HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-11-12, Page 8PA(To 14911T•IT TRESTORE' WITH THE STOCK 1111)A1 WINTER GOODS OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL. THE VARIOUS LINES OF GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. LADIES DRESS MATERIALS IN ALL WOOL TRAVELTWEED, NEW SHADES OF BROWN, GREEN, MAROON, AND BLACK, 54 -hi. WIDE, AT $1.50 YARD. NEVI SANTOYS AND QUEEN CLOTHS, NOW ONLY 85c. YARD. NEW TRAVELTWEED IN SILK AND RAYON MIXTURES FROM 50c TO. 85c A YARD. 'Underwear - Sweaters Spt-•cial line of -Ladies' pure wool Vests and Bloomers very fine • quality, to sell at each ;r>1.00 Children's Underwear, extra weight, Mottled York Knit, All sizes each from 35c to 50c M•.°1's Underwear of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES! A C,orabination, good quality, all sizes, per garment. • • •81.50 SW.L;ATER COATS FOR MEN, AND WOMEN, BOYS AND.GIRLS AT NEW LOW PRICES. G-ROGFHES .1Y A.RONI, 3 lbs. for • 19c .E.]:&A,OGGS CORN FLAKES, 3 for 2.5c i'.1 s'‘'.11" FLOWERS SOAP, 4 for 25c ':::CIAL BLEND TEA, lb. 39c I .•.:71ESALL COFFEE, ib. 35e ,'°.:_i•DA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25e EXTRA SPECIAL 60c GIALETTS CAUSTIC SODA, 5 lbs. for CELERY! CELERY! Frz....h Celery grown in our own Gardens. Orders now taken for Crates packed ready for winter use. C el. IncoucE WANTED — • 0 S PHONE 59 usaa ,,,,Vaa===.,,s-1,-,msaar.r.r...7.7,--X.^..77.77,--,=--arratarMallrffile rair-,, Alczgaenarmaarcea.....ntteastarre-mamawswatotaa.umal=0,,, rtat.asSW.R....12:21,...aataaracnangaaatacarsagrada1022211.0.14:.2carinarattningrantlan191KIE 0 114 nvest ant witha 47,0 0 a Guarantee UNDER THE LAW, EVERY OWNER OF A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE, TOGETHER WITH EVERY DEPOSITOR, HAS 1 "RST" CLAIM ON THE ENTIRE ASSETS OF THE 68-YEAR- G,...D HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION TOTALLING OVER FORTY-SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS.Ti , boosornmemonn......rarsua.,—wm.rera..r.astorlRonorair-arsesostma,..12sramtamorawanmstammilatimm innemslinnnissinadocummaas,....smaeseummur.orturatmeasemsonmenct=umn..2.3weitermasseirramaurralnalliAlEalla IS NOW PAID, HALF -YEARLY, ON DEBENTURES $100.00 OR MORE CAN BE INVESTED FOR 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5 YEARS. Play Safe when Investing A2k-'LICATION CAN BE MADE AT ANY TIME. APPLY TO: Anclrew F. Hess, - Zric MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY • Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ItzttALD • • -' NIrais4Alt$ Xtivember.1.201 A0411:' • +*44++++.4444++++++++4.4+44+ 4÷64+++++++++++++44041 Your liar - ar WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Rinso, Large pkg. (washes clothes whiter) Jif: Soap Flakes, large pkg. Peas, No. 4 size, 2 tins Superior Baking Powder No aluna. 23c McCormick's Soda Biscuits, 15 -oz.. Blue Ribbon Coffee (real. fia.vor) Family Blend Coffee, per lb. !9c 15c ....... 14c 49e b 9e Big Five Cleanser, per tin . ... Herm Pork and Beans, large tin "It 18c Kellogg's all Bran, large pkg. . 19c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. ... . .. 25c WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF IVIEWSAAND. BOYS' SWEATER COATS AND UNDERWEAR. LADIES' WOOL, SILK AND WOOL LIE, ALSO CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY, RE SONABLY PRICED. J e YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 146 ialing.analommurairulloigastufInagnennx1.1...11.11.1....0•64•11.11101003VoliMISVISAIIMM9214.19031121.1.01aVaiisms.11.412......a..161941fra Bayfield Garage Robbed wes The Bayfield garage was visited by robbers last week. When E. C. Webb, mechanic, employed by J. D. Gold- thorpe, went to the garage, he found „ OF WOODSTOCK the doors open. Upon investigation he , found that the glass in the window .The' LargestBusiness of any • had been broken. New tires worth Canadian Company doing about $140, and some silver, whic111 Tte tql4, Business in Ontario- -was left in the till, were stolen. local constable, J. Pease, and Provi 4v;iniiit of