HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-01, Page 5:harsday, Oeto stomas c ►S DUDLEY .:I ,HOLMES saintornia,SOUCrTOL sow. ART PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE --Hamilton Street, Just off [Wants, For 80.10,, Lett, ity ow TM's !Found* Notice, Etc. Ade Mr. Mit re Desch and Miss E. Hess, Motored to Elmira on, Sunday. Mrs and Mrs. A. Melick weroSun« day visitors at Hensall. Mr and Mrs William Hess of Pon tiac, Mich., are visiting in town Don't forget the free pictures in the town hall at 8 o'clock; on Thurs.; „i... day evesdog; Oct. 1st. Mr: and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of Detroit are visiting with rel' atives here. IS titres. OOLV o #he Square, GODERICI3, Ontario. i FOR SALE Special Attention to Counsel and, Court Work. Eos! LOCAL NEWS ,A1; used! lin. ?J. rout nut Ceveltslsutt int. Holmes may be cectenited at riding, ,'plow, 'vert cheap for quick Goderich by Phone, pad Phone sake. . charges reverses!. L.. Prang & Son. 2111101111.0, Dr.'H. H. COWEN L.D.S. D.D" 8. ;DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCY,—ITBICF0 Every Thursday, Fridarye, Satnrdnspt At HARTLEIB'S BLOCS, DASHW OOD army Monday, Tuesday anal Wednesday A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E E R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Natiousai School of Auctioneering. Try me for 'Registered Live Stock, (Breeds.) v Term in ' keeping with airsng prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sef anything Anywhere. I!'kone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- sttict any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- Sered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood 'intone 13-57. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers :HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. EATTERIES, MOBILE Oil-, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, I•Iobning and MechanicalWork Alone to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watch the ears that STOP at WEIN'S, They are al! }UGH CLASS CLIENTELE. B. OM OAS/WOOD — ONTARIO M•••NgNNNN• ,nrichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING "MAT WE HAVE PURCHASED MOM IDE FIRI[ OF YUNGBLUT ,a Dzionarr, THIS WELL ESTAB 1USHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE g, ynngblut & Son GOAL 1931 Announcement ;SIRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 2, 1 !OR Bcrantou Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 60 Cts. !Mat Tani will be allowed for cash. Osier Early as prices will advance en Jane ISM. Cue Or_ Sol! 1 neat II lf[ENSALL1 L I 1,04 et,U L R Y WANTED I4aken ever" Day till 3 eclock, p.m. SMe not feed Fowl same rAoJ ing when brought in. w Highest Cash Prices ---CASH FOR - Cream and .Eggs W.. O'Brien WE itto. ill. Two, Cider Mit Ciid'er.made every Tuesday and Thursday; Applebutter boiled by appointment.'" Ealbfle sch, Zurich. NOTICE Ywu. will want yew. NEW' F'411.r:., HAT for, the Faiic Come in and look them over - while the choice is good. Every, hat different, mull goner style _ Prices: lower then ever before,. Your Patronage Appreciated ANNA. S. DA;PA,RS — ZURICH FOR SALE A. limited. quantity of short split polder wood, for quick*sale.. Apply, to, Jia -,add, Office.. Ceder Mill ,4We: will operate our cider mill an Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Mennen, Suckle;, Sr_ Branson Unn. Ladies,, Attention! The• Beauty. Shoppe at Oesch's Bar- ber Shops is now ready. Come in for your shampoos and Hair Dressings. Moderate prices: Cali for appoint, m ppoi nt- n ant if possible- LaT'CLE. TURKHEIM, Zurich 3mcgrost REPAIRING Serviicera to. all, Makes 'of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. • IDAV1JDb PUSS, Zurich — Mime 89 rl t-4 Al:SATIC.E • J. C. Walnut & San, Teaessters, wish to advise the public that they are still in thn same business, with prices as usual- Your order will be much appreciate Phone 94-16. William B. Brown A. S. P. Graduated Foot Specialist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Se. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office-Seafortly Ont. ST. PETERS Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —. ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 8h :—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m: --German Service. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday ScbooL 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turkbeire. Paster a ' ve Hirer $27,000,000 ' invested in Hun ! Erie debentures. Authorez by law :for ears and trustees. per annum is paid tar - yearly yearly uupon, sue and over for 1 to, 6• yea2a. .A.ppli ationaarmeccepted by ANDREW, E. HESS. Mr. Joseph .Campbell of Carlo, Mich:, visited: over Sunday with his. cousin, Mr. William Lamont or town. The ,many friends of Mr. Elmer Desch wilt regret. to learn that he is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber were week -end visitors with friends at London. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaercher east of Hensalt and family, were Tuesday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Os- wald. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eichler, of Pig- eon, Mich., visited with friends and relatives here the past. week. , Mr. Saul Topfer and Miss Florence Gerber, of Iowa, are visiting at the, home of Mr: and' Mrs. Jacob Ginger Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Erb of the Bron- son, treated a number of their frien- ds to a melon social one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. Dinger of New Dundee and' Mrs. Lautenschlager al- so of New Dundee, were visiting for , a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald, Bronson Line. Mr. Moses Bock, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bock and childred, Ronald and AIthea, all of New Dundee, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, and other friends over Sun „day.o Messrs. Levi and Arthur Stelck of. Dauphin, Man., are visiting friends in this vicinity. • We understand it is some twenty-seven years since Mr. Levi Stelck was last in Zurich, and he was indeed pleased to meet many of his old friends. They made the trip down by motor car. Traffic officer Norman Lever of Clinton was in town Monday even- ing. This popular official reports as having had a very busy summer, be- ing on duty at times for day and night. With the increased traffic and higher speed, and tben with a lot . of reckless driving one traffic officer for Huron County does not suffice, 'and the time will soon be at hand whenn., an additional officer will have to be put into service. Among the fine attractions of the Zurich Fair on Tuesday, was the splendid display of 1'. C. Kalbfleisch Puaning Mills and building supplies The main display, being the new lines of Gyproc wall boards shown. and it is so attractive that many of us would like to build a new home and use entirle this line of wall bo- ards. Mr. Harry G. Hess also had a fine display of radios, which are al- ways. improved and much jower in price. Owing to a recent storm a limb of the large elm tree just south of Mr. Thomas Johnson's house, became al- most disengaged from the main trunk and it leaned heavily . on the hydro wires running northerly, and .also en- dangered Mr. Johnston's house some what. Mr. Harry G. Hess and staff were called and after some engineer- ing and hard work, the big limb,which" was a tree in itself, was lowered to the ground and everything now looks safe at that corner. Some of the villagers were some- what disturbed from their steep early Wednesday morning, when some of the all -night -session boys sang then• "Sweet Adeline" and "Won't go home till Morning" and "We are jolly good Fellows", around four o'clock, and just the time when the rest seems th best. However fall fair comes just once in a year, and if on this occasion a few will indulge in drink- ing things that are stronger thar. "water", we suppose we must over- look it and hope for the best. Any- way we suppose this is what some people call a "good time" but the morning after usually the head does not feel so "good". Zurich loses this One On Thursday, September 24th our local horseshoe tossers journeyed to Exeter and matched throws with the boys of that place and came out second best, as the Exeter team had a day on at the expense of the loc- als. osals. Following is the result as the score card reads: ixeter kirk and ,Horton 224 Pride and Hocky .... ........ 221 Laverty and Heywood 210 Fraser and Ellerinbten .. 207 Smith and Lawson ......... . 162 1024 Zurich Heideman and Stade ...... 233 T. Meyers and G. Koehler 208 C. Meyers and Ch. Surerus 203 Cl. Surerus and E. Mousseau .. 171 O. Surerus and A. Masse 170 985 Regardless of the defeat the Zurich I team is stili 101 ahead of Exeter in Zwick the season's games. HE*AI.II PALM ,# Mr. Leonard Blau of Detroit,,in visiting with his parents here, Mr. Jacob Smith of Detroit, is: }visiting friends here. • Mrs. A, 1launant of Alhabra, Calif. is visiting at the home of Mr. Dan Oswald, Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs.. E. W, Stoskopf of >Kitchener are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Btown (ti Pig eon, Mich., visited with relatives in this vicinity the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of Lond- on were visitors with relatives and !friends her on Tuesday. Mr. and' .Mrs. Fred Turner and son Grant,' of Goderich, were Monday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Weido. Miss Elizabeth Rennie of Grand Bend, visited with her 'sister, Mrs. L. Geiger, the beginning of the we- ek, Mrs. Wilfred Jerves and daughter, Audry, of Holmesville, is visiting 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Syl. 'Witmer., Babylon Line. Mrs. ' Lloyd Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway and little babe are ,visiting with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright of 'Chiselhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Carl .McClinchey and daughter Berertys of l ippen, were Sunday visitors at Mr. 