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age One
;iaisiellert, 3 Clarence Love; Col.
garden vegetables -7 Audry Fos-
"+ mora. Ilaberer, 7 Doris Meyers;
:eaf of winter wheat, —7 Elroy
.sjardine, 7 Earl Deichert, 7 Marj
r .Fruit
,. Nos!thera Spy Apples—'r rvlarjozie
w ellrxui , 17 Eileen Beaver, 7 Grace
e Byers; Snow Apples -7 Elgin Shen -
•,r;, 'V Alice Beaver, 7 1VIildred Hab-
r ,ere Fall pears -7 Eileen Beaver,
r Leila Clausius, 7 Veola Klopp;
t *inter pears -7 Dorothy O'Brein,
Alice Beaver, 7 Elroy Decjardine;
Live Stock
Bacon type hog -7 Albert Claus-
"- ti,, 7 `Gladwin Melick, 7 Claude Gel-
l' ,ars, 7 Grace Gelinas; Feeder hog—
I` Laird Jacobe, 3 Ross Walters, 7
a Laude Gelinas, 7 Karl Decker; Spr-
Ig €jolt -7 Grace Gelinas,Claude
Ile a inas,; Halter broke 'colt—Claude
o. fe Celinas, 7 Grace Gelinas; Mar -
1W t iamb—Albeit Clausius, 7 Grace
101 N• elitaaa, 7 Claude Gelinas, 7 Blanche
p., Erni-er; Beef calf -7 Bertrand Die-
pe ta.te 3 Laird Jacobe, 3 Ross Walt-
.;, Dairy calf --7 Gladwin Meliek, 7
art Deeher, 7 Holmer Salmon, 7
le arbert Salmon; Halter broke calf
la Aiber'.t Clausius, 7 Hubert Salmon,
a -Karl .Decker, 7 Elroy Desjardine
Domestic Science
Plain bran muffins -7 Alpha Mey-
er rs '7 Muth Johnston, 7 Florence
chw•alm; Tea Biscuits -7 Geraldine
engine ne, 7 Veronica Stock, 7 Ruth
r'awn, 7 .Florence Mittlehoitz; Rolled
lute •cookies --7 Edna Kochems, 7
:ihfed Haberer, 7 Marjorie Gall-
o" .21.M., 7 Doris Meyers; Plain white
e=7 Grace Meyers, 7 Margaret
&galla, '7 Blanche Grenier; Maple
reanj -7 Ruth Foster, 7 Audry
oster, 17 Marjorie Gillman, Delores
ttleholtz; Peanut Taffy -7 Vera
► Sewing
Moll's Patch work, quilt -7 Dor-
' by Weide, '7 Doris Meyers, 7 Alpha
:y:ers; :'Spoon Case -7 Doris Mey-
s a 7 .Kathleen Kochems; Padded
rider -7 Marjorie Gillman 7 Mar -
ret Schwalm, 7 Veola Klopp; Pillow
se gee ernb 7 Grace Meyers, Edna
•;chenss; Free hand paper , cutting
folding model of basket -7 Flor-
^.e Schwalm, JeJanette Salmon, 7
tla Brown; Salt box -7 Laird Thiel.
rn Milk Stool—Archie MacKin-
i; Bird House -7 Jack Merner;
halter for calf -3 Orland Rei-
I ns have your orderat once for
F+ d,il delivery of fertilizer
r our Chick Starters, Click
Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc.
