HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-29, Page 1in, Vol. XXXII No 1 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORN There is no better advertisin Annual! Meeting The Annual Meeting; of the Huron -Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be held in Hygeia Hall., Etna St, on Friday evening, Nesv:. 1.3#3a, at 8 o'- clock sharp, for the reception of the Officers' reports;, election of officers and for the transaction of general business. At the concision of the business of the association, the me- i eting will be givem over to Progres- sive Euchre and. Bridge, for which valuable prizes will be awarded to the successful competitors. Refresh- ments will be served in the usual Huron style, after which new time and old time dancing will be indulged in, to good music_ ••.•.•.i••.•••' "+9•••••••••• •••••.•••••F••••,A***.eoc.w.s •• • • • • • WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS. TRUNKS, • + TRAVELLING BAGS. VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND • ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE !NEW • PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, RE SURE AND • CONSULT US,AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR t• SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. • ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE • FRED THIEL - ZURICH llrness, Etc. •Z. PHONE 20 A•i•.....•...••••.••••o•.a•A•••••4440•••44•••••••- s • • • 4 • • • 1 • 4 • • • • • • • • b • • • • • • • • • • • • gr••••ss s••s•• s•••••••••••s•••s•••••••• w NEW ARRIVAL les an :New PRI G 5s • HIGH GRADE :SHOES :CIF 'E`T..AB'L HED MERIT. IT IS FASHIONABLE 'TO. IBE THRIFTiY! • TIMES HAVE CHANGED. 3\TOW-:A:-:TAY! WE 11US. BE SMART . AND MOST OF ;US MIST BE MODNOM1CAL. • THIS STORE THROUGH'O1ssYSER .0O1L1P'EIRATION WITH MANU- FACTURERS, THE LOWEST COST 40}F MATERI.2tilF AND PAR- ING OF PROFITS, NOW PRESENTS To YOU NA'TiiOMAXIEN KNOWN SHOES AT A PRICE DUCTION OF FROM ONE 'ItO TWO Louth:AmE T.= P IR • Men's Solid Leather •Wm& Shoes :'alt New Fine Dress Sheer at ..•• Boy's School Shoes at _ _......_.... Women's BIk.. Canvas, 1..Sla o:at _ .... Womens' Patent and laid Ponip; t _. Children School Shoes loom- -•- - - - ............•.. $2.25 thi, 2.49-5 ......_.............._ - - _.$2.115 ;tn x:95 ........ 1= to42.9•5 ..... .;$1111I1 _....•.._............ 11.9'5to$•3:9.5 .......... to $2.'50 REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Brown's Boot Shop BBB OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 1 i •1 1! 1 • • 1 • i1s • 1 1 t • i' oN •••r••••••s••••••••a••••••••• •••••••••4144.41444114494444144141.,•••••••• ••••••••• • 4944f IT'S TIME! • • • • q'I;;-emin-rne—At Hay. Township, on .11 October 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. 12'emia Denomme, a son. Expect Upward Revision In Auto License ERAL OCTOBER 29 1931. Chester L. Smith, P+. 4I..26 a year, U.S. 41.1611 int v. OM IN ARREARS, y42 gar BE OELABOZ An ,upward revision in motor 1Cr ense fees for 1932 is almost a eels, tainty, according to information fo thcoming from unofficial sources. Tl increase in license rates will in ••a probability be necessitated inorde to meet increased. expenditure thio; ugh unemployment relief on proving: ial highways and other extensions,' is reported. ;aro of newest a4, ht is less than five pounds;'x: :. °lir ounces and a Brooklyn • •a True Love z dyer;:, July' � Weddin Riga first g gs l'Work lias..intreur leather" dolor u til ti +-+ Speaking and Spelling Match The fourth Annual Huron Conn, Championship Public Speaking Co test and the first AnuaL,,Champiiy ship Spelling Match were held in auditorium of the Clinton Collegiit Institute, on Saturday afterri, October 24th under the direction the Ontario Department of Arab ure, Clinton and in conjunetJ ;tor the annual meeting of the*oily, unty Educational Association'of tees and Ratepayers. Miss Anne Cla of S.S. 7, Howick, representing `,•f Fordwich Fair, who spoke on ,"' value of birds to man" was wider: first prize, she had an exception easy and pleasing manner of dein>o; showing marked ability and.ti.4urn She will represent Huron Countt': the contest held at Guelph durin= latter part of November. Masteit,p