HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-17, Page 1k Vol. XXXII No. 11 ZURICH ,THURSDAY MORN G. SEPTEMBER17 1931. Zurich Fall Fair, Sept. 28th -2 no4,41•Nominnlloasou,romo.1,1.14 ZURICH SCHOOL FAIR. The annual Zurich School Fair ;was held on the Agalieulturali grounds en Monday afternoon with a, fair at- tendance. Early hr. the morning. the section was visited with. a most 'wel- come raid, which however was ail ,passed over long before the faIr be - gan. The attendance this year was not as large as usual owing to only -two school sections• entering namely No..7 (Zurich School) and No. 3, (the Parr Line School), as last year there were no less than six schools partici- pating. During the afternoon the Inspector, Mr. Beacom of Goderich„ gave some very interesting remarks 0.1.1••••••••••••11•110 • 44 04.•••••••••••44••••••••••• • ••••••••••• 4444444 oo '441 • WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, • • TRAVELLING BAGS„ VA1ACES, ETC., TO CHOOSE FROM, AND • * ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Harness, Etc. • • • 4 IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW 3 PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME, BE SURE AND • CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Pianos Pianos I FRED THIEL - ZURICH PHONE 102. 00•40•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0114141100.0****416411410060.11111 -11000041111400000004114140011100•11 mime, 7 Alice Baver, le Demini.= We're Going Back to me 7 Doreen O'eCeciDwyer; Oniohs4-7 I , Alrneda Deichert, 7 Charles Thiel, 7 .Lennis Thiel, Leroy Thiel. , - Flowers Asters-7.Allark reeeel,„ • , Re .11 `4tea , •Meateeger,. t ETh• • Beichert, 7 Doriores 1Viittleholtz, along the line of school fairs and couraged every school section to h their scholars in Inc for next yea it is a great education to the co), generation, and an opportunity , should not be etl pass by in present age where quality of produce counts so, much. Mr: ;afi McLeod, B.S.A., the AgricUltural presentative and his staff ably ha' led the afternoon's program, when the opportunity availed 13 encouraged those taking part in the advancement of their work. The public speaking contests and the we- ed naming contest, also the judging contests were very interesting inde.el Let's hope that next years' rair again see six or more schools. partial, pating. Following is the list of the prize winners, the figure before eaeh name denotes the school section ' te which they belong: Grain and Corn Spring wheat, quart -7 Fred Brow; Oats, quart -3 Wilmer Adkins, T Blanche Grenier, 7 Eearl Deichert, 3 Billie Fuss; Barley, quart -3 Ivan Reichert, 3 Billie Fuss; Barley Sheaf -7 Kenneth Stock; Field Corn, Long fellow, 6 ears -7 Marie Bedard, Mil- dred Haberer, 7 Grace Meyers, 7 Elda Koehler. • i; Roots anfVegetables Mangolds-7 William Brown, 7 Carl Decker, 7 Ruth Brown, 7 Ritth Foster; Tuknips-7 Carl Decker, 7 Lenora Haberer, 7 Eileen Beaverrs7 Marjorie Gellman; Beets -7 Archie MacKinnon, 7 Kathleen Kochems, Vera Flaxboard, 7 Alpha Meyers; Car rots -7 Harry Foster, 7 Greta Flax- ' board, :7 Ruth Johnston Dori Meyers; Parsnips --7 Geraldine Den- Chester L. Smith, Pobliddleattet 41.2.5 a year, U.S. $1.501 I Advalestt: *1-60 LNA,FtRE &RS, $2 MAT .122; CHATIONIGt Let us see you all present! - • • ..ce Pr. Tia I Jill LIISII , . ars SPHOOL, TME,. .AND IREATANG AND wRrram AND ▪ I RITHMETIC WILL SOON :BE .IN .0R -DER OF THE DAY.. MOTH- .1 ERS WILL ALL. BE ALT , BROWN'S BOOT SHOP Mt THEIR „ I Bruce Church; Cosmos -7 Karl De- cker, 7 Mary Merner, 7 Audry Fos-. • :SHOES. WE HAVE LINES or (CHILDREMS :SHOES THAT MEET "R"PlE 1REQUIREMENTS OF 11ENT.TETITLL :FOOT DEVELOPMENT AND THAT WILL GIVE .MANY _MONTHS OF 'WEAR AND PROPER PROTECTION T THEISM' _ACTIVE TOIUNGSTERS, EMATILY SMART JN AppEARANcs TOO, \WON'T, 'YOU DROP IN AND LET ITS :SHOW ",!rHEM 'TO MOIL CHILDREN OXFORDS .ANDSTRAP:SLIPLIERS FROM 411 'TO 41;50 MISSES OXFORDS IL/SD:STRAP .SMEPERS FROM $.1..:50 to $`2:0'5 YOUTH AND BOYS REAL,SCHWL:SHOES FROM .11...50 to !$2.95 REPAIRING. 'NEATLY ;DONE SR& OMR Brown's Boot Shop WINDOW DISPLAY • 1• • • • • • • • • • areammesesombeimidm*********gmeseeiesempenteeimoikeesege -g,.•••••••/000011 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • - °"CLOTHES OF QUALITY" They Have Arriv The New Fall Siftings and Ovematings r Ili FABRICS FROM -WORT33 FAMOUS TIMIRS31 1LOON1S -win- A VARIETWI EXCLUSIVEIX PAVIIERINED :SUITINGS IN THE EWESDF F.ALIL. 4101D WINTER. SHADES .