HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-22, Page 4K S, E ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 SUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Heraid PrintingOlfice SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a ,year; sisdctly in advance; $1.50 m arrears or $2.00 may be eharged. TJ, S. $1.50 in advance, No paper discon- tinued Cantil all arrears are paid um Tess .at option of publisher. The date bf vr eh every Subscription is paid as denoted on the Label, ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known • ion application. ' Miscellaneous articles of not more 'than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One laser - Ilion 25c, 2 Inc. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. 3l�arxu or Real Estate for sale $2.00 f fhst month, $1.00 for each fol- lowing month. ,Professional Cards not exceeding .I3.4 inches, per year $5.00. in Memoriam, one verse 50e, 25c foe .each additional verse; Card of 'fll'3raks, 50c. ,Auction Sales—$2.00 per single iltsertion if not over four inches in ' gh. .Address all communications to: THE HERALD Takes Jail Term for cruelty to a horse, has decided to take the .alternative of one month in jail and en Wednesday entered the portals of that stately institution to be greeted by Mine Bost J. B. Rey- nolds. The fine with the costs, am- ounts to $72.50, and in these days of depression Mr. Swantz figures that he could not make $72.50 easier or quicker than by being a guest •of the county for thirty days. He still main- tains he is innocent of the crime. Schwantz attached a "war bridle" and twitch to his neighbor's horse which had invaded his buckwheat field, to the lower jaw, paralyzing. its lip.—Goderich Star. HAY COUNCIL. The regular monthly meeting. of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, October 10th 1931, with all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting we- re adopted as read. After disposing of the communic- ations the following resolutions were passed: That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Telephone and General accounts be passed as per vouchers: Burlington Steel Co. steel for Road 3, 17,94; C.N.R. freight on steel $3; S. Martin, pay list, rd, 6, 6.75; P. Schade, rd 13, 9.15; Wm. Ducharme pay list, rd. 16, 3.85 ;.Elmore Deters, rd. 10, 6.70; A. L. Sreenan, rd 16, Dan "Swantz, a Colborne Township 11.80; J. Oesch, rd 8, 2.40; C: Alds- °farmer, fined $50 and costs recently worth, rd. 2-3-13, 19.35; W. Grenier • , , 3�3--sea r+ter+�F�'c+++ :��h+++++++ S•�i++++++++ -; + i l��ti+ + : ++ r-sa 4 8 • are Let Us Quote You On Storm. Sash and Doors Eetore the cold weather arrivs Call us and we will measure your ,windows •"c e rtj413-TLEISC ..� 69 - - ZURICH w 3 :.e- ^jar+++++.++++ : +++++++ ++++ -++•.- ++++�r+++++++++dr+-� � eseseee ����9.T�� �ses®i®dim eif1l�awswtsira�rue•••r•• e sae 0 SALE• At Cost• • • ;and Below fp • • VAD On new Farm Machines while they last • ,• ONELEVER HARROW ONE 2 FURROW PLOW41 • la ilt i CULTIVATOR DIAMOND 4 -SECTION HARROW • • 1 SCUFFLER FLEURY No. 21 WALKING PLOW • to QUEBEC SULKY PLOW DE LAVAL .CREAM SEPARATOR Z • SPECIALS! SPECiLp►LS! e •'a M'cCORMICK-DEERING No. 21 PLOW AT $17.00 • • • GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW AT $4.50 • •• ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS• ALLlit'THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE• PRICES. NO REAS- • 11, GMABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO • CLEAR WHIL•E THEY LAST• •• • !3P 0 General Garage, Gas, Oils, Etc. L. A. Prang & Son - Zurich • s • s • esesee•see•0•• eee••e•••mado000••0•••••• • i 2 • •0.00000000000000000000a0•••0e•••••0e00eeeeeeee FERTILIZER• 'Fon delivery of fertilizer Let us have your orderat once for POULTRY FOODS Try Chick Starters, Chick '�'r our 2 Feeds] Laying Mash, Etc. • 1 Save money on your next winter's goal bill by ordering it NOW! 1, 'VSA ME IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD CLOVER SEED. ALSO iQ CUSTOM SEED CLEANING. L._Schilbe 0000444006.0.6606006606 trdis°rhea .. . It C PI ALV rd 8, 12.80; J. 1,1:f, Bicliardson, ad, 5;•JGordon Of .Hensall Spent Sunday with 8.50; M. Corriveau, cement work, clef Air. Ir, `Troyer. 