ald Harris of S.S. 9, Goderich,, speaking on "Butter" won seg prize. Master Billie Farrish io�x 9, Colborne was winner of4h441 ze, speaking on "How r,-gfiliG` can compete with Industry_i4..t' mainder are not placed ace' merit but are deserving mention: Gordon Andersons s twp., "Canadian Progress°q, I\icCallum, Belgrave, Lena Munro, B1yt1 RTh Mr. T. L. Wurm of Toronto was town last week. Mr. Fred Thiel motored to London t; Tuesday.. r»d Mrs. David . Ducharme we- recexgt visixprs •vttb..fricnds' in De Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein of Usa1l, called on Zurich friends on ,ondary..:. . i,r�s Kathers i�Ierner who is atten- ;�1 hfdon Normal spent"the week under the parental roof. r. Harold Walker of the Bank of treal staff spent the week -end at thome in Walkerton. %Ir. Frank Bossenberry of Kitch- is 'spending a few days at the re of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wag- iss. Lorna Wolper of Woodstock, Ted Dunham of Ingersoll, were +sday visitors at the home of Mr. 3}lilts. Herb. Mousseau. yrs_ Wm. Klopp, who spent the few months with members of :family in eastern points, has re- ed to Zurich and is occupying home here. l'Iie many friends of Mr. Henry )u.c<xs of Hay Township, and who re- n}tiy underwent an operation in St. o iph's Hospital, London, has with- 'God.the operation nicely and is im- aie wing as well as can be expected. fr ';',.Thomas Johnson of town is n4 0' improvements as well as com- p,.OSS% , . leS O - e; rr s•r, .�,. ' x ti11Jla4�x R}, ..:a.p _f Tan "near, 4i ennetti Duggan;" Linton Town„ ? t :rshdah. And 'Cve understand • Mr.' day with the 'Bayfield Fishe�en , J past*ort is thinking of coving the Leola Nott, Clinton Rural, r ` Laura,re hcxse with asphalt shingles. Secord";' Janie Alton, Si. Helens, "What I should like to be and why"; %+ Messrs. .Win H. Edighoffer, of Laura Ford, Winchelsea,'`' "An .Irish, the 14th con, -Wm. Lamont and Jac - boy who became Canada's 'Greatest o3� grown of Zurich left on Wednes- IVierchant"; Stewart Niaisgroye; Wro day morning f* a week's visit with xeter, "Weeds and 'Weed control", friends in the State of Michigan, and Mae Smith, Zurich, f°' ..owerijng the ,we know thes-dy$±ellows will enjoy cost of Crop Production";> Maitm :themselves undel the hospitality of Moriock, Crediton, "Conserva ,ion of their Mnerican cineshus.., Ontario's Forests". The judgds for this contest were Dr. J. M. Fiejd and Mr. E. C. Beacom: the two _public School Inspectors for Huron Cf are Professor and Man Clauscen of Waterloo, were weell:-o'nd guests at the, home of Rev. and. Mrs. E. Turk - 1 Wim.: Proffessor CIansscen is presi- ani3 Mr. H. L. Atkinson, ash are , r k4 _Agricultural Representative. +tti t of the Waterloo Seminary, and curt' -Asir -•eight. contestants in the 41..F,�.. •' delivered two very inspiring se se. Spelling Match as ;:oi;lows t -ohs in the Lutheran chinch on SIP -Y viim, fait. p g , which was indeed enjo=°e ole ,: Firsarii4, - 'f. ,four hooks was won yk 4' large audienei?s, prose Adv calm Whin,: a le: Zuricli; second of thr. t�� 'books wa.s won hl',Frances 'Martin + t jj' meeting of the 1,71rect®r, of Zur Colborne t p'avp;thnd.third prize o si Agricultural Society,'was held on two hooks was;. won by Mae Patter ttirday evening ant?the prize wile son, Grand Bend; the other contesir } s were checked over. The treas- :a'rfbs 'ere: Kenneth Finlayson, Ash„t- .• r was authorized to pay out the- :field; he:field; Kilda Black, Belgrave;. Erne Jt: ;.ize ?honey. Arrangements are un - :Robinson, Blyth; Kathleen Beacom, r' way for a dance in the town hall tGcoderich Twp; Ella Routley, 'Viririciba dpr the auspices of the Society. e`isea. Inspector Beacom coratucted i 0 iich will be held in Nov anther. fps spelling match. WDon't forget the real treat of the ason in the Town Hall, Zurich, on ednesday evening, . November 4th,' when St. Boniface . R. C. Church: are ;serving a real Chicken Sumter. , The supper will commence at 5.30, and is good supper awaits you. Tell your, friends about it and bring the whole family along. At the close of the supper the Flower Garden; Quilt will lie drawn for. This church has a i ood reputation for a supper of this iltind and to one