HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-24, Page 2alacia Orang Pekoe has
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6nresla_f_a. the gar
What New Y • rk
Is Wearing
Sunless Year So Far
In Gt. Britain
The most sunless year since .888
records show. Britons &re hoping ler
good weather during September and
Official weather reports show that
27 of the 31 week -ends so far have
been marred by rain and storms. Dur-
ig the past 26 months there has dot
been a rainless period exceeding three
The lowest maximum temperature
since 1882 and the wettest season
since 1924 were recorded during the
first seven and one-half months of
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
nished With Every Pattern
The present season is generally _re-
ferred to as the most trying in many
years. It is said to be the year with-
out a summer.
Between July 15 and Aug. 17 it
rained every day in the London area.
During the first 13 days of August
3.23 inches of rain fell in Kew Gar-
dens London. the average combined
amount for the first two weeks of
June, July and August. Eight bours
of sunshine were the greatest number
registered for a single day at Kew
between July 15 and Aug. 15. Dur-
ing the first two weeks of August fire
burned in many office buildings and
homes. On Aug. 10 two degrees of
frost were recorded in many parts of
Agriculture and resorts have suf-
fered severely from continuous ad-
verse weather conditions. Crops in
many districts have leen flattened out
or washed away. Holiday resorts -.re
in despair and the season is generally
declared to be the worst on record.
Henry. Bolt and his
Mainwering, are staying
farm. Holt's friend, Moi
Nestrel House, is desirou
marry his nephew, Ha)
whom she dislikes. Sevel
disappearances have bee
neighborhood, Mona Pa
daughter, being the latest
Another boarded at the,
Piecroft, and his valet':
unravel the mystery of
Chief Inspector Baynard s
trel House and rune into
Samuels, who gives some
formation. Later he is f
death. Barnard suspects
disappears. Hayden Me
Muriel because of herreft
him Barnard rescues he',
attacked on the moor by
Belt, infuriated, seeks out
in the struggle that Boli
Chief Inspector Baariae
ing when Trotter arrive
He glanced at his enhere,
ullen has talked:
. •
Trotter nodded.
s. "Sure, Chief, and i
yarn, too!"
"It would be! Sit &
me have it while I shavt'
Trotter dropped into e
mit his disreputable pip
it it carefully before,
and crossed his legs like one e
to deliver some pleasant recit
nard listened as he went on
ard it might have been , an.
office routine for im tt
appeared to take. only.
eyes shone a little bri
ter came to the news fo
been -waiting.
• "' sv,s " " • 'VA
"'+, • " A,'
offical photographs of Gentleman
'ver see this gentleman, Miss
inwaring?" he asked, quietly.
'1111.1riel looked at the two phot.
graphs of a thin -faced, tight-lipped
man, with close caopped black hair,
and a little pucker of perplexity creas-
ed,. her forehead. There was same -
1 thing farniliar about the face, but
/when and where she had seen it she
could not recall.
Barnard watched her closely, and
s she still hesitated he took the
otographs and slipping his hand
oss 'the tops, so as to leave only
the' actual face visibla, held them out
again. This time the effect was bet-
te' he saw a sudden light of recogni-
tion flash into her eyes.
"Yon know- him?" he asked softly.
ADVE-Nr.17,114X-S Of
Adhi.,/1)00 SCOTTIE
savage hoed hunters of the hills still
sees. a pirate ship shelling another little
d tea plantations. With such, a
fairyland so near us, you can
inia.gine that We teak advantage of
the opportunity to raake a plane,
flight to the island. From the tirae
it first appeared Rs a, dark blue blur on
the horizon, we were impatimr te
get started, "But you'll have to
watch the jaPanese" cautioned the
Captain of the Madrigal.
"Formosa" is a Japanese possession
and lies south welt of Japan about
.niflety miles off the coast of China.
Qfiite naturally they don't want
"strangers flying over their island
Without permission and the sole,niers
might shoot first and inquire after-
It was still early in the morning
when Captain Stuart, of the little
ship whose crew we had rescued, and
I took off in the pleyne. The island
presented a splendid picture, sleep.
ing in the bright simlight. The
coast at the eastern side rose up,
abruptly thousands of feet above!:
waritecriure for
'What came 'before: Captain Jlinins1 rugged mllmtains, from which the
1 ht f°11pw5 in Whiell the descend on the rich camphor groves
pirates are driven away u t fl
1,i s
vess .
firp to the vessel they pursued. Captain
alintnY rushes to the rescue.
