HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-24, Page 1ZURI Voll XXX I [ No, 1 ' .:d ZURICH THURSDAY MO Zurich Fall Fair, Sept. 28i Another Fub1 *ber Passes - John Welts, general/meager of The Farmer's Advocate„ died. at his home in London on Tuesday of last week, following a collapse caused lyy the ]?neat of the previous Friday« Ke -was .a pioneer business man:, of London, .and one who rendered muelt service in the upbuilding and advancement of that city to its present status. He had many financial interests in Lon- don and throughout Ontario, beside The Farmer's Advocate, but his chief interests through a long life were agriculture and the farm, and as an agriculturalist he was (mown from coast to coast. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••*•*•.. *sr 4.• • • • • • •. s Harness, Eta. • • • • • 2 • A •• • • • -• • Pianos Pianos •w .ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE FRED THIEL - ZURICH WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING RAGS, VALICES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM. AND, ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. • IF YOU HAVE BEEN TIItNKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, RE SURE AND CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR SHERLIDCK MANNING LINE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w ` • • • o i PHONE ISM • •••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••M••••••••••••!•• ••• 1111100111000011110111410000141********0 •¢Ow...tN We're Going Back to._ SCHOOL IT'S SCHOOL UTE, AND iltEtADING AND WRITING AND RITHMETIC: .. S .BE 04• E OF THE DAY- MOTH- ERS WILL. ALL, ALIS BROWN'S; MOOT :SHOES. SHOP FOR. THEIR f 1 WE HAVE LIMB' w:F'DREN°S MIMS THAT MOST THE REQt11RE.mmNTS 01! iT!A=t,THFUL HOOT DEVELOPMENT AND THAT WILL GIVE MANY .lim/1'ms SOF WBAR AND PROPER PROTECTION THE MOS ":ACID YOUNGSTERS,REA3.,LLY SMART IN APPEARANCE TOO. ' MO l'T YOU DROP IN AND LET US SHOW 'THEM 'M. TOIL CHILDREN O'XI 1 1 S AND s"TR'.AtP:' S FROM ;SI1 TO :$L5O MISSES (OXFORD ANN STRAP :$l 'ERS FROM. $1_513 too .`$295 YOUTH :ANIT MPS SCKsx.. OA FROM wiz to *2.95 visrAu[lit9'tto 14EIZ IaY DONE Brown's 'loot Shop WIPIISIDI O:W' >DI ` AY 1 1 4110,0111•111011141********40000•41.446444444444440egePose. •••••••••••+••o•+••••i••••••+••+t••w•••••••••••+••� • • • • • LOOMS WHAT A tNISIlsd;Y'l EXCLUSIVELY' PATTERNED ••• • • •• • • • •. • •w • • "CLOTHEs OF QUALITY" They Have Arrived The New Fall Suitings and Overmatings (BEAUTIFUL. FABRICS rEcna WOMB FAMOUS E.IWOISH SUITAFNGs IPS THE NEWEST OF FAUX AND WINTER, ; DES •--DARK BROWN, RUDE • MID GREY.. LUXURIOUS OMR- eCHILL+1%., VELOUR., WBIiID EY, MELTON AND TWEED OVP'ER- eCOME i[lit` TO-MORBOW--'1601U '8RA& NOT BE UEGE1 le vim. 'SEI 11 YOU( S`E,E. `"' THE OUTSTANDING QUALITY AND VAL- VES THAT HAVE -1-M .41CIAPIIIES OP QUALI FAMOUS WHOM CO'A: T TO MOST., I9'. #IENDEf, FIT' AND, S 9`ISFA.CT- s"CLOTHES OF flomarrir. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY R V MORE 4 MORE VALtt;17E ECOffmakt Soni llltleAi ti I1ACL:.CROWS 4 ERAL" SEPTEMBER 24 1931. Chester L. Smith, ? bI I 11.25 a year, U.S. SURE fsRAthos* •1.60U LRR4ARS,$2Msx rararEastaasa. Let us see you all present! Six members of the grey,, found ,guilty of froudulentliy ing sum totalling in the neigh of $45,000 from the Ontari men's Compensation Board period of eight years, 1a` penitentiary sentences police court the other day, marbling six being placed on ded sentence. Lower Salaries In a speech delivered at the field day of the Farmer' Goderich Township sec Elk George Spotton, `12: P , 'for Huron made the following Medical fees arid law fees mu; down. Any clergyman receival $2,000 per year should agrees+ -reduction. Higher paid civil se+'L. should make some saero$,var, challenge my collegue.s zn tha° irons and the senates.` to -step the very forefront and take a ion of 10 or 121/z per cent_ salaries. Mr. Spotton said h gladly vote for a reduction', 000 per year to members arts, a shorter session. 