HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-11-19, Page 41 ir w' IF TO UILLSGa EL" N Visa ;Eleanor Fisher of Rensalt, Anent , few days recently at the, loins of :Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. M .floe 71,+urrest of Seaforth is here non b i$b1ess. Mal, and Mrs, W, Reichert and da - :lighters IViinexva and Elda spent a rday in London recently. Mr.. and Mrs. Lamport ofCrediton Wisited With 111rr. and M. Gordon Love reeently. M. and Mrs, ittMel Consitt bridal couple, have xetttxned from a pleas- ant trip to Ottawa and other Eeast ern points. Mrs. Alfred Smith: of Crediton, spent a few days;at the ohome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs; , Jno Richard- son. The W. M. S. are holding their Thankoffering Service on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. =M*sMM•iN1iM•Nr.NIN1.100!rMN!•i•Nrr•M•�•N�•• LOOK! Here is the Season's 1 1 0 iiggest Bargain :HAVE MADE SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE LON- DON DAILY PAPERS, DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER TO LET YOU HAVE ANY ONE OF THESE PAPERS AND THE ZURICH HERALD ONE WHOLE YEAR .FOR ONLY: $5.10 MEMEMBER THIS OFFER IS GOOD ONLY TILL.NOVEMBER 3}3tb, AFTER WHICH DATE THE REGULAR PRICE OF $6.00 WILL AGAIN PREVAIL. TICS 15 .AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER AND NO ONE SHOLD.LET 3T CO BY. ARRANGE AT ONCE TO HAVE ALL YOUR PAP- ERS AND MAGAZINES RENEWED AND SAVE- MONEY, AT THE ZURICH HERALD OFFICE 1 1 • 1 1 • • a.'iit81111lt►• ••••!•fst••N•••••••••••!M t4•t-4•8fi ;4. S•-II•.F.l.•3••i •i ao4..l..; 4.4 a,-.:- :•.•i• -.l•+.1-t»F•44.1...,+ ++4 ;•• - 4 •'i•.t•+•II•dr•1••1•'. 1 4 or 4 4- f Before the cold weather arrivs 4 -1• T4., Let Us Quote You On Storm Sash and Doors 4- I: Call - Call us and we will measure your windows 4. 4- , • C• t: ALBILEISC 4 4. : 4. „�; fig ZURICH 4. 4. 4.4 4.4.4-H- i-:,+.o•g••g.•3 ++ + 4,1. S- +.44.•F•+ •f..p•+-. +4.•F.., ++.i.. +4,.444.+.E• .2 •....ir••••N0•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • At ' Caste • • IL'tDCALE • • • •and Below • •• • On • new Farm Machines while they. last ONE LEVER HARROW ONE 2 FURROW PLOW . • i 0 a 0 0 0 O SPECIALS. 'CULTIVATOR DIAMOND 4 -SECTION HARROW 1 ECUF:FLER FLEURY No. 21 WALIONG PLOW QUEBEC SULKY PLOW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR" ' SPECIALS! ItleCOR11ICK-DEERING No. 21 PLOW AT ... ........$17.00 .s! GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW AT $4.50 • O ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS •ALL THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. NO REAS- • • AMIABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO isi CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST • • • • • General Garage, Gas, Oils, Etc. : j L. A. Prang & Son - Zurich • ▪ •M••M•••••••••••••'•••••.•••N•••w••••••••0••1� IMMOM •...•.••••••••••M••••••••/••••••••••r••MN•••••• Your Coal Supply I • The cold Days are now being ush• - wed in. Let us supply you with f ! the best fuels at lowest prices •i • • POULTR FOODS 3 Try our Chick Starters, Chick • ' Feeds,Laying a Mash, S Etc, GOOD CLOVER fl4'/E ARE IN' THE MARKET FOR CLOVER . SEED. ALSO M DO CUSTOM SEED CLEANING. L Schilbe ite Sonl • 0•00004010•00SM414•10•••••••••••s' suascot , A;I• Is Bev. Mr. Whyte of Elimville oo; ducted the preparatory service in church on Friday evening. • 1 .Consitt-•Turner' A quiet but pretty wedding too ,place at the home of Mr.' and M ..k 7 Tun n. us. h W. e a t n,. d o .a h when their .only daughter Malrgaret Eileen was united :in ,marriage '�,to Thomas' Russell Consitt, only so of Mr. and Miss. Th'onas Consitt.': ev. Mr. Connor officiating. After '• he wedding • dinner, Mr. and Mrs. 