HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-22, Page 7IFS1u1 t Intestinal systems lower reel
e to colds. CIeapse theme w thoei s od t, the modern chewing PMna l
laxative. Gentle, safe, non -habit,
fsrcnttng. More effective because you'
grew it.
•o• MOM OH
Feen1 Unt
The Chew! Gum
, Par Aida and Children!•
No Taste .•
But the Mint
♦�i► • faAVVI'E. GEt1‘1�ti•oo
M 10
• s' •.
• ar
Talte It Now,
Keep strong the
Winter through,:
of :Nolrwegian:
CoduLiire'r sQiI
Lines For Autumn
something fluttered on the sill,
Brushed against the windowpane,
Yet there was'no whir of wings
Nor another sound,
Trees stood tall and straight and
Not a blade moved on the plain,
Gone were twilight murmurings—
Silence all around,
Then one said he saw it swing
Athwart the casement. It was red.
He had seen its ruddy hue—
A comet in the grass.
And all knew how it would bring
Gaudy hordes on whispering tread,
Golden curves against the blue—
Knew these would not pass
Till new glories had been spent,
Cast on footpath and on wall,
Flung like thunder at the hill,
Swept awayby gales;
Pass not as the summer went,
Quietly as first leaves fall,
But as gusty autumn will,
High on windy trails.
Carlyle W. Morgan in The Christian
Science Monitor.
Paper Made From
Banana Leaf
Rio De Janeiro,—A urocess for mak-
aking paper from banana leaves has
been developed by Dr. Virgilio Cam -
Dello, attached td the Chemical Tnsti-
lute of Rio De Janerio. Two factories
ire c ileyed making banana -leaf
paper and efforts are being made to
ievelop a regular iniustry.
--With Castoria's regulation
'When your child tosses and cries
out it his sleep, it means that he is
not e«mfortable. Very often the
trouble is that poisonous waste
Matter is not being carried off as it
,should be. Bowels need help—mild,
gentle help—but effective. Just the
klncl ^ i storia gives. Castoria is a
pure vegetable preparation made
specially for children's ailments. It
containsno hash, harmful drugs,
no narcotics. Don't let your child's
rest—and your own—be interrupt-
ed. A prompt dose of Castoria will
urge stubborn little bowels to act.
Then relaxed comfort and restful
sleep! Genuine Castoria always
has the name:
ISSUE No, 42--y'31
Owl Laffs
Fogtb.ail Definitions
Roiding Iturilble seat technique,
Forward Pass—(a) IIlegal nes of
bands (b) hospitality to the guy sit-
ting on the row in front,
Neutral Zona --Half the distance be-
tween the living room and the kitchen.
Linesman—One wlio has a hot line. t
'CJnxecessary Delay -- A guy who
waits until ire's leaving for an croute'
to kiss her,
Fair Catch—A .visitor, male or fe-
male, who is unencumbered.
Backward Pass—Service to the guy
sitting behind you.
Time Out --Varies from 3 ;p.m. to
4 a.m.
Safety ---One who takes little sister
along on a blind date,
Place Irick—Privilege enjoyed ex.
elusively by her old roan.
Snapper Baelt—Sheba or"Sheik well
versed in repartee.
Disqualified Player—Victims' of hall.
In Piay—GIrlie who gets the grand
rush with "cut•ins' 'at a football dance,
Fumble—A bashful or awkward
Downs Coiiditiop which requires
aspirin and tomato juice the next
Continuously in Posseesion—Fran
tie victim who has been double crossed
by a guy who promised to "break" him.
Kneeing -Unfair advantage taken
by flappers.
