Asa7< to is very favorably known to all hero, this quartette of shooters can claim with, 'thxr�raid ee of anmaay mer,brie , w Special. " hording of the wild be rites raker. num without a doubt the: Mends, VXili You Please *moa it tit ern, will' he green. at all the servic s. record for shooting wild geese. in '� this district. ably it was a stolen machine I Massey-flarris Impiements I f WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM. Mr. Kenneth Koehler of Toronto 1S S. Thanksgiving, Nov. 26 'E • PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND 'g' :Normal S''eh:ool, visited his parents, resident Hoover issued a proc-, + WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO '. near Hensall, over the week end 1aitj;i iypn summoning the people orf! + LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU 4..4. Miss Greta Koehler returning, with tbts jIniteci States to join in obser=' + A CALL him to that city and will spend, somei v . e of November 26 as Thanks- + 4. time there visiting her aunts ,and i. g day. +j. ■M ■ 4. uncle: Misses Ada, and Helma and 1Vir lice exceptional fine weather con- + Brantford Windmills and Pumps ra• Edwin Koehler. , P tinntes to favor this part of western } ▪ H• AVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD 'l" Mr. John. "N Cantin, aceoi ponied Ontario, and some days are so nice 'I' • - Y it SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEN 'F b his mother, Mrs. N M. Canon' of„ and warm that we can see citizens + t,,„ tontr'eal; are spending a fee -7444's sitting outside en slurtsieeves these - EXCLUSIVE -''LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE "1" ' holidays at their former home at Si. balmy afternoons. It certainly will ▪ S• OLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ¢ Joseph. Their many friends are in- greatly help' to shorten the winter, • ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. deed pleased to see them back in and is a big saving on the coal bin. + their home although areT for a bort + BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT '1' + MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- + LOW THEIR VALUE. + 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. + HOW ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEMBER, WE + GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES 4. Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! + } N. E. Siemon, Agent., Zurich + .p +++�++++++++++++�, isF++++F++++++++++++ + ++++ .II No SOOT No ODOR No SOK/No No SHAKING No ASHES NO COAL SCUTTLE NO DIRTY FLOORS AG' That's why 100,000 women praise the Silent Glow. Oil Burner. In plate of old fashioned dirt, it brings cleanliness and health;, i4istead of worm -happiness and leisure. ' 'Insist on the genuine.Silent Glow— IT LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE HEAT— BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENERATED Read this letter from a well satisfied user of "Silent Glow":, "During the winter I installed a `SILENT GLOW' oil burner, model W, in the circulating furnace in my 6 -room house. I used the two burners only when it was very cold. This winter I have used $42.00 worth of oil and saved $22.00 on fuel with much more satisfaction, and with always an every and healthy temperature." (Name upon request) "Silent Glow" will fit your range or heater. Let us show you its simple, noiseless operation. GL® l� 71ADE MARK ASC. U1 CAN. ANDU.3. MT. OFF. t�� Oii. BURNER Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes camps, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners for beating large fiver, apartments and other large buildings. "MADE IN CANADA" WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 40 1444.1.4•+444.4.4.4•44.+++++++++44 •:-.:-1.4- + g ys time. Be sure and read the special offer adv. of the Herald in this week's is- sue. It is no direct benefit to thR publisher to make this offer, but:'it is dollars in the pockets of the public which means so much these days: 'Be sure and have your order sent in by November 30th. after which date it will be closed and too late. Act now! The sale of homemade baking held by the ladies of St. Peter's Lutheran church on Saturday in part of the Ruth. The dining room was becom- Tohnston & Kalbfleisch store, was in ingly decorated in pink and white, every way a decided success, as:. ev-and a tasty hot dinner was served :rybody availed themselves of :the which was enjoyed by everyone pre- e opportunity to purchase this good sent. The evening was spent in sing - baking at such reasonable prices, and ing and games. Mrs. Foster was as-, needless to say we all lived "high" silted by Mrs. J. Battler and Mrs. C. over the week -end. L. Smith, and Miss Jemima Johnston. A happy matrimonial event was celebrated in St. Peter's R. C. Church Drysdale, on Monday, when Rev. Father Marchand.. united in Holy Weddlock Miss Reta Geoffrey, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Geoff - in this way, as presiousiy it 'was; in rey, of the •Blue'" Water Highway, connection with Thanksgiving Day. Stanley Township, to Mr. John Bar - But by the new order both these nate, of Niagara Falls. s The day was days were observed separately this approprately spent at the home of year, and quite probably from now the bride's parents. The Herald on, as the public seems to like .:she joins their 'many friends in extend - new ttnethoct, , ing congratulations. A very enjoyable evening- was sp- ent on Friday, November 13th by Murray Bros., and guests at a dance in Bayfield Town = Hall, celebrating the opening of their new garage at `Mat place. Murray Bros. take this medium of thanking all •that assisted with music for the dance The even- t :was brought to a close by sing - the National Anthem. rs. Alex. Foster entertained a limber of little girls to a birthday party in honor of her laughter, Armistice Day, Iast Wednesday, was rather quietly observed in the village, as most of the villagers who celebrated, were away to Exeter, London and other places. This was the first time this day was observed k it Cash Prices > Tet- te great for C.07 recover ■ ros't err' est •FST recovery. sy ,ry° - C11.4i Fltlo Cream and Eggs •W.• O'Brien, Saw* no. Rentah tu. Mr .a. lit. Anew 2.f. Volt etc uuviteel►- � tdiomata►a. !11 .. NM4YMAMWAW1t4YtiLYlh'itYtiM1h4itil6FltYf6YS11 Zurich Drug Store 1 We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies e••••••••••••••••••••••••• All authorized Text Books kebt E in Stock ♦....♦ ...................a Toilet Sets, Manicure Set. and Military Brushes •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfurnizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A, J. MacKinn�n, Zurich ,IWWWWWAMMVPOWNWPmiliwwftvij,