'O nw sitt left on a pleasant honeym on trip to points east. ;- STANLEY TOWNSHT Miss Olive. Erratt';.spent the weekT end with her friend Miss Jean Turn- er of Seaforth. ' Mr, Ben Keys and family were: in London on Saturday visiting their, son, Mervyn, who is attending Unhver sity at that city. Miss Margery Gescho of Zurich, visited her friend' Margaret 'Robin son on Sunday. ' Miss Margaret Erratt has returned from Hamilton to spend a few mon; the with her mother, and her brother Rev. W. 0. Robinson. The High River Times, of High River, Alberta, refers to the death of Mr. Harry Peck, a brother of Mrs Wm. J. Dowson of the Goshen Line, as follows:,, "The sudden death of Mr. Harry Peck of Orion on October 17th, has removed a greatly respected, citizen of the Orion and High River districts. Mr. Peck was : born 59; years ago, and had been apparently in excellent health, and had attend ing a community gathering at Orion and was talking with friends, when, he was seized with a sudden heart attack, death occurring almost at once. He is 'survived by his widow,` Mrs. Peck, of High River; two dau-, ghters, Mrs. R. W. Gilchrist, of Milo Mrs. R. J. Flynn, of Vulcan, and two sons, Merril, of High River and Ray-' mond of Herronton. Two brothers also and one sister survive;. William, Orion, George of North Dakota ands Mrs. Mm. J. Dowson ofZurich,Ont: He was born at Bayfield, Ont., migr- ating to North Dakota when a young lad and in 1911 corning 'to •the Orion district in Alberta, where he home steaded. The family moved' to High River in 1926, but Mr. Peck'rstisl te, tained`'his farm" at 'Orion and spent a • certain proportion of his time k•kher% n, He was an' influental citizeaa? the Orion district and had serve& ,ilihro . ugh the years as councilio.,.ltagooLl trustee and in similar public ra aces, His lodge associations, were wi:ii: the: I. 0. Oddfellows and the Moden. Woodmen of America. In High 'Rit r he had many friends and • was highly ,esteemed Ja _eyexybody: Tire :synrp athy of file community is, o Bended to the family in this sudden •and: un-. anticipated bereavement. A Iarge' at-: tendance was present at the funeral, services for Mr. • Peck which were held from the United Church under the auspices of the local I.O.O.F.'lod- ge. Rev. Garabedian ' officiated and the .two•soloists, Mi. 'Collier' and Mr. Cope sang "Rock of Ages" and ano- ther favorite of. the deceased, "Face to Face". The IOOF services at the graveside was impressively condug• d. All members of the family were'ra- thered in High River for the sad.:LS'c= casion, including William Peck, • a brother, of Orion."' Capital Theatre West St., Phone 47, GODP4UCH Northern Electric Sound System Now Playing- Constanco newstelt in "Born to Love". Mon., Tues., and Wednesday WARNER BAXTER, and . .. MYRNA LOY Co-starred in a dramatic action tale of the Foreign Legion. Dir- ected by Victor Fleming. . "RENEGADES" Sund News with every' Program -Thue'ree Friday and. •Saturday .,ORETTA` YOUNG and RONALD COLMAN. present a truly excellent story by Frederick LondsdaIe. The Devil to Pay: oming=The four Marx Brothers in "Monkey Business HENSALL E. Stewart of Toronto was a vis- itor al the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Foss. Scott Welsh, accompanied by a number of friends are on a shooting trip to the pinery. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duncan and Jack Young of Harrington West sp- ent a day with Mrs. Reid and Minnie. Mrs. Wm. Hyde -is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. Bell, of .Stephen. 'T. Routledge of the Bank of Mon- treal staff is holidaying at his home in Ridgetown. Elva. Bolton, accompanied by Dr. Spillman of Kitchener, were visitors at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mickle of Ridgetown visited at the home •of Laird Mickle of town. Eleanor Fisher visited for a week at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Ross Love of Hillsgreen. • Mrs. A. D. Harpole and daughter, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton for a few months, left to visit her sister in Alberta before returning to her home. A. E. Lyon visited with Mrs. •Jas. F. Sparks. s. Mr. Lyon is known .from •-•coast to coast as president of the Lacrosse Associations of both Canada and Ontario, as well as taking an in- terest in other games played by the :young people. Mrs. Jas. F. Sparks of Hensall, Belle Sparks and Wm. Daniels, of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Mc- Intyre attended the funeral in Lon- don of Jas., ,E. Sparks. in Mh. Pleas- ant cemetery recently. John McD. Wilson has been on the sick list for several weeks, Mrs. H. Lipphardt, who has been quite ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. Geo, Fee, we are pleased to 'ate is improving nicely. Mildred •14eDonell has returned form a vsn'y pleat int visit with telati- s in Toronto. 