But 'we laughed too soon. Chung
had no control at all, and the next
Inoment that stream caught me
squarely in the chest and bowled me
end over end, Scottie must have
stopped to laugil at me for the next
moment I saw him half sailing. and.
halt skating clown
the deck in a
stream. of water.
Picking oursel-
ves up, • we finally
got control of the
hose and began
playing ' it on the
woodwork a the
burning ooat.
After Chung had soaked most at
the passengers with his hose and
one of the crew had dived overboard
to avoid getting drowned at his
hands, we finally got the stream un-
der control and played it on the burn-
ing ship, while the faeghter took off
the people on board.
In spite of the use of two hose, the
fire burned rapidly and as the ship's
officers finally left their boat, the
decks smoked under their feet. In
another moment we cut the freght-
er free and backed away full speed
We were only a few hundred feet
away when the decks blew up with a
tremendous crash, shooting columns
of Dame and sparks high into the
air. The ship now burned brightly
all over and bega:'t to settle rapidly
into the sea. There was nothing
more to do, so after :watching it for
a few minutes, we " put about and
soon the burning vessel was but a
red glare on the horizon.
We sailed on for a few days after
we had rescued the crew of the burn-
ing ship, then, early one morning
we came in sight a a long dark shore-
line. "Formosa" the captain call-
ed it—and what a picture that brings
"It .. .it's very like Hayden Mer-
cer . . . but he has a lot of fair,
wavy heir," stammered Muriel.
Barnaeaestas thinking rapidly. He
hdneVAr-liad an opportunity of get-
• ing rea*, close. to Mercer, the man
as as wary as the devil, and as slip-
ery as a snake. but he knew now that
he had identified him.
"It is Hayden Mercer?" asked Mur -
el, hesitatingly.
Osibly, Miss," replied Barnard.
a 1,"PaderNia you'll tell me what you
e I '
T-41 But beyond the facts which she had
I, already stated she could tell him no-
thiig and Barnard. did not press her
at all. If Holt had really gone gun-
*ning after the Corsican the probabil-
ity was that he was already dead.
Numerous men had set out to get
Gentleman James but none had yet
''' Feeling genuinely sorry for this fine
girl plunged into the midst of thie
'lerrible business. ringed around hy
vicious criminals, Barnard dropped
much of the official mask and became
ni, .st human as he endeavored te
ere her: But time was pressing,
uld not afford to stay long
"13.—m! So that'S
mented, as the recital
Mullen knows nothing'
"Absolutely nothing,
him through it good
he would have talked if
"All right. Trotter, y.
an hour's sleep; there's
• e
fore us."
Easter, Whitsun and August Bank
holidays were wet and stormy. Since
May 1 there have never been three
cosecutive days with nine hours' sun-
shine each. On Aug. 14 it rained418
inches in Londen, and BirMinhal,;e7e-
perienced the ewettest- his-
Roads and railroads have been flood-
ed. to depths up to six feet; transpor-
tation in some sections has been at a
standstal" for periods exceeding 36
lours; houses and shops have been
inundated; many people have been
drowned and struck' by lightning;
gales have swept seaside resorts and
towns, and thunderstorms have raged
throughout Britain.
Fire brigades have been summoned
repeated to pump out submerged cel-
lars. In one week -end basements in
more than 400 London homes were
flooded. -
Barrels of beer and'Other alcoholics
have been washed out of basements
and into streets. In one Kentish vil-
lage barrels oi beer washed into a
narrow lane halted traffic for several
But there ishope in the offing. Sir
Richard Gregory, the well known wea-
ther expert declares;
"Periods of bad weather come in
cycles of 50 years. To take rough
dates, 1770-80, 1820-30 and 1870-80
were wet periods, with an interval of
50 years of comparatively good wea-
"The year 1920 imtiated a wet per-
iod which is still with us, but its
allotted time is up, and the probability
is that next year will introduce the
50 yearfine weather spell."
