HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-29, Page 5Irfurroiaifyi, +ii ?a leis- 2Utif4, BUSINESS CARDS Dunan(E. HOLMES "BARRISTER, SOLICITOR;, NQ's'- AIRY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton .Street, rust off the Square, GODERICR, Ontario. Special Attention to Comma and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be Consulted at Goderiela by Phone, and Phone. charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. 8, D. D B. ;DENTAL SURGEON At, DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Byory Thursday, Friday, Saturday Ab HARTL1 IB'S BLOCS, DASHWOOD 'bury Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A -U -C -T -I O N E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National i1>ehooL of Auetianeering. Try gee for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in. keeping with prevailing vices. Choice Farms for Sale. ,Will sell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless tae to: size or article to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied wi21 make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR. WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13.57. SERVICE,. RUQ' YOUR Wants,, For *slog L.oet, Found. Notice, Etc. Ads Ili lam COLSM* LOST A. bunch or keys; in a case includ- ing auto driver's permit, etc. Fin ter kindly return to. --L. Schilbe & Son - FOR SALE For Quick Sale—1 4 --yr, old cow .lue Jersey;3, heifers due in spring; young calves. Apply to J. C. Salmon, .Zurich. WANTED TO BUT: Good Oats and Barley. Highest. Market prices paid. Apply to: Neubauer Bros., Hespler, Ont. NOTICE. HERE IS, BARGAIN DAY! The; Zurich :Herald at $1.25 a year and: the London Advertiser at *5.00 'a year. Our Clubbing Rate for both (papers is $5.10 a year, for a limited !time only; be sure and act quick as (this offer' may not be good very long. (Save money by ardering your papers !atHerald Office: DebtsCollected • NO, COLLECTION NO CHARGE • We eellect notes, accounts, etc., !everywhere. Our success will aston- 1ishyon, we seldom faiL If we do it I coosts you. nothing: Send in your !debts today. Do. it now, tomorrow may be too late. Clip for future' reference:. Canadian, Creditors' Association, Branches Everywhere. Owen Sound. Branch, Post Office Box 951 Why We have the Better Class. of. Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - VELURE 01L„ GOODDyYEAR. TARES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohninug and, Mechanical Work aiiaue to. Micrometer Settings, No zuess work. Watch the cars that $1OP at WEIN'S,. They are all HIGH CLASS CI IRNTELE. • Cider Mill Cider made every Tuesday and !Thursday. Applebutter boiled by appoin:nL F. C. Kalhfleiseh, Zurich. Cider Mill We will operate our elder mil/ on DASHWOOD — ONTARIO Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Menmoi Steckle, Sr. Bronson Line. kielltriMnON0NMMnn0i7NNn Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING :KHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED =OM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT ii DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Ha Yungblut & Sou nNNNi!011NnNNO!atnN COAL 1931 Announcement WRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta. Coal and Soft Coal IPFCIAL DISCOUNT OF SO Cts. Per aplt eft be allowed for, cash. Waller fly as p'µ will advance on June "Bt1i. rase 8E, S011 #liege 35 ,� ;,, , HENSALL LIVE POI) LTR Y WANTED . Silken every Day till a &'cleek, p.m. Do not feed >E WI same morning ashen breast is.. Highest Cask Prices .--CASH FOR— Cream and Lggs W. O'Brien VibititalM. cls. Motet MOTOR REPAIRING Eruct to, all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich — Phone 89 r1 t-4 NOTICE J. C. Sabnon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William H. Brown A, S. P. Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, R.A.Se. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Ofee Sea o th, Ont.. ST. PETER'S 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. "A Ch an;a; Christ for a ck:as- Friday,y; i�ra warla., ,: $h;—Latina- League.League.E. _.. Saturday—Choir Practice. ice. ... erga SUNDAY SERVICES 19 a. m:.—Genctan Service.. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tarkhei n. Pester California is trying a novel experi- ment. Her grape growers imported ,several thausanctn of cheep from Tex- as, and fed them. on grapes, so It is reported. What kind of mutton this veld mean we, have neat heard,, but it meat to, be a mast, superior brand .10 If AL NEWS Rev Father l•. W. roarer Is on a motor trip to Montreal. Mrs. F. Guer+ttner of Dashwood visited over the Week -end with her ,daughter, Mrs.' E. °each. Mr. and Mrs.Frank Fry, Of De troit, spent the week; end at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Jos. Geiger. Mr. John Hoffman of London, was a week -end visitor at the hotite of Miss Anna Hess. Mrs. W. L. Siebert is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Clar. Hoffman at Galt. Mrs. A. Rose and daughter L,ylyan were Sunday visitors with relatives near Brodhagen. ,,' Mr. and Mrs..Hilton Truemncr and, ;Mrs. S. Jacobe motored to London on Monday. A number from the village end - led the annual fowl supper, the, Grand Bend United Church en)Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dreier ,of. Kin- icardine were week -end visite . with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Dreier. Miss