will bn disappointed!.. tMotor Accident In a head-on collision at the over- head railway bridge west of New }Hamburg, Jake Kennel, Alex. Mc- ,(;onnell and W. J. Taylor, of Varna, received ,severe cuts and were badly $ila.hen'.up. Nick Gyryluk, of Wood - Stock, diver of the other cal, escaped iizArys ` Kennel who was driving the v ata car was arr'este'd. on is charge of reckless driving and' or having hq- dor in other than a private place. He pleaded guilty to the former charge and not guilty to the liquor charge. Evidence in tne iat,er cair..ege \vela uL; hoard . a week later. The car driven by 4innel crashed into the W oodst- onitar with the remit that both cars were badly damaged when they went lido, the ditch, but one of the occp- panta of either machine was badly in - lured. Jake Kennel+ formerly of the t filske district has been employed by ;r:—..,Moffatt of Varna, the past S1 - Yes! You will Find a. DIFFERENCE IF YOU BURN The Finesi,_Wedding Ring Made Engraved $7.50 to $12.00 Plain $6.00 to $9.00. 'For Nov. and December we will give Community Tea Spoons free with each True Love Ring. Hess, The Jeweller Prices now at Rock Bottom law for the Season. STOCK UP NOW WITH THIS GENUINE ANTI-IRk1.CITE For Cash Payment a biisconnnt cn it per Ton wil he Allowed_ C e,za.t 1.c . ' Phone lOw or 103 EIENSALY OtIffr., + + + + + +++++-F++d•+•P•+,••>;+d•i•dE•••+++44++•+•£+•F•+++++++••++0+&•'•2 SPEOIALS • - • • • • AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STORE WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS CASH T 'q' OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES CATALOGUE t aF FOUND :.,c,ri,.+m�^.,*-r..+ .r:d?i ?L.7i?a F IMENCE AND O1JRS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS + STORE_ + WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU' TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT.. + • + + + + + + + + + + + BORN Choose Yourj 4) 3 New Fail Snit • • • 1 • • •• • •• • 0 • • s + O NEW PRICES and Overcoat NEW PYLES N�- E W 'CLOHS "aro email Son! M ,A 1 AL NIIIIFG' A• TFtth ieyoein Zurich, on October 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, Uttley, a S011. Camphall—At Bronson Line, Stanley. Township, on October 215th, to Mr. and Mrs. Colin 'Campbell, a dau- ghter. ATTENTION!. Edighoffer Garage HORSE SHOEING AND ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITHING, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, 'FEND • ERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. No Matter How Badly Damaged. BEST OIL OR GAS,'AUTO ACCES- ORIES... CHARGER REASONABLE • Give Us a Call: J,A,.CK. KIPPEN, ZURICH, • $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE SLIP- pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought, not something a little different $1.2§ PAIR• WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPERS„ With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles_ $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORK BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisran make- $2.00, ake$2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes ob- tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 53‘. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps- Also finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 131k. MEN'S RUBBL.at BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2_A0 and $.2.T5, pr. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS4 MAIL OR- DER HOUSES.. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT STYLES TO STET YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS_Repairing promptly (Tone C FRITZ & SON 4 4- MEMBER. OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA Phone 82: or 115 - Zurich ++++++++++++++++++.44.14.14444+414+.1444+++++++++++**itt ♦_” Superior Quality Store We are now offering a full line f Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SINVLE OF OUR ISARGAMS 1N GINGLIAMS. BROADCLOTHS. 1YAIQD WIDE:"ANTS AT 2Ess: A YARD. COTTONS AT lilt AND 15c. A ICARD SEE OUR OVERALLS AT SA.S0 A PAIR. GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. r HARNESS REPAIRS. SHOES PAINTS, OILS, ETC.,:'ETC R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 97 BLAKE E