There is but one thing without
honor; smitten with eternal barren-
ness, inability to do or to be—insin
cerity, uribellef. He who believes no
thing, who believes only the shows of
"Sure, Chief. .Whatt,?ahourlaeliee
ee to hira."' , a44 -
Barnard 'completed lale toil .„ I arid '12
out haste, ate a leisurely ineakie - With her.
and was on the point of rielae
the post arrived. He eecoetized
official. envelope and guesseasstheih
ae cord Offiee aeleasan
.waiie"dirritil he was bale_ W ala" nrnai'vt
• And, e.vd,
likes, so becoming' ale.
the thing as the "party dress."
The main dress is such an uncom-
plicated affair. It's the wee sleeve
frills and &ale peplum hip flounces
that do the trick. The edges may be
finished with picot, done profession-
St le No. 518 may be had in sizes
14, lea, 18, 20 years, a6 and 38 inched
Yellow eyelet batiste aqua -blue
tones in chiffon print and pale pink
chiffon make up daintily in. this model.
Size 16 requires 5% yards 39 -inch.
to give her mews of Halt
e had. any, he returned
and set about pre,-
ePrcmisiag c e grim ja before him_
eaatelPhe little ecalized.
jaele„.ae -Ceakaa,Talef, XXII.
Write your name and addreas plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilsoa Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
room before he opened •
An exclamationeif sutise escape
him as he stared at tapatographs
"Gentleman James 1" Imurmured.
"Alats James Kohn, Fnch james,
alias . . . who; this tier 1
The report came td ae shoelc.
Then it was not Py ftwho. had
attempted to murdes , ma but this
international crook of:i an orign.
The use of the knife .1) to a La-
tin. Anglo-Saxons -e use this
weapon; and it was a k hich
killed Slick Samuels. s must be
anothc: of the Kest . ase gang,
one -whom nether h Slick awl
seen. Beenaed bega
Crewless Vessel May
Study Arctic Weather
Russian scientists -svill make next
year the first Polar expedition on
which nobody needs to go, it plans of
Professor P. A. Malshanov, of the
Aerophysicai Observatory of the So-
viet Government, at Leningrad, are put
into effect. Recently Professor Mole-
hanov built the small radio equipped
ballons which were carried on the Arc-
tic cruise of the Gerinan airship, the
Grat Zepaelin, and by whieb readings
of temperature, wind, speed, and other
conditioas in the upper air were ob-
tained without need of sending up a
human observer The radio apparatus
yourself those unseal -
able cliffs, fivei,
or even six'
thousand feet
I,igh. Over be-
yond were deep
wooded v
leys and. high
mountain peaks,
while far to the
west a coastal
plain reached down to the sea.
From the north to the south side of
the island runs a wide, cleared path-
way. This is the "GuardLine'' that
separates the mountain ceuetry of
the Taiwans or hedhunting savages
frora the rest of the island. Away up
in the valleys they live, in a beauti-
ul wooded country.
(To be continued.)
Note: Any of our young readers
writing to "Captain. Jimmy," 2010
Star Bldg., Toronto will receive his
Formosa, the beautiful island ot signed photo free.
to mind.
myself evill go in. ,.aek4,, Ford, will
uard the rear entrance, and yon;Ser-
geant Drew, will remain at the front,
but you must both keep out of sight.
The two local policemen nodded. All
day they had been watching Kestrel
House for any sign of life within and
now that evening was approaching
Barnard had decided to force an en-
try. His previous visit that morning
had failed to bring any response from.
rider hew
housed under that ei toot '
Sergeant Trotter adjusted tbe angle For Infant Anasznra And folcl upon tb.emselves, a ,
many more despera ' nals we .e along, r e .
T ott r "
But where did the 15r ions Pye- Londoe.—. "imple and. cheap" I more?
croft come in? Why ha? e flecleand t in The Saturday Ree
taken such rises? What d he been
so close at hand When 1, Corsican
was attempting the murer A dozen
more auestions throrigeralO chief in-
spector's xnind as hatori hie hat
; Chocolate Malted Mik
The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grownup& - - Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocers.
Andre aloineau appea :ed -for an in -
stant be -fore it was withdrawn with Laid in a quiet corner of the world
amazing swiftness. Without hesit- There will• beeleae-ane ..mote..D.L.,111%.. ' '
tion Barnsed,eneaeaeseeeeeee_ewea.., an tharRitarbat Wald catayare ale .
