HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-08, Page 5ste ' . • " '"IffEtarteillecee OcteIter ¥the 1931e 041 XII* *LB "10 YOUR 1 BUSINESS CARDS I 'Wants, For Salle, Lest, !Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN TIM COVIHNS VUDLEY.V.4. JOLOLMES ISARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Couucel and Court Work. WANTED TO BUY: Good Oats and Barley. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Highest Market prices paid. ,Apply Gederich by Phone, and Phone to: Neubauer Bros, Hespler, Ont. charges reversed. Dr. II. H. COWEN L. D. B. D.» H. :DENTAL SURGEON $15 DBITZ BLOCK—ZURICHf 'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHIV OOD EverY Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for 'Registered Live Stock, (All Beeeds., Ternn keeping with prevailing Vices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will 2101 anything Anywhere. Phone 18-98, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - 'duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit lour business„ andif not satisfied will intake no charges for Services Ren - tared. ARTRUR WEBER--Daslewood Phone 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the *Better Class of C-ustomers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ATELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR. TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hobning and Mechanical Work slows to Micrometer Settings, No guess work- Watch the cars that STOP at \VEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. DASHWOOD tiseestseeceeeseseississoceseers Zuriehs' popular MEAT MARKET ONTARIO ANNOUNCING THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED THOM THE FIRM OF YUNGW.1T BEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB LISEIED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 11 Yungbl-ut & Son 401.1.11.1•MIMPOS.,1001.010. DEBTS COLLECTED NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE We collect notes, a.ccounts, etc., everywhere. Our success will aston- ish -yell, we seldom fall. If we do it coosts you nothing. Send in your debts. today. Do it now, tomorrow may be too late. Clip for future reference. Canadian. Creditors' Association, Branches Everywhere. Owen Sound Branch, Post Office Box 951 FOR SALE A -usd No: 21 foot lift Cockshutt riding -Wow; very cheap for quick sale. L: Prang & Son. Cider Mill Cider made every Tuesday and Thursday. Applebutter boiled by appointment. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. Cider Mill We will operate our cider mill on Tuesday and Thursday of each -week. Menno Steckle, Sr. Bronson Line. Ladies, Attention! The Beauty Shoppe at 'Neel* Bar- ber Shop is now ready. Come in for your shampoos and Hair Dressings. Moderate prices. Call for appoint- ment if possible. LOTTIE TURKHEIM, Zurich MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors DAVID FUSS, Zurich — Phone 89 rl t-4 - • - - NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William II. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist. AT Brown's Boot Shop 0111111/00111091111114000011108.4111011.01110 CONSULTING ENGINEER COAL 1931 Announcement MIMING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT Iftiatate,41, FOR fl or anton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT far/ 541 Cts. Per Tort will be allowed fax cu. Draw Maar as prices will advance on Juw 1.1501V. Case & Son ekipk. 4* ,„0,-- ITENgALL; ::- -:-u......,-;..r.;;,-----i-..T.:..ur.i-............................--..- L I VE •pOU LT R W ANTE D 'Silken every Du till eacas. 10,m - Do not feed Fowl same musing viten brought in. Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Item. N 210.„1441- S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A-Sc. (Tor.) 0.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Sea.fortla Ont. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church zUfkICH ONT. "A Changeless. Christ (qv a clang - LOCAL NE Mrs. C. Eilher is visitinge4 ,ends Stratford. Mr. and Mrs., C. L, Smith; Afp4,9 motored to Stratford on BrOdar Mr. and Mrs. WmF..B Oinl'.cand Thanksgiving Day, Oct. lath Three Fast Harness Classes. Two nfile steeplechase race by Toronto Rant Club Horses. - Band. .Admis- slop. 55c. A real, treat. The lerge fowl supper of the Ev- angelical church at Crediton is being held on Thursday night of this week, family of Forest wetka' Surplaradeite and we expect a goodly number from ors at the home of Mr:INVIn. 14' l'S411" the district will be going, as these Mr. and Mrs. Len. gust were. week -end visitor - ants, Mr. and. Ws: iriA:-.101.) Dr. and Mrs. laewea. m Miriam and Miss Pearl W110,4. Sunday visitors with the doeto ents at Fergus. , Mr. and Mrs- Charles Rabe Detroit, who spent a week a t Zurich friends, returned -O.!, the latter part of thelx;,a,e'laa'reett. ;Oar, tte ar-• 1th sty The local hunkr are tlaSe mornings trying their -luck • ak shooting, and so fa.ratot 'a as yet been captured, as we th warm weather is 'keening ;th ae fowl up north.igo.,: this :y6 .4n usual. aka, To Meet at dran4 Bente' t#141'1 The Huron Press Associatiori vill hold a convention at the Club ::BOtee' of the Oakwood Golf Courseaat Grand Bend, on Friel'ay;. OatebjeliA• Stratford Horse Race— •r:O. ;A number of baeebalt,fans'effaAhe village are "listening • in" Oftpthe radio these days the results 0-05tlay by play of the World's Serleaqi*ase- ball. Up till Wednesday noon iii4Ooks like a real contest as each tea ,iti•••has