HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-10-01, Page 1• ZURICH. Vol. XXXII No, 13 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORN There is no better advertisin ZURICEI FALL FAIR The very finest of weather' made history of Zurich: Fail Faire on Tues- day, and everyone present: thought the day ideal. for the occasion. 'The exhibits in general were the hestthat iras been. seen far soros. times, The ERAL G, OCTOBER 1. 1931. Chester L. Smith, Pains x1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 ha *1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAT 11110114110110 There ZCHri.ZMV medium than the home paper inside departments were just simply wonderful, the s'eason's crop was a good one this summer, and this prov- editself in, the many displays of the season's products. The poultry was considerable larger than usual, and the live stock, especially the cattle, sheep and swine were very out- standing, and some real good indiv- 0111110101 • ••••••••••.••a•••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••G'•e: •• •• • •• Harness• , Etc. •• •• WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE • HARNESS. TRUNKS, e ro TRAVELLING BAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND t • M ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY 4 • • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. e • • • Pianos Pianos •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING' OF ADDING A FINE NEW 3 PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. • ALSO AGENTS FOR TFJE SINGER SEWING MACHINE I FRED THIEL - ZURICH PHONE itiR. • •••••••N•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••N.•••••••••-• NEW ARRIVALS1 Styles anc1 New .,. PRICKS ew RIGA GRADE SHOES OF ESTABLISHED MERIT IT IS FASHIONABLE TO BE THRIFTY! TIMES HAVE CHANGED. NOW -A -"DAYS 10EMUST•BE SMART AND MOST OF US .MUST 33E ECONOMICAL. THIS STORE THROUGH CLOSER .CO.:O.PEiiRATION Wird: MANU- FACTURERS„ `1 HfN .LOWEST COST OF MATERIALS AND PAR- ING OF PROFITS. NOW PRESENTS TO YOU NATIONATIY KNOWN SHOES AT A. PRICE REDUCTION OF FROM. ONE TO TWO DOL ARD :PER .PAI:S', Men's SOBid Leather W 'Shoes :at _ ..b.. _._ _ ...» _ _ -32.25 to •$Z.95 New Fane Dress Shoes at __.'$2,.7.5`.tm „3:95 Boy's School. Shoes: at ------_$l.95 to32.95 Women's Blk- Canvass, 1 strap•a:t .. _........,..- $1.00 Womens' Patent andCIir3. Pimpat-....-•- _..__....$i.95'to $3.95 Children S'cioninI Sly Erma . _95e to $2.50 REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Brain's Boot Shop SIM '0111 WD1DOW DISPLAY z 1 • iduals were in these classes. attendance, however fell down So what from last year, this is proba due to the depression of contiitiolas Much enthusiasm was manifest instil' . speed contests, as all the races Wyr well represented, and a keen inter f-+1; taken therein. The 1931., fair'. 4' now gone down in history, and ..e trust the receipts are sufficient` '[to meet all obligations. Following list of the prize winners: HORSES e a. General Purpose—Brood mare Foal, J. Gelinas & Son. E..Resten't • er; Foal, Ed. Merner, E. Resteniey ; Year old, Manson Bros; 2 yr. old, a Decker, W. Henry; 3 yr. old, H. I4,�a eger, L. H. Rader; Span in wagon, V Decker. Agricultural—Brood mare, Bowden, J. Gelinas & Son; Year sqd,, R. Tinney, W. Bowden.; 2 yr. oldi,#X.: Etherington ; 3 yr, old,.. ,Tinneyi �S: Keys & Son; Span, G. Becker, t"' Decker. Heavy Draught—Brood mare, k" Oestricker, N. Keys & Son; Foal, Oestreicker and 2nd; Year old;$. Etherington, Manson Bros.; 2 yr. 1d M. Tinney; Spar'," L. H. Rader; E. Willert; - Roadster—Brood mare, G. Datgrs, Foal, G. Daters; Year old; N. Key:& Son, T. McAdams; 3 yr. old, J. as & Son; Span, W. McGuire, A..'WI lert; Single Roadster in buggy,.. McLaren, H. Truemner; Lady driver, H. Truemner, R. McLaren. t Carriage—Brood mare, J. Gu' ras & Son, Manson Bros; Year old; art- son Bros; 2 yr. old, A. Etherin on Manson Bros; 3 yr. old, Manson os.,. Hy Becker; Span mares or geidi gs, W. Thiel, A. Melick; Single:earrmge horse, E. Wiilert, J. J. ,Hey�. CATTLE Mrs. W. ard, were enema 'lbi Mr-Ja td •. i,'Irs. Charles Eilber of Detroit, are • spending the week visit- ing with friends. Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr,. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau and fancily, , and Mrs. C. Waiper were Sunday visitors at Kitchener. Miss Mary Clarke of Goderich is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. E. Clarke, Blake. Mr. John Hildebrandt of Seaforth visited friends in town the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oswald of the Bronson Line, and. Mrs. Martin Wurm of town were Sunday visitore with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy at Clinton. The League and Choir of the Ev- angelical church enjoyed a weiner roast at the lake last Wednesday ev- ening. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe, Mrs. L. Pfile and Miss Pearl Pfile paid their last respects to the remains of the late Mrs. Durst, at Auburn on Tuesday morning. C. Wagner and son Leon- Sunday- visitors at Kitch- . Mr. Herb. Att - and sisters Mrs. .Registered Durham' Cows,;W .,Goodbread and �_Mrs Fzaher..of..Detroit 'tr cher , ar irig ?lea art ?t:,1, =, H i " "1,:: - Kaiser 164 London;''axe Imre, ter; 2;yr" old, W Ost erercker,Z D:: attending' the funeral of their riioth- Hunter; Bull -gaff„ W. Oestreicker; er, Mrs. E. A. "Axt.', Heifer calf, W. Oestreicker and 211(1; Mx: Henry Daters of Hay Town - Year old bull calf,W. Oestreicker. Beef Type grades-13i1k cow, D. ship 'has taken to St. Joseph's Hos- Henheffer, F. Haberer; Heifer, 2 yrs. pita', Bandon, on Friday, where he F, Haberer and 2nd; Heifer calf L. is being` operated on for bladder tro- Manson, O. Battler; Steer 1 yr. old, uble. Mr., Daters' many Zurich fri- B. Klopp, Steer calf, F. Haberer and ends hope for a speedy recovery. 2nd; Fat cow, B. Klopp. A team of ten of local horseshoe Holstein—Milk eow, Wm. Sparks, tossers motored to the Muncey Indian J. McAdams; Heifer 2 yrs. old, Wm. reserve on Wednesday, where that Sparks, J. McAdams„ Heifer 1 yr., reserve had its annual fall fair, and' A. A. Oestreicker, Wm. Sparks; hei- the rules . call for teams of ten of fer calf, Wm. Sparks, J". C. Salmo .. each district represented, and we fe- Jersey—Milk cow, Ed. Haber r; el our boys will make a good show - Heifer 2 yrs. old, G. Farwell; Heiger Ing of themselves. under 1 yr, . C. Salmon, Wm. Decker es, • • Herd of cattle, Durham—W. Oes- Mrs. Edward A. Axt Passes • • • • 1 4 e+1114111w41N00.4/P•®411!•O••i.Vit ** to**a4umtir•aoto*tit•eaeou•-• IF YOU ACTUWINFANT TO SAVE MONEY----"DiKE ADVANT- AGEOF•'THI OFFER! E TRA PAINTS. With every Bait at no additional Cost One Day Only Tuesday, Gth 23.00 EXTRA PAWS FREE WITH EVERY SUIT' ORDERED SLUM, s OVERCOATS MADE TO MEASURE. REMEMBER, MBE szxr,arramsttax. OCTOBER. Oak 1..V11 • • •i •� •l ij •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • •• a • • • • • • • • • • • , 1 s W. ;' 0 Bon • IEWILWANSLIII. AMID MINERAL SMRECIOE0S, • ••01•40404.4144•41.044414•44.04•40. * tricker; SHEEP Susannah Dietz. beloved wife of Lincoln sheep—Shearling ram, .'G.Edward A. Axt, was born June 15, Penhale, J. F. Linden; Aged ram; T. ,1858 on the Bronson Line, Hay Town M. Snowden; Shearling ewe, T. M. ship, and died at her home rn Zurich Snowden, J. Linden; Ram lamb, J. on September 29th, 1931, aged 73 Linden, T. M. Snowden; Ewe lamb; years, 3 months and 14 days. Fifty J. Linden, G. Penhale; Ewe, T M. years ago she united in marriage to Snowden, J. Linden. Edward A. Axt. Three daughters and one son were given them. After Oxford Downs sheep— Shearling' ram, W. Henry, and 2nd; Aged ram;. marriage they resided in Blake for a W. Henry, S. Pym & Son; Shearling period of 12 years, then came to ' - Zurich and have lived here for 38 years. Mrs. Axt began her Christian W. Henry, S. Pym & Son; Ewe lamb; W. Henry, S. Pym & Son; Ewe hav- ing raised lamb, W. Henry, and 2ndy Shropshire Downs—Shearling ramR. D. Hunter and 2nd; Aged ram, R, D. Hunter, 0. Battler; Shearling Ewe'', J. Gelinas & Son, and 2nd; Ram lamb • R. D. Hunter and 2nd; Ewe lamp, R. D. Hunter and 2nd; Ewe, having,ra- ised lamb, R. D. Hunter, J. Gelinas & Son. . Leicester sheep—Shearling ram,W. Henry, T. McAdams, Aged ram, W. Henry, F. Haberer; Shearling ewe, W Henry, F. Haberer; Ram lamb, W. {Continued on page Four) Ewe,W. Henry and 2nd; Ram lamb, ATTENTION! Edighcff er Garage. HORSE SHOEING AND ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITHINC , AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, FENT) ERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. No