HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-29, Page 4UIRc1 .
'and dies. D. Haugh and Mr.
Haughvisite: with Mr..
Ilaugh at flrueefield on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas of
aruia spent a few days last week
tiivith Mr. acid Mrs. V. Schatz.
Rev and Mrs. A. W. Sauer atten-
n3ed, the :funeral of Mr. Charles Domm
Aisfielde last Wednesday,
Miss Ida Gates of Chicago, is .sp-
asticling her vacation with her mother
We congratulate lair. A. E. Oes-
-ieher on his success in winning a
silver tea service presented by the T.
Eaton Co., for best dairy rierd, at.
'Zurich Fair.
.14,1r. and lairs. A. Bills of Detroit,
°'were week -end visitors with Mr. and
aVIrs.:Henry Rader.
Mrs. A. K. Cameron of Montreal
and Mr. and Mrs. Jas Dyer of St.
•'t `atherines spent a few days with
Ater. and Mrs. A. W. Sauer.
Miss Anna Tiernan is visiting in
"Toronto this week.
:'%r. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer and
easit'1y spent Sunday in St. Marys.
Mr. Henry Callfes has returned
fame after visiting with his son in
Mr. and Mrs. Hartman EIsie and
arl'augliter Thelma spent the week -end
in Sarnia.
Miss Mary England and Mrs. Faust
.are visiting with relatives In Thed-
'ford. -
Dori':t forget the HalIowe'en supper
'to be held in the basement of the
Evangelical Church on Friday, Oct-
ober 30th. The supper will be fol-
lowed by a good program given by
:Vocal talent.
;k -1M .GREEN
Mrs. McLarty who spent several
days visiting relatives in around here
returned to her home in London.
Mr, W. Forrest of Kincardine cal-
led on friends here recently.
Mrs. R. Love who spent several we-
eks with her son Ross, left to visit her
daughters Mrs. McEwen of Hensall,
and Mrs. Keys of Exeter.
Mrs. L. Troyer visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Coleman recently.
Mr. R. McAllister was to Toronto
Mr. Thos. Consitt has bought him-
self a fine new home on King Street,
Hensall and together with Mrs. Con-
sitt will move there in the near fut-
Mrs. G. Lavender and babe of
Hensall are spending a few days with
her sister, Miss Mary Forrest.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Love and family
accompanied by Miss Lettie Love, at-
tended a meeting in Clinton on
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott and daugh-
ter Mildred and Mrs. Anderson and•
Miss Agnes of Centralia visited fxi-
ends in this vicinity recently.
Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie were re-
cently visited by friends from Lobo.
The Women's Missioary Society
meets in Kippen church on Wednes-
day, November 4th. The ladies of
this congregation here are cordially
invited to attend this meeting.
Mr. John Steacy of Detroit, spent
the week -end with friends here.
Huron County Championship Public
-i c�f�3-ism-'r�s•'r�d.o°I oodoe•b,°3 I'I•�•:•g g g.: F Ire F�.•p• �•°•9g>.•I i F ;.•F1•.,'i
Let Us Quote You
y f
-3.4-4-• -4-S-4 +..+3 i•fi• 4. i• : •i i•+ ::: d•3 i••i+•1 S i•+++•: •+++++o+++.: +.g 3.+++++,�t,
On Storm Sash and Doors
7 Before the cold weather arrivs
Call us and
�• •
t. PHONE 69
we will measure your windows
4111•••i*••••4M•••••M••••••• N4N•••••M4N••••••••••••
E At Cost
and Below
On new Farm Machines while they .last
General Garage, Gas, Oils, Etc.
L. A. Prang & Son
amuse•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I Let us have your ordera [once for
1 FJlldelivery of fertilizer
Try our Chick Starters, Chick
'" Feeds,Laying Mash, La g EtcA
Save money on your next winter's
coal bill by ordering. it NOW!
Schilbe & Son !
