HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-11-12, Page 4STANICY,IC TOWNSHIP Mr and Mrs, Ruskin Keys of East iiriTindspri spent the week -end with foriner'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Nelson Keys, of Babylon Miss Mabel Calver visited her me.: Saturday night with friends in God- aber Su Clinton on Saturday and erith.. Sanday. Miss Gladys Douglas of Scott Mem- air. and Mrs. Argo of Toroato,lorial Hospital, Seaforth, spent last 'visited the lattees parents, Mr. and Wednesday afternoon under the par - Mrs. Alex. McConnell •of yearn. ental roof. Mrs. McKee of Toronto, spent the " Mr. W. J. Dowson returned home 'week -end at her former home • on the from Seaforth hospital on Saturday, Bronson Line, :feeling much improved in health. Mrs. Joe Gascho, son and daughter of Michigan, spent the week -end with friends in this vicinity, returning on Monday, accompanied by the form- er's mother, Mrs. John Dealer, who will spend the winter with her den - Mrs. Joanna Steacey and son John ghters in the States. eof Detroit, .spent the week -end with :friends here. .Miss Mary Hagan Of Landon, sp- johnstoa. Quite a number from this vicinity attended young people's meeteng , at Goshen last Friday night. Mr. Wen. Clarke, accompanied by his mother and brother, Gus, spent • a RJC il Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Miss Eleanor Lindenfield oa LS on is spending a few weeks withet ..', • Verna Birk. , Mr. and Mrs. :Henry Sao( Mr, and Mrs, John Graybell mat* and Mrs, Beaky Schroeder; 'Iser4 Mrs. W. England -are attendiug funeral 9f Mr, Schroeder's sister4 Lempke in Blown City, Mich. ,IL, Mr, Milford and Alma hoch, 0 Air. and las. George 4.th 4. Tuesday at Monkton and Listowief, Miss Evelyn Yates and ga1 fit,' of Sarnia were Sunday visitors i,‘i Mr. and Mrs. limy Kraft. ' Eugene Tiernan of Westerra,I4 ersity, London, spent the weee with her parents, ' Mr. Milford and 'Alma Kocleelp Mrs. Elmore Thiel spent Thuiay with Mr. and Mrs. Maetun near tas sail. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz arep ending a few weeks with relativen Kitchener and Guelph. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Routledge of 1-it7:. ilton, Kenneth and Miss Ida Rautlaa go of Zurich, visited with We Mi4 Kraft on Monday. ,. Miss Alice Willert spent Satin* evening with Miss Alma Koch. Gordon Keeler spent the week - at his home in Mitchell. eia. ' Mrs. E. R. Guenther is visitingea, latives in Toronto. a Mrs. Wallace Cook is visiting .0 - brother Fred Stire in Waterloo. ee, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Scnroec1ee4 and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and Ilila: T. Restemeyer spent the w.eele-eY with relatives in Windsor, !0, Mrs. A. Musser of London, is visP:: ing her daughter, Alrs. Arthur Ha.iiele,z Miss Ella Martinson spent the ate ek-end at her home in Minim. . Mr. Milford and Alma Koch speS the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. ii- nore Thiel, near Hensel], . . 'a: Miss Alice Willert, who has be caring for her mother during ha recent illness, has returned to For Wayne. . Miss Myrta Hoffman has returnef to Kitchener after spending the pa six weeks at her home here, while re covering from the effects of an oa eration, Ali,. and Mrs. Hansford of ,kndiari and Wm, Morenz of Detroit, ''risite a relatives here recently. , Mr. Milford and Alma. Koch ami Mise . Alice Willert left Sunday noo for Detroit. . ,‘ Air. and Mrs. Win. Smith of Lonl don were Sunday visitors with hee parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. HILLSGREEN Mr. G. Myric and daughter of Dorchester, accompanied by Mr. and ••tent the week -end at the home of her Mrs. Chris Jackson of Kingsvillecal- aleter, Miss Dolly and brother Frank. led on friends in this vicinity last aelies'Annie Jarrott who has been Wednesday. aanfined to her room for a few days as able to be around again. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup - aper will be observed on Sunday e- ater -noon, Nov. 15th. Preparatory ser - Nice will be held Friday evening at Don't forget to patronize the new a7 &dock in the Hillsgreen church. Confectionery that has been opened in connection with Kellerman's but- cher shop. A fine line of all •the lat- est and fresh eoxifections are being offered the public. And everybody is invited to give their patronage. Miss Rose Foster of Detroit, ac- • Family Gathering ✓ ompaaied by friends spent the we- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dale and son .k -end with her parents, Mr. and Melvin of London, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- AIrs... Lang Foster. sel Pitt and daughter Alma of Thorn - Miss Eleanor Lindenfield of Lon- dale, Mr. and Mrs. .Elmore Thiel and don ;Tent a few days laet week with family of near Hensall, Mr. Milford her' grandparents, Ain and Mrs. Thos and Alma Kock of Detroit, all spent DASHWOOD BLAKE :-.:-..:.4-4-3-1--1-1-.14÷-:-.:44,+++-:-:-•:--I-1-+-:-1.