chert; Serap"book, livestock ---Fl
ce Mittleholtz, 7 Vera. Flaxbard;
of leaves of forest ---7 Veola K
7 Vera Decker, 7 Archie Mackin
Coll. of 15 weeds -7 Ruth Fo
Coll. of 20 species of insects -7
mbe Hess, 7 Archie MacKinnon,
Foster; Coll, of 8 diseases of Ve
Field • crops -7 Leland Schwalm,
Margaret Schwalm, 7 Audrey Fos
Flower in pot -7 Greta Habe
7 Chelsea Thiel, 7 Jeanette Sal
7 Ruth Brawn; Linoleum patter
7 Edith Uttley, 7 Lewis Thiel,
Gerald Regier, 7 Doreen Duchar
Group of two fruits -7 Theresa
tel, 7 Laura Deichert, 7 Patricia
charmer 7 Mae Smith
Qui -
g. &
a -
r -
Y -
Chalk book and water tumbler—
Louise Willert, 7 Paul Hess, 7 G
Meyers, 7 Lenora Haberer; Lands
Medium -7 Ruby Church, 7 Ha
Uttley; Map of Huron County—
Earl Deichert, 7Fred Hess, 7 Ed
Uttley, 7 Audrey Foster; Map
Quebec -7 Theresa Zettel, 7 Ve
Klopp, 7 Mildred Haberer, 7 Mild
Kipfer; Maq of Asia -7 Lenora H
hexer, 7 Grace Meyers, 7 Ruth Fos
7 Paul Hess; Product Map of C
ada-7 Ruth Church, 7 Ruby C
urch; The Little Plant -7 Floren
Schwalm, 7 Margaret Hey, 7 Tee
Clausius, 7 Irene Turkheim; Octo
er's Party -7 Jeanette Salmon,
Vera Flaxbard, 7 Chelsea Thiel,
Ruth Brown. Lullaby -7 Edith U
tley, 7 Florence Mittleholtz, 7 Do
een Ducharme, 7 Audrey Foste
The Charge of the Light Brigade
7 Theresa Zettel, 7 Laura Deicher
7 Gertrude Turkheim, 3 Bernice Th
el; My Native Land -7 Lenora Ha
erer, 7 Ruth Foster, 3 Margaret P
bus, 7 Edith Deichert; Twenty -Thi
Psalm -7 Hazel UttIey, 7 Ruth CI
urch, 7 Ruby Church.
Live Stock Judging for boys
7 Claude Gelinas, 7 Charles Thiel, 7
Ross Johnston; Cooking competition,
girls -7 Ruth Foster, 7 Grace Mey-
ers, 7 Edna Kockems; Spelling match
Willie Brown, Edith Deichert, Mar-
garet Schwalm; Weed naming comp-
etition—Margaret Schwalm; Quirnbe
Hess, Doris Greb; Public Speaking—
Mae Smith, Grace Meyers, Veola
Klopp, Ruth Foster; Story telling --
Doris Meyers, Florence Mittleholtz,
Audry Foster; School Parade—No.3
Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, of No. 7.
T. Eaton prizes for Champion
Pupils -7 Marjorie Gillman, Silver
Trophy;, 7 Elroy Desjardine books,
7 Ruth Foster books.
Zurich Fall--- Fair
.w g,.n•., -�%P-...�I? II ;Y a r Illi, xaaaia4Vaaqill1��_['c.Q.t''
Sept.- 28, 29, 1930
Program for Afternoon, Sept. 29th
)0 p. an Judging of Horses,
10 p. m Horseshoe games.
19 p_ m. Calf Race
1St p. sn. Slow Horse Race
Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Ponlittey.
2 -30 ---Partner s Trot.
3,15--1Valking .!ace.
3.45 ---Bicycle Race
1t :i C ill
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at Avon United Church
Parsonage, when Ruby Irene, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Tay -
or, was united in marriage to Mr,
Watson Robert Webster, second son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Webster; Rev.
Via Penrose officiating. Me bride' lo-
oked charming in a travelling dress of
navy blue with matching accessories.
The groom's gift to the bride was a
chest of silver. Immediately after the
ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Webster left
on a motor trip to Crystal Beach,
Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto.
On their return they will reside on
the groom's fine farm on the Bayfield
road south. The best wishes of the
community are extended to them for
a happy and prosperous married life.
Quite a number from this congre-
gation attended anniversary at Gosh-
en last Sunday.
Mrs. John Bechier spent the week-
end with friends near Baden and
Mrs. Ross Johnston spent a few
days with friends in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. G. FreckIeton of
Lucan spent Sunday with friends in
this vicinity. -
Miss Jessie Tough returned after
visiting friends in Goderich Township
and Brucefield.
Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Currie and
.daughter of Toronto, accompanied by
friends, spent the week -end at their
former hone on the Bronson- Line.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Allan and
family of Brucefield spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. •J'as. Car-
Miss Mark Clarke and friend of
Goderich spent Sunday at her home
in the village.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the celebration at the R.C.
church at Drysdale, on Labor Day.
W.M.S—The regular monthly me-
eting of the Women's Missionary'So-
ciety was held at the home of Mrs.