Helen C. Foster and riiend, Mr. J. D. Dickerson'of Detroi -were Sunday visitors with the f . mer's parents, Mr- and Mrs. Alex. poster. Mr. Thos. Meyers accomp ed liy P. Boa, Jr., of Aensall, were at St- affa on Tuesday where they t 4k 1s`t prize in the horseshoe tourea fit hi' connection with the plowing in teh. Messrs. C. J. Salmon an Wm::'. Decker are away to Ingersol this week where they are buyin d a load of young calves which th will likely resell.. Mr. and Mrs- Morgan of ,-`rich were Sunday visitors at the ho a of iMr: John Decker. Also visit e6" ith Mr: and Mrs. Proctor. Mr. {*gen being a brother to Mrs. McDo ri'':l, a., former housekeeper of Mr. De The crop of apples, in this ', hitt is quite plentyful this fall, and eine very nice samples are she` iif •tfiand- prices vary very much just ace ding ,to what yam can get. ,.:" t r..,y •: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fronk and f vliss Lovell of Watford, were Suttclao Vis- itors at the home of Mr. a1eithIrs. Herb. Mousseau. Mn..Finkewas a former teller in the local.bren . of the Bank of Montreal - Saturday night of this week is' the annual Halowe'en evening,and: we expect to againsee the usual a o°int of pranks played. around, and aso to Meet the kiddies at the door with their plea of "treats or tricks" Mrs. C. Reickweun. and NII:• wind Mrs. Jacob Ober; Mr. and Mrs- Ed. 'Hertz. and daughter Bettie -all o Doli trait, spent a few days:"visitfn re- latives and friends in this hie "tyi,. On their ret. rn;,to''3)etrtfit'they-Weise accompanied by Mrs. Josiah. Sairaras of the Blue Water Highway i tMr: Z. Des7ardine of the Parr Line ' Mr. C. Fritz had a large gang of workmen engaged on Mondayin taking up his field of celery at the east end of towh. The quality of this popular vegetable this year is exceptionally good, as it is quite• free from rust and other damaging effects Mr. Fritz sold practically all his crop to London where it will be put in cold storage till later on when it will be consumed. The crop, after tieing crated up was transported to Lond- on by truck. etar� A very happy gathers call the rec- ently spent at the home 001panv Decker, the occasion bisect Q , 4th birthday. Some thirty guests . j$- ing his children and their famii, s'a'ils well as .other friends were gathered and certainly had a good evening with this jolly "young" fellono ttf seventy-seven years young. ; Ma ;•!he enjoy health to have many more etch events is the wishes of his many fri- ends. Wider Roads Representatives of the County- of Middlesex are urging upon the,pDe- partment of Highways that the dit- ches along the main Highways be.1il- led and cinder or gravel paths be provided for the pedestrains, The Stitches it is claimed are ret.Qnsible for a large percentage of accidents. These roads are already too narrow for the heavy traffic they have to carry and when a car gets out of line a crash is inevitable or some one must go into the ditch. Good Neighbors The Police Court case from Colb- orne Tp., in which Dan Schwarz, a well-known, resident of that township 'was found guilty of cruelty to a Horse has had an interesting sequel. Schw anz *as fined $50 and costs, with the alternative of a month 'in jail.He declined to pay the fifin% and went to jail. His etelgltboro promised to look after ids fnrriiwork while he was a- way f'k`6iii bade. On second thoughts they did better than that. With the co-operation of some friends, among whom Gilbert Plant of Goderich was a leading spirit, they collected the a- mount necessary to pay the fine and costs $72.50 in all, and soon had him liberated. Mr, Schwanz says he had no intention of ill-treating the horse which figured in the case, but he thinks it was almost worth while go- ing to jail for a couple of days t9 know that his neighbors and friends thought enough of him to +zo what they did',. CM. MEMAIL o Mr., John Deiehert motored to Kit- chener one day last week. Mr. John McDonell of London, was a • business visitor in town on Thurs- day':" Mr. and Mrs, D, Koehler of Kit. aliened called on Zurich friends last Thursday, Miss Elizabeth Rennie of Kitchener visited with her sister, Mrs. L. Geiger the past week. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut the past week. Mr. Harold Klopp of Detroit, vis- aed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar IClopp the past week, A number of villagers attended the public 'school contests at Clinton on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Len, Hoist of Detroit were week -end visitors with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, 0. Klopp. Mr and Mrs. Wes. Surerus of De- troit visited with relatives here the past week. Mr. Joseph Meidinger of Saskat- chewan is visiting with relatives and friends here. Joe made the Iong journey in his Chrysler sedan. Mr. acid Mrs. Daniel Herford and tinily 'of Elkton, Mich., were week - `end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier are spending a few days this week with their son Lorne at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De- troit were visitors with relatives in town the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Block and son Gordon from the London Road, were Sunday visitors with relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and dau- ghters Muriel and Mabel of Kitchener were in town Thursday evening at- tending the fowl supper. .Nr. Albert Hess has the past week had the water works conveniences in- stalled in his dwelling apartments in his block. Mr. and Mrs. .C..L. Smith and da- ughter Mae,' End Miss Dorothy Weido were Sunday visitors with friends at Shakespeare. Messrs. Clarence and Clayton Hoff- man of Galt, were Sunday visitors in town, Mrs. CIarence, who spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, returning with thein to Galt. Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, W. L. Hoff- man, George Volland and John Dei - chert motored to Detroit on Sunday last and enjoyed the day sightseeing-. It is some twenty years since the for- mer Mr. Hoffman was in Detroit, and needless to say he noticed many ch- anges in that industrial city. They also called on Mr. Edmund Zeller, a former Zurich old boy, and now a resident of Windsor, and Mr. Hoff - 'Aeon and Mr. Zeller sure did enjoy their meeting again. Postmasters, meet at MitchelL �`A get -to -partici'' riieenig" . of the postmasters for Huron and. Perth Counties was held eft. the Hicks House, Mitchell Thursday last and postmasters were present from Ex- eter, Clinton, St. Marys, Seaforth, Shakespeare, Brussels, Mitchell and other places. The speakers were: Mr- John°son, vice-president of the Ontar- io Postmasters' Association and the Secretary. Play Safe When Investing! The 68 -year-old Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation now pays 5% on debentures which are issued for one to five years. Interest is paid half yearly on the dot. No waiting, no worrying and absolute security. Why not place your next investment in Huron & Erie Debentures. Full information gladly furnished and ap- plications for $100 or chore received at any time by the local agent, A. F. Hess, Zurich. The annual fowl supper held in the spacious shed of the Evengelical church last Thursday evening is again ! history, and everything passed off in good order, and we still have to hear of the first person who did not get their "fill" of fowl and other goodies to eat. While the attendance fell short of last year, yet the net 'pro- ceeds amounted to within a few doI- lars of last year, and considering the condition generally, the people re- sp4llded nobly to the call of both work and donations, and still main- tain the good reputation that all the churches in town have with their fowl suppers. The program after the sup- perwhich was put on locally, was of a high' order and much appreciated by the large' attendance. While the dining was •going on the Calvary or- chestra of Dashwood entertained with their well played numbers which was also enjoyed by all. Before Magistrate Magistrate Reid of Goderich had before him on Saturday last a series of charges laid by D. J. McRudy of Sarnia, game overseer for the county 1 Lambton. David Hackney, of Us - borne Tp., was charged with killing racoon, not having any hunter's icense. He was charged also with arrying fire arms without license. On the first charge he was fined $10 and costs and on the second sentence as suspended. The gun was confisc- ated, Wilson Brintnell, who got the oonskin from Hackney, was charged with possession without having a Ho- rse, and he also paid $10 and costs Mowat McDougall was sent to jail or two months for selling liquor. everal young fellows in Goderich were among his customers.' 0 a W 1 1 c w c e S No Soor No ODOR No STOIVNG No SH1riNoi No Asirs No COAL SCUTTLE No Darr FLooas That's why 100,000 women praise the Silent Glow Oil Burner. In place of old fashioned dirt it brings cleanliness and health; instead of worry—happiness and leisure. Insist on the genuine Silent Glow• — • IT LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE HEAT— BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENERATED Read this letter from a well satisfied user of "Silent Glow"; "During the winter I installed a 'SILENT GLOW' oil burner, model W, in the circulating furnace in my 6 -room house. I used the two burners only when it was very cold. This winter I have used $42.00 worth of oil and saved ,$22.00 on fuel with much more satisfaction, and with always an even: and healthy temperature." (Name upon request) "Silent Glow" will fit your range or heater. Let us show - you its simple, noiseless operation. I1t. !LENT ULO. A 9 J TRADE MARK ICAN. OFF. '. . OIL BURNER 1 Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large homes, apartments and other large buildings. WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 40 Massey -Harris Implements WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A CALL Brantford Windmills and Pumps. HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE 'FOR YOUR DOL"'% ` ^ BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- • LOW THEIR VALUE. 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. HOW ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. RE1IIEMBER, WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! N. E. Siemon, + h- ^II- e- .j. + + + + Agent, Zurich 44-1-1-1+++++++++++++++++++++1,4++++++++++++++++÷++++.9 .;�. ryiwovdmialiwwwwilmsmicAliwAsivliwayi Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Text Books kebt in Stock Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Witt, !'"T Ftrushes 0410411414111111040414111100000001140004141 Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS .AND FILIMS a. A. J. MacKrnnon,urichMhr, 44Awwwwwwvmmy,wiwpiww WPRAP4