444`• Va ei9 i 0,1*0 64)♦ 144/4644 4411 0t t i t+
The Council of the Township of•
Stephen convened at the Town Hale'
Crediton, on Monday, Oetober;•,aths
at 1 p.ni. All members were present.
The minutes of the previous nieetin$'
were read and approved:.•
By-law No. 4g5 being a by -lava to.
levy and collect the taxes for the yr:
y93y, having been read three tithes
be passed and signed by the Reeve;
and Clerk and the seal of the Cor:
poration attached thereto.
That Freeman W. Morlock be ala:
pointed Collector of Taxes for the
year y931 at a salary of $100.00 and
postage. The roll to be returnable on
December '16th, 1931. The •
said Freeman Morlock shall file a
bond with the Clerk for the due,per-
formance of his duties as Collector
before the roll is handed to him.:•
That the Reev and Clerk are here-
by authorized to sign the certificate',
required for the registration of the: r
Gill-Eisenbach Plan No. 25, being' a
subdivision of part of Lot No. 6, in;
the L.R.W. Concession of the Town ;
,ship of Stephen. " •
The Reeve ntoified the Council
that he had received r Notice m fro
the 'Victoria Hospital, 4Le den,, tb
Davi'di Waghorn `of Crediton,;has- bees
en admitted to the Hospital as a "
indigent patient. The Clerk was in
structed to answer the same by. i
forming the hospital authoritieis the
under The Hospital and Charitable,
Acts, the patient was not chargeab,l"
against the Township of Stephen Ta
That the following pay sheet air,
orders be paid:
W. Sanders, rd 2, $14.45,
zel rd 4, 2.00; G.'Eillidr rd 9,°.54; ,.
Hodgins, rd. `22 88.00 and 8.00e
Isaacs rd 17, 4.50; J. Rollins gray_.
23.75; J. Patterson gravel 7.75, Wm
Baker rd 21, 38.00; G. Eiibei Supt°
salary .79.60; G. Turnbull,
14.50; Centralia Farmers' Co -()per
ice Co., cement for tile 6.90;•,Env-
ope Folders Ltd., Envelopes 62.0;
Guettinger, milk inspector 5.65; Hu
on Expositor, printing, I.50; Banks
Commerce collections 3.10.
The Council adjourned to meet at
gain in the Town Hall, Crediton,
Monday, November 2nd, 1931, at ,f
A three-day fair held in the Glias ! the car. Trude loads were brought in
ton' town hall under the ausptces of from Centralia, Crediton and Grand
the hospital board realized the sum 'Bend, The car fienn Exeter was sent.
,of $500 clear of expenses .. Ito Moosejaw district and the one
s°' Mrs.• Wm. Elsie , and son Percy of •from Hensall to Massie, Sask.
Grand Bead, left • 'Saturday last by.i The death took place in Exeter on
motor for New Brunswick to visit the • •'hlarsday last of an old and esteem-
learner's daughter, alas. Gladys Brod- ;ed resident' of the community in the
'person of Mrs. Albert Ford, who pas -
'sed away aged 79 years, 11 months
and 4 days. Her maiden name was
Emily G. Snell. She was borer in the
:Tiwnship of Stephen, do
being a ugh -
'ter of the late John Snell. Mrs. Ford
was the last of a family of four boys
•and four girls. She had been ailing
for the past five years during which
time she spent most of the time with
her daughter at Buffalo. Mr. Ford
[predeceased her eight years ago' last
,June. One son Herbert, of Exeter,
and one daughter, Mrs. Haas, of Buf-
falo, survive.
Breaks Collar Bone.
cable produce.Was bronght in filling
Tuesday last there were five tho-
usand head of cattle at' the Toronto
stockyards. Notwithstanding this, H.
Riehl of the Stratford road and N.
Heal, of Fullerton, received the sum
of $9.25 a hundred pounds for three
baby. bef cattle.
Robt. Marshall, who has been con-
nected with the Gunn, Langlois Co,
Clinton branch, for some time, left to
take a position with. a London branch
of Packers, Limited.