Troyer on Wendesday afternoon, Sep
tember 9th with Miss Annie Jarrott
presiding. We opened our meeting
by singing Hymn 384. Mrs. W. Tur-
ner offered prayer. The scripture
lesson was read responsively from
Luke 10, verses 1 to 20. We then
sung hymn 380. The Secretary and
Treasurer reports were read and ad-
opted. The business was then taken.
And the offering, The topic on tem-
perance were then given, Mrs. Coch-
rane d a let,taralroet,Mrs, Ross
atu3� �np� s Ttiy sending her gree£ings,
We then sang hymn 388. The study
was not taken as we just received
our new hooks. The meeting closed
by all repeating the Lord's Prayer.
The October meeting will he held at
the home of Mrs. R. McAllister.
Anniversary services will be held
in the I3illsgreen church on .Sunday,
September 20th, at 11 a.na. and 7.30
p.m., with Rev. A. V. Robb of Cen-
tralia as the special speaker. The
Kippers choir are preparing special
Rev. A. Sinclair of Hensel' condu-
cted ,the .services on Sunday ,last.
Misses Annie and Agnes ,Cochrane
returned ,to their home in Clinton af-
ter speading a few days with friends
here. . .
Mrs. iP. Campbell and ,dateghter
who spent several days :at .the home
of her parents, Mr. and .Mas.. $ugh
Love, .neturned to hex berme recently.
Dr. Zahn Hagan :of .Chicago, Ill.,
and mother Angela ,of 'Wallaceburg,
and Jas..Hagan of ;aeafaith, who we-
re here attending the funeral 'of their
mother, have all left far '.tbeax re-
spective kxsaraes,
Mrs. Jae. Hawthorme and daughter
a Janet, who lave baen spending sev-
eral weeks -with frier r: 1 ;and around
this vicinity, left for their lame in;
Moose Jaws Sask.
Messrs. jack and Poed .Stnacey of
Detroit, are spending their ;vaction,
with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love epemt ra day;
recently with Mrs. • lcaaurialie in
Miss Annie Jarrott siafered •a sae!
gat attack of appendicitis on Thurs-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. Levit of Iag',e,r'suvtl,
visited with Mrs. Troyer recently,
Miss Effie Bell of Hensel' paid al
ffyina visit here recently.
Western Fair at rL adonathi week e'
41,4000111.1111111014)9900000041100 1110090110
toe money your r , � on Jnr taext winter's
coal bill by ordering it NOW!
Mrs. Fisher and Miss Edna Fisher
returned home after spending the
summer at Ipperwash Beach.
Mrs. P. Brown of Detroit is sp-
ending a few weeks with relatives,
Miss Blanch Edighoffer of Mitchell
spent Sunday with Miss Zeta Nadi -
DeIbridge was a guest speak-
er in the Evangelical e,unday School,
on Sunday,
Dr, and Mrs. R. H. 'Taylor are sp-
ending a vacation in Toronto.
elle. (ReGraupne
v.) a', asrs Cita
. _..,
ea.., - :.!are. A
Meyer nd daughter all of Farming-
ton, i': h., spent a few days with
friends ere.
Mae"ilton Sauer returned to Nap-
ervilleMonday, where he is a
student i North Central College.
Leaiilid Birk of Guelph spent the
ween en; at his home here.
Mrs.' la .Kellerman and Mrs. C.
Fritz 'bZurich, spent a few days in
Kitchen last week.
Dada the severe electrical storm
on. 1V aiiCay morning, lightning stru-
ck a fbriek building on the main earn-
er off, men by Mr. Jonas Hartleib in
whit ' M} David Tiernan has a hard-
ware olistless. The current apparent
ly e •red along the radio aerial,
knoc'ingout some bricks in the cor-
ner the wall and badly damaging
a spl ndid new radio which Mr. Tie -
man ad on display. A pitch fork
stene'p near the radio had the pap-
er la el burned from it but fortun-
ately :o' fire resulted. Several nearby
radio were also put out of commis-
Das ' ood Ladies' Aid Entertains
Th Ladies' .Aid of Dashwood Ev-
angel a1 church entertained the - Cre-
diton 'vangelical Ladies Aid on Fri-
day ternoon in the church base-
ment. 'A program as follows was
given ith Rev. A. W. Sauer as
chai an: Scripture Lesson by Mrs.
D. Tinian; Readings by Mrs. Geo.
Link, + iss Gertrude Schade and Mrs
Wm. nell; Piano duet by Miss Anna
Tieiii. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher;
Voaal.olos by Rev. A. W. Sauer,
Miss lice Hoffman and Fred Faist of
North entral College, Naperville, 111;
A pia o solo by Miss Anna Tiernan;
and a short speech by Mrs. Swartz,
prsid t' of the Crediton Ladies' Aid.
There were tbout 60 ladies present.
The ommittee in charge of lunch
arras ements was Mrs. R. H. Taylor,
Mrs. . Schatz and Mrs. A. E. Oes-
treicl•.gr. They were assisted in ser-
ving t Alice Hoffman, Ella Martin-
son aii,Anna Tiernan.
Mi ' Alice Hallman was hostess
a jlly bridge of four tables at her
me bn Wednesday evening in hon-
ofltthe University students who
1 son return. The lady's prize
s won by Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher,
d ,the gentleman's prize by Mr.
mS. Tiernan. The hostess then
ved a very dainty lunch after wh-
ich an, hous was spent in real old
time chat. Among the guests were
Miss M. Hoffman of Kitchener, Ira
Tiernan of Hamilton, Milton Saur of
North Central College, Naperville;
Harry Cook of Toronto University,
Lorne and Eugene Tiernan of West -F
ern University.
Mr. and- -Mrs:- Ernest Pepper of
Sarnia axe visiting a couple of weeks
at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Aler McMurtirie of snake
surToronto; were visitors with the for -'into
mer's mother here, it h
Harold Scruton of Port Dover sp- was
ent a weekend at his home, . nothie
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer of Win- 'a
dsor visited at the home of the form- knive
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pal- the
mer. d
Dr. and Mrs. Coulter of Toledo, O.,
were visiters with his parents in town
Mr. and Mrs. R. Nicholson of Arth-
us and Mrs. Smith of London, were
recent visitors with the Miss M. and
E. Johnston.
Mrs. Geo. Case has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends in.
London. -.
Thompson & Co., of Blenheim,
pushing on work on their grain w
house on the west side of the railwayrack, near the depot, and are a
ng to its height and capacity.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle were
ent visitors with relatives at Ridge -
Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Seaman
itchener were 'week -end visitors
he former's home.
Our council are having the tem
oad on Main Street repaired and are
ling in ail the cracks.
0. Geiger & Son are busy having
of miles east of Mitchell. on No. p8.
Highway and as a result is in the
are Stratford Gen. Hospital sugering
are- froni a badly injured right arm and
other minor injuries. How the officer
a position on the Collegiate staff a
; aiapanee as agricultural speclaIlet.
ift si
+ men have re -
y -,x unemployed .
;istered at Winghani. Thirty-two are
angle men and twenty-four ate mar-
Unemployed registrations at Kin-
eardine number 108 Df these fifty-
six were single men and fifty-two
Stephen Powell, :an elderly resident
if Exeter, suffered from shock on
Monday when a. car driven by Edwin .
owell, of Ettrick crashed into a
parked truck belonging to Fred Eller -1
ington, Mr. Powell received immed- The Unitea States holds about $4,
,ate medical treatment. 200,000,000 worth of gold; France
Rev. J. K. FairfuI, who Itis been has about $2,000,000,000; Britain a-
the fOldul, Age Pensions bout $'789),0110,0.00; Germany amout-,
administration in Huron County re- $520,000,9100., Argentina about $430 -
ports that he finds everything in the . 000,00.0 nand ,Japan about $420,000,-
Lounty remarkably well attended to 000, -while Italy has only about $280
and no irregularities have been discov ted00States
$otal,0th of in dune -
Bred. There are about 180 ted States total was gathered in dur-•-
pensioners ing the war ;and up till the year 1924.
yet to see and proposed meeting the
Pension Board on the 2lst. Timely Steens Saves Grand Bend
1,� -
T 9tli, X031
Itte f ruainit f l bbert Township
was rested o '1Wedziestlay last an
apleeareai ira rolace court charged
with. man )might , Re was admitted .
'to hail of $b,O,0O. , Lamont was .
!the driver af The motor car which ,
!figured in an accident near Dublirn
recently, when several young people
,were seriously injured. One of the•
accident. 'victims, .Miss Margaret,.
Drake, aged la, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, John Drake of Bibbert"Tp., pas-
sed away in Beaforth hospital as the
result of :injuries received in the ac-•--
In Class C band competition at theA sudden )thunderstorm saved the.-
Canadian National Exhibition, Tor- village of Grand Bend .from vestruc--
onto, on Thursday last, the Goderich tion on Sunday night when it brought..
oand `under the leadership of J. E. ; under control a fierce fire, which, cut-
Huckins was placed in eigth position. ting a ;swath ra smile wide, had swept .
Twenty-seven bands took part in the within two miles of the summer re -
various contests, ,sort- About A,000 acres of marshland -
located south of the village and east
A horse belonging to Wilfred Shap- of
the Blue Water Highway, were
ton, of Stephen, got loose from its burned over. For five anxious hours_
stall the other night and fell into a beginning about 4 o'clock in the af-
well in the barn .and was drowned. 'ternoon, while black clouds of smoke
rhe well was covered withboardsbut hung' like a pall over the district, they=
in some way the well was uncovered . safety of Grand Bend was doubtful
and the animal tumbled into the wit Nearly 100 men ,of the district went
es'• out to .light the .ihunes and owners of
Mr, and Mrs. L. E. Dancey, summer cottages along the Blue Wat-
y, er highway, between the village an&
ich, have returned from their trip to the fire made ready to move out their-
che coast, returning by way of the furniture. Three ,settlers on land, east..
North Pacific States, and stopping off of the buslilaaid known as The Pinery
at Chicago. They report wonderful ' nearly lost their homes, they were:
weather at the coast during the bot Joe Marlene, Ira Stebbins d Em-
spell here, the mercury registered a- cry Stebbins- dither settlers were
bout 74 on an average. They met so in danger of having their property -
many friends from Huron County. destroyed. After dusk fell the flames.
A pretty autumn wedding was sol- lit up the sky' for miles around, and
ennuzed at Grand Bend United dm- in Grand Bend it was light as day-
rch on Saturday, September 5th at ;light, Starting at 1 o'clock in the
12.30 o'clock when E. Adel]. Lovie, 'afternoon the fire -was fanned by a
daughter of Mrs. George Lovie, of strong south wind, and in three ho -
Grand Bend, became the bride of Wm urs had spread to proportions suflic-
Orval Curtis, of London, son of Mr. fent to alarm the district. How the
and Mrs. Chas. H. Curtis, af. Green- fire started has not been determined
;way- The ceremony was performed The theory was advanced that picnic -
i by Rev. S. J. Mothers. kers or berry pickers dropped a match
Howard Dignan, who has spent the err possibly staLted a. camp fire and
summer with the Department of ' farlet$ extinguish it
Game and Fisheries investigating the
streams and lakes on Manitoulin Is- Mast Reunion
land, Sault Ste. Marie and Chapleau The largest family reunion of the
for restoelcing purposes spent a few ;community was held on Labor Day in
days with his father E. M. Dignan, the spacious cement shed adjoining
Exeter recently, befomaleaving• fox the Evangelical church, -Crediton. The
Port Hope to renew his duties as Sci- 'Hoist relation from Crediton, Exeter,
that; Ia enc.es of the h School at, Dashwood, .Zurich, North East Hope,
p Pelham Centre, Fenwick, •e7 id,geville,
While. threshing- oats on the farm. Fonts lfi, Bt�tfer I tit �+Dnitaaio and Se-
araeh a zit- .Torn. -veangnruo was bewaing, Elkton, Bad Axe, Pigeon,
prised to see an 18 inch garter . Saginaw, Detroit, of'Michigan const -
shoot out of the grain spout ; ituted the folks of this annual re -
the bushel container. Although' union_ Four great tables extended
ad come through the separator it' across the width of the decorated
alive and unharmed There is shed and at noon three hundred rnem-
g to it but that the snake. was berg oa t#s .relation were seated for
one, as it was carried past the a sumptuous meal. 'These were the
teeth s of the band cutter, through ; a sumptuits IA that early and sturdy
orf the cylinder , over a long pioneer Jacob Hirzel and his wife:
ick' which does the separating, into jAnna Maria, avho emigrated from
a screen and up an elevator, into the Beiersbrurui, Germany in the year
grain spout, How it escaped the teeth 1183,5
1$g ani ;seti'i�ed in the Niagara Pen --
of the cylinder is the sticker.
Travelling in pursuit of a s !Matsuda. Three sons,:David, Christ --
at a speed of near) 7p peeler ran .and Michael made their perman-.
Prov. Officer Y mules an hr., "rent home in Pelham Tp. Two sons
A. Bosworth, motor ; and two daughters moved to Stephen.
cle patrol, left the highway a con 1 Tp.. These sturdy and industrious
senders are .dead but their character-
istics and inliuence lives in those who.
have meet to this great gathering.
Mrs. Godfrey Wein of Stephen
their large crop of flax hauled Tato
the mill, Quite a lot is being brought
in by motor truck.
Mr. and Mrs, A: J. Switzer, after'
spending a month with relatives here
left for their home in Detroit.
alr. and Mrs. Frank Toung and
Mr..and Mrs. C. Salmon and daughter
of <Rnehester, N.Y., motored over and
spent a week with Mrs. Leeper and
Mrs X, J. Mcf)onald.
Ruth Chapman left for Hamilton,
where ,she intends training for a
name. -Oar Sunday school class pre-
sented her with a handsome purse.
J.antes h',atterson, village clerk re-
lsorts that after publicly advertising.
dor those out of employment to re-
gister, that only seven so notified,
s hica is a pretty good showing of not
too heard times in. Hensall:
Sen forth . Collegiate Institute liad
a'reg'istration of 220 students on the
°penrng day of the term. This was ar
increase of nearly forty over la&
The Clinton Soft Bali team carried
away the George Ecciccon trophy
vhee Ley took both games of th
Jflay -ori" from the Exeter team.
1.1:-'110 Medd,. of Exeter, has take
' escaped being killed outright -
was convenor of thesocialcommittee
m a:
miracle. Be was rounding a bend in
the road when his machine left the
pavement. Tt went off the ri»ht side
of the road, hitting gulazdirail§;.
pping off two of them and then went
back to the highway where; the. eine
er was thrown to the pavement. His
motorcycle was badly damaged• and
the speeder who was being cbnvad es-
1. Pat Murray, of McKillop recentpy
met with a serious accident: Ile wa,
ring i`m seed timothy to the barn
to threshwheat load upset ` and
the team rani awayHe was theatena
frons, the load: and in the fait he; had
seeext bones, in his; eight foot, bleak.
err- Was, tale= to the Scott Memorial
Hospital, where an x-ray
after which the foot taken
plaster cast, and will put
ut into a
be confined to
bed for some six weeks.
Most peOple rnay not know ut
it, is; a criminal offence to spill butter-
milk on the highway and leave it the-
re. Emil' iiiallert,, of Hay Township,
resiiding north of Exeter, has found
this nut He is cbaxged that within
the past, two neenths-- he unlaw.l:tally
did' commit a corm nuisance end-
angering. the lives of the people by
allowing bu-tterniilk to, lay on Ding's
Highway No. 4, contrary to the Cri:-'
minnli Code. The case is slated for eh
early • haering
On Friday mornin g
g, Sept. 11{'lrr, a
very sad death took place in the Sea-
forth hospital, when Margaret Drake,
16 year old daughter
John Drake g of Mr., axrcll4lrs
passed away as the re-
sult of an automobile accident the
week before. The remains were re-
moved to .her parents'. home near
nal/fa anti th funeral was held Smi-
ley afternoon last, to the . Staff corn
etery, and was leaixsually, largely at-
., -.faded, ....... �"
I Gosdding A,T.C.M. of Exeter
i chatge of the program and sports
of the afternoon, while Mr. A. O_
' Haast of Pelham occupied the chair
and eontinues the presidency for aa -
otter year.
Eatallislaed 1800
wow nom THE. tl
. M
Herald .Panting 0/ lice
-susscRipriort RATES—$1.25 aa.
year, strictly in advance; $1.50 int
arreeurs ea $2.00 may be charged. U.
S. $1.550 in advance. No paper discoree
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leas at option of publisher: The date
air wilich every Subscription is paid
is denateal on the .Label.
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tha four lines, For Sale, To .Rent„
Wanted, ' Lost, Found, etc., One rosea
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Farm or Real Estate for sale $$,930
for first month, $1.00 for each fol-
lowing raontlr,
Professional Cards not exceeding;
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Address all eatimunications to
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