HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-08, Page 1Ther is no better advertisin HILLSGREEN Miss Elizabeth McAllister of Hen- : sail, spent a few days with her sister Mrs. S. Walker - Mr. A. Ashton of Ti'lisonburg sp- • ent the week-nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J_ Richardson. Mrs., Ashton and son Douglas,. who spent a few lays with her parents, returned to their home.. Mrs. R. Mousseau and daughter Marion of Exeter spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Broderick. Miss Mary Hagan left for her dut- ies et KingsrniIls, London. Miss Verlyn Thiel of Zurich visit- • 00000+04-04P404m4'0,0** ►00...<1,.as+4ar4,os4,40-4,4,0.60.$0.0.,, •"� 0 ;0 • WE HAVE A. LARGE STOCK. OF CI-10/CE HARNESS, TRUNKS, 4 TRAVELLING RkGS, VALG:CE S, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND No • ARE OFFERING. THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT 'VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Banos • W YOU HAVE BEEN' THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW • PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND Q. ▪ CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SRLOCK MANNING LINE. rnePs '$ Etc. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE et FRED k SIE _ - ZURICH ee PHONE 102. 0 0 a 0 0 $ 6 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 s, 0 e 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 + O 0 00040400049. 1 LS New Styles lew L W PRICES: HIGH GRADE SHOES :OF 'ESTAI3tIfSHED MERIT. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. NOW -A -DAYS WE MUST BE SM4.1171` AND MOST OP US MUST BE -ECONOMICAL_ THIS STORE TIIROU€Ilt :CLOSIell CO.OFER.A,TION Wim MANU- FACTURERS,. THE LOWEST 'COST OF M:A'I 3 iLS AND PAR- ING OF PROFITS;,. NOW PRESENTS TO YOU NATIONALLY KNOWN SHOES AT A PRICE BEfUCTIO1Q c(aF FROM ONE TO TWO DOLLARD 'MEE P.Alle Men's Solid Leather Work Shoes :at ..... ........--_-_$'225 •to $2.9 5 New Fine Dress' Shoes at _ - .._ _.- . _............... ;2,:75 to $3.95 Boy's School Shoes. at . _ _.... _ , ............................ _ _..$.1.95 to 1$2.95 Women's Blk. Canvas;.. 1 si gat ........... _ _ _ .. $1.00 Womens' Patent and Kiel Pamp.at ...........e........--..-- $1:95to $3.95 Children School Shue f _ _.. _...._...,..._......._,..........a -"_..Sac to $2.50 REPAIRING SIE -ATI Y DOKE Browes s ee Shp SM. OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • • • • • 1 0. 0 41 • • 0 • ' • • ' • O ' • e104aluzeciegleaskilk's'Ak C:S1ieeta 1ge5geil• • 4.4)4....40r4*40. 4)4 * 41) 4-4 4N009rN:Yw'CTat+xA # .•4•.)d,41.4> yt•4.G•4..7)*®e 4,, a a: • • ' To se Yo l 111 Su t v: r , ti..} X11 r 4, 0 NEW STYLES NEW CLOTHS NEW 'ei i4 4p EM ALI MED MINERAL A' L & AREC 1ti RS II 004,0ae4+QM4► + eOde 404.0 ER Chester L. Smith, Pohl/dna' 11.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 $1.59 11\' ARRZATtg, $a MAY SE •Ql3A SGG•1 edium than the home paper ed with Miss Minerva Reicher' tle44e tly zi luck Jei Rev. R. K. Love of not en spent a few days at the ed, as wet parents, Mr. and Mis. 14 eeping ; th, Mr. and Mrs J,aee:<Qmgc,r this ,ye Eton, N. D:, callt,ii oz, ( antes in this vicrirzt Ir,�ently Messrs. Levi and Artheir Stelck Dauphin, Man., called on old aex; aintances in this vicinity the past ek. Mr. W. Itorney leeel,holdi0 tr . tion sale on Thursektee a,fte elolc! thiis week. Mr. andq Mrs. R. McAlflister, M and Mrs. Jas. McAllister, land Mini D. Anderson, spent the ... eolee e , with friends in Michigan. t Mrs. Wanless of Seaforth epee.t a few days with Mrs. L. Traver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile anf h h ghter Miss Annie, of IJensail, ' te, Sunday at the home of Mr. and W. Turner. The W.M.S. will meetat the horkil of Mrs. R. McAllister on v,Tednesda October 14th at 2.30 p.m. :Genteel' slides on "Outdoor Life in Koria were given in the church on. Monda evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chambers ant, Mrs. Porterfield, of Seaforth' visite; at the home of Mrs. B. McAliiste• Recently. 