++++-1-!•÷+÷0...4-÷÷1-1.4-4-:-.:-:":-++++:, jOt Us uote you .,. t .., 4.. 8 4. 8 4. ...7.- On Storm Sash and Doors + .1.- ÷ aa a ae a -r- a aea + 41. Bfo ere the cold -weather arrivs -:- 4.- 4... + -2. •i . Call us and we will measure your windows + to ki Cs KA ,BIL IS ,Iii + - 3 ,te f 3 fe 3 Z PHONE 69 " . Vc.JRIC11 ....?: liF3M151f6124=ICIMIPM t ,.,, ..I. . ,rx...V-Zr•-.:!-Fr4":41:..*F7"7'.."1".4--.....,„........1..r.r.:.....t-r.....":"7", Vi"ivr". "r i'‘.. 030004000000S0000,11005 0000 MOO 1500000060000060000 At Cost and Below :0 611 On new Farm Machines while they last 0. ONE LEVER HARROW ONE 2 FURROW PLOW 1 CULTIVATOR DIAMOND 4 -SECTION HARROW 1 SCUFFLER FLEURY No. 21 WALKING PLOW QUEBEC SULKY PLOW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR SPECIALS! SPECIALS! McCORMICK-DEERING No. 21 PLOW AT $17.00 GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW AT $4.50 ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS ALL THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. NO REAS- ONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST General Garage, Gas, Oils, Etc. L. A. Prang & Son - Zurich ft 0***000000000000 er. 0 0 0 1 • 99 re 9 9 • comeseeceeesesowtmeoesseeemeoleamosa 0000000000 ,,,900000000000000401900000 qt. coosecesseaeor3 Your Coal Supply POULTRY FOODS 3 Try our Chick Starters, Chick Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc. 4 The cold Days are now being ush- ered in. Let us supply you with the best fuels at lowest prices a 44 4 a a 4 4 1 IIVI ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD CLOVER SEED. ALSO DO CUSTOM SEED CLEANING. Schilbe & Son gM,ilia,MOVACsaftWelet, 01*41)*Golesole****ao06*** Mr. and Mrs. Stadelhater end feria ,i ID ' Capital Theatre . West St., Phone 47, OODERICR Northern Electric Sound System Now Pleying—TRADER HORN .Man., Tues., and Wednesday MARIE DRESSLER •, and POLLY MORAN In "POLITICS" You'll have the time of your life while the comedy Queen is run- ning for Mayor Thur's., Friday and Saturday MYSTERY! ADVENTRE! ROMANCE! THE "Black Camel', A thrilling adventure drama with enough of the mystic to keep you in suspense until the final scene Coming—"Born to Love." Mrs. J. W: Bonthron has returned. home after a pleasant visit with her friends in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. W. Callahan and daughter Margaret of Detroit and Marjorie Cope of Detroit and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren of' town. COUNTY NEWS Exeter bockeyists have orgaanized for the coming winter and will. have an intermediate team in the 0.H. A - Mr. and Mrs. Geo,. Bender have re- moved, from Wingham to Niagara Falls,. He was the conductor on the- London-Wingbum train when it was discontinued, and is now running from Niagara Falls to Toronto. r; November 12tle, 193 IVIereti sympathy is felt for M. L. Schoenhals, Clinton, in the death of ' his wife, AM Monday last, weer an turte.ss of some duration. She was in her 33rd year and was a daughter of IVirse Johnston of Clinton. A bolt of lightuing played a pecu- liar prank during a brief but severe electrieal oilman at Luckuow recently and as a result Mrs. Thos. Aitebison of Lucktiow, had a floor lamp destroy ed when the Jeharge entering by the Mr. and. Mr. SoL Williams, of hydro wires, put the lights out set Seaforth, entertained in honor of their daughter, Madeline, the other evening. Frieds were present from Seaforth, Zurich, Mitchell, Hillsgreen and Clinton. I Mr. and Mrs. Webster Turner of Stanley Tp., announce the engagem- ent of their only daughter; Margaret Eileen, to Thos. Russell Consitt, only son of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Consitt also of Stanley, the marriage to take place the middle of November. There was an attendance of over two thousand at the Halowe'en mas- querade frolic of the Lions Club in the Seaforth skating rink last Friday night. Over four hundred were in costume.. Margaret Johns, nurse in training fire to the shade of the