HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-15, Page 4F DRYSDALE .fir $UR.1 ersary :,;evice at Dins church, Me- Killop, The fall whorl will so011 Ile com- lete.d in this section Ori the farm and the ; aerners will no doubt enjoy : t wen earned rest. Mr. Uind Mrs. Txill-le. Laporte and Iwo Childrenof Detroit, visited with theme parents hem over the week -end; Miss Marie Laperte is visiting with !iter sisters in Detroit presenny. . and M. Elgin Masse of De- 'kroit spent the week -end with Mrs. :Ielatis'.s permit% Mr Frank Corriveznu. Mr. and Ars. Baradell of London, Aliso the .Ma res Durand of St.Peter's: Seminary, were guests at the twine ,of Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Durand. Mr ,awed Mrs. Wm. Denomy , spent • week In Detroit with relatives and grimes, returning home last :Sunday. STANLEY TOWN`sHIP BLAKE Mrs. Oeseh St`. returned honhe•'af- ter spending e few weeks with fi rids ix3 Exeter, Mr. Harold' Johnston of Inrich, spent the atOek-end with fx€yids this vicinitla Mrs, E. Clarke and daughter Gwe- ndolyn ,Gent a few days wafh friends in Lenin and London. A atennily, reunion was held atthe Meyers n Thanks- ,gtvaillk Day, .,when;; a pioasant time ,as epent. i:ilil:Ts. McKee of Toronto spent the • 'Week -end at her far'iut°r home on the littoxison Line. ' The neighboring thool teachers rattended the Teat -bees Convention' which was held 'at Exeter, Clinton and Guelph last 'IMetirsday and Fri- day. Miss Jean Cnmiinr accompanied spent Miss Olive Brook Hensall, the holidays at the home of ?it'Ir. and Mrs. 3. A. Caianse- Mr. J. Thirsk •s1ient a few days last week with ;Fiiiinds in London and Lucan. The Misses Gwendolyn and Mary Clarke of Goderaich spent ithe week- end at their home in the ;village. Mme. MoClartS Of London, is iting with friends in this viciniteq Misses Annie and Agnes Cgchrtx of Clinton wee recent visitors, in to vicinity. Miss Haig', Hagan of London, r. with he istti It •�'1 s. in': 1„ iv iz g l ui ent T ,r; t. Dolly ma brother :Frank,. Mr, end Mrs, Ross Diele And ..b,+ and Mass Edna Cochrane of 'Tore ^'r ;,pent 'Thanksgiving at the he' Mr. Sind: Mrs. J. Cochrane, lex;' Russell Love of Toronto Th'anksgiving at the home ,of his, eats, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. Misses Jean and Agnes Cann of Clinton spent Thanksgiving; their aunts, Mrs. L. Troyer visited rem Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 7oirriston and son .George of Goderich, 'spelt 'Sunday at ;the homes of Mr. H. Drr tt and 1Vrr. Nelson Keys. Mrs. Annie Reid and daughter 'lMary 'of Seaforth, spent Thanksgiv- ing with Mr. Art. P. E`eys and 'fam- iIy, :Babylon Line. Mr. Nathan Peck of Hensall, is .eisiting with his son Bert Peck and family of Babylon 'Line. Mr. Richard Robinson, who has been here for the past 'month buying .apples, left on Monday for his home •,at Carlyle, Sask. Rev_ Mr- Smith of -111-cT(illop took • 'he services on Sunday at Goshen .>ehurch in absence of the pastor Rev. A. lPoai1ter who was :taking anniv- HILLS GRErE N Mr. and 7..4'tr•s. `Rout. Stephenson, spent a few days -with their son in Walkerton, eee .. ;..g..,,» ...I..I..¢•,I•....I,>, ; •.•...: +,.