Insurance at Risk on Dec. cial Constable Gundry, of Goderic? are investigating the Tobbery. Ther€ 21st, 1928, $22,206,275. has been considerable petty thieving it Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 • Rates -44.50 per $1,000 for years. The following is a report of the E. F. Klopp—ZilliCh October exams. held in S.S. No. 4, North Stanley. Adeat, Also Dealer Lidhtniaid Rods V—John Watson 824, Beatrice ' and all kinds nE ire Insurance Houston 73. Sr. IV—Keith Westlake' 60. -,••• ° - Jr. IV—Stuart Watson 71, Bert Greer 64, Jan Dunn 58; Antionette LOCAL ARKETS Rau 47. jr. III—Jennie Hunking 45, Char- CCorrected every Wednesday) ern Farmers Mutual ether insurance Co ta&G;a441Q wgiceago64.14Qtfae,Q 061)090-CoGetilIDOCHORMIK14,. t HOMES WITH COLDER DAYS COMING, NOW IS THE TIME TO CON- SIDER YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE WINTER MONTHS LET US HELP YOUR PROBLEMS WITH: Quebec,. Heaters or Hecla Furnaces NO OTHER KINDS QUITE SO DURABLE. AND.ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE. going on in the village for some time. SCHOOL REPORT a EVETROUGHING ETC. CALL US UP ABOUT THAT EVETROUGHING JOB YOU WANT foi DONE AT ONCE, WHILE THE WEATHER IS STILL FAVOR- ABLE FOR OUTSIDE WORK. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- AGE IN THIS LINE OF WORK Full Line of HeAvy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - Will lams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. FURNITURE! URNITURE! lie Hunking 26. II—Gordon Westlake 96, Melviin Greer and Billy ArmstrongVO, +fia+++4.:+4•44++ri4++++, Butter lb. ............'..... ..... . 25 Eggs . -.......... ..2..... 17-32-37 en); Madge Houston 74; Ethel WatCiheicskens 7-14 n son 72; Wilfred Rau 67. . 4-10 First—Andrew Rau 90; Ilene Grt. Ducks .... ............ . .... 6-8 ex 86', George Hunking 82.: ,, Na. on roll 19. .? '' "Iseeys Primer—Anthony Rau. :the co, 41.0mineeat, bushel 50 Average attendance 18.22 ,;.,..,:,. ps,...cley 33 BUSY FARMER NEWS Vina Herbert, Teachel .1 rBoshliloteurskr:heat:„ L . , 1.75 3.00 14.00 20 44 The poultry crop all. over Canada Bran 14.00 this year is likely to be decidedly Live flogs . A ... . ... . . ...... 4.75 short. The poultry which comes onto . the market this fall, however, will probably show a high degree of finish 4. 4. 4. We can supply the Public with Seasonabie Hardware at Moderate Prices Store Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. , cod supply of Smoke um on band Furnit re liedLced We are offering our Entire Stock *f Furn- iture at Greatly Reduced Prices, which will move it out rapidly. Be sure and g t your requirements at th,-se low prices I y' WE ALSO HAVE' SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Joh •ston Kai i 1 eisch Hardware F rniture. Phone 63 .1;++++4444.-E-E•4•+++4,44.444iV.,*+4,,t+4.4,4,4-t-++0.:»01.4,**+.4.4.44÷÷+.,i-t.4 11110111181111111111111111111111111111111111WHIMMEINEMEEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIlillilliiiiiiffildfill1111M1311111111111111111111111EIMMINIMI1111011111111111, Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Ete., Etc. - 1 good Lumber Wagon at 1 go -id buggy at $45 • We 1 Blacksmith Vice at Also Seco dhand Tools $6.25 B ITEM, the Repair Man nu- mmummumummummummumnummummemummummummuunnummumm i.4.4.44+444.i.+4.*******4•4.**++.1.44,4,4-*-7.-444-1.+4.4.444.4.444.++++fir t soil; function of the different plant - because of the abundance of feeds .i. food: iements; home sources of plant and most of it will Fell on a basis of nutritnts and use of fertilizers. Much official grades. Prices will be a big atten/ion has also been paid to the factor controlling volume, 1 lates:inethod of testing for lime and .. to re ognition in the field of the need Growers in the ThecIford district of lii e under various soil conditions. are shipping one of the best celery Praitical farmers will find here a cle- crops yet grown in that noted cel- ar statement of factors entering into ei.y-producing area. It is estimated the Pntility of soil and science teach - that three