HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-15, Page 8a WATCH THIS SPACE For Something Entirely New In Advertising, We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. SS, the Repair Man ffiff 19M�IIINN1111!!NNIA)!IS{111111NN�rillAllilSi11111111ilillllllllhGillllUll(illlllllllafiElf1�111"w$I£�ll iiN)N11111111IfIIN1dIIG�I111111111$IlliV11111Nfif11llilu; VPA vortic11 T INE STORE WITH THE STOCK. Sale Prices Continued On Many Lines of Summer Goods SUCH AS SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS, MENS' AND WOMENS UNDERWEAR; SOME LINES OF HOSIERY; MENS FINE SHIRTS TIES; ODD LINES OF OVERALLS, ETC. NEW FALL GOODS NEW FALL GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING. LET US ,SHOW,, YOU THE NEWEST IN DRESS MATERIAL FOR FALL. TRAVELTWEED IN A PURE SILK CLOTH OF VERY FINE TEX- TURE IN TWEED FINISH, AT $1.85 PER YARD IN DRESS GOODS ONLY. THE SAME CLOTH IN RAYON MIXTURES AT PRICES AS LOW AS 48c GROCERIES Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for25c Special Mixed Tea, Ib. 39c Libby's pork and beans, large at 18c Large size Vanilla at 19c 35c 19e 75c 33c Pleaseall Coffee, at per Ib. Zink Rings per dozen Plain white cups, at per dozen Brooms, 5 string at each J. GASCH PRODUCE WANTED & SON PHONE 59 Save Money by SAFE DRIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers 20% REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT 15% REDUCTION FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT 10% REDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOW! Andrew Fa Hess, - Zurich • MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 WARM HOMES WE SELL THE BEST , �' LESS SPECIAL PRICES: 'THURSDAY, PRI a; °F YANDSATURDAY Oxydol, (The perfect water softener) . , I ianyflowers Toilet Soap, 4 cakes , Pure Castile Soap, 8 cakes for 4•Le,-.. ;r Peas, Nature's Best, No. 4, 3 tins r,. • r, .... I9e .. • I.25c .. 25c .25c Corn, per Tin ttic Huron Toilet paper, 6 rolls for .. , ,�r *yp ,, 2.5e Ready Cut Macroni, 3 lbs Libby's Pork and Beans, Large Tin • Campbell's Soup, 3 tins .. Campbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 this Kara Coffee in Tins, per lb Family Blend Tea, per lb. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs.;. .; MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS GO;ODC POLO LINED •, MEN'S GUARANTEED BLUE SERGE 5 J. W. M YELLOW FRONT STORE .... ,.19c ... I9'e .:..25e 23e 39e 25e COATS, SOME 9.00. $19.00) `• Phone 140 ■ ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERESTWes Several United States publisher's have stated their intentions of pub- lishing in Toronto as a result of the 15 -cent -minimum tax on certain tyg- es. of magazines entering Canada. W. J_ Dickson, president of Canadian News, said he had been notified such a step would be taken by Love Story Western Story, Popular, Argosy, Fl- ynn's, Adventure and Calgary Eye -- Opener. Road Signs Being Changed Traffic Officer Lever has charge of improving the traffic signs through- out the county. The old checkerboard signs at bling corners- are being re- moved and a large board sign, paint- ed white with a black arrow point ig the way the road goes, will be instal- led in their place. It is thought that this will be much better than simply calling attention to the fact that something should be looked for ati these corners. Mr. Lever thinks. when completed Huron will have the best road signs in the province. BUSY FARMER NEWS WITH COLDER DAYS COMING, NOW IS THE TIME TO CON- SIDER YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE WINTER MONTHS LET US HELP YOUR PROBLEMS WITH: Quebec Heaters or Hecla Furnaces 1 NO OTHER KINDS QUITE SO DURABLE. AND.ECONOMICAL 1 • TO OPERATE. • EVETROUGHING, ETC. CALL US UP ABOUT THAN EVETROUGHING JOB YOU WANT DONE AT ONCE, WHILE THE WEATHER IS STILL FAVOR- ABLE FOR OUTSIDE WORK. WE SOLICIT YOTJR PATRON- AGE IN THIS LINE OF WORK • Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - W ill Tams Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. I'URNITUREI FURNITURE! STADE & WEID ZURICH ONT. 1000000 1 anmers' Mutual WW. ' r , Insurance Cu �1 W OODSTOCK The La gest Business of any Canadii ,Company doting Bu • ess in Ontario, Amount 0ii insurance at Risk on Deo. 81st "1928, $22,206,275. 11 Total 0.. sla in Bank and Bonds ;e x -$160,878.74 Rate!e—$4 o; pe'r $1,000toi s years. E F. Topp—?Zurich Agel, Also -Dialer h Ligh6aled Rods' and a l triids of Fire Insurance The Ontario Agricultural . College. annual auction sale will be held on, Thursday, Oct. 22, A very choice lot of stock are in this year's offering, which should prove attractive to the buying public. Plans are going ahead for the tenth annual Royal Winter Fair ter- med the Commemorative Show, Nov. 13 to 26th, when the choicest of Can adian field products and livestock will be on display. The International Plowing Match is being held near Peterboro this week Oct. 13th to 16th. A good piece of land was selected a few miles south of the city on the highway running tCoirrer Butter lb. MARKETS ted' every ,.Wednesday) 25 Eggs .. .30-26-14 Chickens .. .... 