HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-24, Page 8071 10,- EI'GIT TE STORE WITH THE STOCK Sale Prices Continued On Many Lines of Summer Goods SUCH AS SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS, MENS' AND WOMENS UNDERWEAR, SOME LINES OF HOSIERY;. MENS FINE SHIRTS TIES; ODD LINES 'OF OVERALLS, ETC. NEW FALL GOODS NEW FALL GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING. LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST IN DRESS MATERIAL FOR FALL. TRAVELTWEED IN A PURE SILK CLOTH OF VERY FINE TEX- TURE IN TWEED FINISII, AT $1.85 PER• YARD IN DRESS GOODS ONLY. THE SAME CLOTH IN RAYON MIXTURES AT PRICES AS LOW AS 48c GROCERIES 3Cellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for Special Mixed Tea, lb. 39c Libby's pork and beans, large at Large size Vanilla at 18c Pleaseall Coffee, at per lb. Zink Rings per dozen Plain white cups, at per dozen Brooms, 5 string a each 19c 3S5c 19c 75e 33c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Save Money by SAFE DRIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING . WITHOUT ACCIDENT REDUCTION FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT • • . • • 'ACCIDENT REDUCTION FOR TWO ,Y,EARS ;'DRIVING . WITHOUT, .ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOWT • Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SALTY Have You MADE/YOUR WILL? ospoos oofrooM Seeds. Seeds Having made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPOR'T'ED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER_ AND TIMOTHY : SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE.. . F11O ST *FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE- SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS,FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL. POSTS. Full Line of Heavy y and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin W i 11 lams' Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc. FURNITURE! FURNITUR STADE ZigRiCid - ONT. �10is . _, 4.40.0444•114.440+4,4140:1014111410+.44.64411.4444444+0444111* 4•. .44,+4, r + • i YourHardware - We can; supply the Public with Seasonable '� Hardware at Moderate Prices; WE SELL THE BOY .FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY, ";FRIDAY" AND SATURDAY P. & G. Soap, 7 bars for KN Columbia. Matches, 3 boxes for • ` "'. • ° "-.2.5c 2c Hill Crest Shortening, 2 lbs. for '„ , , •: - .". 3 Jif. Soap Flakes, • large pkg. 19 , • • - .19 c C Sugar Crisp, corn. Flakes, 3 fox: � Infant Delight Soak, 4 cakes for • • • -,.25c Family Blend Coffee, per lb. • -.25c Sun Flake Amoni y a, 2 for ... Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for .......«. Kraft25c Salad Dressing, Jar Heinz Sandwich spread, Jar i 23c Palm Olive Soap Beads, 4 for d T5e 3 Colay Soap with 1 Ivory Soap FIaTees "25c ..33c WE HAVE A NEW SHIPMENT OF 113UNG MEN'S NE,yVEST STYLES AND COLORS OF " FEL"). EATS AT $1 98 Come ixn am/ see theme MEN'S TWEED'`ANTS AL1. SIZES : , . ....... . T2:25 J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Photos 140 i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST' !Western Fanners Mutual Seek Staten Speedboat During the past week or so Prov. Constable Whiteside and County Con- stable Gundry have been on the look out for a. $4,000 de Iuxe speedboat, the property of Arthur Hertz, sports - Man of Marine City, Mich., and rec- ently stolen' from that harbor. Mr. Hertz was iii •Goderich and withthe officers'visited''Grand Bend,' Ba f. eld,. Goderich acrid Port Albert- harbors.' While •the party _was at Port 'Albert a message 'Was received that a ' boat answering the description of the sto- len craft was at Grand Bend: A hur- ried trip to Grand Bend, only to find on reaching there that the' boat had departed. ' It had' been there over night and had undergone repairs to its propolipr Tho this,. • es :741•so 1311111 treated some of the villagers to ride and 'they report having received a real thrill. The boat is named' the "Crisscraft" and is a 26 footer. On Wednesday Constable Whitesides re- ceived a letter from Mr. hertz stat- ing t t-ing that the boat had been returned to Marine City by Newton Mixter of Godericb..Mr: Mixter, stated that he had been loaned the boat by a friend and had accepted it in good faith, but on learning in the press that it was stolen, he promptly took it to its owner. BUSY FARMER NEWS rine Rpat Crop Roots in the different leld plot ex- periments at O.A.C. are looking par- ticularly well and have been visited by many members of the commercial seed trade. A visit would well repay any farmers particularly interested in this crop. Incidentally the demand this autumn by farmers for material .for co-operative experiments over On tario has been greater up to this time than during 1930. Much admir- ation has been expressed for the fine stand of soy beans at the College. Show Graded Honey One of the outstanding features in the government exhibit at the Cen- tral Canada Exhibition this year was the display of graded honey by the Bee Division of the Central Experi- mental Farm. This year for the first time honey is graded with governm- ent standards into the classes White, Golden, Amber and Dark, and there are three grades in each of these classes. As the exhibit graphically portrayed, the objective in graded honey is better product which will de- velop consumer demand for really fine quality in one of nature's whole- some sweets. The grading is