44Ezra Willard, Orville Twitchell id Herman Dayman returned hone om Port Lorne, where they have •been on a hunting expedition. They turned home with two fine deer. • DASHWOOD new grocery business has, been opened in town in connection with 1GCellerinan's butcher shop, a full line of gob'd fresh groceries will be kept in stock, arid the patronage of public is solicited. Will be kept open for business till 8.15 each evening with exception of Tuesday and Saturday e4enings when itwill be open all ev- eding. 14Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger • and daughter Zeta are spending •a few ,day,X with friends in London this week Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt of In- gersoll spent Sunday with Mrs. Lidt's another, Mrs. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke of De- troit spenit the week -end with Mrs. Rpsehke's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. G. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson and three children of Galt spent the.•we- ek-'gaid with Mr. and Mrs. rd. N'ad- Misses Marie and Gertrude.Allem- ..a4." and Carl Allemang arf St. Clam - exits were week -end ,visitors with fri- end`s in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman and fam- tly;spent•last Wednesday in London. Mrs Matilda 'Kraft' and "family.) ' ted, friends,, in Zurich oil ` We'dnes- Mr, and •Mrs. S. Adams of London 'were, Sundayvisitors with Mr. and ,Mrs E. G. Kraft:; 'Mr. Leonard Birk of Guelph spent the week -end at his home here. •Mrs. R. Armstrong and ' daughter Lottie of London visited with Mr. and •Mrs. P. Melsaac,' and Mr. and :Mrs. 0. Restemeyer on Wednesday. `Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Maier and family and George Maier of De- troit were called`home owing to the serious illness of their mother, . Mrs. Wm. Maier.' Mr. and Mrs. A. Oestreicher and 'family spent a few days with Mrs. Oestreicher's parents in Dorchester last week. Mrs. Shore of . Woodbridge, Mrs. Witmer and Garfield of Zurich cal- led on friends here on. Friday. Mr. Gordon Keeler spent the we- ak -end with his brother, in Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist of Zur- ich were Sunday visitors with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Schroeder. Congratulations' to Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker on the arrival of a daughter at their home. A rather serious accident occurred on Saturday . evening when Albert Miller, son of ,Mia. Otto Miller was helping toput'.a;,barrel of cider in the cellar, „the barrel in some way slipped, falling on his leg fracthring it above the annle. Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker, a daughter, on ,Friday, Nov- ember 13th. COUNTY NEWS After playing all expenses the St- ratford Lions Club realized $1,237 for their share of the `Passion PIay" given recently in that cilty. Aline Clark, of Gorrie, who won the Huron county championship in public• speaking this year, took partt in the competition for 'Western Ont- ario• at Guelph, last week and was given fourth place• among' nine comes tants. ':Che' appearance of two deer in Mc- I{illrip Tp., during th'past week has cauged considerable excitement am- ong, , e residents there and in Sea - for ,:s well. fssppeal of a number of Blyth ra e; to ers against their assessment Was ' , corded on by His Honour Judge Costel e Monday last. All appeals werdleonfirmed except that on the Cenintercial House and it was reduc- ed 0160. Mit' Elizabeth A. Watson, who left Exeter ,about 14 years ago, died at her Donis in