HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-22, Page 5urselltye iletober 27.tuf !413 BUSINESS CARDS , U•'iAnY1 RoL1s $ARWISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ART PUBLIC, ETC. . OFFICE.--_Hamilten• Street, Just off the Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Special Attention to Couaneel and Court Work. lir. Holmes may be consulted otlerich by Phone, and 'h charges reversed. roar toys ,Wants, For Sale, Loot, 'Found, NoTice, Etc. Ads IiN 9 comfits FOR SALE A quantity o ' citolee .'alawn :sweet RNcp, * VHLA .' one apples for safe at reasonable price. Apply to Simon Grab, Babylon Line. Dr. 1`I.. 11. C OW E N L. :DENTAL SURGEON M DE!TZ MOCK—ZURICH Eyery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At I ARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASRWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A-U-C-T=h-O-N-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National 'School of •A:uctioneezing. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing Vices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will aell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON. & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction • Sale, regardless :iia to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied wiii awake no charges for Services Ren- dered. .ARTIUM WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers 3?HGH CLASS. GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- -VELURE O1L,. GOODYEAR TIRES .AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Farts, Hohning and Mechanical Work =done to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at MEIN•',$,, They are all HIGH CLASS CT IFNTELE. H. Sm 'Wein FOR SALIN For Quick Sale -1 4 -yr. old cow !due Jersey;3 heifers due in spring; i8 young: calves: .A,pply to J• C. Salmon, Zurich. WANTED TO BUY':: Good: Oats and Barley. Highest . Market prices ; paid. Apply toe Neubauer Bros.;, Iiespler, Ont: Debts Collected ..• NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE We collect notes, accounts, etc., everywhere. Our success will aston- ish yea, we seidozn fail. If we do it coosts you nothing. Send in your debts today, Do it now, tomorrow may be too. late. Clip for future reference. Canadian Creditors' Association, Branches Everywhere. Owen Sound Branch, Post Office Box 952 Cider Mill Cider made every Tuesday and ;Thursday. Applebutter boiled by !appointment, F. C. Kalbfiei.sch, Zurich. Cider Mill We will operate our cider mill on Tuesday and Thursday of eaeh week. Menno• Steckler Sr. Bronson Line. MOTOR REPAIRING Mr. John .Mousseau o`I Bend made a Call in the vel Wednesday. Miss 'Elizabeth Bennie o ever, is spending the weel home of her sister, Mrs. I4 fC Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tay Canibre were Sunday visitors home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Mr and Mrs. W. Dreier tri ken•- o t n o, visited with their unt1 a,nd aunt, Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Diet I of town over Sunday. Messrs. Ed. Gascho, Joint: ,,nrk- heim. and sister Miss ` Lottie, : lark- helm motored to Desboro ands %LTther points in the Bruce district ov° the week -end. tnd on Ich the of the Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Snrzlh and Mae motored to Brantford on Silatday where ,they attended •tine "'fitnet 4 .. of the formers aunt, Mrs, J. Videx , who died in her 76th year. Mrs. Peter Corriveau of time Water Highway was taken ti don Hospital the beginning o week and operated on, and e gressing as well as canbe ex'l Mr. Milton Johnston, accont by a few gent friends all of Ontario visited the past week home of the former's parent and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Town Line, Hay. Mr. Milton Deitz has re, leased from Mr. Harry Rose t station situated in Toxvn:'on the ich road for a term of yatrs. Deitz has had considerable expe in this line of work, being Eno Mr. Rose. ton - the pro ted. led the MI6! the ntly gas ur- nce by Mr. Albert Ifalbfieisch of towtrhas the distinction of receiving Sieciai, invitation front the Federal Member of South Huron, Mr. Thomas