+.I•• .., + het STs Quote Tou + + ., + + .I, On Storm Sash and Doors with Mr. and Mrs. 3. Horner, of'`• The services will be .withdrawn Sunday owing to Kippen Anni• sary at 11' a.m. and 7.20 p.m. Before the cold weather arrivs 4.1 HEN'S ALL Videx, Mr. and Mrs. W. May of KiteleteA; Ir i Pith the week-nd with Mr, and q, .S. O.estreicher. lea;, and Mrs, Jack Reschke of De - it visited with Mr. •an d Mrs. G. rifer over the' weekend. Miss t)ileen Merrier returned with. them short visit. e Misses Marie and Esther. Atle- e were holiday visitors with fri- in town. bliss Emma Tiernan of London sp- 1, the week -end in town with re- , ['rs; Gill has returned from a vis- fl•relatives in' Detroit. iss. Wm:. Consitt of }H . ensall and ille Smith eof the Parr Line, sp: Tuesday at the home of Mr. .as Hartleib. Ir. Czar , Steinhagen of Guelph, a visitor at his home here. Ira Tieman of Hamilton and s Cornell of Kitchener, spent holiday with the former's par- a,; Mr, And Mrs: E. Tiernan. iss Myra Taylor of London, and Jack Taylor ref. Windsor spent ivs days at the home . of Dr: and s"; R. E. Taylor. 1. and• . Mrs. E. Broughton and fly• and Miss Grace Kellerman of nto:visited their parents, Mr. and :.;Jocab Kellerman over the holi- Quite a number from, here ate ed the Huron Deanery at Blyth - Tueday last. Mrs. Zavitz of Goderich`" is : vis her sister, Mrs. A. L. Cage. Harry Cook left isat week .for Te 4s onto to attend University., , a. end Mrs. Jim Smith and family Maxaret .Slavin cif London is , Kincardine are visiting at the iting at her Home here. of Mr. Jonas Hartleib for a few Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hosicinsp - + spent a flew weeks with friends lx Sses .E. Martinson and A. Hoff - returned to their. home :in De'tro i', and Mr. G. Keeler attended Edward Citric left for. Hanov. crier's Convention at Exeter on where he has secured _a :good kion ,and: at Guelph on Friday. The .friends of Airs -Harry Abri Gall us and we will measure your windows 4 •. . K LBFLEISC f `1 OM 1 U RICH • -� PHONE + 51, • ..aa.t,s.s..ses,s.ss.ssse re.s ss.imp.eNa.ss•.MssN►..s s s . FOR Cost ., SALE and Below . a On new Farm Machines while they last . ;: � ONE 12 FURROW PLOW •: DIAMOND 4-SECT1QN HARROW : FLEURY No. 21 WALKING PLOW I DE LAVAL CREAM ;SEPARATOR : SPECIALS! SPECIALS! . . D •+e Ai• ONE LEVER HARROW 1 CULTIVATOR 1 SCi7FFLER 'QUEBEC SULKY 'LOW I MCCORMICK-DEERING No. 21 PLOW AT ..........$17.00• • 4 GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW .AT $4.50 ACT ;QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS e .ALL THESE MACIJFENES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. ;ND REAS- • ONAELE OFFER REIF:USED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST :• General Garage, Gas, Oils, E#+,. AD 1 L. A. Prang & Son -ch , ....M..es.....lVJte... ••.S......•.......:...>•.. 2 s..s...M.N......es...•.•.a.r..•...N...MM•NMs 41 2 Try N our .,� Chick Starters, CIl�tck 1 .r; 5� 1 FERTILIZER I Let us have your orderat once for Fti 11 deliveryof fertilizer r POULTRY;'FOODS , Yi 1 Feeds,Laying y Mast), .�tc.1 f v;� money onyour next Y sinter S. s . coal bill byorderingi NOW! E ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD CLOVER SEED. ALSO I L. QO CUSTOM SEED CLEANING. , s Sebilbe & Son " 00.0000400041144111 .s1►sss 14014,s00.0100vogep, !Eugene and Lorne Tieinan a foi:xner Hensall resident regret * : tj, .spent the holiday at their lea= ,of her death svhi:cheiccurred _a. ,. a. London hospital .last week: ,, i Mrs. Herman Zimmer and W.ux.. Armstrong, who lives th 1 e'nveia Hayter of Windsor were miles .south of lieie,.is.ixiil5roving n; ei'jisitors with relatives. ely after• his severe .illness.' S i , lla Martinson spent the -ve Harry Cook, who . h'aci the misfo r t .,her home in Elmira. une to injure his Root is' a�ie too nd Mrs. J. K. Ehlers of 71ur- out again and walk .with .trie :aidq visitors with Mr. and Mrs. a ccAnP Oestreicher on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. .A.,J. Sweitzer.