4a; Quite a number from this vicinity iiteaided the anniversary services at ppen and Varna churches on Sun- We are sorry to report that Miss etherite Reichert is confined to her oom through illness. Quite a- number from these parts re taking in the Fowl Suppers held t Varna and Zurich this week. The service will be held as usual on unday afternoon, October 25th at ,30' pari. Bible Class at 2.00 p.m. Mrs, 'L. Troyer spent 112oziday afith er friend, Mrs. 3. H. Petty.. vert rd 3, 62,88; M. M. Russell, pay list, rd. 1, 10.10; Simon !:Hoffman, rf 8, 12,40; E. J, Stire rd 10, 8.00; F; E. Denonnne, rd 10, 6.60; Johnsto'` & Kalbfleisch, cement rd. 3, 70.02„;,, McArthur, pay list ed 1, 11,40; Vile an A. Pfile, pay list, rd 14, 14.50; S. Ropp, rd 2, 10.00; W. 3. Jarrett,. on Superintendent salary 50;,00; Bell Telephone Co., tolls July to August 341.47; C.N.R. freight on directoeiees 5.00; Northern Electric Co. material 31.54; E. Guenther, cartage 4.21; Zurich Central, switching .5 weeks 85.00; P, Mclsaac, salary, labor 'and postage 520.60; H. G. Hess, labor; etc., 210.39. General Accounts --J, Meidinger, fence viewers award 20,. 00; Zurich.Agricultural Society,• gat. 25.00; Zurich School Fair grant 20,e 00; 3. Galster, cleaning Zurich Dram South 9.00; Weed Inspector, cutting weeds Lot 13, con. 1, 43,50; C. L. Smith, printing account 159,70; Mun icipal World, supplies. 1.24; , Town ship Clerk, re 'Eacrett Drain , 40 00, Grand Bend School Fair grant 5.00; R. Miller, for postage on tax notices' 20.00. That the Council adjourn to meet again on Monday, November 2nd at 1.30 o'clock, in the afternoon. lea A. F. Hess, Clerk. DASHWOOD Don't forget the Hallowe'en supper; to be held in the basement of the: Evangelical church, on Friday,, Oct 30th. The supper will be followed by a good program given ear Iocal talent. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Guenther. ands son Douglas returned to their hone. in Hallonquist, Sask., on Wednesday, after spending ' the past six weeks with relatives. Mrs. K. Snider and Miss Tho y son of Stratford visited with, s Myrta Hoffman on Wednesday:”' Miss G. McDowell of Godericli, spa ent the week -end with Dr. and; _1V1rs, R. H. Taylor. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns •of'Port Huron spent the week -end with' Mrs. Burn's mother, Mrs. J. S. Witzel.' Mr. `and Mrs. Gordon McPherso}i.; of Bryanstone spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Oestreicher. Mrs. 1VIc- Pherson stayed over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroefier'visi, ited relatives in Toronto o'i r the week -end. M t Miss Lucille Willert reti'my d ' to Birmingham, Mich., afte. .. ending, several weeks at the homed _.;� . her. parents, Mr. and'•Mrs. Fred Willett Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and family of Port Franks were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Jonas Haztleiti _lam. aleasa anennitaLremiadae n chener spent Sunday with Mr: ; ,anti, cam visttede last "week ;with: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, Sr. l4 o Freit.C,orbett. Dashwood Club Meets •' the barn : on the'farm of Melvin The Fungalbre Club of Dashwedd 'l aquhar just east of Hensel', was held their first meeting of the=sea,on bttrne4 early'Sunday morning last. at the home of Mrs. Thornes Ithi ) T,i ,e, e Use of the fire is unknown. A the retiring president: The electt• nttrmier of pigs, hens and irnplem- of officers for the season resultaa ae ea also the eseason's crop was follows: President, Miss Yemen is w ,. d. The separator of the thr- Vive-president, Miss Alice' 1-rea! r ii, ;utftt belonging to the True- Secy.-Treas., Mrs. A. E. Oestreichei s. was standing on floor and The remainder of the evening was sp ent in cards after which th r11ostess served lunch. 1" HESALL. Martha and. Merle Carlile' of Lon - I, on were holiday visitors at their ome here. Harry, .,Harmon was called to Tor ,,,t9 owl lg to the severe illness of his ughter.: ' Ellen Pybus of Windsor has been ending a couple of weeks here. Dorothy and Elva McQueen speii't e holidays at the home of Mr: anad !F;rs. John G. Scott of Cromarty. Laird and Harry Joynt of Toronto aitedwith their mother here. Sam Rennie, accompanied by his ther,were visitors with friends in Aroit. ;Mae "McNaughton of Toronto, vis a' with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. • Bertram North of oodstock were visitors with relativ- 'in town . eGreta McNaughton who has bbeen yking treatments in the . Seaforth spital has returned home and her ' iaazy friends look for a speedy re - 'Very. The council are giving good atten- ton to the repairing of the sidewalks the different parts of town, making safea for pedestrains, while it adds neatly to the appearance, of our stain street to have neat and well Dept cement sidewalks. e Earl Drummond and family spent e week -end with friends in Toren tb. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt were re- nt visitors with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton of oronto are visiting atthe home of 71Ir. and Mrs. Donald Parks. Mrs. James F. Sparks, of Hensall, accompanied by her daughter and her husband, Mr, and Mrs. McIntyre, vis - >ked for a couple of days with Mrs. Spark's brothezand wife, Mr: and Irs. Robt. Deigaty,.'of Bayfield, and heir daughtiae Mr. and Mrs. T. Wes - lake, 'and .ari. . with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell eof the Bronson Line. itilr. •McIntyre has returned to Detroit alae,-Swentaanst Mrs..Jegen of Lu - Motor Accident On Saturday evening a car signed by E.: Becker of Dashwood strelj buggy driven by Mr. 3. Groep o ''Ex- eter on the Lake Road a'bout'efive miles east of Dashwood. Thee Olyer of the car because of approaching headlights of another car was unable. to see the dimmer light of the horn drawn vehicle. No one was hurt l "; both car and buggy were damaged.' The affair is being settled out of' court. HILLSOREEN W.M.S.—The regular monthly me- eting of the Women's Missionary So- ciety was held at the home of Mrs R. McAllister • Wednesday, October 14th, with Mrs. (Rev.) Connor pre- siding. We opened. our meeting by singing Hymn 252. The Lard's pray- er was repeated in unison. The scr- ipture lesson was read from St. Mat- thew 28, 18-19 by Miss Gladys Steph enson. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were read and adopted. The business was then taken. An invitat- ion was then given to' the W.M.S. to meet with the Nippon W.M.S. at their meeting on November 4th. Hynin. 235 was sung. Topics on Temper- ance were then given. The study .as then taken by Miss Eileen Tur 'tar from the first •chapter in -our new study book on:Korea. Mrs. W. Turn •r then led in prayer. Hymn 259 was siting. The meeting closed by all repeating the mizpah . benediction, Mrs. L. Troyer spent a few days a t week with her ncice, Mrs. A. Bell of near Exeter.' Mrs. W. Reichert and son Harold and Mrs. M. Reichert spent a visit to Port Huron on Monday, Mr. W. Carlile of HensaI1 called cin friends here recently: 1tlr, and Mrs. Jas. McAllister ac- empanien by Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- \liister visited friends in Paisley. Mr anr1 Mrs. Otto Stephan and nil iron of Hensel! are spending a ' w days with Mss. Stephan and fain-,. yMr, u.sni, ,Mrs. S. G. Troyer and son es wise '= 7 ned. A call was sent to the iiiVall'' , department which quickly responded and ehlped to save the other bui,:1ing. Mr. Traquair has suf- fered severely from fire as the home Sid his peer farm was burned a few yearsagg COUNTY' NEWS proposed to ship a carload of from South Huron. for the re - 'need in Southern Saskatch- li C4 'Mrs. James A. Bell, of the Ia bad,` near Rensall, recently o se t e fortieth anniversary of th it wedding with a family reunion Me' South. Huron plowing match 'eel be held on the farm of Ed. Walk- er' on No. 4 highway sunth of Exeter o Oct. 22nd. • Peo, Armstrong, of the Thames Rd, had' a valuable young Jersey eo` killed when it was struck by a co my truck. -Several annuals were b ide the' road when one of them 1 st" ted to cross in front of the truck 1 an was struck` and died shortly of ter It was one of his best cows. ohn Campbell, agent for the Cock• shu •t Plow Co., is moving to Exeter fro)n Hay Township and will occupy thaf residence of Mrs. TayTor on An dh'w St. . V. Hogarth of Exeter reports a pa ' ball growing on the farm of C. Riles, Townline, Stephen, that wei- ghs 291/2, lbs; It measures 301/2 inch e$ , cross• and over 100 inches in cif• en feence.. iie"Bell furniture factory at Win ghan, long a landmark of the town r a t e the hands of a wreckingfirm of Ter rite, who are tearing• it down ,Igi'elbirilding has not been in use foe a amber of years and had fallen in tot 4repair and at the bankruptcy o thel Gunn -Son -01a firm the only bii re lved was from the wreckers. 