4-+ Again we wish to draw the/q tion of all farmers and drive4i: horsedrawn vehicles of the it ance of carrying a light after>Fy If you leave for town with tue or horse in the afternoon be ,sn take along some kind of light •t tect yourself should darkrs'a take you. Since this has b . the motorist looks ahead and if' you not be surprised i •°ro the re ., hit you some time, a' of catty"` 1 -sable for both your o not•,or ca}. the damage e to the aut 'Since thtG.new law'h�`l force there'".are Omen uractle'a11 everything ftlnev' h • � f Vit ,;wu„t+'n ve hides and o.,li,ght o the result that' a car crashed into the slower vehicle of 'which"thr eivne,i hard to. make' good all damage D014 be negligent in this matter, protect yourself as well as the sato that is following 'you: Yon can't afford t take these chances. Then the other nev law• which calls for all bicycles to !display a white. light at front and; a red light or mirror at the rea>k.. how many bikes do we see with this equipment. One is equally respons ible.. en these two=wheeled rather un certain vehicles going along, which. Make such rapid bolts and swerves. And occasionally we notice one going rapidly over the sidewalks after dark. without a light and this endangers. the public very much. In the name of common sence try and obey the laws of the nation. These laws' are not made by a bunch of knownothings,, but intelligent men who have the saf sty of the people of our country at;: heart. r, Will Brown and Ross Johnston tired to Kitchener on Sunday. r. -and Mrs. H. G. Hess and fam- ere Sunday visitors at Creditton. and Mrs. Bert. Kaye of Hamil- tre visitors at the home of Mr. rs. W. H. Hoffman. Gerald Bedard of Toronto, was Olt -end visitor with his parents in and Mrs. Eichler of Pigeon, are visiting with her parents, Id Mrs. Menno Bechler. 11 , and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick of ins1y were Sunday visitors at the Ore°of Mrs. W. G. Hess. Mr, and Mrs. Lee O'Brein and Mrs 'ebert were Sunday visitors with nd Mrs. C. A. Hoffman, at -Vin. A. Siebert, returned from 1, where he spent a few we- ecorating the exterior of a g house. and Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman igeport were last Wednesday at the home of Miss Anna and Mrs. J. W. Horner of accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. t :Igs of Varna, spent the week- tld rwc th friends at Toronto and Wo= $bridge. rase i4i, 3. A. McDonell of London, ac- oa panied by his brother Mr. C. A. were of Henson, la town e4i1g the local epoiw court, on IN MEMORIAM Thiel --In loving memory of our, darling Dorothy, who passed swags five years ago on September 23, 1)2Yi`, Five 'lonely years have passed; dorar Doao;th ,• Since Angels came for you; Yet =f:•laough the midst of these 1'on vat'�'s Your faee comes smiling through.• Each lonely hour that we have spent ; S Is woven through and through With 'olden threads f merine�rteo eiiny Bright, Secretary of 1. wi, will: give a Magic Lantern= xd °in;`the Town Hall, ors ' s;- ir;v`ening, October lst. Every- iswelcome. " The children like i pictures. No admission fee:. *men are this week engaged. rating the tower' of the St. R. C. Church in town, and • steple is not considered a. b Boil wnlra hi lid,, yet most of us would soxun- er, ;4o•.wn with one foot on good er earth. e . T. M. Costello of Goderiish Division Court in the, tamcm Wednetsday. A goodly num- 'ases were argued out and a- se present of the legall firm ere Mr. J. G. Stanbusy cif Ex- nd Mr. George Morley also 'treat is in store for all, who e concert in the Towm Hail r- Night, Sept. 29th. The: Town on Company of fine artists + 2. , e�a.;,full program of vocal and ntal music,• dancing; conscir son katories and good humor. The Trot ' is equipped with special set- tanK, }tpot` light, etc,,. and costa. mes are. , best obtainable.. Make your ue4re� Watch and Clock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE.. Special Attention. to Mailed in Wat- ches. Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find a DIFFERENCE IF YOU RUMP( STANDARD ANTS SCRANTON Prices now at Rack Bottom low dor the Season. STOCK IJP NOW WITH THIS GENUINE ANTHRACITE For Cash Payment a Miscount of per Ton sail be Allow&- Pbene t'Ow •or 3.0 HENSALL, NEVER BEFORE 1 4. HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH + + Quality at Such Low Prices ' + On Men's Women's and Boys Footwear a. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE HAVE. TO t. 4. +'�. OFFER YOU..COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAIL ORDER HOUSES, ETC., AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT VOLT X' CAN SAVE MONEY BY BU1ICING YOUR FOOTWEAR HERE ` + ' T +.i"" r� .... ,,, TIli. + I 'S TAN WORK SHOES, WITH FULL LEATHER MIDDLE •- ' SOLES AND,PANCO OTJTSOLES, RUBRER HEELS "• ' SFECLAL�PR[C$2.35 MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE BLOC. WITHT OUTSIDE COUNTER r And Sturdy . Built with lather Insoles and heavy Leather or Panto w�• Sales, Guaranteed the Best, . $Z-79. and $3.0Q Pais BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS • IIS A COI RTAELE Al tit FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5%, Reg. $3..50 Now $U 4- 4.- * 4,, + WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and Satins, Only $2.50 sex .TSL re~ •• •r 2 WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SLIPPER WITH. 5. Leather Soles and Rubber Heels, `Reg. $1.25, Now $1110 a Pair + • ; CHILDBENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO I4% * Reg. $2.25 To -day. $1.30 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 onl.F use._ DEN'''S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $2.77u 4��.,-. MEWS ORDS, PRICER AT $z..95, 53.50, $A7 mem f : CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 65c, 7Se.,„ SLAM Childs', Boys', and Men's Included. g 0 FRITZ. SON 4.ire MEMBERS OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES, '•' f. 'It:'- • The Lamest Group of Exclusive Footwear Merchants in. aas{Par , - Zurich I. .+1. +++++++++.++++++4+44 �'MM44�li 'E°�6 � 444+4.4 !'44.4+(1 . t+ + + + + .4 g+oten res s o Dear Dorothy, just for you•. Ever remembered by her Mama, Dards, Grandpa and,Gra,adataa Thiel. r ATTENTION! EI.ighoff elr Garage ORSE SHOEING AND ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITRING, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, FEND. ERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. No Matter How Badly Damaged. BEST OIL OR 'GAS, AUTO ACCES-. DRIES, CHARGER REASONABLE Give Us a CAM JACK KIPPEIsty ZURICH OS xtions early. Harvest Haase vial Harvest home services will ervdd..morning and evening, ,,=September 217th, in St.. heat utheran church,:' Professor G. .n ock, of Waterloo Seminary veli Ibe the special speaker for the dal Everybody.welcome. Igeen,•- Charnette ry happy matrimonial. event w b ated at the R. C. Church, D1tME'r on Saturday, September. y it Rev.. L Marchandi united GUI'NiAn4nY, Elnore, daughter OPIt Nv rs. John Charette, of the tt e , Highway, Hay Township Meen, of Detroit. The couple will reside in De they have tilt best wish- r~ge circle of friends. 'ahn Luther Passes tither lingering illness of baths duration, Margaret, Crt John Lather, who have eats' the past thirteen ye- t . presnt residence, on ,the er' Highway, Hay Township September 16th, aged 57 rtixol tiia and 14 days. Mrs. ssirlt anany warm friends in ry 4 eft*: neighborhood where t wi o regret to herGrand departuBerend. 'ti was held hand was largely attended, 'era , wife irs air 0 tfq • t BOYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LE:A.`H,,. • Last year we sold these at $3.00, to -day only $2.25 4•- ;+ a Phone 82 or 115 Superior Quality Store We are now offering a full line of Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR. DRGA IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS., 1 YARD WIDE PRINTS AT ata A YARD. COTTONS AT lac AND 150., A YARD., SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.50 A PAIR.. GARDEN AND ROOlt SEEDS OF AU... KINDS. HARNESS REPAIRS,SHOPS, PAINTS. OILS, ETC,„ ip . R. N a • Dousit,,As CONEIML 11flEFICHANT PHONE 11 4.97 BLA