lamp, which fortunately was prevented from sett- ing lire to other furnishings. Cecil Walker of Stephen Tp., pas- sed away suddenly at his home. The deceased was aged 48 years, 6 mon- ths and 30 days and. was born on. the farm on which lee died. Early in the spring he suffered a break -down in health through heart trouble and at times he has been confined to his home. He was again able to be a- round but took a bad spell, and pas- sing away. Announcement has been made of the, results of the Carter -McGee Sch- olarship Competition for the Roman Catholic Diocese of London. Three at Victoria Hospital, London, who students in Huron have been success - has been off on a six -month's sick ful. The subject on which an essay leave, suffered with neuritis, has suffi- ' was written was "St. Jean de Breu- ciently recovered so as to return to I beuf, 1593-1649." The successful can her position. didates Cyril Flannery, St. James' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake, School, Seaforth; Frances Fortune, McDool and H. Stinson of Bay- Union Public S.chool, No. 1, Seaforth field left last week on a hunting trip and Ursula Flanagan, St. Patrick's School, Dublin, receive $5 each: to Northern Ontario. They had on a • Elrid Smith, • who is attending. Un- trailer behind the car, a cabin com- iversity at London, recently spent a plete for housekeeping. few days with his parents here Samuel Martin .of Exeter, 'passed away on Sunday last at the age of Adam Reichert is visiting his two 76 years. He was a native of Usborne sons in Detroit and Port Huron. Tp., but had been. in business in Ex- Mrt. 3:/r.) Reid of Port Rowan, eter for many years. He is survived1 visited a week with her paxents, Mr. ,daaugshotne,r,WmilrbserGniuoifes,Eoxf- beferh,iasnr. afe and Mrs. E, Sheffer. She was ac companied home by .her mother who Hamilton. Mrs. Adam Kline. of Seaforth, on is not enjoying good health. Mary Buchanan, R. N. of St. Saturday celebrated her 94th birth - Thomas, spent a few days with her day. Airs. Kline is in the best of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Buch- health and her many friends join in wishing her happy returns on this anan. . oe- Thomas Shaddock, section foreman easiota There passed away in the -General, Hospital, Wingham, Margaret Kelly considerable headway before it was of the C.N.R. has moved into the noticed by children playing in the dwelling on the corner of Nelson and Richmond sts, which he has had gre- widow of the late John Hogg, . Seaforth. The deceased woman had of yard. They promptly notified Mrs. been ailing for a number of years...Holmes, who was talking to visitors atly improved in the interior. in. the living room. An alarm was . Master George Otterbine, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otterbein She had been married twice, her late husband predeceased her about • sent in and the firfiemen made a sp- was operated on for removal of ton - years ago. 35 eedy response. Water was played on The Clinton Hospital Board an-, the summer kitchen and for some sils. nounee that the total amount raised time before the flames were trought Mrs. M. Jinks and children spent ,'t1 1 er erents Mrunder control. Smoke emerged from For 86 years Egmondvoille Church has been carrying on. On Sunday, Nov. lst, they celebrated another an- niversary. The Rev. G. Weir, 13. A.,. of Birth preaching to large congre- gations. On Monday evening a fowl supper was served to over 500 gu- ests and an excellent concert was gi- • ven by the Eureka Concert Co. Damage to the amount of about $2,000 was caused to the residence of Crown. Attorney, D. E. Holmes of Goderich, on Monday noon last. St- arting from. an unknown cause in the summer kitchen the fire had gained ily and Mise Clara Kraft of Londoe;, and Mrs. McClinchey of the Goshen at• the fair conducted a fortnight every window in the house and ea - were Sunday visitors with Mr. an Mrs. P. Kraft. ' • , ago amounted to $540, over and a- used mu.ch damage. Eric Kenatedy of Toronto, spent a hove expenses. .1 few days visiting at the home of Mr On two occasions recently John Mt-. One evening recently the teleph- Mrs. Sillery offl ,Seaforth is tin e y — aeeeaaaeee.aeeeeea aartpite;. Owen. Goer wed amiy. We are glad to report that • Mrs. Geo. Link who has been a paiiiinit ip Dr. Fletcher's Hospital, Exeter, is sufficiently recovered to heable to leave the hospital. Among those who attended. the funeral of the late Adam tiantz Tavistock were: Mrs. Hy. Hoffman, Harry Hoffman, Miss Anna Hess, Mr Adam Birk, Miss Verna Birk, Mr. Henry Callfas, Mrs. lif. Truenitiar ae 1 and Mrs. T. Rader. • e Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McIeaac and familf of Windsor spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. Ladies Aid and W. M. S. Annuala• The Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of Dashwood Evangelical church held there annual meeting and election of officers in the church basement last week. Rev. Sauer presided at the election which resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. D. Tiernan; Vice -pros. Mrs. A. W: Sauer; Rec. Set., Mrs. IL H. Taflor; Corr. Sec., Mrs. R. Goetz W. M. S. Treas., Mrs, M. Neeb and Ladies' Aid Treas, Mrs, A. Oestrei- cher; Pianist, Mrs. V. Schatz; Asstt. pianist, Mrs. E. Geiser. The follow- ing committees were appointed Or the year: Look Out—Mrs. J. fong, Mrs. D. Haugh and Mrs. A. Os treicher. Parsonage Com.—Mrs. E. Bender, Mrs. H. England and Mrs. !D Tiernan. Work Com. --Airs. W. Snell Mrs. R. Goetz, Mrs. R. Willert, Mrs M. Neeb, Mrs, M. Haugh and Mrs. J. Wein. Mission Study—Mrs, G. Wild fong, Mrs. V. Schatz, Mrs. Stiller and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. There were 5.46 sick visits made, 66 bouquets given, 4 new members received and $79.79 was the amount of money raised thr- ough the year. Total enrollment 48. HENSALL • Mr. and Mrs. Rich'cl BlatchfOrd have returned home after a very pl- easant month's visit with friends it Windsor. Albert Speneos moved on Monday last to the new home he recently bu- ilt on Xing St. • Mi'. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and laughter, accompanied by airs. Ma- aleinson, visited recently with Rev. and Mrs. Naylor of Listowel. Mrs. Gladwin Lavender visited tor a few days last week with relates it HilPgreen. Mrs. Lou Simpeon and daughter, Jao, returned to their home in De- oit after a pleasant visit with' re- 'ntiete. Erneet Mites of Stratford visited town ens day, tred attended „the 21.1neral of the late Alb. Bell. one and Hydro wires that connet with •*11.4r. T-Trittaa .ahtIVeh parsonage at Bay-. Deenera of HUrOn was held in the the animals being taken from their, field were caught by a derrick on sehool ream of St. Paul's Anglican pen, their heads cut off and the re -I Baechier's truck of Goderich, and eliurch, when there was a very good mains left. The foxes were valued at, torn down as the truck passed un - attendance and a most pleasant so- $500 each. Mr. McGee cannot under-iderneath them Mrs. Gale, the pas - cial time :spent. Mr. Cottle of Tor- stand why anybody should destroy foxes in this manner without any onto, gave a very helpful and inspir- ing addres, while other short addres- gain to himselfses were also given. A. pretty November wedding was Quite a number from here attend- solemnized. at the Ontario Street telephone to neighbors, bat found ed the funeral of the late Albert Bell United Church. Manse, Clinton, on that the phone was out elf commis - on the 3rd con. of Stephen. Who Wednesday last, when Mary Pearl sion. Mr. Gale was in another part tor's wife, was alone in the house at the time and was badly frightened by the noise in the cellar, which res- embled an explosion. She tried to was a formear resident on Dr. Mahas Pepper, daughter of Mn and Mrs. A. farm south of town and was well Pepper of Tuckersinith, became the known here. Mrs. T. Welsh and Miss bride of Charles Way, son of Mr. Olive ' Bell being sisters and Wm. and Airs. Alva Way, also of Tucker - Bell Of the London Rd. a brother. sniffle. Rev. F. G. Farrill officiated. opriarionorrpormorom of town and on his return found the wires torn and learned of the truck with. derrick passing through. The Hydro and telephone service men re- paired the damage the next day. lk i `11.) Vie original. Riryal. Charter ofthe Bank, I bearing zbe seat of _....Williani, Ilk. Fcnsrtb" 4 Its Trai tions HU Bank of Montreal was founded in r817 in order to fill the need for a commercial bank in a young and growing calvary. The Bank owes its success to the fact that it has ,always kept pace with the growth of the communities it has served and, in every way consistent with the principles of sound banking,, has constantly deaVotlred to be of genuine assistance to its customers. Established MT TOTAL .ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 0750,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manage Iona ' 11 41 .1