...._ —...t.—a.freideeed '
handle and ung per—une- door. night
leaped into the roorn, but quick as he Over the meadoWe when the moon.
is furled;
Throwing caution to the winds he
had been there was no sign of 1115 I shall be then so little and so lost
quarry. Trotter behind him gaveun Only die manyfinered ram will
ed to be no possible means of exit, find me,
behind me
exclamation of astonishment and
stared blankly around. There appear- And I have taken thought to leave
with stet iron bars. frost.
to feel the long oncoming
even the single window was protected Need"
"Shut the door and stand by it,"
snapped Barnard. Now without sorrow and without ela-
the inhabitants, and he had concluded Trotter did as he was commanded, tion
that they were on the defensive. Once; and revolver ready, watched his c i I can lay down my body, nor deplore
big butler's face at an upper window the other side of the room. tion,
How little, with her insufficient ra-
he had caught a brief glimpse of the as he crossed to a large cupboaed on
so he anew .that his birds had net' I (To be continued.) i Life has to teed us—bet these hands,
must they
p e CureFound 1 C • Go in the sme blank, ignominious
ll right," he said briskly. "Come sim
• t no
and set out for 13arr area.
The first person he rie ashe ap-
proached the farm was riel Mant-
waring. She looked atii anxiously
as he stopped and raise is hat A
sleepless night and oneldereale
trouble about sornethilg diagnosed
Barnerd, as he enquiretp lely hew
she was feeling. s,•
"I'm all eight," she rep d briefly,
'•but Mr. Holt is missing)
Barnard swore beneath d s breath;
he had arrived too late.
"Is that so?" he said qui Y. 'Tea -
g about
of his bowler hat, pulled his jalte',
more closely about him, and stepped
out beside his chief. In silence they
went through the plantation, and rap-
idly crossed the strip of lawn to the
heavy, oak door which was the front
entrance to Kestrel House. Barnard
slipped a bunch of keys from hie
pocket, and inserted one in the lock.
"Probably well bolted inside," he
muttered. Then, as the lock turned
and he pushed gently against the
wood, "No, by gad, it's not!"
"Steady, Chief," warned Trotter in
a low voice. "This is too easy."
Barnard thrust open the door with
a sudden movement ard drew back.
Nothing happened, and he walked in,
Trotter close behind A deathly sa-
e ervaded the place, even the
remedy for the scourge o
anaemia is announced by the Medical view of Literature.
Research Connell, .,
It is the resalt of five years' re-, _---e.----
search work in the east end ot Lon-
don by a woman doctor, Dr. Helen The American ,Language
Mackay, ana her colleagues. I Herbert Agar in the New States.
dition of iron, together with am- man and Nation (London) ; The Eng-,
They have discovered that the ad.
monium eltrite, to a normal milk diet lish should train themselves to realize!
that it is neither absurd nor vulgar.
;Ma; raises the resistance to infection, ! that a language which was once the
tor infants prevents and' cures anae- :
considerably improves tbe rate of seine, should it. the couise of centuries
growth. , „develop diffeeently in different parte
The chief experiment was cnducted' of the world. If such were not the
at the Queen's Hospital for Children, ! case, we should all still be speaking a
where two evenly matt:bed sets of sort of Ur -Sanskrit. Just as French
Chilaren were kept under observation,
and Italian May be described as
, vergent forms of modern Latin, so it
th ther used aS controls. would be helpful to think of the lan-
guaee of Oxford and the language of
• d-'
one group being given iron and iron !
things, is not in. relation with nature the balloon merely reported bY haps you can tell me sweet
and fact at all radio signals at brief intervals teee it, when you last- aaw for in -
readings of the various instruments stance."
A lie which is half tile truth is ever also carried by the balloon. This ex- Muriel shook her head
the blackest of lie.—Alfrod Tenny- perience gave Professor Molshanov "He left as to
SOTI. the idea for an unmanned Arctic ex- (Lter immediatel
"The had times and scarcity ot
'money makes it rn.ore important then
ever to economize. One way I save
On clothes is by renewing the color
of faded or out-oastyle dresses, coats,
tockings, arid underwear. For dyeing,
or tinting, I alevays use Diameed
Dyes, They are the most economical
()nee by Inc leecaase they never fail to
roduce xesults that mike you proud.
