HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-15, Page 5*On N HFP.A.l-P ISUSINESS CARDS DuDEEY B. Uor ini S ISARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ?OFFICE—Hamilton Street, . Just off the Square, GODERICB, Ontario. ;Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. J. Hoboes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and ' Phone charges reversed. VDT TOPS 1Wants, For Safe, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN 'NM C'Om* FOR SALE. A quantity ai choke Tillman sweet apples fur sale at reasonable price. Apply to Simon. Greb, Babylon Line. LOST An auto marker 55-00/O. Finder kindly return to Dr. . 11 [1 u. COWEN George Reichert, Zurich. L. D. S. D. D S. ;DENTAL SURGEON !.t 'DEITZ BLOCKr-ZURICH very 'Thursday, Friday, . Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLO E, DASHWOOD 'Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A U -C -T -I -o -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP eluate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) '!Terms in keeping with prevailing gprices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will nell, anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. • Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and -if not satisfied w3i1 .make no charges for Services Ren- dered. .,a k ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 4Ii `Done 13-57. SE°RYICE thy We have the Better Class of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - VELURE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work alone to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S. They are all HIGH CLASS, CLIENTELE. 31. DASHWOOD 0111 ONTARIO O0Nd0p1.ilNSOl0s110NNd Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASE',) VROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT dk DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE . Yungblut & Son 11400SNNNNN1041NM00l0N COAL 1931 Announcement 'RING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton. Coal Coke Alberta, Coal and Soft Coal .A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Tan will be mowed fig Wg. r gwrr& iii pricei will advance' os. June 15th. Case & Son 11°6w.a 3* l` ENSALL L„ I V OU l .T R Y WANTED !.'spent every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. ;an not feed Fowl same morning When brought in. Highest Cask Prices -CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien tirbask 2A1.•lbw St FOR SALE For 'Quick Sale -el 4 -yr. old cow due Jerseye3, heifers due in spring; g young; calves. Apply to J.. C.. Salmon, Zurich. WANTED TO BUY": Good Oats and Barley. Highcat. Market prices paid. Apply to: Neubauer Bros., Hespler, Ont. • Debts Collected NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE ' We collect notes, accounts, etc., everywhere. Our success will aston- ish you, we seldom fail. If we do it coosts you nothing. Send in your debts today. • Do it now, tomorrow may be too late. Clip for future reference: Canadian Creditors' Association, Branches Everywhere. Owen Sound Branch, Post Office Box 951 Cider Mill Cider made every Tuesday and Thursday. Applebutter boiled by appointment. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. Cider Mill We will operate our cider mill -op Tuesday and Thursday cif each week. Merano Steckle, Sr. Bronson Line. MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Treetop. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as 'usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William H. Brown Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER 0.L.S., Registered Professional En- ;ineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Nlember Engineering Institute of ST.. PETER'S Evangehcal Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" ;'riday, 8h:—Luther League., :aturday—Choir Practice. eUNDAY SERVICES fiel5 e. sa.—Sunclay School. 7.30 nu—English Service. l'verybody Welcome to *II Services. E. Turkheika, Pastor Canadians have vier invested 'in ,liuron Erie Authorized by law for executors and trustees. per annum is paid half - yearly upon $2.00 and over for 1 to 5 years. IA.pptications are accepted by .k.NDREW F., HESS. Zuricb Mr. Fart Weida visitor with Goderieh Mr.. Jacob Brown. w ek-end visitor with his onto spent the week -e friends. Mr. and Mrs. Doris Craig of Winds visitors at the home 4, John Galster. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Guelph, were holiday, home of Mr. and ner of town. Rev. and Mrs. Ro family of Preston are days with relatives Zurich and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wm family of Forest were ors at the home of M ther, Mr. Wm. Lame some inside deeorati home previous to me the near future. family of Dunville week -end with relaii in Zurich and vicinit The recent rains October weather is M ditioes for the farm fall plowing, and Me availing themselves. Rev. E. Turkheim wedding ceremony o at the parsonage, w marriage Miss Alic Robert Kari Liirche ford. Mr. and Mrsne and Mr. Clayton, and Miss Muriel "I were Sunday visit 1.4 Mr. and Mrs. W. L ilday urieh on and heliday Mrs of at; the Wag- er and a few ds in un and un's fa - Mr. Ad Mrs. Alex. Ehnes of Bright were visitors in town on Friday. Mr. Chas, Fritz made a business trip to London on Wednesday. Mr. G. K. Farwell made a buSiness trip to 'Medford on Fridaf. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jaeobe, Mrs. L. Pfile and Mrs. R. Geiger were we- ek -end visitors with friends at Kit - ,Miss Dorothy Weide spent the holi- days with her aunt, Mrs. F. Turner at Goderieh, Mr. and Mrs. Rol. Geiger and fam- ily, Mrs. L. PAle and daughter Pearl „motoredfo Louden on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weber of the Bronson Line, motored to Lon'clon on Friday. e doing eir new erein aed er the friends oderate eal con - their pin ;are ed. the r ninth ned end Mr. f Thed- lidtchener +hes of The school kiddies days, as Thursday e was Teacher's Con Monday of course, Day. Rev. and Mrs. T Estus• Hammer all at the home of Reveeen Turkheim. there aim on iksgiving 6" and. Mise enksgeVi ng -Whil.e attending the Hui xi County Athletic meeting- a.t •,nre that Mr. Hugh' lifacliinit•0 of town won the lap yard ilaih;fa e know that Ilugh, had Mr. and Mre Chris. Schwartzen- truber and familY of the Bronson, returned Monday from a pleasant visit with friends around Pigeon,Mich ;end ether Parts. Dr. and Mrs. W. Schellog of De- troit called in the village on Friday. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Schellog are always pleased to see them. They were over at the Bend closing up their summer home for the season and have returned back to the city for the winter months. Mr. Herbert Hey of London, spent a few days this week with his father, Mr. Christ. Hey, , of the Parr Line. Mr. Herb. HeY, who is still conval- escent from a recent operation ex- pects- to be able to again start work in a few weeks on the London Street Railway Company. He is a motor bus driver. Mrs. Dymock, who spent the -past summer with her daughter Mrs. (Dr.) P. J. O'Dwyer, left on Tuesday on the voyage back to her home in En- gland. Mrs. Dymock's Zurich friends will indeed miss her, as she was a very interesting lady to meet, having travelled abroad a good deal and been in many countries south of the equator as well ar north. The World's Series Baseball gam - ns at last came to a close on Satur- day afternoon when the- St. Louis team won the final game taking four out of the seven games played. It was a hard fought series and attreact ed,much attention. In fact we know l• of several business men took their + machineS from the ho -me in their pla- ces of business, and whiie "wifie" has the use of the radio the rest of 4. the year, "hubby" wanted it for these .41; PAO CONVERT YOUR STOVE INTO A SILENT GLOW Every ton of ordinary fuel you buy now will be a ton of trouble for you in the winter, months. Make sure of clean, perfectly trouble-free heat in your pres- ent range, heater or furnace by installing a Silent Glow Oil Burner now. Burna clean—without noise, soot, odor or smoke—gives all the fire you want for cooking or heating. Self-operating and absolutely safe. Burns cheap fuel oil. Backed by a written guarantee for 5 years. IT LIGHTS''QUICKER— GIVES MORE HEAT—BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENER- ATED. Silent Glow Burners are already installed in 100,000 homes— mere than all other burners combined. Come and see it demonstrated. $50.00 up. L untifir `I _Maker s c# Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners for beating large homes, apartments and other large buildings. WILLIAMS BROS. 113 + Massey -Barris Implements4.