MitMil- lan, to accompany him to attenttt'the Liberal Convention at Londonra' on Tuesday evening-, and of course Kalbfleisch accepted this royally in- vite, and is envied by many of i' his friends of the Liberal faith, in Zur- ich, and who would not like td at- tend an occasion of this kind.. The ideal fine weather is •indeed making us think that it is one- of -the finest Octobers we. have ever seen, and farmers are getting their work in shape for the winter, which will be --. I upon us only too;. soon. _The- fall wheat, wheather ,sotirn early or late looks strong and her tthy and should stand the winter, i l..y, 'This, will insure a good env Ifor next year, as whet knows but. °what •;.•by;s next year, tr there might be:rjust.as big a' danland t-4 for wheat and farm products' as what ther seems an overpidductioi> this year: • McNeil Brothers to Again Face Taial. Service to all Makes - of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich: — Phone 89 ri DASHWOOD -,- ONTARIO . ` NOTICE. I atInagOeene+0si9essaassesstee Zurich s' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING SEAT WE HAVE PURCHASE-FSi OM THE FIRM OF `l UNGBLU'3 DE ICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB _LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE s Yunghlut & Son sasseimiseessesssss•se osows COAL 1931 Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta .Coal and Soli Cal i► SSPECIAI, DI_SCrt)17fi1T O.F" 60 Cts. Tran► will be allowed for Order Early es prices will advance on Jure 15th. Case & Son. 4Plikesue 35 B1E•NSALL LIVE POU LT R V WANTED .t rlt$xt awry Day till a air"dtek, p.m. Vit not feed Fowl tame morning 'when brought in. Milked Cash Prices --cI1sHr FOR— . per annum is paUE half - Cream) and ,t;. gs for 1 to; years_ W O'Brien J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, fo wish to advise the public that they are still' in the same business theta, Gilford and Harvcyt ' ti If:�s- .rale`' Readers" by Miss Clarke, a off + With izes which open at Godet' i,No ,the Clinton News -Record follow"•$ 1 goo prices as usual'. Your :order Sully be v b Mr. Jacob Brown was a :yisitor in Kitchener for a few days, returning home on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith attended the Hut^on Press Convention at.Grand Bend an Friday. BORN—At Hay Township, on. .Oc- tober 20th, to M. and Mrs, Joseph 1.�r'u<ir°,a..son, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hey of Cred- iton wore Sunday visitors with the former's parents in town. Mr'. and Mrs. J, W. Horner were week -encs visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Gottschalk, of Seaforth. Mrs. Theo.. McAdams of the Bron- son Line wishes to advise the public that she has apple butter for sale. Mr. E. E. Wuerth motored to Kit- chener on Sunday. Mrs. Wuerth, who has been for some time at that city, returning with him. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and sons Gordon and Stanley of St. Joseph, motored to Brantford on Sunday, at - :ending the funeral of the former's aunt. Recommendation that an extensive network of provincial highway in Wes tern Ontario again be kept clear of snow during the coming winter is be ing made to the Ontario roads depart- ment. Mr. Chas. roan piloted recent duck Grand Bend, they had as wild ducks .•.A number from Zurich and vicinity atteuded.theFreiborg Passion Play at Landon the past week, and it was al- so, <shown at Stratford the beginning of'this week. The play is put on by a:"company from Germany, and rep- resents the life of Christ, and is said Ito be very interesting indeed. A goodly number from town at- tended the fowl supper on. Tuesday evening put on in the United Church, Varna, when a most sumptuous din- ner was served, and was fairly Fritz, our local hunts - a hunting party on a hunting trip south of and on their return a bag, 28 of the finest attended: After the supper welly interestingna very program was rendered by the following giving well received numbers: The Lobb Male Quartette Miss Ida Routledge, Reader; the Stelck Orchestra and Miss Eliott of Clinton and brother George. Be- tween the numbers