Western Canada Flour Mills owns
{one of the oldest of the modern Can-
adiati 'mills in its large plant at God-
erich, Ontario, on the shore of Lake
Huron. This plant began in 1872,.
with a production of only 200 bar-
rels daily, which has grown to 2,500
barels daily.
The death occurred at Egmondville
on October 14th, of John L. Smith
}n his 68th year. Deceased was for
anany years an employee of the Bell
ngine and Thresher Co. He is sur-
ived by his wife, two sons and one
The Wingham Advance -Times has
lawsuit on its hands as the outcome
f subscription contest conducted
y that paper last spring. The action
as to be tried in the County Court
y Judge Costello last week, but by
onsent of councel the hearing was
adjourned sine die, the absence of a
aterial witness being given as the
eason for adjournment.
For the first time in the history of
he Western Canada Flour Mills in
oderich'a boatload of its products,
bur and feed, approximately 600
ens, was loaded last week for ship-
ent tb ' Halifax, N S: The consign-
ent is 'for Maratime distribution.
Henry Eilber, Clez
Mrs. Lou Simpson of Detroit, •rs
Hugh,: Smith, a• former residing
Fear B.riisselsr has produced from.his Third Highway
iatch.,vone of the largest potatoes
ever grown in that section. It we- As an unemployment measureto
ighed::-2' :3-4 pounds. relieve municipalities and communit-
" Henry, Schnurr of Walkerton traav- ies between Toronto and Hamilton,
led 'six Hundred miles by motor to the Ontario Government is praceed-
articipate in a plowing mnatc.i at ing this fall with a construction. of a
Cochrane. He took along his plow, third highway to Hamilton- Plans
if owed a team of horses and won for completing several sections; of the.
second prize. highway, which includes four. bridg-
Fred Gaiser Crediton, had the mis- es of large dimensions, are being; pre-
ortune to have his leg broken above pared under the direction of. the Min-
ister of Highways. The. work, in
When he arrived at his home with
two companions on the driver's seat
of 'a wagon, after picking appres out
of town, Harry Parkinson, Exeter,
was the victim of an unusual accident
Upon the arrival, the other two got
up and Parsons, who was occupying
a side position, fell to the ground
when the seat upset. He suffered a
broken collar bone. Medical atten-
tion was at once given. Last June
Mr. and Mrs. Parsons celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary.
Kill two People Each Day in:August
An average of two deaths a day
was the toll taken by automobiles,
during the month of August, accord-
ing to the report issued by the pro-
vincial Motor Vehicle Branch. Total
for the month was 1,022 accidents.
;On dry surface roads there were 889
accidents while only 124 accidents place lace on wet surface. There
were 101 accidents involving child-
ren playing in the streets.
visiting at the home of ever' mother' t'he ankle the other day .at the. home
IVirs. R. Bonthron. • .
Milton Boyle of London, spent
week-nd at his home here.
Mrs. Fred Smallcambe'. of Guelp
is visiting with her sister; Miss Mal
tie Ellis. .
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess speneeton
day last with friends at .Zurich:;-
Mr. and Mrs Allan Soldan visited
fora•.&arv-acay-a in -the i*032fe'Vr.ntEe.
.oi` ,his son, Lloyd Gaiser. He was try-
ing to close the bank barn doors of
Which he lost control caused by a
heavy wind. His friends hope Mr.
raiser• will soon be able to be about
lair €ae.
The, home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
pry, ;Stephen Tp,, was the scene on
et,,10th of the marriage of their
'udrtdaughSer, Veuetta;.:IYI:,..to Les-
fgxnier's' parents, IVIr. and ivIrs Ha f 19 Watson Thompson, son of Mr. and
Soldan., . alar' W., H. Thompson of Usborne.