'and Mrs. D. Oswald. A strange story comes from Ger- many to the effect that a gas mask company is attenmping to sell the citizens of Berlin gas masks for use ;n the next war. They will be sold at ;84 each and all are exhorted to get ready for the future by purchasing one while the price is low- Rev. Denny Bright, Secretary. of London, will give a Magic Lantern Lecture, in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday evening, Oct. 1st, comm- encing at 8 o'clock. Everybody is welcome. The children like to see pictures, and this is a fine opportun- ity to see them, and •free at that. Everybody is invited. No. admission. On Thursday of this week will be the first game of the World Series Baseball games played between the same two teams' as last year namely the Philadelphia' team of the Amer- ican League and the St. Louis team of the National team. The an nnunc- ling over the radio of play by play makes these games very interesting. 'he first two games will be played in St Louis • • • The concert in the Town. Hall ea fairN ht was of the highest order, and,�,.j al good program was enjoyed ' + by all" present. The attendance, was IT good,• although the hall was not pack i ed to 'capacity. A dance was enjoyed. ; 4 .a the hall after the concert; which fasted pretty well into the "wee ho - ars of the morn". The half -holiday season for the summer ends this week. or Wednes- day afternoon. Some of the local ausiness men rather dislike giving it up, especially with this fine weather, .;tit the fall and winter season will soon and surely usher in regardless of our wishes, and we have had a fine summer with lots of variety. The stores 'will be kept open every Tues- day and Saturday evening as usual till after the Christmas holidays, when for three months they will be open only on Saturday evenings. FALL FAIR DATES Dates of fairs are as Bayfield Brussels Dungannon. I(irkton Parkhill St Marys W Ingham Zurich and district fall follows: Sept 30 and Oct. 1 Oct. 1 and 2 Oct. 8 and 9 Oct. 6 and 7. Oct. 6 and 7 Oct 8 and 9 Oct. 9 and 10 ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald PrintingOifice SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $L50 in advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un- less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising • made known on application. Miseellaneaus articles of not mora than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser- tion Fat for fit lowing Pro 1a it c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. or Real Estate for sale $2.00 t month, $1.00 for each fol - mot th. 5sional Cards not exceeding es, per year $5.00. In ii emoriam, one verse 500, 25c for ea additional verse; Card of Thankit 50e. .Arid 4t Sales—$2.00 per single inserthta if not over four inches in length.'' , ,'t Addpss all communications to: ti THE HERALD �. as 100,000 Women chose the modern SILENT GLOVE Because— ItLightsQuicker-It Gives More Heat --It Consumes Less Oil and more Air per Unit of Beat Generated. This is the result of patented features not found in any other burner—the Silent Glow "Superheater" and the "Inner Combustor." Let us show you its noiseless, odorless, smokeless oper- ation, and how easily it will fit into your own range or heater. You control the temperature with a simple valve. Burns cheap fuel oil with blue vapor flame—absolutely safe. Written five-year factory guarantee. $50.00 up. More "Silent Glow" Burners in use than all others combined. 4!SILENT GL IITOIL MARK REG. IN CAN. AND U.S. OFF. i BLWINER 1NakersofSitentGlawPilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, ecu, and Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large hose; apartments and other large bzrildings. WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 4 -t +Po-iF < :-fir Massey -Harris Implements I WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AND COM- + PLETE LINE OF MASSEY-HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND 'II' WOULD ADVISE ANYONE IN NEED OF NEW MACHINERY TO + LET US KNOW, AND WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU + A CALL .F. Brantford Windmills and Pumps 4. HAVING RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED BY THE GOULD SHAPLEY & MOIR CO., OF BRANTFORD TO HANDLE THEIR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF "SECOND -TO -NONE" PRODUCTS, WE SOLlCrr YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS LINE AND CAN ALWAYS ASSURE YOU OF BIG VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLARS. + BELOW WE LIST A FEW OF OUR GOOD USED AND REBUILT f MACHINES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES FAR BE- LOW THEIR VALUE. I` 1 good M. H. Mower. 1 M. H. binder nearly new. 4 HOW ABOUT REPAIRING YOUR BINDER. REMEMBER, WE 'e• GUARANTEE OUR WORK, OR NO CHARGES Be SURE AND GIVE US A CALL! : N. E. Siemon Agent, Zurich ++++++++44+++++14+41++++4.++4+++++*++s** 1 1 �r'<f*9�s9`fRf ftOt(E�9tit6y ss0t(� Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Text Books kebt in Stock •fie♦lwerol+rle►•♦♦re* Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military gushes M Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfumizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. KODAKS AND FILMS Dr. A. Jr MacKinnon, Zurich