An old Dutchman, returning to Hol-
land, was asked by a friend what in
his estimation was the strangest thing
he had noticed, and he replied: "The
United States ' has many wonderful
things, but the strangest is a drink
called the cocktail—and here is how
they make it: They put in whiskey to
make it strong, then water to make it
weak; gin to make It hot and ice to -
make it cold; lemon to make It sour,
sugar to make it sweet; then they say,
'Here's to you!' and drink it them-
Father—"When I was your age, son,
glad to get dry tread to eat." confidence in Canadian agricultural
better off now ,teat you are living with
us, aren't you, Daddy?"
Bandl.—"What! Only thirty cen
Been playing poker . eh?"•
Victimm--'No, but. I've been sitting
with some `fellows who ' were!"
The handiest place t live is within
your income. When the at lays back
its ears and humps it • las ck, the smart
dog knows it is time to use diplomacy.
Our heart goes out to the man who
joined the Navy to see the world and
then spent four years in a submarine.
A barking dog seldom bites, and a
blustering moan ever fights. The book
"What Every Young Man Should
Know" should be ch: need ,to ",what
Every Young Girl Should red:" II we
have tor without things we need, we
just grin and Late it; it's doing with -
oat unnecessary thirgs we want that indicates that th «nsrderably I •
makes us downhearted.
Anywher r, Anytime
"Operator! I .need youz thelp !" exclaimed Mrs. Herbert
Brodie as she hurriedly told the 'telephone operator of her
"My son Billy is ve
Bert Brodie, a comm
somewhere in the western
However, such is the
operators that when an
and complete information
"follow through" as long a
the call.
Twelve cities and tow
was located. Within. two
side. Upon the return
show improvement. The
ick and ' his father must be
I traveler, was known to be
action of the province.
r slstence of Long Distance
It call has to be put through
ut the location is lacking they
ere is: any hope of completing
were called before Mr. Brodie
ours he was at his boy's bed -
the 'father the boy began to
lephone bridged the gap!
Big Entry List
For Winter
Live Stock and Agricultu.
Displays Higher Than
Rabbit l-iole in September
(F.M.W. in. The Countryman)
On hands and knees in that hot stub-
:bly field
.,I peered into the warm dark earthy
Curious to know what might lie hid-
den there—
r I Whether some frightened whiskered
A welcome and refreshing tone f
Bright Fii - eat-olr1—Yours much conditions is sounded in the'announee-
ment by the management of the Royal
Winter Fair that "prospects for en-
tries at the Royal in all departments
were never better than at the present
rabbit face
Woizld stare a frozen moment into
Before he plucked up heart to bolt
But;.`NO one at home in here,' I said
zttamen�." And every word on that warm twilit
Exhibitors in the western prev- air
inces are most -anxious ;o'continue, to Feil cool and clear as the words of a
display their live stock and other agri-
cultural products," the Royal's state -young boy.
ment I did not know my voice could play so
goys on, "and the Dominion rare
Government and the Provincial Gov- A game.
'No one at home,' I said once
ernments, .rieeognizing the advantages more:
of the provinces continuing to occupy The boy's voice, like a chime of lazy
a prorninent�ii5d
contribu yin
the selection
tiontat the Royal are bells
ei .;usual financial pl dboing down dim rabbit corri-
irOltation and in dors
e :Alive stock and Remote and sweet. •I sat back on my
agricultural pr l i _ heels
"There has beets .Yoe thair the In' the hot sun. Idly, contentedly,
usual number of inquiries. from TJh•- I felt the •tia+iet;of earth -flow into me:
ited Sti<'tea so' this yet „„, ,..at! . ''' '
Royal's sur., ey y, `:snii Quebe;.,,
: I. a Chance
more live stock .their .4e r. a s • 1 ready foThe Londoner met what appeared
exhibition, so alt.that'`w"e are ve2y satin -i to be the oldest inhabitant outside the
She—"What s•tonld I do
ed enlace?"
