HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-22, Page 81EIE STORE WITHTHE STOCK S Prices Continued On Many Lines of Summer G-oods SUCH AS SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS, MENS' AND WOMENS UNDERWEAR; SOME LINES OF HOSIERY; MENS FINE SHIRTS TIES; ODD LINES OF OVERALLS, ETC. NEW FALL CLODS NEW FALL GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING. LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST IN DRESS MATERIAL FOR FALL. TRAVELTWEED IN A PURE SILK CLOTH OF VERY FINE TEX- T'Ul', E IN TWEED FINISH, AT $1.85 PER YARD IN DRESS GOODS ONLY. THE SAME CLOTH IN RAYON MIXTURES AT PRICES AS LOW AS 48c GROCERIES Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for o:cial Mixed Tea, lb. Li iiy's pork and beans, large at Lai lie size Vanilla at P1 eeoall Coffee, at per lb. Zee. Rings per dozen Plein white cups, at per dozen Ei Homs, 5 string at each 25c 39c 18c 19c 35c 19c 75c 33c �SCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 -Save Money by FE DRIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers 20% REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT z 1 15% REDUCTION ACCIDENT FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT 1 ACCIDEN1 1 10% REDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS DRIVING WITHOUT 1 ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOWI Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? as tote0leiete eeeiteutee•1 1e•leles eglese.•99.41019 C A•i• WARM IIOIVIES WITH COLDER DAYS CONNNG, NOW IS THE TIME TO CON- SIDER YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE WINTER • MONTHS • • LET US HELP YOUR PROBLEMS WITH: Quebec Heaters or lecla Furnaces hOTHER KINDS @ '0 U1TE SO -DURABLE. AND.ECONOMICAL • TO OPERATE. • EVETROUGIIING, ETO. CALL US UP ABOUT THAT EVPTROUGHING JOB YOU WANT DONE AT ONCE, WHILE TIE WEATHER IS STILL FAVOR- ABLE •FOR OUTSIDE WORK. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRON- AGE IN THIS LINE OF WORK Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin Williams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STARE & WEIDO WE SELL THE .EES't;, FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: ,THURSDAY, 1'pAY AND SATURDAY Maple Leaf Salmon, ?Rs Erato Jelly Powder, 4 for Many Flowers Toilet Soap, 4 eaItee f Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 Tins: for LUX (for all fine Laundering, 3' preg,a fU Klenzine Amonia Powder, 2 pkgs Blue Ribbon Coffee (The Best of Bulk Fresh Rolled Oatmeal, 8 11is. for. Derby Loaf Cheese, per lb.. 1.8a 25c 25e .25c 25e 15c tin 49c 25e 28c PENMAN'S AND STANFIELD& UNIT: AND NEW PRICES. C'onxbin;iti HEAVY RIB ALLWOOL UNDERWE:A PIECE SUIT UP TO $4.2.5.. THESE: CES AND CANNOT BE RF,A1 J. W. M. YELLOW FRONT STORE WEAR, NEW STOCK from $L95 to $3.95. T $2.25. PER TWO- TJ1Jl NEW LOW PRI- ANYWHERE. R Phone 140 • ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Junior Farmers' Trip to. Royal Winter Fair The trips of the 500 Junior Fenn ers to the Royal Winter Fair d'ariirg 'Westerly farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cu OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any the past four years have created a Canadian Company doing great deal of interest in all parts of Business in the Province and, as a result, the Ontario - Ontario Department of Agriculture is ;.Araetxnt. of Insurance at Risk on Dec.. again offering this trip to, ten boys, : 81st, "1' 28, $22,266,275. from each County in Ontario.. Con- r • )M; testants for this splendid trip must: 'PotaI Casein Bank and ' ends comply with the regulations. laid dew . • • - '$160,87 .7i by the Department. The eampetiti;tr 1 atei9-44,5e per 1 01)'ir-9 years, e ' to decide the Royal Trip winnees p from Huron County is ter be held in Clinton, on Thursday, October 29th;: and contestants must register at the E. F. Klopp'a iv- Zurich Adent, Also Dealealu.Li¢btnind Rods Agricultural Office before 949 a.m.• Bulletin 338 "Hints on Judgrng'e ceriet'e- �- g of t`ine+, [ �e� ---4. HESS, ' hVRepair f]y� _E. tains valuable information"` ,on the1 `a eteee,u v ell j e.; r Eillelee iilliERS01g11111111111111 1111:!i..p 1111112!11111' 11111iIIHlll1111111=1ii'e Cii2 7lg111111IIIGGriiif i;1:MIIIIIIIINfflll#IIIIe< i!!Ifl1emet **+*+ + *+++** +*Irl!**++4 ++++++a +*++*++ f Your Hardware Store We can supply the Public with Seasonable Hardware at federate Prices Let Us Show You OUR FULL LIINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING. PRICES; •tr + + Good ryh =apply of Smoke Cure on hand + Furniture ' Reduced, We are J'fferinlg our Entire Stock of Furn- + Pure at Greatly Reduced Prices, which: Will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these Tow prices 1: WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE. VERY CHEAP; j Johnston.& Kalbfleiscli Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 dh11d'!m!(t!L'{lH!iBfll(I(IfIi111iflHIL'I7;:iC!6atIIIIIIII(IilnllllL's'llmmFI; illiIIlIID11(Illffl9ill'!fs 11 14111iIINllllllll!IIIPr!! 1i11U;E J11111f i;'Jl;1iEIIlUi!@}I't",+ k • .T . THIS SPAS 1 For Something Entirely New In Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Buggies*, 1 Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 judging of all livestock and crop pro x----�=N ducts and may be secured on applic- ation to the Agricultural Office. For LOCAL litiARKETS any further information apply to the ee d.., GCarrecte"et eves_ ,,,,n, 3n• ades) Ontario Department of Agriculttly^ Clinton. Butter lb i'............ ....... 25 eweElags sPlt 30-26-14 FARMER NEWS Chickens s : ............. 8-18 BUSY _ Ducks .,. 10 Buy Clover Seed Now Geese .... 15c Hens 7-13 Farmers anticipating the purchase Wheat 'bushel 40 of clover and alfalfa seeds, would be Oats 20 well advised to do so now. The situ- Barley ....................... 30 ation is that there are many Ontario Flour ..................... 1.75 2.80 growers who are in need of real cash ,Shorts 16.00 and who will accept sacrifice prices. 1 Obviously, then, this would seem to Live acgs 15.50 be the time to buy clover seed, rath- er than wait till spring when prices may be considerably higher. In the'' purchase and sale of small seeds, the to the British market, as .compared: Dominion Seed Act requires that such with ly 87,000 barrels last year. seeds must be sold by grade. The Ontari+'s apple crop this year is the Dominion Seed Branch will examine finest, the province's history. • • • ZURICH ONT. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• samples free of charge. Titular Horseshoe Pitching .... A climax for horseshoe pitching this season will be reached in the Domin- ion championship contests at the Roy- al Winter Fair, Toronto, Nov. 24, 25, and 26th.. Players eliminated in the championship series will have a sec- ond chance for honors in the consol- xt •An Ideal Fall On, rio has experienced an unus- u Llly.1ild and pleasant fall. Farm- ers hie benefitted by being well ad- vanced, with their fall work. Improve men in pasturage, due to warm we- ather, end rain, is reflected in impro- ved o ditions of cattle and other live s An exceptional crop of tur .tion singles and doubles. Ontario °do- ��ck. nips, angels, and sugar beets is be- ing ],1; rvested. Mangels, particularly, are 6.1 high quality,and yields above the .terage. Fall plowing has been. practfeally completed. Fall wheat is lookrrli exceptionally well. Late pot- atoes'� re a heavy crop, of good qual- ity, b;'t the market so far is very dis- appoblbing. ubles championship, open to winning teams at county and rural fah in 1931, will be run off at the Royal at the same time. Teams in this contest will represent one rural fair only. Where a team has won at sev- eral fairs, the runners-up will be eli- gible for the final contest. Fees will be one dollar for each team. They must accompany entries, which should' be in the hands of A.P. Westervelt, .Manager of the Fair, Toronto, by Nov. 6th. British Apple Market Not for many years have Ontario apples commanded such excellent prices on the British market,and this year a greater quantity of apples will be sent overseas than ever before, Hon. T, L, Kennedy, Minister of Agri culture, declares. Cold storage, gra- ding and careful packing have result- ed in the selling of Ontario apples on the British market for from two to 4 ;billings a barrel more than the Vir- ginia apples and from four to eight shillings a barrel more than the pro- duct of Nova Scotia. This year Ont- ario will produce 750,000 barrels of apples for commercial purposes, not The Potatoe Situation. T114.. delegates at the recent potato Grog er's conference came to the con clusi4e. that the potato situation can be cleaned up providing there is a combined effort on the part of the prod.cer, the trade, and the consum- er as fellows: That the producer sent14o market only t;he highest grade portion of his crop. The ivality' o£ this''ear's crop averages very high, so the" amount of potatoes left on the farnw'ould not constitute t grave htrd,S ip to the ftrreer. Tistt the trade .otic feat Ontario graded potatoes ex- clue-Wily xclus ly until such time as our home- gro I" crop is exhausted. With the ungkded .potatoes left, on the farm the c'baler will be able to serve his cuatoMers with potatoes of a gpality why h ,'`haves nothing to be desired. including the apples sold in boxes, That ire consumer do his or her part hampers and in other forms. Of this `bby4 listing on. being served with amount about 250,000 barrels will o'not 'i but Ontario graded potables aa.. ...+444444.44+.44+44++.144.440+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 ZtIRICII. GARAGE a` .ATS NTIONI .1 LAS. . TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY .ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LA' �RR QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND - t ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED +. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- • HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. - GAS OILS GREASES Moasseau Zurich HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?ti- THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS JOB :PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIOAS. AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING. CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT,' STATION- ERY TATION -FURY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, -T•cs+�er -,,:.. , }SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK CrOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH A GOOD WRITING INK FOR Ii CENTS. LARGER QI.iAN- ' TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS ERCANiTItE POSTERSTI AND ALL'GENERALNTING' * M' OUR trECTALTY.