the pastor, Rev. 11I ? Poulter gave some very humor- ous -talks, and stories. The contribut- aons "ar the evening amounting to 11 w� i! roakene- � M . I t IIGf ! CLEAr '.t � KiTCj-EN . - and A C•S�ER ( 0 f E with "SILENT 'LOW" Now's the right time to install f- re from smoke, soot and odor: your ,Silent Glow—the time It gives a steady, even heatwhicb when in previous years you you can, adjust or regulate by were laying in tons of winter the turn of a valve. No labour, fuel and months of trouble. A Silent flow Oil Burner in- noo watching and absolutely stalled in your present range, Burns cheap fuel oil. ting heater or furnace saves labour burner years.anteed in writing , and is positively clean, silent for five years. See the S'ent IT LIGHT'S QUICKER—GIVE:. winter feel. JT GH GGIVF MORE HEAT—BURNS L:2SS MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GE- `:R_; LD. . ��'-111�R: lNililiiiiiiiiiiiKIN1111111 TRADE. MARK.REG. IN rM� CAN.AhDU,S,PAT OFF. qt neetter4et tea 0‘,4. anti:, .• .;rt. Makers o}'Silent Glow Pilgrim heaters, for bonzes camps, etc., Powerfarnersforheating-large homes, apar+`,r nee . ed othral e,- Ent Glow- Power WILLIAMS EROS. ZURICH - ONT. Up as MasseyJjarrjs Imp1emen e. • WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM. • PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-]HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERYAND LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE 'YOU - 4 A ct- 't4 son Press Association Meets, I •+g• A CALL .I. Irt At Grand Bend. Y f d • ran or Wmth ils and Pumps RAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED housenven roaakwthe Go1Ffua•urse;. &HAPLEY & mom co., OF BRANTFCIRD T BY THE OQiTLD at Grsnd. Bend, on Friday Oct"b + EXCLUSIVE LINE OF"SECOND-TO-NONE" O HANDLE THEIR T. SECOND Tp NON " . � ting present with their YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS, OW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR G0OD USED AND REBUILT tt HINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BEtt - LO W THEIR VALUE. z i ergs lith, with most of the publishers of the county b Wives. r,etoa•i? „• I• editors, at the morning session. dis- BEI' CIT YOUR BUSINESSE PRODUCTS, WE IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE a huge fireplace the + Every preparation is' being r the third trial f the itilci' it bropr+ hey were fed in the discus ' ¢ madF various problems of interest. t• MAC r , Crown Atte'''. ihrr r); Eddy of the St �1 HOW Holm . d ce of the two form i trials of N. Ti, -lemon elicit Lorne ung• 7Marys: airman f t ng committee of the Canada l Teekl• Newspaper Association, 2 n - we - eon e ou colt, of the Exeter Times- Advocate• Following the luncheon a slice- tut niensant auto ride was tak- much ap,Ipreciated. Phone 94-16, env er 3 d C es stated the other O TIr °itrn�']-rlrgus eh o lie ad evr en tt r ar tnsi these young men, accused irf robbing ar ' Stn o . 'N,.. i ova Sc'oaa 11 s hr1� a*ntrrl tlic 7�, k on excellent idd •ess on the develop- ment I pmt •-L••B • Brown Brussels, of $6,000, hasbeenteansc lent of national advertising b A. S. ',. l�at•' * e een selec t , on • las 'not �•�, 3,�he�t instruct d M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. s-AI3OUT REPAIRING YO GUARANTEE OUR WORK,BINDER.ORE:ti'EbTBER, WE Be SURE AND GIVUS AO CALL! GES -Agent, Zurich ri'ueu. G. L. T. Bull, Crown I'rosecut we- ekly newspapers, Noon unch oz last spring has again butt appoint was4 served at the Brenner Hotel, th +'� S"+t' •II 3.3 •F II I i ; f i § •b4 i,� o ed by the e�ttoritev Gene . , t patty being the hosts of Mr. and M +' i.o++ •+++ t' ' '�'�''I'�'�•+•[-+i-+.¢.++. The jurors have b o acts 3' M- th Graduated Foot Ste is sheriff Middlet I ed to subpoena-, es AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S, W. ARCHIBALD, I3.A.Se. (Tor.) 0.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and zd Surveyolr, .Associate Member Engst�,eerring Institute of Canada. Oface--Stat, , Ont. , Chert is, however, plerity of It irx� vet 'Popular through the various parks of this for that. The jury disag•reeciiilr l^i tJtti first two trials and the IMIcNe4 ses are now on'a fair way to"1'tt ati•, history in this Province. turtle Horseshoe Tosser -Lir The report of the horser)•ttt t..,�h. ing contest at Parkhill fall £ .{r `w s: ens of flat executive, K. McLean, Mur T. H. Meyers and P. Boa, Jr:, made a perfect score 350 on Expositor, Seaforth;Sigeal. W. H. Robert points; Watson son, Godericii Signal. and McbonaId 2nd manta tum 3i:eJ point • s O. Surex:us and lin Clare Mrd --_ -.-�--.._�. Money with Just one point behind � ST. PETER'S 2nd money 328 points The mite night'Clinton tossers came to Zuiillz er- noon consisted of a round table con- 'ference and election of officers. The officers are as follows: President, J.' M.' Southcott, hxeter Times -Advocate vice-president, Miss Clarke, Clinton News ' Record; secretary -treasurer, Walter Naftel, Goderich Star; meinb- Evangelic l Lutheran Church f ZURICH ONT a tie "A Changeless Christ for a cluing- part ing World" as th Friday, 8h:—iuthex• League. how Saturday—Choir Practice. up e SUNDAY SERVICE'S; have LQ �• to German Seryilke...,,,,, I, selves 11.15 a. its. ---Sunday &bon]. year 7.30 p. na—End.Seratce. So Everybody Welcome bi' sell Services, The a playoff game they .figured tits 'NOTICE. 'HERE IS BARGAIN DAY r' on the last two games; but that The Zu?ich Herald at $1.25 a year was settled in an hour or tido and .the London Advertiser at $5.00 ey. won eleven games while tir a year. Our Clubbing Rate for both won seventeen. And that figur.s Papers is $5.10 a year, for a limited fa from a tie. The Zurich bo;s time only, be sure and act quick as given a good account 'of the"- this offer may not be good very long, this summer as it was the filet Save money by ordering your papers E. Twat:Nam, Pastor Canadians have over invested' i n l li r"on illi Erie debentures. Authorized by law for executors and trustees, yearly Upon $I(9t and over ,A pplxi�ation ar• X32: t"epted b- ,, lido►, t"Ianklr ANDREW F w visited the inatltttt Administrator. M a! ion in general. j `Zuriela, Ont. that they wer righly in the gab at Herald Office. uth Huron Teachers Meet South Huron public school ti ' CE TO CREDITORS achers .met in convention at Exeter NOTICE • October 8th, and 9th in the "bask ::NOTICE is h ment of Main Street:United Cliurcl:; hereby given that all j when routine business was transaC ta. Interesting' addresses moo gl by Miss A. Gainer, Of Crediton Inspector Beacon of Goderich. ports of the O.. A. were reeeiVe. The following officers were electo Hon,, president, E. C. Beacon, 13.X Goderich; president, Claud Blowe, IHensaII; vice-president, Miss A. Web stet-, Lucknow; secretary -treasure Creditors and. others having claims a- inst the estate of John A. Manson, t late of the. Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on the 24th day of January, 1930, are required to send to the undersigned administrator, full part- iculars and verified by. ai idavit of their claims on or before the 24th "'tray of October, 193].. cul A IS RTHER M- G. S. Howard, of Exeter. On the furs i- 1N that after I the said hast mentioned tioned day at noon the 138 present rVcr, ; ate the Administrator will proceed entertained at luncheon by the ladle ' » distribute the assets of the said Of 3'ames Street United Ch • I Friday the teach u c i. I3tI Deceased, having regard only t ti ens went by auto ti (aims of which he then shall have they were the t t'` IY' d Guelph, where gni ^, t ,la notice. of the Ontario Agricultural Collelel; DATED at Zurich, Ontario, tlris and were royally entertained takir�Sl itch day of October 1931 two college,. .rrtd also v Lorne D. Manson., in t 'lecturers by professors of't ^l a mwitmaiaimmivivihimmiwAvw.,viewmt Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirem. of School Supplies teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeoeoee••• A11 authorized Text Books kebt ill Stock +�e��ee,eeeeeeeee`eeeeeoee Toilet Sets, Manicure Set. and Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perf utnizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS or or Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, ; i 44"411$1411MIYMWMAIMMAnff, MWM Atirok4