Mrs. Thos. Murdock and daughterThe eereriony was performed by Rev
Miss Ethel, visited with friends.at ta' keT•avish. The happy couple left
Lucan the past week. . .on 'a motor trip to Ontario points be -
Mrs. Chas. L. Jinks; who has sp- fore .:settling in their new home on
ent several months in South Dakota the groom's fame in Usborne.
returned Tuesday evening last, look- "i Robt. Carrick sr., of Clinton ple-
ing and feeling. much 'improved. aded guilty befwe:. Mag. Reid on a
The many friends of: Thos. Parini- charge of indecent assault upon his
er are sorry to hear he is confined to three-year-old grand -daughter while
his home through illness.
lMlrs. Andrew Love is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Clifford Moir of Usb-
orne Tp.
F. Hess ;R Son, popular jewellers, to be tried by judge and jury, but he
of the village, have been making { hanged his mind.
changes and improvements in the in Ai a recent meeting of the Official.
terror of their shop, and intend : " to lord of James St. United'' Church,
add another line of asiness in.: the' tee; Rev. Duncan McTavish intim
near future. •„ his intentiori"bf seeking a -chair
part is to be conducted ire conjunct-
ion with the federal and Ontario gov-
ernments and the municipalities and
will be one of the largest. Governm-
ent undertakings, and win likely em-
ploy 3,000 or 4,1100 men.
Traffic Officer Lever Susi
Trak Offi+eer Lever reports an ac-
cident Sunday . last on the- county
road east of Dashwood. John Kenny
driving west from Eveter, collided
with a car driven by ltynholdt Krus-
en of Crediton going north, at the
intersection two and a half miles
east of Dashwood- Kenny had his.
collarbone broken and his young.
child received a cut on the cheek. On.
Tuesday there was an accidenton the
ard. of lylorris in which cars driven
by E. Cardiff of Brussels and J. Tho -
In a visit to Goderich, wr.ere the mpsan of the ,same place figured On
child lives. He was sent to the 1•hursday last he was called to inv-
Ontarjo'Reformatory for two years estigate an accident east. of Hensall,
less one day. Carrick at first elected where a. truck driven by P. Parsons
of Staffs in turning a corner. upset.
T. Calquhoun of Staffa, who was rid
ing with•P
arsons. was severely injur-
ed. and was removed to Dr: Collyer's
office at Hensall, where sixteen stit-
ches were required for a. woundin
the front of his head. '1'ha same. day
Bill Regier, RM. 2, Clinton,, struck
a cow on. a road running from. tthe
Base Line in: Hullett and broke: both
n;:C,ouinty and for the past six years i its hind legs. The ;animal lead: to, he
ii8'fmrnistered to large congregations destroyed_
pith unflagging zeal and marked. sue -
liens: James 'Street was originally one
of the outstanding pulpits of the
Bible Christian Church and has had
Many men of unusual pulpit abiliity.
he .'membership is about 700.
()1Vlrs. Eliza Willis, Exeter celebrat-
ed' her 84th birthday Sundaylast.She
is one of : a family of 11 and was born
near Brockville. A brother William
Robertson, of Port Elgin is the only
other member of the family surviving
and he is past 80.
A shadow of gloom was cast over
Stephen Tp., on October 6th, when it
wae.•learned that Jennie Kessel had
passed away, She was not well for
nearly a year, but was up and aro-
und till
ro •und.till a day previous to her passing
She was a good church per until late
years on account of sicknessin the
hbme was unable to attend. but she
spent her Sundays at home, singing
and reading her bible. Was born 68
years ago on the farm she died and
had :lived, there all her life. She was
a :daughter of the late Pascoe and
Mary Ann Kessel and is survived by
one sister and four brothers.
r hlasttwo
loads of farm produce have been
sent from the community for relief
work rk i n the dried out areas of Sask-
atchewan. A car was loaded at Hen-
sell Containing a large' quantity of
beans,” over a ton of honey, apples
and vegetables. There being more
than enough to fill the Hensall car,
second car was started and sent to
Exeter for finishing.'A call was sari
out through thevarious csurcires o:
eaandays and on Monday a lot of ; al.
Mr. and Mrs ,T: W. Harney and f pastoral relations at the end of
daughter, left for Exeter where thea% hi conference year riveyears aft-
will make their':