�6 -Laura Sippel of Stratford children, who have spent the.p ' Air W. Klick'man of Elmira, we - children, months with .friends here, retie e4 a visitors with Mr. and ed .to their home in Detroit. .,�7i,,,,, ' Mrs. Fri`�t Clayton Pfile. Dlrs. Elevood Jackson,, "Thanksgiving and Rally Day Sgiiir.es and sun • aiif' Tonto, and Services L. Squires and son, of Georgeto4'',day of Thanksgiving was fitting were guests with Mrs H. Beiche To. served in the Dashwood Evangel fitting - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess, and.^rliurch Sunday October filth:• astor, Rev. A. W, Sauer prea.- f R4 then forYn} t both services. In the, morn- ,e'hanksgiving anthem was rend - called :of the United. Church her ;by, the choir and at the even - Considerable ,on friends. service besides an anthem by Coixsidexable gr yin is being b° choir, Miss Alice Hoffman sang ught into market .and _meets ; lo entitled "Thanksgiving" by ready demand and .h_igh teeenar ,Ccs. {'Allitsen and the Ladies' and vIr.s• Ro,y Weber visited,withf, ends .in Detroit recently , Rev- Doan 'o i c. , a ' P;is prices. `elle "coxixposed of Misses Cath - Among those who were prize wi°onkbeiner and. Alice Hoffman, asa tt. _ TliiLon 4t xc.vY. ; . 'Oes„rtl.CCher Aral rrceee7Se et:Clixtieff are: Re'''. t Passmo.,„. sang "Praise Waiteth for took the Ji nior Kltir ipp .s chair -,thee. medal, Mervyn Ryckinan, Mal- A Rjly Day Program was carried phill and Harold .Sher'itt. • Dr. Margaret Strang,of le,' out duril the Sunday School session called on. her grandmother, V: in which Bch' class provided one or T. ;Caldwell, and aunt, Mr °;e more, numbers. The church was de- Joynt, before leaving as aril costed for the day by a nicely ar- mJissionaxy to tilie l';eace River t ranged display ': of flowers, fruits, Mrs; Manley Jinks .and littn vegetables and grain in sheaf:' and' daughter recently visna. relatives on the Go n _lonue , five miles north of Zurich COUNTY - NEWS Mrs. E. Sheffer was ,laid tip 'd' the past week from .high blooii uien but is improving micdly. '+; ? Ym. Hayter has rented the 145 - It is with much- regret tYfeS t, serious accident befell Isaac Jeerr of Kippen. It appears he was'eng ed in loading a car oft wit_ w en frm ' on the Babylon Line, St - ,.y, from Ed. J. -Stephenson, for 'jrors beginning March lst 1932. grain at 'f:he ;East Huroon Teachers' Inst - warehouse ofh l ch he liar bhaie lield its annual convention at in some manner' awhile work `1toi1'`on Thursday and Friday last at considerable height, lie slipped a•'ek•,M'' falling quite a distance .nof'ce .y .eWai,den' J. Wesley Beattie, of Sea ceived painful injuries to hist' ho,tth, has received word of the death but more serious to his head ,alu;.Da1Ias, Texas, of his brother, Wrn shoulders, which has nrade',his ;ac fix. Beattie. Deceased was a native of ent a very serious one.,"ole but had lived in the West- ` >'tin; ,. 1 s f os some years. perfect weather, a record .y ;and close to a $700 gate, Brus- Agricultural Society's Annual `'1 Fair, held last week, proved to `' Ane, if not the best.Fairs held un- tie Society's auspices. 4 Blue Water Highway Assoc - 7: met on October 1st, in Owen .nd. The Association is , agitating the' paving of the entire length • of e; Blue Water Highway. A meeting was recently held in Mr. L. Fraser of Forest called on G "enroll when representatives from Mrs, C. Decker last Monday. aria, Kippen, Hensall, Elim:ville id Thames Road met to arrange- We: are glad to report little Yvonne it -sending a carload of farm pro- ;daughter of Mr. and. M Jas. Gel lice, vegetables, etc.; to the dried linos, Goshen north, and who has be- olzti areas •in the Western provinces. ren seriously 111 is well on recovery-• The South Huron Plowing Ketch dill be held on Thursday, Oct. 22, 1 Mr: Kenneth Koehler