- r * + . + WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- -I- 4. PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND ÷ 4. WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO •l• LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE you 4. few days. The executive board of the United 114.. Church at Blake supervised the load- e be sent to 'the -relief , nf parts in the Western Provinces, that have been either burned out for want of rain or where the. sand storms have demolished everything this year. This committee wishes to greatly thank all the members of their church, and es- pecially those who contributed and are not adherentt to this church for fine -demonstration of helping • when ehis opportunity was presented, and the Old biblical motto of "It is more blessed to give than to receive" was put to practice. We take much pleasure in joining the many Zurich friends in congratu- lating Merrsr. Clayton and Clarence Hoffman of Galt in preparing the Galt Terriers baseball team in again on Saturday at Hamilton winning the fmal game against the St. George's team of Toronto in the championship far the amateur senior baseball of ' fast to come out wIner e,,pro- duced the speed ; and . nicely: Congratulations, Hugh. l' ' = Miss Elizabeth Rennie, '',,v1q epent the summer Months at the Eetatie 'cot- tage at Grand Bend; paSS4 through Zurich on Wednesday ol'ilieir way to Kitchener where "%they -pave per- manent residence, havinW`ePent a most enjoyable summer ot,Ithe Bend. r 11 moved into rooms in '1)'4 4 E. Sie- mon's block, and nee sing part of the barn formerl irtee ae, the Doninion House stab. ' and Mrs. Alvin Pron( have moved in theP ReeePti evening at the home Sitter who returned -, honeymoon. The frier( many beautiful .14iN*Pl. leiTe. Mr. oclerich acated nd made lents of was spent in games Tk; king ter which refreshrite0 °AT served. Late Mrs. 11: On Sept. 26th, wife of the late W;t11,1, sed peacefully awayl the Maitland concesrd township, ,aged and 6 days. Mrs. tenet; united in marriage They made their home, where they were highly': sidenta till death. 14.r, predeceased six yoare-,, home WOSblessed*Ith Bey four daughterse, Mrs. member of theeEvan since her early ykiatble, devoted wife and lie lova always administering ;to the household. Theefun were conducted at the, Rev: S. R. Knechtele church, Benmiller. 11)114') of Dashwood rendereelie forting solos. The rer to rest M the Colboriv. ceased is tureived by, four daughters: Pred0'. ' at home; Albert of John of Colborne; William, of Shakesee Flick of Colborne* of Auburn; Mrs. kNr.i' and by 35 granclehild Ithers Illinois. 'buie on etolboine aeripg Cede of letices tier in laid leo; De - ,!,1110,4,0e4 rananicd c;oroo:hiCostrifs: kyton bro Ontario. This is the forth time this team has won this honor in ten years and each time two years in success- ion, as they also won it last year. Mr. Clayton Hoffman is Manager of the team while Mr. Clarence if cap- tain of the team and they sure have a fine bunch of ball players gathered around them. The final game .,,on Monday at Hamilton wasea tightone score beiik 1-2, and a 'big recept- ion was held at Galt on Monday ev- ening on their return as the game was played on neutral ground nt Hamilton. If a team of athletes will be sent eext summer to the Olimpic games at California, it will be this Galt team that will be called upon tO represent Canada in baseball. But owing to present conditions it is a squestion if Canada will compete at that big world event. f4OTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE is hereby given that all ceeditors and others having claims a- gainst the estate of John A. Manson, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmen, who died on the 24th day of January, 1930, are required to send to the undersigned administrator, full part- iculars and verified by affidavit of their clahns on or before the 24th day of October, 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said last mentioned date the Adininistrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of Which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Zurich, Ontario, this 5th day of October, 1931. Lorne D. Manson, Brantford Windmills and HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE 4—SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAyS 4. ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. 4. BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT 4. MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- + LOW THEIR VALUE. + 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. -E. HOW 'ABOUT REPA/RING YOUR BINDER. REM•E'MBER, WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! N. E. Siernon, Agent, Zurich �. ANINWWWWWMANWWWWWAVANAWWWWit Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Text Books kebt in Stock . Toilet Sets, Manicure Set. and Prushes Perfumes - Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A. a. MacKinnon, Zurich E ,,,,ApokivowykNyvvw NMARNM'AMP Miquk144