hundred car loads will be shipped this year. Special arrangem- ents have been made to transport the celery in special refrigerator cars in order that buyers may get it crisp and fresh. Weekly Crop Report Livestock men throughout Ontario have benefited by the open fall as many dairymen have been able to carry their milk herds with consider- able less grain feeding than usual•All livestock will go into winter in excel- lent condition. Cheese factories report an increase in production over last year. An increase in the number of hogs going to market has been notic- ed during the past week, but untor- tunately too many heavies and un- finished hogs are include:_ in the off- ering. Fall wheat is causyng some concern, due to having made a phen- omenal grOwth this fall. Many grow- ers are pasturing the fall wheat in an Indeavour to remove some of the heavy top. a A Valuable Bulletin 0 ZURiCH - ONT. STA E & WEI DO I 1 This bulletin deals with sueli funda- has just been issued by the „O.A.C, question's regarding the factors that influence productivity of the soil.With hie fact in mind, 13oulletin No, 864 Farmers are asked more and more 1.410600***10.0**01111004110.4m4414.11101011061110.1111000000411106080111 meental questions as; composatoktf ATTE TION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE LARGER QUANTITIES WITEE A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, Wall QUALITY CONSIDERED 4. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH C.HARGES VE REASONABLE,. GAS OILS GREASES ousseau Zurich era -will find full descriptions of the 1 fun ions of the various elements of soil' ertility. This bulletin will be sed to any farmer free on applicat- ion° o the O.A.C. The Potato Situation It: an effort to improve the pres- ent, potato situation the Ontario lVfaiketing Board has sent a letter to every mayor in the town ana cities of Pntario urging the purchase of potatoes for relief work at the pres- ent bargain prices. It is pointed ont thai many municipalities will have to buy supplies to feed unemploym- ent° this winter and -were this will be necessary much money tan be saved by taking advantage'of the very low hares. Prices run all the way from 15on should immediate purchasing be / to 50c per bag just now. Not 7 of direct value to the Relief Commit- tee; buying now, but it is also stated suoli purchasing will have an indirect benefit also, as --this sort of thing sh- oultl help the farmer and therefore th ! Whole country. The Ontario idi rketing Board still maintains the - is no surplus of potatoes in Ontar- 1,0f 'we take into consideration the, fad that this province normally im-' pdrts a couple of thousand carloads ky year. - ; *et' +416,14,4.4.01mal.,04,44* InIk1,1-felKYO,Potk**++****,PtP*/".11541"P*1-1•1404W!i, . E .:ALi. FPI + + . ... 4* THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST + CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS a a AND • ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, 6 . BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. a O THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- + a ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES + STATEMENTS, ' BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, $ SHIPPING TAGS, ETC, + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT .E. TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES . IN MOST CALLED -FOR + SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON' OR TRACING 4- 4. PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES + ' AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. 4 4. • THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH .„,.* A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS: LARGER QUAN- TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTPONS, 3: + THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS + 4. MERCANTILE 1POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OM SPEcIALTY. 4,, 4,0e44m440.44++4.4r4.4.4144 • . 44,41 Do You Know?rk 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8 4.