London on Oct. 21ItIt, in her 74th year. She was in. fatting • ;health for some time, Geo. F. Harris, who died in Rinlo tp., on Oct. 29th in his 99t1t yea was bora hi. Goderich Feb. 19th, 183 One of the family of nine. Re had :t ways enjoyed good health and wa remarkably active until a couple, months before his death. November 1st was an anniversa for Jas. Scott, Clinton's postmaste who on that day fifty years ago, No '1st, 1881, came to Clinton to han outH his shingle as a young lawyer Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell an family, of Lucknow, are returning t Exeter and have moved into, residen of the late Wm. Bakker; Andrew S Their eldest daughter, is attendin the Stratford Model School. Second 'growth raspberries, strawberriesn have • frequently be noted this season, but the` climax, w reached when J. Brough . brought, , Goderich a well formed cluster: o apple blossoms and an apple bot from the same tree at. they Bsoug summer home. Those in the county who assisted the Seaforth's Lion Club to make such a success of their Hallowe'en frolic, will be pleased to learn that the Club netted in the neighborhood of $1300 from their efforts. This .a- mount will be devoted to the crippled children and other Lion welfare pro- jects in the county. R. H. Sayers, who has been in ch- arge of the Exeter branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce since the first of June owing to the illness of M. R. Complin, has received the appointment as manager of the bran- ch commencing Nov. 1. The town of Wingham is construct ing a storm sewer, to cost approxi- mately $5,000, as an unemployment relief work. The Prey. and Federal Governments will pay half of the cost. A large barn on the farm of Gus Bisbeck, on the outskirts of Clinton was burned the other morning. Hay grain and root crops were destroyed The loss is partially covered by in- suranse. ss r, 3 1- s of ry r, v g 0 ce t. g > fovo'atbee' '1014 '193r Ly �d��tt �� Satre. Exeter - Ont • fir, Tuesday, Wednesday Mend& NOV. OV , 24, 'nth Ridersthe Purple t �Sage Story• by Zane Grey Comedy and Magic Carpet Thursday, Friday, Saturday ]i'overnber 26, 27, 28 and;• Coluens and Kellys in • Africa] as y 1x' popular.team to ;GEORGE, ;SIDNEY do f CHAS. MURRAY h L. V. Hogarth, of the Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, Exeter, accom panied by his father left recently with a truck load of pulletsand apples for South Porcupine, New Ontario. The distance is about 637 miles and it took a week t9 make the trip. 'Thisi is the longest distance that this. firm has ever delivered their• splendid stock of poultry. In police court recently a charge of theft preferred. against. George D. Cooper of Ashfield by Ida. M. Hack- ett, of the same township, was dis- missed for lack of evidence. Cooper has the Hackett fa' rm leased. It was alleged that he took wood:.off the farm which, under agreenient,ilemas not entitled, to take. The agreement was produced in pnlirp court, but there was nothing in it stating, that Cooper could not take wood. off the farm. It did say that it must. be for his use, but it did not say where he might bum it.. The Magistrate stxur. ck strictly to the warding; of the ag- reement and dismissed:•the: case: Comedy and Fox Movietone News Nov 311, Dec. 1 and 2nd SPORTING BLOOD With Clarnk Gabble and an all Star Cast. Comedy and Spotlight. LOCAL NEWS Mr. Charles i re'h and Miss Carrie - ;Brenner of "Kitchener were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. McNeil Brothers Given Liberty Gilford and l{arvey'McNeil, broth- • ers, .of Teeswa'ter, who three times faced a jury en charges or robbing the Brussels branch of hte Bank of Nova Scotia, walked out of the co- unty jail at Goderich at 4.15 o'clock en Monday afternoon free. men. The order from the attorney -general's de- partment was awaited hourly and it !was received from the jailer, J. B. Reynolds. All three trials the jury disagreed, and the trials -.cost the co- unty alone well over $5,000. The defense costs were over $2,000. A goodly