HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-11-12, Page 5Thursday, NoveMber. 12th, Ion BUSINESS CARDS DuDLEY E. floLiviEs StARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC, eFFICE—Hanfiltori Street, JruA off the Square, GODERICHeeOntario. Special Attention to Couneel and Court Work. Ildr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. IP DENTAL S:GEON DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH •Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASIM OOD Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -ses-e_r_seee OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing lakes. Choice Farms for Sale. Will *sell anything Anywheee. hone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed banner FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless us to size Or article to sell. I solicit your business, and. if not satisfied wen anake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. Every 1WantsorrorirOlLalle, Lost, LOCAL d N Ads SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers NIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. OATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - VELURE 011, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION' Parts, Irlohning and Mechanical Work I'dorke to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. 'Watch the cars that :STOP at WEIN'S, They are al! k3JGH CLASS cLitaTrELE. DASHWOOD — ONTARIO aokettOleteeemesotOcetate. 1028689090 Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCIN G tiCHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED ROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBL1JT aft DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB ZLISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AleTD SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 11. Yunghlut & Sou Illieratease000108000M9 OOVOISIDOWO 1 31 Announcement :SPRING PRICES NOW 1r4 EFFECT FOR Bunton Goal Coke Alberti Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 60 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for ca-eil. Order Early as prices. will advance on Juno 16th. Case & Son rime., 36' I-IENSALL -...--vm7t7*••••'""""'"*". • L I VE WANTED ailaken every Day till 3 o'clock, pan. Teo not feed 1003,v1 same morning when brought ixe Highest Cask Prices —CASH F04— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien oom? lin Rat. 640 FounOICO, oIce Etez . IN TEL9 FOR SALE Two fresh Holstein eowe, of extra good quality. For quick sale apply to. Aaron Oestreicher. FOR SALE A couple of New Quebec Cook Stoves at a big reduction in price for quick sale. Stade & Weido — Zurich LOST •A bunch of keys, in a case includ- ing auto driver's permit, etc. Fin- der kindly return to.—L. Mine & Son. FOR SALE For Quick Sale -1 4 -yr. old cow due Jersey;3 heifers due in spring; 8 young calves. Apply to J. C. Salmon, Zurich. NOTICE HERE IS BARGAIN DAY! The Zurich Herald at $1.25 a year and the London Advertiser at $5.00 a year. Our Clubbing Rate for both papers is $5.10 a year, for a limited time only, be sure and act quick as this offer may not be good very king. Save money by ordering your papers at Herald Office. Debts Collected NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE We collect notes, accounts, etc., everywhere. Our success will aston- ish you,eeve seldom fail. If we do it coosts you nothing. Send in your debts today. Do it now, tomorrow may be too late. Clip for future reference. Canadian Creditors' Association, Branches Everywhere. Owen Sound Branch, Post Office Box 951 A -f\3 Cider -.Win] Cider made. every Tuesday and Thursday. Applebutter boiled by appointment. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. Cider Mill We will operate our cider turn on Tuesday andThursday of each week. Menno Steckle, Sr. Bronson Line. MOTORREPAIRING Service to all Makeseaf Cars, Trucks. and Trattors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich — Phone sari. t-4 NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William EL Bro-wn A. S. P. Graduated Rot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULT/NG ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (To!.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of nanada. Office—SeatSTillk, iiitit. ten questions relating to agmultute. an The possible score was 650 d the i f'w.--__--.:—"-z------------r--- list of winners together with their 'score is at follows: P. Archibald4Sda ST. PETER'S • forth 560; A. Patterson, LucknOw trartgefitai Luderan Church 544; D. Skinner, Centralia 54 ,• 1. Turnbull, Brussels 542; Thos. fern ZURICH — ONT. Jr., Woodham 538; J. Pergusoi-i4 011- ,1 "A Changeless Christ for A chang- fford 532; J. Broadfoot, Bruceield ing World" 525; G. Hetherington, Wingbanj521 riday Shk—Lather League. T. Anderson, Lucknow, Club een.rk; Lloyd Picot, I3ayfield, Club 'Week. Mr. Picot and Mr. Anderson Won the trip by being the Winners in the Goderich Township and Ashfield 1p. Horne Garden Ciuby. The shield:do- . nated by the Canadian National iIiic- bibition to the high novice was Avon by Frank Archibald of Seaforth. mintALIO ]4. Ed. Bosseriberry„-R was in town on Fridai. Mr. and Mrs. D. IVIcIsatic Oared- iton called in the village on inday. Mrs. C. Eilber is seeding as we- ek with friends at Iiensall, at (Ills- elhurst. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hays anditpilY and Mrs. Turkheim of Kitcher we- re Sunday visitors at tbn 01 Rev. and Mrs. Turkheim. Mr. and Mrs. Merner ELI t+ and family of Detroit, were week d:vis- itors at the home of Dr. a 'Vies 1 Jos. Routledge, Mrs. Dawes, who spent aPort iv4wo- eks with her friend, Min. P.ehler has returned to her Rome Huron. The many friends of Mrs. phardt, who is staying with ghter, Mrs. George Fee of, will rejoice to learn that phardt is recopering nicely recent attack of pneumonia. The auction sale held in end of town on Saturday a was fairly well attended, b to say, those present did not usual keen buying or biddi that goes to make an auetio tele a big success. The reason is c 4, ex- plained, money is not so free. Again this week we must ast a- side some items for the Her d that were sent in and the name 1 the west moon .sorry ve the spirit .;ender was not attached. not take the responsibility of ing anything that some peop a mind to scrawl on paper an send it to us, without knowi g who sent it in. Please bear this i , mind. can- ubliste have then • • •-.-..o.r.o.-..-gror,y Mr. William Lamont made a bus- iness trip to Crediton on Monday. Miss Lenora Haberer spent the we- ek -end with friends .near Kirkton. Mr, George Petty of Hensell was a business visitor in Henson on Tu- esday. Miss Anna Hess, attended the fun- eral of the late Adam Mansz at Tay - stock on Friday. Mrs. J. Northcott of Toronto was visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. and Ales. Louis Rader of Dash- wood, were Sunday visitors at the home of her father's, Mr. John Dee - her, of town. A good deal is heard nowadays about the difficult competition the railroads are having. In other words where they used to have a good haul now they are having a hard pull. The McNeil brothers' tria :which id eoml..es in other parts of the proVince, bias a- gain heard last week and on.Frielay went to the jury, which like ri - the two previous trials ended in lee jury disagreeing. These three tries have cost the county a pile of MoI)St ad are always pleased to have news for seemiegy uaings are just as. trfey we- publication which, if known we re, as the Judge in dismies.ing e jury would like to mention, pass unnoticed : WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- tit len turned the case over .2' to the because not communicated to us. But + a PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND + hands of the Attorney Geo ral at if you send it in please sign your + + .I. LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL Tl PL.EASED TO GIVE YOU +- being held for bank rob' re. at be published. ereated much intereet. , + 4. has created so much interest • merit in Huron County as we Man goeth to a summer cottage sleeps on a cot two feet• too short; loses 14 days' sleep: eats nine eounde of sand; gets his hide scorched off and comes back home and says he had a wonderful holiday. Miss Hazel Smith; of Hamilton, is spending the week with her 'mother, Mrs. Smith, who is staying at the home of Mr. John Decher, The many friends of Mrs. E. E. Weido regret to learn that she is confined to her room suffering from after effects of a burn she sustained on the arm some time ago. We hope she will soon be relieved of her pains. Our sportsmen are scouring the fields and hunting grounds far and near for wild geese and wild ducks. These game birds are not as plenty- ful this fall as in some years, but re- gardjess of this, Mr. Chas. Fritz, who is one of our "best" shooters on Tuesday morning returned home with a half dozen wild ducks as a morn- ing's bag. He has also been success- ful in bagging some wild geese. Pass It On To Us'. When you have an item of news, send it to this office. It may seem not worth repeating, but its publica- tion will interest somebody. We A five year written factory guarantee is given with every Silent Glow Oil Burner This guarantee is backed by a $10,000 bank deposit which absols otely assures satisfaction to every Silent Glow owner. There are more Silent Glows in use than all other burners combined. Here is one recent letter from an enthusiastic Silent Glow user:. "I have two Silent Glow Oil Burners, Model W—one in my cellar (furnace) and one in my kitchen stove, and heat my 7 -room house which. is ,nutch expo.:al to the wind. I use the two burners only when it ts very cold. I have saved thirty dollars on my heating this year, It is a pleasure for me to recommend Silent Glow." (Name upon request) No Noise—No Smoke—No Odor—Lights Quicker— Gives more Heat—Consurnes Less Oil per Unit of Heat Generated. 11 Willitai)14151"t9P16) TRADEMLAREK 11114:., t..4 • .A15 • rzfaugnagma. j.,_ameeesseseee neeresesea Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, etc.,and Silent Glow Power Burners for beating large homes, apartments and other large buildings. 42 "MADE IN CANADA" WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. i•++++++++++++++++++++++4-34 $ Massey -Barris Implements 'Parent°. WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO4. The McNeil Brotts are name at the bottom which "will not Bottle Travels Long Distance A CALL 4. Brussels about a year ago, anti it has es + A sealed bottle containing-, slips of ; a . lffilliT a a a Judge T. M. Costello of Gsderich, paper bearing the names of the Gode-f ' t ran ford mindmolls arid Pumps . 