8-18' Geese 15a Hens .. Wheat b Oats Bailey Flour Shorts .• Bran `. Live Ho 7-13 lshi • .. a.:.' 40 .«..• 300 • 1.75 2.80 •. .....••. 16.00 16.00 ........... 5.50 a stead), marketio improve The potato cial pr ince toward Port Hope. The last three alk'p7 days of the competition are open to l Marke the world. lapse kets. Injurious to Wire Fences ranted Many times the advice is given in H. L. the fall of the year to "burn out the potato fence rows" to get rid of harmful of exce weeds and insects. This, no doubt, is there good policy from those standpoints, iremen but it should be kept in mind that it be no; is distinctly harmful to any type of year u wire fence. Zink melts ata compar- been c atively low temperature and. the heat market, to regularize ,at the same time to !ty. .Potato Market gathering of its kind s:froni all the commer- gections of the prow- pronto recently under the Ontario Growers' ccii to deal. with the col - to prices on local mar - 't ; prices are not war - /al conditions" declared chairman Commercial s show there is a crop ,quality potatoes. While auplus over total requ- s winter, there should import potatoes this r own production has ely consumed." r Ration Needed 4a ',.lay a few eggs early in . ithout receiving much. ,without or she may Iay at the season when feed may r Nip in the fields, but the yet been devel4pe.d tltaft ithout the proper duration ki winter months. A good from burning grass or weeds is oftt- A he en sufficient to scorch the protective the sprit; coating and will probably shorten l!iN feed or,; several seasons the useful life of thed. the end:, fence. be pi The Hog Market hen h t will 1a'„ A review of the hog market situ- the Ial't pm ation states that there is no unjnsti- fication for the practice which has been all too general this season of trying to beat the market by selling 'off light -weight unfinished hogs to gain a few cents per pound- at Cur- rent prices. The principal effect of Inch practices has been to demoral- ize the market and force prices much `rielow what they otherwise might be. With Canadian hog prices drastical- ly realigned both to suit domestic conditions and export market prices lie common sense practice at present Is to ftnith hogs up to the proper weight,'around 200 pounds. This it one effective way in which mash i 'diportant if the hens areto Iay, azn ,;should be before the birds alilany, one of the nee- esgar bnts required for the tnak w theeggs is absent, prod uetith ripaired: Pullets require a little' deft 'mash than the old hens ,d,it is a mistake to house them t ' her and have them feed frdn axrie hooper. Home-grown feeds oe. fhe addition of some pur- chased' c,trates may be mixed, dr a + jai mash may be, pur- elist:"t wIIl supply the necessary ingr0sii„ t the bird. Chickens will. if properly housed and it rations. to develop pay.; Thurilii0Vs•oet40ro1504..IOU +* +++•4.4.*4++f++ci f + Your Hardware Store • We can supply the Public with Seasonable Hardware at Moderate Prices 1 +• Let Us Show You I OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST. PREVAILING PRICES., Good supply of Smoke Cure on hand + := Furniture .educed. t We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn- Ipure at Greatly Reduced Proices, which i will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these tow prices : WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, Johnston & Kalbfieiscli * Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 4444 atumranuuuu!!omromunuu NNA[[[[ lilt 111111!1111}Pl111111lll!IIIII111111 WWIItiIIIiNI!NIC;IItHII)!{ItimEallunr8(! inn,A6'F91!!Ilr giutimuum imipstmriunimummnnru: 0+44444 44.+H.ttfii+++44+4 !4«1.+4.++++•i•+++4.4fi4.4.4.4..444 ZUB.ICII `. GARAGE ATTENTIONI . TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED t EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL. JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY . REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H. Mousseau �Zuriah $4444++++++44+++++++++++44 04+44444 +++ +++44. X444.44+44' 4*.. 1.10 • HERALD OFFICE • + + + + 4a Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST + CLASS JOB PRINTING! + .▪ TIL.vT X SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS,LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STATEMENTS, "BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING`., TAGS, ETC. 4 THAT WE CARRY 'IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CUT 4 TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOT CALLED FOR + SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING + A P • AND MEMORIAL MEMORIAL ENVELOPES RAPER, BUTTERPAP IAL WRITING PAPER. + ▪ THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH + A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUAN- 4. TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. 4' • THAT WE PRINTPOSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS : MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING • + eint SPEC ALIT. 4.• '►'