won two games, Philadelpia Wir+ixig the first and Tuesday gaanesaaawhile St. Louis won the otheraAkro 'gfetneS. In order to become wort0 chatapion a team ust win four games. Two real estate dealsef interest were transacted, in Zurich the 1)ist week, when Mr. John Kocherns purchased from Mr. Oscar Kloki the House and lot now occupied- bY;Mr. Frank Kochems, Mr. Klopp retaining the old church property, or formerly known as the Zurich bakerya-rThen Mr. Klopp purchased th, fine;edavel- ling property in the southerfroport- ion of town known as the McBride home, which includes one ace,of land. This will indeed make a fine home ,for Mr. and 114,s. Klopp a.nd family, and they are moving their effects therein. Possessions hribotli cases are vigen immediately. y• Messrs. Levi and Arthur Stelck, of + events are rather scarce this fall. The ideal fine weather with a few warm rains, make the fall a very at- tractive one. The farmers report that cattle on grass are doing except- iopally well this fall, and farmers are busy with the fall plowing and other work before the rouge weather sets in. Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler motored to Galt on Saturday and spent the week -end with friends at Kitchener and Baden. While in Galt they took in the, Toronto vs Galt game of base- ball which was a tie. This was one ofethe final games for Ontario champ- itiaShip,. and we hope the Galt boys, of *ham' Mr. Clayton Hoffman is manager, come through with the win- ning game this week. 'The annual meeting of the Zurich Bible Society was held on Thursday evening last, with an exceptionally large attendance. Rev. Denny Bright of: London, the Society district rep- resentative, had charge of the meet- ing, and gave a fine talk along the line of work the Society is doing. He also entertained the audience with a fine selection of slide pictures. The local Zurich Society has been doing a good work with annual contribut- ions and were urged to keep up the good work by Mr. Bright. At the close of the meeting the former staff of officers were re-elected. Among the usual mistakes that us- ually occur in printing tae annual fall fair report our attention has be- en drawn to the following: Holstein Milk cow, Wm. Sparks, 1st, and Hy. Clausius 2nd; 2 yr. old heifer, Wm. Sparks, H. Clausius; and Coll. of pig - .eons, Hy. Clausius. The time is us- ually very short and we must work fast in copying nown these lists, and cannot find time to go over them the second time to make sure of correct- ness, but if anyone finds mistakes, we are always pleased to publish such corrections in the following issue. PAO* Fit* A five year written factory guarantee is given with every Silent Glow Oil Burner This guarantee is backed by a $10,000 bank deposit which absol.• utely assures satisfaction to every Silent Glow owner. There are more Silent Glows in use than all other burners combined. Here is one recent letter from an enthusiastic Silent Glow user: "I have two Silent Glow Oil Burners,. Model Ir—one in my cellar (furnace) and one hi my kitchen stove, and heat my 7 -room house which is much exposed to the wind. I use the two burners only when it is very cold. I have saved thirty dollars on my heating this year. It is a pleasure for me to recommend Silent Glow." (Name upon request) No Noise—No Smoke—No Odor—Lights Quicker— Gives more Heat—Consumes Less Oil per Unit of Heat Generated. 11 .„11k. ((mill oP LO,V Eitit OIL °FE. II Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, etc.,and Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large homes, apartments and other large buildings. WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 42 • it+++++++++++++++4.4-144-fai.4.4.4.+++++4,0,-÷4-i-Jr++.1-1-•:-:-:•+4-1'++++ 41. Massey -Harris Implements + WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- 4. PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND 4. ▪ WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO + n., Dauphin, Man., and who visited with The many friends of Mr. Paill dard of the 14th Coe., Hay, will re- gret to learn that on .Tuesday hile in. Stanley on the farm of Mr. Mc- Bride, one of Mr: Bedard's- horses in some way became excited and kicked Mr. Bedard in the face livitie both feet. Dr. A. MacKinnon was at once called and gave -'bat aid he could to the unconscious pat- ient and.. afterweede adtnini!forefl several stitchee in the'ivounctOnntA's LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU relatives and friends left here on Sat- ' tirday for Michigan where they intend ÷ A CALL 4. • . visiting for a few days before. going t They were accompanied by Mr. and t, on their return tri, by inoLor car. + Brantford Windmills and Pumps .4.