4 We are sorry to report that Mis Merne Smith is quite poorly:' DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Moffatt of forth spent the week -end with friend in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt of In<. gersoll spent Sunday with her moth-. er, Mrs. Stade. Mrs. Stade returned with thein and will visit for a wek Miss Margaret Cunningham of Kir chener spent Sunday with Mr. an " "+ Mrs. Louis Morenz. • Mr. and Mrs., Lloyd Edighoffer an,, family of Mitchell were Sunday vise itors with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. G. en.C. ther. . r .with rife. in Kitchener: i Miss Gladys Guenther returreld to 'Kitchener on Monday after s.,1 ding two weeks vacation with rel tveS'• Council will hold its October a on Saturday, October 10th. ''klarold Klopp of Detroit was tie: •end visitor with his parents in Jacob ,Kellerman of Dashwood, business visitor in town on kite evening. W. L. Hoffman who spent a (•;$;!,,s with her sister, Mrs. W. Forest, returned home on nd Mrs. Samuel Gascho and 111t"nl, of Harriston were Sunday vis e4 eith relatives here. Fir',, H.' Rupp of Thedford is visit - ?r friends in'town. Mrs. Rupp e..,,inow 82 years of age Is still eeeriart. j41;+ ,, 3ugh MacKinnon last Friday i�q�cl• the athletic meeting at C1- ..'r here he took part and we 11 on some of the contests. forget Monday, October 12, ay appointed lay the Govern - it s, Thanksgiving Day, and will %hlic holiday, and all places of r*,ss are supposed to be dlosed. ii and Mrs. N. Sitter of Thed- ll,1.;4re in town on Saturday at- Sitter-Schilbe nuptals. Mr bit ii. G ewe of the popular celery grt vers o±:uhe Thedford district and fill d.:eryeAr local growers in town. %iee it Chas. Fritz and son Ward tor -4, -to Morriston on Sunday wh teet attended the anniversary of i v;aical churchat pla, '^I'� geliG Fritz's-h at fortmne'vT. iza�cew„ sister Haenilion.. 'wo`[local horseshoe tossers went. to the.: russels tournament last Fri- day am `,captivated everything in Mr. and Mrs. N. Sitternd '" sot were 11Ir. Thos. Meyers Leonard of Arlcona and ib nap : e ' ,• :��� rid P. Boa, Jr., of near i"' � � o run up a score of 26]:, of Sarnia, were Sunday visif 6,. 7 t Mr. and Mrs. Jacob SchroedijirAash pre �cti t rivals being Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoarthedodoorswas Y russets who scored 242. 'laughter Lily of Londoneat'i or �q 1Ss se are becoming quite vday visitorps in town. tier::' The tie F `J ossers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terr g.• $ ck round ' '' ' Miss L. Brown of Kitchca.part' spert'ce� r� rnomy-l?¢cliarme Sunday with Mr. and ;ni MP' . r Frap y rna ironial event Becker, Sr. �° bleated: at St. Boniface R. C. trorri the Mr. and Mrs. W. Schulz ti ', 2 rich on Monday morning, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.. a mo- lt ho th, when Rev. Father L. Rader. *'ane' , v ted in Holy W eddIock, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calle ,' t! Evane F, Ducharme, daughtetr of Mr. Milford Koch of Detroit 1.471 'G4 Mr, aiicd• Ducharme, David Ducliarixe, of relatives on Sunday. ir, fhe .'Coshed Line just south of the Miss Myrta Hoffman is conb�^zra. viiia as'' to Mr. Victor J. Denomy, ing at her home after having ti{ f! son of Mr.'and Mrs. Philip Denomy gone an operation in Dr. I'a� Ior` ;r of the;Blue Water Highway, 1 -lay Tp. hospital last week. 2'Ir )ire part of the day was spent Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mitchellel ao�i' home of the groom's parents, son Lloyd and Mr. and. Mrs'. + Oh�TMe" whale ;the latter part of the • day and Mitchell of Kitchener called `gat e' evening were enjoyed at the home of home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ho 1£mlas the •.bride's parents. The happy yo - on Sunday. WallaceMrs. Cook of Chica.gcon Sunday.r ung couple will reside in Detroit. TheaHerald~ joins their many friends with visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, best:Wishes. Geo. $tire. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Fred Willert is progressing very fay e. orably leaving recently undergone an (operation in Dr. Taylor's hospital. Mrs. Matilda. Restemeyer lis ea - turned 'after a pleasant visit with f:61 - ends 'in Windsor. Mrs. Geo, Link is on the sick lists her many friends hope for a. speedy, •revsxaery, ATTENTIONk' :dighoffer. Garage': HORSI!j SHOEING AND A'p` ii KINDS OF BLACKSMI7;'I•II ATTOMOBILE REPAIRING, FIi ERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. To Matter How Badly Damagede. MST OIL OR GAS, AUTO ACCT ORIES. CHARGER REASONABLE Give Us a Call! JACK KIPPER, ZURICH Sitter-Schithe .9it> nine o'clock, Saturday morning October 3rd, a quieit but pretty wed- ding was solemnized at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, when Miss Gertrude B. Schilbe, daughter of Mr and Mrs, C. C. Sehilbe was united in marriage to Mr. William J. Sitter, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Sitter of Thedford, Ont. Rev. E. Turkheim officiated. The bride was gived in niprekege by her father and looked loriel;::in a gown of white lace point y'1' rite and carried a bouquet of iinleeephelia roses and maiden hair fern. She was attended by her cous- n Miss Lilyan Rose who was dressed n henna, crepe trimmed with white and carrying a pretty bouquet of white. asters. Mr. Harold Kuntz of rndsozP' acted as best man. Dinner was .eved at the bride's home to im- mediate friends, after which the 11611py' couple left to points in the, Git" States, the bride wearing a g suit of brown wool crepe cessorics to match. On their" c1, they will reside on the gro- ''''4ie fano at Thedford. The joins the many Zurich friends popular young lady in ex- congratulations to this hatppy. ooupie, , Latch and flock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to Mailed in Wat- ches. Hess, The k eller Yes! You will Find at DIFFERENCE IF YOU BURN Prices now at ler ottorn low for the, Season. STOCK UP NOW WITH THIS GENUINE ANTHRACITE Foe, Caeh Payment a Discount sf inlet per Ton wil be ,AIlowesL . ... oat: lc Phone lOw or 10J HENSA „ 4 ++++++++++. 0+++44+0+44+44 + +++44 44 +«..i»r k ,.a„s 4,4.17 60;.: • 4 4. HAVE WE. OFFERED SUCk Quality at Such pow Prices • On Men's Women's and Boys' Footwear ▪ HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE HAVE TO t OFFER YOU. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAIL ORDER HOUSES, ETC., AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR FOOTWEAR HERE_ MEN'S TAN WORK: SHOES, WITH FULL LEATHER, lelII DTA SOLES AND PANCO OUTSOLES, RUBBER I3FELS .SPECLAL-Me$02;1"''"®""'. �,.! ^",.a "'� ++, vcc }ryr "�,I�''�i'21i 11701..'i�'i'�`C�"L+tr;lit+"^i'strtYv:��rrixil.�c•-�. v��:.=.wa'oiti gyp.' And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles and heavy Leather or Fanese Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2.75 and $3.00 Pair. BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A COMFORTABLE AND GO r� FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to a ,•ti, Reg. $3.50 No $2.50 • BOYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LEATHER,, .F, Last year we sold these at $3.00, to -day only $2.25 + + • WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and Satins, Only $2.50 to $2275 44. WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SLIPPERS Meal 4. WOMEN'S Soles and Rubber Heels, Reg. $1.25, Now $1.00 a Pair, 0 FRITZ & SON MEI4II7E:PS OF R4bIT.T,bi.. Sda'OE STORES f Phone 82 or 115 NEVER 'EFt3RB .E. 4. 4. 4. 4. 46. 0: 4. 4. CHILDRENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO MA Reg..$2.25. To -day. $1.30 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 only $`L OE ..,. MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $2.75 MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT $2.95, $3.50, $3.755,, sk t4' CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 65c, 75c.,, $11.08 Childs', Boys', and Men's Included. The Largest Group of Exclusive Fjtairear Merchants ii Cimalclu Zuuzich 4" eve u. 4.4 444 41.4 x7� 4. w Supior r 9 b. �y We are now offering a :full line of Spring and Suit Pier Goods at Reck Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR BSAi`Z''GA ME IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, /YARD WIDE PRINTS AT Zee A YARD. COTTONS AT floc AND Sc.1,A YAM i1 ;a SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.50 A PAIR. GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS„OF ALL ENDS;„ HARNESS REPAIRS, SHOES, PAINTS. 'OILS, ETC. E R. e DOUGLAS GENERAL MEROHANT PHONE 11 7 BLA :w