HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-29, Page 8mar t'TCHT '1'SE STORE WITH THE wrOCK NEW WINTER GODS (AUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE VARIOUS LINES OF GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. LADIES DRESS MATERIALS IN ALL WOOL TRAVELTWEED, NEW SHADES OF BROWN, GREEN, MAROON, AND FLACK, 54 -in. WIDE, AT $1.50 YARD. NEW SANTOYS AND QUEEN CLOTHS, NOW ONLY 85c. YARD. NEW TRAVELTWEED IN SILK AND RAYON MIXTURES FROM 50c TO 85c A YARD. Underwear Sweaters Special line of Ladies' pure wool Vests and Bloomers very fine quality, to sell at each ;1.00 Children's Underwear, extra weight, Mottled York Knit, ,A.11 sizes each from 35c to 50c Men's Underwear of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES! A Special Combination, good quality, all sizes, per garment.... $1.50 SWEATER COATS FOR MEN, AND WOMEN, BOYS AND. GIRLS AT NEW LOW PRICES. GROCERIES MACARONI, 3 lbs. for 19c RELLOGGS CORN FLAKES, 3 for 25c MANY FLOWERS SOAP, 4 for ..... 25c SPECIAL BLEND TEA, lb. . 39c PLEESALL COFFEE, lb. 35c SODA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25c EXTRA SPECIAL GILLETTS CAUSTIC SODA, 5 lbs: for 60c CELERY! CELERY! Fresh Celery grown in our own Gardens. Orders now taken for Crates packed ready for winter use. J. GASCHO .13( SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 A $1000 Investment with a X47 ,000,000 Guarantee UNDER 'THE LAW, EVERY OWNER OF A HURON & ERIE DEBENTURE, TOGETHER WITH EVERY DEPOSITOR, HAS ",FIIRST" 'CLAIM ON THE :ENTIRE ASSETS OF THE 68 -YEAR- LD :.HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION TOTALLING" :OVER FORTY-SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. 5% IS NOW PAID, HALF -YEARLY, ON DEBENTURES $100.00 OR 'MORE CAN BE INVESTED FOR 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5 YEARS. Play Safe when. Investing . ,APPLICA'TION CAN BE MADE AT ANY TIME. APPLY TO; Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? e<raai****4et.e. ******l1• . WARM HOMES WITH COLDER DAYS COMING, NOW IS THE TIME TO CON- SIDER YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE WINTER MONTHS LET US HELP YOUR PROBLEMS WITH: Quebec Heaters or Hecla Furnaces 1 NO OTHER KINDS QUITE SO DURABLE. AND.ECONOMICAL • !1 TO OPERATE. EVETROUGHING, ETC: CALL US UP ABOUT THAT EVETROUGHING JOB YOU WANT DONE AT ONCE, WHILE THE WEATHER IS STILL FAVOR- ABLE FOR OUTSIDE WORK. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- AGE IN THIS LINE OF WORK J Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - W i 11 rams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STADE 2 U R 1 C H - p N T, ( •,tion of suitable feed, besides plenty of clean water, .green feed, shell and ,}M61el41el , u WE SELL THE . BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, ,FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Matches, per pkg. 7c Comfort Soap, 6 bars 25c Lily Chicken Haddie, per tiin 25c New Australian Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs, 25c Vinola Castile Soap, 8 bars t, a: .25e Durham corn Starch, 2 boxes . .. 19e Handy amonia, 2 pkgs for 15c Infants' Delight Soap, 4 cakes for t 25c Premium Tea (with cup and saucer) 'pe Th b9c Kara coffee, the secret blend per Ib. .:! .: 39c Vi -Tone, large Tin 53c MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATER C04 AT THE NEW LOW P`ErCES.. FLANNELETTES, DOMINION FLAN ' , 'S, YANA. CLOTHS, ALL. AT LES`')' J. lAt. MEi.NRR P4oni 140 YELLOW FRONT STORE ITEMS OF LOCAL iNTERES1;; Wes *' rn Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co Association to Lapse A meeting of the Executive of the South Huron Sunday School Assoc- iation met with the Executive of. the Stanley, Hay and Tuckergmith S. S. Association in the United chuzeh; Hensall, on Tuesday evening Iast, there being a goodly representation present. The meeting was called to dis cuss the advisability of discontinuing connection with the G.R.E.C. and the holding of the annual conventions and it was decided to allow the A- sociation to lapse. BUSY FARMER NEWS $csy' Canadian Cat'3e With the present rate of exchange prevailing, United States cattle buy- ers are coming north again to buy dairy feeder stock. The advantage that the present depression in Can- adian funds affords just a little more than offsets the U.S. tariff barrier which has kept them at home for some time past. A buyer recently ar- rived looking for dairyz,cattle, pre- sented a letter of credit for $1500 and was given a deposit account of $1650. Thus the present prospect is that a considerable demand for Can- adian live stock will develop. Marketing Geese The time to prepare geese for mar- ket is when the weather turns cold in the fall.' They should then be taken off pasture and those selected for market should be placed in small pen ned enclosures, provided with plenty of water and grit and kept clean. They should be fed heavily on whole corn, the best medium for the fatten- ing of geese, and about two weeks' heavy feeding should fit them for market. 