---4YARK BROWN, BOWE IOW =MY. TILIMRIECTS COI VELOUR. WHITNEY. IMELTIIN ..AND TWEED OVER- ODATTINGS. , CatiVIE TO-MOBBO0U WILL 'NOT BEIURGED .E1111Y. • rsigt volt tOrunsmr nmorrtstlimDING- quAtriv. ANDATAi- WES, THAT HAVE' DOVE "CLOTHES (OF QVAMIT' FAMOUS Co4sV TO COAST.. , XtraTEMYSER, WIT AND SATUFACT- WON IGIDONANTEED. -CLOTHES OP klUALITY” SOLD EROLUSIVELV MORE gliMilttrr-IMUCE VALUE Bon n • IL liatISAILWEIRS AND LROSRESItAL DIRECTORS Mr. Eldon Appel, of London was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thiel and fam- ily and Mr. Ward Fritz motored to Toronto last week, Miss Ruby Church who is attend- ing Westervelt School at London, spent the week -end at her home here Mri Philip Sippel and son Edward of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting with old Zurich friends at present. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Erb and fam- ily of the Bronson, were recent vis- itors to Niagara Falls and other points east. A goodly number from the village and vicinity are attending London Fair these days. The weatherman is very promising and large crowds ga- ther daily. 11r. and Mrs. lsreal Wilhelm and two daughters, Helen and Marjorie, of Milverton were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C., L. Smith. Prof. Alvin Surerus of Toronto, is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Gert- rude Surerus of the Bronson Line. Mr. Surerus is a Proffessor in langu-- ages at Toronto University. Mr. and nd Mrs.. Lloyd Hya.n.sel of Buf- falo Evangelical parsonage. , "dcMrs to ch gtrotrrongts-,'-reeNT'eeetr4.....sant races, c�iiiin Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier at the falo are visiting with her parents„ Watch and Clock Yes! You will Find a Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN. GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES C9NSIDERABLY LOWER THAN 'WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER 1 CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to Mailed in Wat- ches. Hess, The Jeweller DIFFERENCE IF YOU BEAM Prices now at Rack Bottom low for the Season. STOCK UP NOW Wall THIS GENUINE ANTHRACITE For Cash Payment a Discount of MT per Ton wil be Allowed_ rD Crteic Phone lOw or 10J HENSALL„, GMT,. e .e. + NEVER BEFORE t .,. + + ...... 4. HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH ..x., .;.... + 4. ..m. 4. Quality at Such Low Prices ....a. -a. 4. ..e,,, 4. On Men's Women's and Boys Footwear I ..1 , + .T. + HERE ARE A FEW OF THE. MANY SPECIALS WE HAVE TO + OFFER YOU. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAIL. -.F. * ORDER HOUSES, ETC„ AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT YOU .r CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR FOOTWEAR HERE., ---* ' + MEA •afrrNio, ' ,....aler-..,, :vsts-r.f.3.• - •-g.. ra,..,,,,krs4.,. MILL.. ,.. - + tbLEs A- Aivco ZitxtsoeEin, RUire/F.It HEELS e. And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles and heel:try Leather or Peewee 4.- + Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2.75 and $3.00 Pair.. -I- -2- + • BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A COMFORTABLE AND GOOD t + 4. FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5%, Reg. $3.50 New $2.50 •Tr • BOYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LEA Tiee,R,, t, + Last year we sold these at $3.00, to -day only $2.25 ..I., 4. + WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores aucrSatins, Only $2.50 to $2.7S Fee 1..- + WoMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SLIPPERS WITH ' Leather Soles and Rubber Heels, Reg. $1.25, Now $1.50 a Pair 41- CHILDRENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO 1.0% Horseshoe Tournament inc Zurich Horseshoe Club, two . ter; Verbenia.-7 Mae Smith,' 7 Mil - SPECIAL PRICE $2.35 being champion players, came up to 1.,MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE Bri/C. WITHT OUTSIDECOU=SE t dred Haberer, '7 Wilmer Snider; Cal- endula-7 Ruth Foster, 7 Elroy Des- jardine, 7 Ross Johnston; Fr. Mari- golds -3 Jean Pybus, 7 Marjorie Gal lman; Pinks -Nothing but leaves; Gallardia-7 Harry Foster, 7 Louise Willert, 7 Doris Meyers; Bouquet of. any single variety of flowers -1 Lou- ise Willert, 7 Archie MacKinnon, 7. Vera Decker. Poultry Barred Rock Cockrel-7 Elroy. Desjardine, 7 Mildred Haberer, 7 Fred Brown, 7 Dorothy O'Brein; Barred Rock, Pullet -7 Lenora Hab- erer, 7 Elroy Desjardine,Mildred Haberer, 7 Fred Brown; hite Leg- horn Cockerel -3 Mildred Pybus, Elroy Desjardine; Whiite Leghorn Puttet-7 Lenora Haberer, 7 Doro- thy O'Brein, 3 Jean Pybus; Dozen brown. eggs -7 Elroy Desjardina, 7 Mildred Haberer, 7 Carl Decher, 7 Wilmer Snider; Dozen white eggs - 7 Audrey Foster, 7 Marjorie Galle Clinton on Wednesday evening to play the locals. The result was that the visitors are still champions, the score being 383 points for Zurich to 352 for Clinton, four games up. Still the locals should not give up, there is still hope for them. Anyway, they won from Zurich on their own gro- und recently -Clinton News -Record. A Bad Smash As a result of a crash one mile north of Exeter on Tuesday night of last week, George Ingram of Exeter is charged with driving a wagon not carrying the proper lights. William Neeb of Zurich, driving an automo- bile, crashed into the rear of Ingh- am's wagon. Ingram was thrown to the road and, injured about the body and Mr. Neeb received cuts and bru- ises. The car turned over on its side and was badly damaged. The horses were seriously injured one had to be killed, and the wagon damaged be- yond repair. The vehicles were trav- man, 7 Greta Flaxbard; Dog -7 Wil 7 ening in the same direction and Mr. lis Fosterri Chas. Thiel; 7 Dorothy Neeb did not see the wagon, carried O'Brein, 7 Grace Meyers; Any pet - 7 Ruth Johnston, 7 Ross Uttley, 7 Archie MacKinnon, 7 Audry Foster; was coming the opposite direction, Winter wheat, quart -7 Elroy Des- but escaped the mixup. jardine„ 7 Marjorie Gellman, 7 Karl,' Decher. • Late Mrs. Floyd. Miller • . Vegetables ' ;The death occurred. at the' ICitch- Potatoes, Irish Cobbler -7 Louise ener-Waterloo Hospital on Sunday Willert, 7 Alice Beaver, t rviarjorie Gellman; Green Mountain potatoes - 7 Marjorie Gellman, 3 Marjorie Dat-' ars; Dooley potatoes -3 Ervin Reich- ert; 7 Alice Beaver, 8 Ivan Reichert; Pie punipkin-7 Doris Meyers, 7 (Continued on Page Four) no lights, in time to avoid the ac- cident. We -understand, another car morning of Mrs. Floyd Miller of De- troit, and formerly Miss, Olga How- ald of Zurich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howalch The deceased was born in Zurich and twelve years ago was married to Mr. Miller and went to reside in, Detroit. Some seven weeks ago she came to Kitch: ener to visit her sister, Mrs. Oscar Miller and was taken ill at her home ATTENTION! ,trzoltw.-eek.pitshaogsosaihe was removed to . She is survived by her husband, her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Jacob HowaId, Zurich; three brothers, Mr. Henry Howald of Zur- ich; Mr. Herbert Howald of Owen Sound and Mr. Theodore Howald of Kitchener and four sisters, Mrs. Sam :Lennox of Saskatchewan; Mr. 0. Mil- ler, Kitchener, Mrs. IC. Barry, New ork City and Mrs. E. Yearioe. of Detroit. The body of the deceased lay at the Lippert and Hunter Fan- eral Home until Tuesday morning, when it was brought to Zurich where the. funerallook place at the home of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr% and Mrs. Howald on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Mr. Tuerkheim offi- ciating. Interment was Made in the. Lutheran Cemetery. Edighoffer Garage HORSE Silt:MI/4'G AND ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITHING, A1TO11013ILE REPAIRING, REND. tRS AND BODIES REPAIRED. No Matter How Badly Damaged. BEST OIL OR GAS, AUTO ACCES- ORTES. CHARGER REASONABLE Give Ut a Calll ZACK KIPPEN, ZURICH Reg. $2.25 To -day. $1.3t Misses Sizes 11 to 2 may U.50.. #P" T. MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $7.7S t MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT $7.55, $3-50, $3.75, MOB • CANVAS FOOTWE.A.R, WITH RUBBER SOLES, 65c„ 75c, $.1 -Re Childs, Boys', and Mn's Included. 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBERS OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES The Largest Group of Exclusime Footwear Merchants itn Canaa. Zurich • +++++++++++++++++++++*4444++++++++++4444+44.44 01••••1111•01.1•0=••••••••••••••••S * Phone 82 or 115 Superior Quality Store We are now offering a full line fzX Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME F OUR. BARGA.lila IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, 1 YARD WIDE PRINTS AT Mr A YARD. corroNs AT 10c AND 15e. A YARD. SEE OUR OVERALLS AT SileStt A PAIR. GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. HARNESS REPAIRS„ SHOES., PAINTS, OILS ETC, ETC. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL ACEROHAMT PHONE 11 97 iaLAKE