of Toronto he farm farm of Ed. Walker, 2 miles INorxral School and two friends, Wal- 4,1t'of Exeter, on. No. 4 Highway. arid; BERFreymuth spent the holi e Seaforth Lions ..Club is mak- lrranggeinents for collect ,surplus ,w"3s of apples, potatoes; etc., which ,vers in the district do not intend l eti'ng,; and„ will distibute these• iieedy families during the winter. ths, Vile will of the late Mary A. Mc .'don, who taught school in Goder- sfor nearly half a century and who i her 93rd e ks ago n he afewwe g le provides for a bequest of $100 r. times peck at thew - and es all. bo resb tertian foreign n missions Iand meter - 90 Presbyterian g liar . ial Aird dot considerable damage. 00 for the perpetual care of 4, le d n age. An DASHWOOb' Mr.' W. McNiven and datug1 Flora of London, Mr. and Ms Banbury and Misses Jean B:aal;b;, and son of Ingersoll, were Tlakt giving visitors with Mr.and Aaron Oesti•eicher. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harry, family of Sarnia were week-eF itors with Mr. and Mrs. JL Elsie. Miss Thelma Elsic ir, with them for a short vacatite Miss Aleatha Ogden and Mi% old Sutton .of London spent giving Day at the home of 1 1VIrs. Wm. Nadiger. Miss Bell of,London spent ek-end with her mints Mrs. Fat Miss M. England. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pfile Clemens, Mich., visited with fhb mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'l=T;, over the Week end. . Mr. Leonard ,Birk of•Guelph holiday visitor at his hen—lent' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bench Hensel] spent Sunday in town! The 142isses Gladys and Rut er of London were home o week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Mcisaac' Mackinaw, v, Mich., and son of Y called ed on thrix aunt, Mrs. R. Mi on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. l3ruer otic of Nei am Y Hamburg, visited �,... and Mre, ,7..•Schroedet ower the day. Mrs. Cr” >> Mee. . �. 14Iiles an i,:'egtvoo:Y of: Sn fie vent '.Flip eee day with tint' teethes, cl Capital Theatre West St., Phone 47.,• GODEItICII A shorter drive and a good show! Now Playing, --Joe: Brown. in • "Broadminded". Mon., Tues., and Wednesday JANET GAYNOR with WARNER :BAXTER and UNA.•MERKEL The Queen of the screen in a rain- bow of romance Daddy Long Legs Thur's., Friday and Saturday LILYY.AN TASHMAN • WILLI NI BOYD REGIS TOOMEY' Offer you. an unusually thrilling tale woven .about a female "Dracula" Murder by the Clock Coming—"Huck Finn". t. Thaestkr, O ttber •15tH, *931 Rev. C. Malcolm officiating. The Grn►rd. Bend United Church will hold. their anniversary services on Sunday, October 25th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The :special speaker will be Rev- Duncan Guest, of Ar- kona_ A fowl supper will be held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 27th. Supper served. frame. 6 to 8 followed by a special program. Dr. Thos_ Chisholm, veteran doctor author and former member of the Federal Parliament, died at his resi- dence, Toronto in bus ninetieth year. He had made Toronto his home since his retirement from active practice and membership in the ttouse of Commons, and was .a former resident of Wingham. A special meeting of the TN -Pent, ive of the Huron Old Boys' Associ- ation. of Taronto, was held at the home of Mr_ and Mrs- d_ A. McLaren Spadina Rd, for the purpose of considering the question of thehest system. of collecting data for a hist- ory of the County of Rnrone to, be published at some time in the. near future. The meeting was largely at- tended, some 25 membersof the Ex- Mr, Fd ICins an spent theeholiday• at hits home in St. Marys. Mr- Ilarold Walker spent