1,. Bowes of Owen Sound, kno many years ' at "the Chats - Sage", is dead in his 75th yz• moving to Owen Sound a fev' Y 9 ttgo he conducted a mill at Cha and had a wide reputation a' a { i er forecaster. He was a sttvl astronomy and may have mad 3 > ist;overies of value in tI^ relm of meteorological, research. If so, it is to be hoped they will be preserved. A crowd estimated at 5000 turned out on Oat. 8th to witness the 8th :an nual plowing match of the Huron Co Plowmen's Association held at the farm of Thos. Miller, 6th line, Morris There were 35 teams and nine tract- ors at work during the day and fine plowing was done by the various eom petters. The prize for the youngest coy went to Gordon. Scott, agen 115, of Cromarty; and the best plow team. was won by Frank Hamilton, Crom- art. Ford Little, three-year-old son of Mr." and Mrs. Ernest Little of Hul- lett. boundry, is in Seaforth hospital, where every effort is being made to save his leg, which was painfully cut by a binder blade when his father was finishing up a field of buckwheat', The little fellow was 'hunting for a flower in. a patch of buckwheat, un- known to his father. The blade struck through the muscles of the back of his leg and the small bone, below the knee. A narrow escape from a fatal ac- cident happened on the Highway east of Centralia when a man was run down by a motorist and received some bad cuts and a severe shaking up. J_ Kosmi, a mative of Belgium, was driving north to Centralia with a load of sugar beets and as he came. to, the turn east of Centralia he not- iced an old whip which he had lost on a previoustrip lying beside the road. He got down from the load to recover the whip and failed to not- ice the approach of an auto .from the north. Kenneth Cameron, the famed Hur- on county apple grower whose farm is near Lucknow has a Spy tree which this year will produce over 24 bar- rels of fruit. This is his especial fav- orite among his 300 apple trees and in the past 13 years it has produced 193 barrels of saleable apples.. Mr. Cameron sprays his trees tiye times a year and cuts the grass in the or -1 chard for a mulch. He uses more than l 1500 props to Bold up the limbs of his profit-making trees and' finds his; market in Montreal and to some ex- tent of late years in the British Isles.1 To go 89 years and 4 months with-' out shaving having a smoke or a' dunk of liquor is the claim of James y. O4obe 22nd, 1901.; w Exeter Theatre Wed. and Thurs. Oct. 21, 22 Charlie Chase. .1.:OOSER 'THAN LOOSE' Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23, 24th MAR1E DRESSLER and POLLY MORAN. In .. "Reducing" Umrne-1y--'Doctor's Orders." Maui., Tues., Wed., Oct. 26, 27, 28 John Boles CAPTAIN OF THE FORCES Comedy ---Slim Summerville in: ARABIAN BIAN KNIGHTS Johnston of Regina, who won the 1st- prize stprize in an old age contest in that city. Johnston•said he was born in Stanley Township, Ontario, and came west .2.9 years ago. He is a retired farmer, he said, and has a brother- in-law with •abeard six feet long. A quiet wedding was solemnized on Oct- '7'th, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Henry Drehmann, Bayfield, when his younger daughter, Elizabeth Ad- eline, of London became the bride or (David M- Flemming, of Pontiac, Mich The bride was charmingly gowned in blue georgette trimmed with velvet. The ceremony was performed by Rev: R. M. (Gale of St. .Andrews United church, in the presence of her sister, Miss Ethel Drehmann of Wingham, her youngest brother, George Drell:— mann reh'mann of Teeswater, and her father, Mr. and Mrs: Flemming left the fol- lowing morning for Wingham and from there on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. The bride's school chums in the vicinity wish the young ,:m pie a happy future New - Customers vers Oid Bank STABLISiD to z817, 5o Years before CunEi on, the Bank' of Montreal ,gave Canada its first permanent bank and laid the founda- tions iunda-tions of the Canadian banking system. At its hundreds of $ranches throughout the country the Bank is coaly wet - coming new customers- Fadi new genes anon of Canadians ids in the Bank of Montreal dependable safety and servuce m all financial: maw; BANKOF' MONT AL Established 1:1 Total Assets in Excess +o#'oso.d1i, 'Zurich Branc1 t C. R JOY. Manager.