* Mrs. Geller, of Dauphin, who visited + * HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD 4". With relatives in Detroit. The form- 4. ser, Mr. Levi Stelck paid a friendly SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR * visit to •the Herald office; and is in- + EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE 492.C.1 Ve7r111 t'thtk'el"491Y- wIt:111 .4"ci "Pre7"7 4. face where the skin vies' torn ()yak,. sed 'himself highly delighted with the We trust that Mr. Bede .d will soda, hospitality and friendship he was gre- recover from. his unf -unate. expel:, eted with, after being absent from ience. This is to say that - positively the finest and best fowl .V.ippers willibe offered you, on the evening. of Oct- ober 22nd, at the dining room in the enclosed shed at Emanuel Evangel -jar al Church, Zurich, Ont. Yon,wohld never forgive yourself 'if rx stroke of misfortune you were did miss it. Remember the date. and tell yoet ur friends. The occasion is without doubt, better than the best. You will be served and entertained after fashion as they serve kings and queens. So it would be jest too bad to miss it. Come and we will prove it to you. With Wingham fair the latter !Part of this week, the county ama 4044 fall fairs are about over for anether year, and the profit who thinkOhat the smaller township fairs wq :soon be a thing of the past, has another guess coming, as practically all Along' the line this year the e:Fhibits. enthusiasm was greater than . goodly number of years. People are becoming intensely interested intheir products being up to the stanOS of quality, probably more so than tozitian. tity, as it seems the latter coUnte:the: most on the world markets 6-44. And the fall fair is an iclealepleXe to get in touch of the quality of the dverybest products in the community. Woor Pliday, Kit—Luther League. The October meeting of the' air-, Saturday—Choir Practice. ich Branch of the Women' g institute SUNDAY SERVICES was held in the Council Chambers on' 16 a. m:—German Service. Monday night at eight o'clock, with 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch in the cliaie, . . who opened the meeting by eingnag the Institute Ode billowed by lOrals Prayer. A splendid report 0;i's. .12e Piz- +t, NOTICE TO CREDITORS trict Convention Niue given. IS 4, W. lie:;, followed by a selii$' n'bs"' : NOTICE is hereby given that all tlie,„"Moonlight Orchestra". .4 rP--Pr creditors and others having claims a- "HOW- we are governed" was' Ffetah- gainst the estate of John A. Manson, ly given by Mr. Rowe, Pri$31i50`q: late of the Township of Stanley, in the Continuation school, Wl'eltelikas- the County of Heron, farmer, who very instructive and enjoye0,,;)0 ii;- died on the 24th day of January, eryone present. A_ well rende 'Ot'1930, are required to send to the was given by Misses Vete l 4)) Oell :,indersigned administrator, full part - and Lillian Rader. Hutrior-x• 'Nue lars and verified by ailidavit of ing, "How to make the 10; Xeir claims on or before the 24th failure" by Mrs. H. Rose at..,,i 14y of October, 1931. "Thanksgiving" by IVIisa'Pea .'--* , -t' AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- This ended the social pa e' 'lateN that after the said last mentioned evening, after which Mrs. Klbje,P:' e'' ' the Administrator will proceed the chair for the business paAe. lito distribute the assets of the said W. Hey was elected the candid„ ' Vleceased, having regard only to the attend the District Convey,katiltl claims of which he then shall have London in November. 1?oll6Wift*.tjhad notice. vote of thanks to all who asst ed ' f DATED at Zurich, Ontario, this •snaking the evening a Suceccf4 ,Aith day of Octeber, 1931. meting was closed by sittglg,k ' 41. Lorna D. Manson, ANDRE.W E. HESS. ZurichtNational anthem. .1A, 4 , Administrator. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E.Titelkhohnk. Paster Canadians have over $27)001000 invested n Huron & Erie debentures. Authorized by law for executors and trustees. per BM111131 is paid half - yearly upon $100 and over for I to 6 years. - Applications are accepted by this section for a continous period of twehty-six years. His many Zurich friends trust it will not be long be- fore' Mr, Stelck will again visit the eat.1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. E. A. Axt, and faintly wish to thank 'their many friends and neigh - :bore for their kindness in the former's sad bereavement. Also Rev. Dreier Dr. O'Dwyer, the choir and. Ladies' quartett and floral tokens and those who so kindly loaned their cars. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Rev. E. A. Poulter of Varna, ac- companied by the Misses Alberta Finlay, Margaret Douglas and Edith McBride of Blake and Margaret Rob- inson and Olive Erratt of Goshen at- tended a young peoples' convention at Woodstock on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalf of Turnburry Tp., visited with their co- usins, the Stephensons a few days last week. Mr. Wm. Hayter has leased the farm of Ed. J. Stephenson on Baby- lon Line for a term of five years, possession to be given in the spring. Mr. Garnet Taylor has purchased the 100 acre farm of Mr. Albert Robertson, near Varna. Mr. Frank McClinchey made a trip to Detroit over the week -end. .t. BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT .T. ..i: MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR. BE- + + t. LOW THEIR VALUE. + + + 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. * ÷ + ROW 'ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEMBER, WE t. .3. - GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES + +4. Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! + + N.E. Siemon. A 9 gent Zurich v I 4-1-1-1.4.44+444+++++++++++++++1.44++++++++++++++++1.++++. 4. elnIWIMWINCAWINWWW0VWM1a654/ Zurich Drug Store 1 1 1 1 1 We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies •••••••••••••••••......... All authorized Text Books kebt in Stock Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and "T-usites 04110114111100,11000111111111111110000.11000 Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfurnizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich:, vkiwyonikmwmwoormytmumwyktowf*