Mother—"Come, Freddie, and
yc•ir aunt"
FredI.ie—"Aw, Ma, I ain't
for a sprain- fled that the Wiiztar Pair ill village inn.
with the beet and most representative i allay I ask how old you are?" he
live stock displays which "e bait
ever had.
kiss "Although general condi s lay
November were anything favor -
done able; 1930 was the Royal's rebo"rd year,
not only in exhibits and attendance,
but„ the spirit of the people at the
show was happier than at any pre-
vious event. We feel sure that the
spirit of optimism at that time has
.Served a very useful purpose. in that
+it" has enabled Canadians better to
Old Lady—"Wliy ilidn't you try to view recent economic adjustments
keep out of prison?" with equanimity. We believe that a
"Gangsters -"i did, and they gave me similar result will be secuged at ,the
three months for resisting an officer." fe thcomin;r Royal Winter, Fair, red i
ze more noticeable l.erhaps on aecol,tut.
-The only man really interested in of ti e greater ce rtrast in conditiui . -
hot air is the owner of a furnace, The "The aoyal this year is designs to `
penitentiaries ars filled with those who comnie1rt�'ate its fo:rending ani hi! `u I
got caught autl the resorts crowded I guration ten years ago, when in e
with those who didn't. The older depression that followed the evaelait
friends of a girl who's about to be mar -1 helped so signally to restore eonfideii oe
ried often try to comfort themselves 1 to Dominion agriculture generally;
by saying they'd hate to be as crazy! Since its `birthday' at that time it lies
about a man as she is. Some travel i established itself as an institution'.`to
broadens the mind, but hitoh•hiking I which Canadians all over Canada have
seems to enlarge nothing but the gall. I pointed with a very considerate,
1 pride. :a
,be just a hundred, surr," came
t theswheezy repay.
"That's a fine old age," went on the
!Londoner, "but, if I may say so, 1
1 don't suppose you'll live to see an-
other ITundred years,"
The old man calmly tossed' down his
drink and turned to the Londoner.
"Well. don't know so much about
that''a he replied, "I be stronger now
theyhen I started o my flrst'hun-
Mary had a little Iamb,
Given by v friend to keep;
It followed her around until
It died from loss of sleep. ,
rirife— `Well, dear, have you found! ."1he Royal is entering upon its ice a-
a job yet?" ' cycle under conditions which pe its
Hubby—"Yes, my pet, you go to - it to perform a service to •Canada in
work to•morrow," 1 influencing the general outlook slid'.
state of mind of the Canadian people, l
The driver of the dilapidated cep apart altogether from its influeit'ce'
asked the bystander: "Can you tell upon agriculture. The aim of ;tie
me the quickest way to Victoria?" management is that everyone who 5
the bystander replied, "Yes, take a hibits there shall be better equipdt
29 'bus." te meet whatever problems may cleats
After a critical glance at the cat its the Royal and everyone who X
their path in the immediate future:'
"Jackson," said the master of the •
house to his gardener, "I thought you Silver Aide
said you had rolled the lawn this When Simpson was leaving his dull
morning?" ; one night he discovered somebody ha;.
I "That be right, sir," said the gar- taken his new umbrella—by mistaite
dener. t of course—and had Ieft an old one.ir'--
I "Then what are all these little " its place. Next day he met Jimpsoil�`l`ri
bumps?" asked the master. ; the street with it.
J The gardener gazed at the lumpy' "I say, old chap," said Simpstiv,
ground. i pleasantly,."would you mind hander
i "Now that's a very funny coinci- over my umbrella?"
dence," he explained. "Only yesterday
1 was reading in a paper that there's
a lot of little earthquakes we never
hear nothing about,"
Malice itself drinks in the best part
t its own poison. That of serpents
s. deadly to others, but harmless to
seeselves. This has no resemblance
to it; it is deadliest to its possessors.
"It's not yours," replied ,7impso:,
indignantly. "1 bought it only list;
"Sorry if I make a mistake," .,a,icl
Simpson. Then in a more serious toile
he added: "Would you care to do 4In,'
a slight favor?"
"What is it?"