4. presided at the Tenth Divisron. Court teich troop of Boy Scouts, which evae ..1. - amount. of epeetaroie were oreetteei Loint, ri!„,,_..,..ar Golefie„.ch, to% LI,Lborri.D,yd ,Ittt...osivE LINE OF 'SECOND -TO -ONE" SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR '4" The onlieSkase that yette.erLeeel. t.Q.11. '''"7e-ol ,. - ..4... D.:TO-NONE" PRODUCTS, WE Weis between ton_ Iiiiloot`'WEsiezeall. near Montreal,' lasf -saturdaY. 'Word i '4. • e. HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD.. * on Friday morning.. when the usual thrown into Lake Huron at Black's • W b • same place, for Ist-; difference ofletter to H. L, Watson, Scoutmaster, wages from $1.60.03z day and $2.09 a I written in French by a school girl day. Mr. Geiger Claimed that he had who states that her father took the informed Heiser that $1.50 would be 1-ottle o'it of the waters of the La- the prevailing price, but Huiser de- hine Canal. A note in the bottle nied that any suck bargain was made. Leked that the finder notify Mr. Wat- The judge ruled that $1.50 ,a day son. The distance from Goderich to was to be the prevailing price- and the Lachine Canal by water is about dismissed the case with each Paying 740 miles. • 0 • JG e. of -the tO this effect 'has been received in a o SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS t their oNvn costs. : A number of U. F. 0. Annual Meeting judgment summonses were then. dealt The U.F.O. Club of South Huron. with atter the audience was dismio- . held their annual meeting in Hen- sed.eall Town Hall, on Monday evening A painful auto aceident occuored last. The meeting was presided ov- in the west end of tha village on er by the president, Mr. R. 1 Mc - Tuesday evening, when :Mrs. Christ Milian. Reports from various corn - :ley and her son Rheinerhan I-Iowald mittees were presented and the me - f the Babylon line were driving a- etinp; was addressed by Mr. B. Mc-, VAIWININVAISWANSAMIWMA long with horse and buggy on the Nevin, of Lindsay, the U.F.O. direct - 'V + ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. t se + a BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR, GOOD USED AND REBUILT t T MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- LOW THEIR VALUE. + + + 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. + HOW *ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEA.IBER, WE T. GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES + Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL!4. + + • e N Sietion Zurich Agent, 4.444.++++++4+++++++++++++++ le++++++++++++++++++++++++ ee- right hand side of the road, when or for Eestern Ontario. Mr. McNevin they were knocked off the road by a hit -and -rim auto driver, who threw the buggy in the ditch taking off the two wheels riad throwing Mrs. Hey out with the result that she sustained a severe gash in the head and is now laying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howald of town. Mr. R. How- ' ald, who was in charge of the horse, and buggy, managed to keep the ani- mal under control, and sugered: only a slight shaking up, but the buggy is smashed badly. The mysteroutepart is who the auto should hit the rig right in town where there are Street lights, and the buggy also carried a ifi d b the law. This light as spec e y .• is a severe offence the hit-and-run game. and the police are working on the case to bring the breaker of the law to justice. Huron County Boys Selected for trip, to "Royal" The fifth ennui!. Royal Judging Competition to select ten boys to take advantage of the free trip to the Royal Winter Fair was held in Cl- inton, on Oct. 29th. The 42 contest- ants were required to judge theee cla- sses of liveatecke tare Classes Of *rain one 0.04$ of poutiry anl t�'tt.mi't Saturday --Choir Practice. ;SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. nti—German Service.. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday Sehool ! 7.30, p. ne---elreiglish Service. lEnemallseely Welcome to, all Servie E.. Turk -helm,. Pastor gave a comprehensive report of the work of the provincial hoard. Offic- ers for the coming year were elected! as follows: County director, R. J. McMillan; deputy director, Wm. Al- exander; U. F. W. 0. County Direct- or, Mrs. C. Haugh; assistant, Mrs. Douglas; Secretary -Treasurer, Mr. Joseph Forrest. NOTICE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the County Council- Cham- ber,Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'cock in the afternoon, Tuesday the lst day of December, 1931. All accounts and petitions must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday the 30th day of Nov- ember to insure attention, and notic- es of deputations or requests for hearing should be sent in previous to the Council meeting. .Goderich, November 1.0th, 1931 Geo W, Holman, County Clerk, Huron & Erie Debentures Per annum is paid half - yearly upon $100 and over. Issued by an institution that is "Older than the Dominion of Canada." Applications are accepted by ANDREW F. HESS, Zurich Zurich- Drug Store We have a full Line of all 1 All authorized Text Books kebt I 1 t the requirements of School Supplies in Stock Toilet Sets, Manicure Set and Militry Brushes 1114,111010.011, Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND RUMS Dr, A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich E ppvwkiikrimmw WY' NiciWP Mi'MF PAMP MOVPIA