Matter How Badly Damaged BEST OIL OR• GAS, AUTO ACCEbg ORIE S. CHARGER REASONABLE Give Us a Call! ,JACK KIPPEN, ZURICH life 23 years ago, when she joined the Evangelical church any made her self useful generally in the church life particularly in the Ladies' Aid in which organization she was secret- ary for seven years. She loved the church and attended it regularly as long as health and strength permit- ted. There's was a happy and con- tented wedded life and for fifty ye- ars they were privileeed to share the joys and sorrows of life. She bore her affliction in patience. All that hum- an kindness could do in ministries of mercy were done by her devoted husband and children and friends, but God has deemed it wise in his providence to take her to his home in Heaven to a state of rest and peace and joy. She was a devoted companion and a loving mother, and a kind neighbor and friend. Those surviving her are: Sorrowing hus- band; three daughters and one son: Mrs. W. W. Kaiser, London, Mrs. C. H. Fisher, Mrs. Lyman Goodbread, and Mr. Herb Axt all of Detroit; 2 sisters, .Mrs. Hy. Reichert of Zurich, and Miss Elizabeth Deitz of Washing- ton, D.C.; 3 brothers, Henry and Re- inhardt Deitz of Alberta, and Samuel Peitz of Zurich. The funeral servic- Vare 'being held on Thursday after - on from her late home, a memorial rvice at the Evangelical church, V. W. Y. Dreier in charge and Witria1 at the Bronson Line Cemetery .he sympathy of their many friends g0 •out to the bereaved. Watch and Clock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to Mailed in Wat- ches. Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find' a,, DIFFERENCE IF YOU BURN` Prices now at Rock Bottom low for the Season. STOCK UP NOW WITH TIM; GENUINE ANTHRACITE For Cash Payment a Discount .of Sial•" per Ton wil be Allowed- CaMAtel.Crta, Phone 10w or 10.1 HENSALL.OIi1Tr:, 4 + + HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH Quality at Such Low Prices On Men's Women's and Boys' Footwear HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAIL Ja, t ORDER HOUSES, ETC., AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT YOU a•FOOTWEAR HERE.. CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR + MEN'S TAN WORK SHOES, WITH FULL LEATHER MIDDLE , + SOLES AND PANCO OUTSOLES,- RUBBER HEELS' SPECIAL PRICE $2.35 + MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE BLUC. WITHT OUTSIDE COUNTER And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles and heavy Leather or Paas Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2-75 and $3_410 Pair. BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A COMFORTABLE AND GOOD FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5%, Reg.' $3.50 Now *2.50 BOYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LEATHER, Last year we sold these at $,3.00, to -day only $2.25 WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and. Satins, Only $2.50 to $2.75 per- t WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SLIPPERS When.. Leather Soles and Rubber Heels, Reg. $1.25, Now $1.00• a Fair l--• CHILDRENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO 1O%Reg. $2.25 To -day. $1.30 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 only $1.50_.-, NEVER BEFORE Y + + MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGHTOPS, ONLY PAIR $2.13 MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT $2..95, 53.50, $3.7S, Sage t CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 65c, 7 cess St I Childs', Boys', and Men's Included. ' G FRITZ & SON MEMBERS OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES • The Largest Group of Exclusive Fosiacnear IVIerchants aye C' --u Phone 82 or 118 - Zusi r art Superior Quality Store We are now offering a full line of Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom Prices WE ASIC YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR EARGABIRII IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, h YARD WIDE PRINTS AT Zaic YARD. COTTONS AT 3IJc AND ISe., A YARD. SEE OUR OV€R..#IILS AT SLSO A PAUL GARDEN • AND ROOT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS, HARNESS REPAIRS, SIDES, FAINTS, OILS, ETC.aETC R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL, MERCHANT PHONE 11 ." 9? BLAKE