'Why, things look better than new
when redyed wale Diamond Dyes.
They never spot, streak, or run. They
go on smoothly awl evenly, when In
ride oa even a ton -year-old child.
pedition. A special vessel built strong- yesterday with
ly enough to withstand any possible I've not semi hi
ice pressure is to be set adrift next i "DIM the doctor
year, the plan is, near 'Wrangel Island, MT., and Muriel.,
northwest of Berhing Strait. The There was se
vessel will be equipped with a cora- manner which are
for the
e end
plete assortment ot weather Mstru- picion.
ments, astronomical instrinnents t� "And you ilea
determine the vessel's position and a where he may
robot-like radio sender arranged to malaise,
read these iiistruments periodically Mriel besitatede,a
and to report re regular intervals to tell this griniefece
neaeiving stations in S:beria. It le ea- , tear that he hdo
Pected that the 'vessel writ iroese itao in "eve el ma&
tbe lee and drift with it for several ;came mis,e ett
years, probably entirely across the "it ibetter thaVY
Arct"ce". Meanwhile Rna0lan truth, Where etrmea
eelentists working tomfortably in their Muriel loud i'Iso, in
laboratories Imearede of miles away
those searchieg
will have reports of everything that ree,
obey than to cgit LI
ot clock which had so irritated Barnard 'salt,
r diseases of the respiratory ern English.
Harvard as divergent forms
en his first visit had ceased to tick.Iron treatment halved the morbidity
An air of stagnation, threatening, ap
pressive enshrouds I them. Trotter and gastrointestinal tract.
glanced around with considerable cur- The infants in the iron group, atter
iosity, but Barnard allowed him no three mouths' treatment, averaged a
time for any detailed inpection. I pound. more in weight than the ordin-
"They're somewhere at the top at' ary diet group.
the Muse," he whipered, "come ot,1 Commenting on Dr. Mackay's work
aild look out for trap." - the Medical Research Council says• :
Just as they were about to move for- "Her report shows that anaemia
her ward there dame a soft sound behied persists Widpspread among infants in ;
s see- there. Trotter glanced eound and per -1 London, and that there is still a gram)
ceived tat the front door was slowly , 01...illnesses in infancy directly asoci-
t idea closing on ite own accord. He grip.' ated with anaemia, and readily our -
he de- I peel Barnard's arm. "See that. able by tbe simple method at adding I
Chief?" he whispered. iron (perhaps also with anfinitesimal
aid to "I'm not blind," snarled Barnard. quantities of copper and reangs,nese)
t her I "And don't seize my arm like that to Lite milk diet.
Ouse again, you fool." "This is a simple and cheap remedy,
,,-.. ,,
Trotter very deliberately took a re- and her results have proved that treat.
gently. volver from big pocket as he followed meet of this kind given not only defile.
re the It Iris chief up the stairs. Ile didn't like ite improvement in the general health
goT 1 doors which closed as that one had of Infants; but increases their rsit-1
avoid donemice to the various other aliments and
to At the head of the stairs Barnard infections common in early life."
v. soon pansed and lathered; a sliht, noise,
assior had attrzeted hs attention, the. tourid The antral crimolist of the teratea
rarely, of shuffling fo t'5 snnewlvre .n A i.lt.ates of America Includes Bonie 12,000,
Ile vote aonii the e'' ,'r. A second murders, 100,000 hold -us, and 500,000
the later a door opened and the Pace !•,f burglaries.
e.ave it the chief inspeer
Another thing, Dianmed Byes never
take the life out of cloth or l
goes on in the vessel's neighbOrhoOto
limp as SUMO dyes do. They deserve of the trth, and het
to be tailed 'the world's finest dyes'!" Vitt ran alway3 tell a donkey by Suddenly a thought.
813.0.1 Quebec. his lack of horse, sense, took out his Vval10,an
Soul for our
Special Circuar
• cooeriug this
interesting Speculation
• F. W. Macdcinalcl & Co.
Standard Stock et Mining Exchange
Montreal Curb Market
88 king St W. 159 Craig St W.
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Wire couneetions to an
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ISSUE No. 38—'3