24 hours before killing geese should be starved, but given plenty of waiter. Care should be used in plucking, the dry or steam methods being recommended, . for the reason that the feathers are particularly valuable, bringing as much as 60 cts. a pound. The dressed bird should be rubbed over with a damp cloth and set aside to cool. Use Home -Grown Seed At the Grower's Council Potato Meeting held recently in Toronto it was reported that Ontario farmers had bought 55,000 bushels of certifi- ed seed from outside the province last year. It was stated that we have an excellent crop of certfied Cobblers Dooleys and Green Mountains in On- tario this year and it was recommend ed that Ontario farmers should first make use of this seed before import- ing, owing to unusual market condit- ions. It was felt that farmers might order their supplies and save money by making their purchases now, Keep Pullets Well Fed • The time is at hand when pullets should be confined to their winter quarters, but the pens should first be thoroughly cleaned and disenfected. '3irds will not do 'their best work if infested with lite or mites. It is dur- ing the winter months that the birds make their best profits, and for this reason should be housed and fed in a manner that will keep them healthy and vigorous: They will require a full OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount of Insurance at' Risk on Dec. lilst, 1028, $22,206,275. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 1160,878.74 Ftikte -x{4.50 per 11,100 for 3 yearn. E. F K1opp--Zurich agei,, dddd�RRR.�so Dealer inwiltelikirid, Molts and,all kinds of Fire Insurance LOCAL NA210E'I's. ccorreeted every Wednesday) Butter -;lb. ................ 25 Eggs ........ ._.. ...... 16-31-35 Chickens' 7-17 Hens . . .-. ....... 4-10 Ducks ...., ..-.. •... 10 Ducks-).;:., 10 Geese ,,. .. 15c Hens. 4. ' .. 7-13 Wheat ';bushel 40 Oats ;. 20 Barley .......,» ....» ..... 30 Shorts 16.00 Bran ° , . _ .......... :16.00 Birthday Cards for Farm Boys and Girls Evefy boy and girl in Canada who- se. ten* birthday falls between Nov- embe 18th and 26th inclusive, will recei a. personal birthday card front the Riayal Winter Fair, Toronto, if it is rec ested. This is because the Win- ter Fair on those dates also celebrate its tenth birthday. A birthday greet- ing, neatly engrossed with the child's name, will be sent if parents or guar- dains , will' write to the Royal Winter Fair offices, Toronto, giving clearly the child's full name and address, with the exact date of birth and year. In addition eligible children who are ab - Ie to attend the Winter Fair will be given a complimentary ticket in their own name entitling them to free ad- mission to every department of the Fair. Corn Borer Warning An inspection of the corn fields in Kent'Counties' shows that on an av- erage there are at least fmfty per cent more, borers this year than Iast. This fact has Paused the Provincial Ent-: mo ggist to send opt. warning niessai-' es to all Ontario corn growers, urg- ing upon them the necessary of clean- ing up their corn fields more thoro- ughly than ever. Some growers have the idea that the borer has been bea- ten. They are wrong. The borer will never lie beaten. The best that the farmers can do is to keep the borer so closely under control that the da- mage from this pest will be as small as possible. If there is the slightest let-up in the precautions taken by the growers to clean up their fields, the borer will take advantage of it,, amu multiply :at an alarming nate, Your Hardwarc St r oe We can supply the Public with Seasonable Hardware at Moderate Prices Let Us Show You OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Good supply of Smoke Cure on hand • Furniture Reduced, We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn- iture at Greatly Reduced Prices, which + will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these low prices WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnston ofSC Kalbfleisch tHardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ..+44+++++++++++++++++.44++++++++++++++++++++4444: 111111f Nll11111 l ' . IIUIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIlII 1 111NIIIiIIillylltglfllllt fiJ!1t131Q1'lflM13!'llIUI81111111111IHllllllli 'Hi l t ' �=i++n R llMENI{ g; WATCH THIS SPACE. For Something Entirely New In Advertising. 3 We . Repair Wagons,. Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. • 1 JI HESS, the Repair Man ITgiAIGGAIIiINll9lml R NkilNlrl IUInp1I4}IH1111i11iIIG NIII NIti&i1lt;I7llnUmlllfEMgIIIIIIlI8I Nlg1' l'EERRftllllllllli(IIIIiIII,. IIIGI1Il e***** i+*SSSty++++++++411,4 t,++++++ +++++.44 ZIIRICH " GARAGE!. ATTENTION! • TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OP' GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- 1 . HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich 1 114.44'lie .4.44444. 44+++1 4.44 114.11+1,4144.4.4.44144444++ L + 4. + THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE 'INK BOTTLE WITH + A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- TITLES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. 'l' • THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS,, AUCTION SALE POSTERS . MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING + OUE 'SPECIALTY. t + 4. +11.* **s*4l f. HERALD OFFICE 1 Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING! TWAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC„ _. 34411 in CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES '�t.,,,RTA'TEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, AHII'PJNG T4SGSS ETC, .I. THAT WE CARRY IN STOdit GOOD WRITING PAPERS CM TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOIE SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. aE