number of our villagers are somewhat disappointed on Wed- nesday evening upon not receiving their Herald, but -we must let this blame rest on the Hydro workmen,, who without a moment's notice snap- ped off the hydro on Wednesday aft- ernoon around two o'clock and 'tink- ered around the transforrners all af- ternoon and nobody seems to know what they were doing. Seems too had they just had to pick Wednesday .afternoon when everything was going along nicely, bat seems we must a- bide by the "higher ups" and dare not say a word. Nobody,, v in the least iii it were-:•emet+ghi; . work beinga,done, but itseemed very much like only tinkering around a ',fir'-„ •: The other morning at eleven: or- clock J. H. Andersen of; the 14th con. Fasllarton while in: the• stable do- ing some chores, heard' a :roaring no- , ise in the barn and sm investigating found that a Ire had broken out and hurriedly got out the stock, among which were 60 pigs. The large barn strawshed and all the seasons crop were destroyed by fre. The: neighbors turned out and with united efforts the driving shed which. was close by was saved. The cause of the. fire is unknown. It was announced by Mayor. C. C. Lee that' a further sum G$' $FhAOD in relief work had been aw-ardbd: God- erich by the Unemployment Relief Board at Toronto, bringing' the total to $15,000, the Government. ami:the town paying 50 per cent. each.:. The total asked for by the deputation which recently visited , Tardy was $21,800. A well known and esteemed: -*n- eer resident of the Seaforth district died in the person of Jacoh Weller. Deceased Who was in his 8Oth'year, was born at Mt. Clemens, Mich-, and most of his life was spent in Egmawh. ville. He was later the proprietor of the Dominion Hotel, Dublin. For the past few years he was confined to his home. " • Saturday last Mrs. Rich'd Gow➢a one of Exeter's oldest residents pas- sed away at the age of 88years. She had been remarkably smart and en- joyed njoyed life right up to the last, and was taken i11 about Thanksgiving and dual!grew gradually weaker. Was bore in Cornwall but early hi'life eret ttd Devonshire ivhere,.she was married to the late R. Gould. About two hears after their' marriage they crane to, Canada settling in.'Ex,iter 64: years ago. Cecil Shipley of Clintmt, age 21 was the victim of a serious accident when he slipped into a threshing ina chine and received injuries which nec- essitated the amputation of his right leg at the knee. Bean threshing was almost completed on the farm of Wm Stanbury, four miles south of Clinton an the London raf� Shipley had just stepped on they thresher T' -len his foot slipped and hiss right leg was drawn into the Machinery 1n�l. smashed to a .pulp. Play Safe Choose a Huron & Erie trustee debenture when invest' your savings. Mutual harmers insurance companies and executors invest in Huron & Erie debentures because they are au4. a ized by law. fur trust funds. 51 lc ;gym is paid half--• 3rearIy upon $100 and over' for Y to S years. %eaUoas aro scceptedby.- ANDREW F. HESS. Zurich, ZURICH " HERALD0 ' Fatailished 1900 ILSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY:'' NOON FROM THE Herald Printing0Ifics: SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 $•r year, strictly in advancer. $1.50 iit><r arx of x,2,00 may be chancre.. II.. S. $1.50 in ativance: Ti?papti • disnom- tinned until all arrears are paid •an Less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is denated on the I:abel. AA TISIN • G RATES on• lyadvertising made known, application. Iidscelfaneous articles of noe more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inset- . tion 25e, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 for isimt month, $1.00 for each foie lowing month. IPsefeasienal Cards not exceeding; t'%s inches, per year $ 5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 255ae. 4 (or each additional verse; Card of l Aroction I*les-$x.00 per single; over four inches h 'assertion if not OV length. Address all communications to; THE H E _ .