"Give ale that silver band Siete
around the handle: it's got my not`+e
on it," y,•
,,. Soon Settled
they were listening to an orches-
tral concert.
"By the way," she asked her com-
panion, "what is that piece they are
playing now?"
"I've no idea," he replied, "but we'll
ask one of the men in the orchestra,"
Together they approached the
"What's that you're playing?" he
asked politely enough.
"Just a piano, sir," eme the reply.
"Just a piano."
$25 complete. Electric Radios,
$50 complete. Phonographs, $16.
We ship anywhere. Write for
1367 Danforth Ave., Toronto.
Ali lrby z
STOP ailii
stvor,E 2T STOPS V0171
c'lou't "%et Rlreun,atism ne ltottr Master;
Inflammatory and .iuuscuIat' Rheumy
-Take Thomas' Rheumatic Reined yi and he
free from t;ciatica, Neuritis, Lui. "ago,
The average person refillires from two
to tree bottles, price $2.50 per bottle.
iUailed ' parcel post front the Thomas
l;.heurnatiam Rem,dy Laboratory, z1
Tale St., London, Cut.
insects Face
Hard Tim
Night Lights and Low Tel
perature Disturb Pests'
The depression has hit the ipso
world. Oriental peach moths and co
filing moths which infest certain Ne
Jersey peach and apple orchards ar
worried about . the state of affairs,
Up to pow these insect pests faun
egg laying conditions in these orchard
just right --•darkness at night and a
average temperature not far from 6
degrees Fahrenheit for a good part o
the year. Photo electric cells and sen
sitive thermostats have changed al
this and now the moths face the pros
pent of not being able to Iay their egg
at all,
Dr, Thomas J. Headlee, entomologic,
of the New Jersey Agricultural Expert
ment station, has discovered that thea
moths will not lay eggs on the tree
in daylight or if it is colder than -6
degrees, Accordingly he has had elee
trio floodlights, with "electric eye'
control, installed In a large orchard,
together with themostats to cut the
floodlights out of circuit at tempera-
tures below 60 degrees.
The electric eyes turn on the flood-
lights at dusk and turn them off at
dawn. To the surprise of the moths
it now never gets dark in that orchard
except in very Cold weather and then
they are too torpid to lay. Conse-
quently the next generation of moths
in that region seems likely never to
be born and the orchard men believe
they have found an economical method
of eliminating these pests. Times
change, for better er for worse, ac- E sy
cording to whether one is a fruit raiser �bddl
or an insect pest.
sx e+ , dvert s ag
R TO .J, tt',i 1Nv:ENTQ
wanted invention, and fu
Mir1I Woldon s Patent Attorneys, s. a215 a k
;Street, Ottawa, Canada,
lPo'o '9i'I 7t' 1IND EGf+ WANTED
•.3 agns, Rigltest market prices Dai+
Write for quotations, Immediate tattle,
meat by certified cheque. Crates loaned!,
d. Give us a trial. • Rosenfeld Poultry ant!
'Deg Co. Limited, Montreal.
=am von S4Zn
i. mink. My customers won sweep-
s ataites and firsts Chicago, .'ortland
till+ 1. holm Mink Shows, 10,30.L' imited
n number to book. satisfaction at oiova,
0 Scotia's oldest minkery. Brook Mfnld
f Warm, West Middle Ritter, Nova Scotto„
- 0 51,OU. A. 5IcCreery Co„ Chatham,
Scientific laws by world famous
- ritovaluable
si 5arnavepWSimpsobloNaia.,P0
100'.Mile Speed on Roads
That 100 miles an hour speed soon
will be common on the highways and
that routes should be vrepared to meet
this rate was the forecast of J. E. Hale
to the Soeie+y of Automotive Engin-
C It J .i I C B@J
Shaving Cream
Produces a rich, creamy lather
that remains moist through-
out the shave.
At dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of tile. Address: J. T. Waft
eempaay, ltd., Montreal,
Cold Water Taps
�n Tropic Roads
Simla.—"Cold w: ter for every
man." This is the inscription ghat
may be read hanging over a tap, be-
side a trading post on the Hindustan -
Tibet road, between - mia and Mash -
clam, writes a correspondent of "The
Christian Science Monitor." The an-
no`ancement, with its implied invita-
tion, is another evidence of the thor-
oughness with which the British
authorities in India seek to serve way-
farers and those poorer members cf
the Indian and Tibetan communities
whose livelihood is earned along this
ancient highway. Lying far below the
snow line of the Himalayas at this
point, the Hindustan -Tibet road in
the summer is one where water .s
zarely to be seen; anc the 000n of
these unexpected wells and faucets
c..r- be readily imagined. There are
other water facilities on the road,
but government coupons are required
to secure the ,eater from wardens
who serve it out. Ana for those men
whose work takes
the sun -baked road
the availability of
tor every man" is
estimated only by
India and Tibet.
them daily along
he advantage of
this "cold water
one that can be
those who know
,`l,Oi MAc14.�
For Troubles
due to Acid
ABOUT two hours after eating
many people suffer from sour
stomachs. They call it indigestion. It
means that fhe stomach nerves have
been over stimulated. There is excess
acid. The way to correct it is with an
alkali, which neutralizes many times
its volume in acid.
The right way is Philips' Milk of
Magnesia—just a tasteless dose in
water. It is pleasant, efficient and
harmless. Results come almost in-
stantly. It is the approved method.
You will never use another when
you know.
Be sure to gel the genuine Phillips',
Milk of Magnesia prescribed" by
physicians for correcting excess acids.
50c a bottle—any drug store.
The ideal dentifrice for clean
teeth and healthy gums is Phillips'
Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth-
paste that safeguards against acid-
nouth. (Made in Canada.)
MimeIViindrd'e with one-half
sweet nit or create. Apply
once a day. Por Btost Bite
use the Liniment freely and
25 No trouble. Very healing!
One stair at a time—on her hands
and knees—that was how she had to
do it. And when she did get to bed,
her troubles were not over.
" Twelve months ago I could not
sleep on account of the terrible pains
in any knees, and I might say in all my
joints. At night I could only crawl alp
to bed, one stair at a time. Blit since
taking Kruselren Salts regularly, I have
entirely lost all pains and stiffness,
and, if needed, could now run upstairs
two at a time. In fact, I feel 10 years
younger. I shall never be without_
Kruschen Salts."—Mrs. A. E. D.
Do you realise what causes rheu-
matism ? Nothing but sharp -edged
uric acid crystals which form as the
result of sluggish eliminating organs.
Kruschen Salts can always be counted
upon to clear those painful crystals
from the system. The six salts in
Kruschen are bound to dissolve away
all traces of axle acid. And more!
They ensure suck perfect internal
regularity that no such body poisons
as uric acrd are ever able to accumulate
again. Prove this for yourself by
buying a bottle of Kruschen.
Praises Famous
Vegetable Pills
For Indigestion
"Having been troubled with Indigest-
ion and Sick Headaches for several
months, I was recommended to try
your famous Pills. After the first dose
1 was made aware: of their very real
tonic value." Miss M. Croydon.
Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no
ordinarylarative. Theyareallvegetal&
and have a very definite, valuable tonic
action upon the liver ... exactly what
you need to end Constipation, Acidity,
Biliousness,Headaches, Poor Complexe
ion, etc. All druggists, 25c & 75c red pits.!
Keef on
If's Always a
avO tJ don't have to be polite with
your mother. She understands.
This is always a "trying time:.
But there's 110 excuse for needless
Watch the caleadar .. , and a few
clans before ... start taking Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. It peps you up ... calms
your nerves ... makes you feel so
much better.
Just ask for Lydia E. Pinkhan's
new tablets ... at any drug store.
Buy there without conversation or