expec- ted, through satisfied customersbuy- ing with confidence in quality, to in- crease demand, to facilitate orderly marketing, and to ensure greater re- turns, for the producer: The Drainage Division Department of Agricultural Engineering, O.A.C, is arranging to give a field demonst- ration of the use of modern ditching machine ih connection with Internat- ional Plowing Match to be held at i Peterboro in October. They will also have an exhibit of drainage pians And equipment in one of the large exh- 'bit tents. • Weekly Crop Report i Some fall wheat has been sown but more moisture is required to make C Weather insurance Co - OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing • Business in Ontario- Ariii,s<ut of Insure/we at Risk on Deo. , Vet, 1028, $22,206,276. ,TQC Cash in ,ink and Bonds • $130,373.74. Rater -44:111 . per 11;11ee for s y err. " e F., KIopP--Zurich Aieol,;ASotteaf, er.in. ightnind Rods and akkiath of rive Insurance Let 's Show You I OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES.) • Cool supply of Sotoke Cure on hand Furniture Reduced # IWe are offering our Entire Stock of Furri.. iture atGreatly Reduced Prices, will rnovait out' rapidly. which P Y• • Be-Re� sure and get Four requirements at these low prices , t WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNI'I`JRE FC SALE VERY CHEAP Johnston & Kaibflejsoh + Hardware & Furniture. Phone • t'rJrlilUiu!!!i _�—~--- fi1IN Illi(IH{itl fill S111pllnfilllllffllUElllll ' ,ul�uutmurilmmr,namu�u��u�mllllilmlmlauffu�,����„m,n�l�u . " WATCH: THIS: SPACE - •For Some thing Entirely . �;..� y New • In Adv ertisang. Repair Wagons, Bu g i gg es, Auto Tops, Jte., Etc. . ■8i1ommennfIIiUIifINl+ItlllllgnllRilli llpltAl ,1111!Hfllff011IflUIUNiIllll; illtulel✓IgIIIINII)�lil fflllWlfllNf+iflu*nun ikgMIINfIIIIII • (For `tad every . ednudsy)..• Buttear I "......, 25 Eggs, do n . , . •. K . .. 13-18-21 Ego ..i..,.: 12-15-21 Chickens live 12-20 Hens.,.. 7-13 Wheat bushel • 40 A L . Barley, .,. ,-, . ,., ... r........ 30 Flom,, . • 1.75 2.30 Shorts' 15.00 BBran •.•g; • ..... ,`16.00 s • .. 5.50 conditions ideal in most districts. Fall plowing Sas made excellent progress throughout'the province. Fruits are plentyful' this year, with a large crop, of grapes ' and a bumper harvest of apples. ;'7Lfie bean crop is proving better 'tlian.anticipated. The tobacco crop, ani exceptionally heavy one, is practicaljy all ,in. The root crop is Very pxopiisIFlg.. Far'irj �'Eoys and Girls Work A total of 157,312 - boys and girls in the rural districts of Ontario come within the scope of organizations con ducted under jurisdiction of the de- partment;- according to figures com- piled by'R. S. Dtincan, Director of Representatives. A total of 581 scho- el fairs account for 129,366 boys and girls; Junior Farmer and Junior In- stitutes embrace 23;029 boys and girls between 16 and 20, while 238 boys, and ` Girl's Clubs take care of 4917 boys and girls between 12 and 20. During the past year the follow- ing clubs have been in operation: 23 calf Club§, 30 potato clubs, 15 grain clubs, 13 swine chubs, 100 home gar- den and canning clubs and 32 sheep clubs. These clubs have clone a very important work in directing the act- ivities of .boys and girls on the farm and in Creating among them a new, interest in fan)). work. >Plowina Matclx Next. '1'he Ontario Plowmen's Association is hold its International .Plowing Match d.Fbrm •Maclinery Demon stratso •n fames :Adjoining the city of Pet _ =, oro. 1'he dates of the meet. ngs Ase Oct 13, 14, 15 and 16. Local ,petitions will be held the first, da.y, T esday, and the second day is sn a ar t for stubble plowing: the tl►ard. Achy, sad plowing, and the apt, nayr ►eh compeytition (tractor and ,hors ,plow, the Inter -Count;; ampe tC ' std the baiu0;uct. Z17,11I011 " Gfl4GE ATTENTIONI •'~•• TO FARMERS AND TRACT'OR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY AIL'USERs OP GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE -Op GASOLINE PROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK Ar LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, mut QUALITY CONSIDERED EMMY WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORE, AND OVER - HAKE. JOSS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILSS GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich t „ HERALD -OFFICE fr D►o you Know? - • ? WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST HAT CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND. PWEDDING DDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, • +BUSINESS climbs, ETC. ' • TEAT WE CARRY IN STOCIC, AND ALSO PRINT ST ATION- r ; ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER DADS, PRINT, .OPEC STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, ,MEMORIAM SHIPPING TAGS E CARDS. • THAT 'WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD 'WRITING PAPERS CUT .f + TO ANY SIZE; ENVELOPES • IN MOST CALLED ,FO SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING + PAPER, BUT>'E TR PAPER,' MEMORIAL ENVELOPES + AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER, ' + THAT WE PILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WIT* .A GOOD WRITING l FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUALM, +4. TEAT WE PRINT' POSTING BILLS, AUCTIo1 SALE POSTERS C 6 POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PSG • AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS.