HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-10, Page 8T a ° 4: unit *Le SE STORE WITH THE STOOK Sale Prices Continued °"Q a Many Lines of Summer. Goods SUCH AS SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS, MENS' AND WOMENS JNDERWEAR; SOME LINES OF•HO,SIERY; MENS FINE SHIRTS TIES; ODD LINES OF OVERALLS, ETC. NEW FALL. GOODS STEW FALL GOODS ARE NOW ' ARRIVING. LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST IN DRESS MATERIAL FOR FALL. £I:AVELTWEED IN A PURE SILK CLOTH OF VERY FINE TEX- TURE IN TWEED FINISH, AT $1.85 PER YARD IN DRESS GOODS ONLY. THE SAME CLOTH IN RAYON MIXTURES AT PRICES AS LOW AS 48c GROCERIES ' Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for Special Mixed Tea, lb. Lthby's pork and beans, large at Large size Vanilla at 25c 39c 18c 19c • Pleaseall Coffee, at per lb. 19c 75c 33e 35c Rings per dozen Plain white cups, at per dozen , Brooms, 5 string at each . . J. GASCHO & SON 'RODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 AMP Save Money by SAFE DRIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers 2D% (REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT m.•..• •yapcsraafJiY' ��;�.-5a:�ii �ii]��:K.'� DIVYNcls'".if`rrrrvvr A.CCIDEN1 1D% REDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT THE REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF' INSURE NOW! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? r 0000 esoss Seeds Seeds Having made same Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW .FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEMENT IN FENCE HICTORY ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEXIBLE, ALSO RUST RE. SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SEE THIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL POSTS. 'Fall Line of Heavy and Shelf Cardware, Sherwin - W i 11 isms Paints, Goodyear Tires, Etc.TJ FRNITURE! FURNITURE f STADE & WEIDO 2URiCH --ONT. irommismossessiosoommoselosseemeasesoseorsomissa WE SELL THE BEST FOR LEES SPECIAL PRICES: THURSOAT, 'FRIOAY AND SATURDAY Vi -Tone, 16 -oz. Tin for .... *I..•,I....., ........53c Palm Olive Soap (1 free with) 3 for , , : .., ....25e Princess Soap Flakes (1 trial pkg. free) Targe pkg............23c Shredded wheat, Pep, Rice Krispies, all 2 far _25e Sugar Crisp corn Flakes, 3 for ................ 25c Weston's 10 -oz. pkg Salted Biscuits, per pkg' Prato Jelly Powder (best brand) 3 pkgs., .... .... 1'9c Derby loaf cheese (by the pound) per ib .................... Fly Tox or Whiz, 8 oz. bottles 29c Orange Marmalade, 40 -oz. jar ... ............ -23 Premuim Tea (with plate free) per lb .,.. . 5'9c Kara coffee (in sealed tins) per Ib. ....... a9e Huron Toilet paper, 6 rolls for Fly coils to hang up, 3 for ... q . . •'1..5e French Mustard, large jar at .... ..........,.. ...414 J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 vmsvommemil ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Sorry to report that Mr. Henry Koehler of town is not enjoying his usual health and activeness. Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber and two sons of Detroit, were ween -end visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge. Miss Ethel Fowlie of Bayfield, vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. G. Koehler over the week -end. Mr. Edward Daters Sr., who was recently taken to London Hospital, and operated on for Bladder trouble, brought to his home a in the back village last week, and Ms. -balers' many friends are pleased to see him back, and recovering so rapidly. Mrs. John N. Cantin, his mother, Mrs. N. M. Cantin and other memb- ers of the family of Montreal, spent a pleasant week -end with friends in this community. :They also enjoyed the big picnic at St. Peter's chureh, Drysdale on Monday. Mr. Dennis Ducharme of the Bron- son Line, had a narrow escape from serious injury the other day. He was assisting on the farm of Paul Masse, where threshing was going on. A wagonload with oats needed to e moved and Mr. Ducharme and anoth- er man took the wagon tongue, while six or seven of the men started push- ing the load forward. The sudden start caused Mr. Ducharme's feet to slip and he fell. Before the wagon could be stopped one wheel had pas- sed over both feet near the ankle. Through some miracle he escaped with bruised legs only and is able to be around on crutches. He wore heavy shoes at the time and this helped to protect his limbs. Model Shows of America The Choice of Western Fair •Although the management of the Western lair have practically all the leading Carnival Companies to choose from, they have selected the world- famous Model Shows of America for the Exhibition which is to be held this year' Sept. 14th to 19th. The Model Shows of America are not only of a higher calibre, but can be de- pended upon to be new and up to the minute. Each' year the best fea- tures and talent in the outdoor show business are selected and added to this foremost Carnival with a view to satisfying and pleasing the public. Many new features are promised for the 1931 Midway and Western Fair visitors have some surprises in store for them.' The Model Shows of Am- erica have proven that a Carnival can be clean," educational and arnus- ing. Their midway presents a bright and shining face, and so many feat- ures that take it from the cheap class and put, it on a much higher plane than one expects from txevelling og- gaanization al the bind. They bring, in addition to their splendid shows, the biggest collection of novelty rides in existence, and have many of the old favorites as well. The policy of being on the greunds first thing open- ing day and going full blast until the gates are ready to be locked on dos- ing night, assures every visitor to the Exhibition a chance to ace the 'Mid- way in its 'entirety. Westin Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canaan Company doing Buisiness in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. Slut, 15128, $22,205,276. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $160,378.74 Rater -44.0s per 51,010 for :years. E. F.. Klopp—Zurich Abet, tibt alae 'iu Lidbfaind Bods and all grinds of Fire Insurance LOCAL MARKgTS. teorroeted Butter lb. ,.. ovary • Wednesday) 25 . Eggs, dozen .............. 13-18-21 Chickens..... 12 to 23 Hens 7 to 13 Wheat bushel .'.4.......... ........ 40 Oats . •:r 20 Barley •....... • .. 30 Flour •h,"•••••••• ..........1.75 2.80 Shorts . , 16.00 Bran •... ... .. .....» 16.00 Hogs, cwt. 5.75 BUSY FARMER NEWS The light honey crop in Ontario has finally turned out ib be much less than -was estimated and it is doubt- ful now whether the total crop will reach two thirds of the normal fig- ure. Seed Prospects Excellent The prospect for a good seed year is very' good. A fair crop of alfalfa more than sufficient to meet 'a heavy home demand, is looked for; there will be sufficient sweet clover and en ough alsike to supply the domestic demand though little left over for exp - port; seine timothy and probably a big crop of domesi c red clover. Sec- ond growth fields, from which the bulk of the seed crop is taken, are in excellent shape, unusually clean and blooming abundantly. With a big ger duty on all clover and alfalfa this year, farmers are taking more inter- est in saving seed. Cieawup Time - With harvesting and threshing fin- ished, it is not too early to start pre- paration for winter If the siable is not given its annual cleanup now, it may be neglected altogether, The minimum attention should include sweeping the ceilings and walls, scra- ping the floors and mangers arid then thoroughly whitewashing everything in sight. Lime is a great cleansing ag- ent, and • at its best when applied hot. With a spraying machine. There are always odd Fobs that, should be at- tended • to before the cows are stab- led for winter. The panes that have been biwken frond the 'windows sho- uld be replaced; the broken floor she uld be looked after, the broken latch the detached hinge fixed. While these are small things their neglect for a year or. two makes g sdilbshotf atab1,,, and this is the mark ,of careless dal-><„ MAIL I +01,44404.64441+.4144444.44.44444+4144444414144444444414416ai Your Bard.ware Store We can supply the Public with Seasonable 1 Hardware at Moderate Prices Let Us Sho*You OUR FULL LINE OF CRANIT''WARE• AT LOST PREVAILING PRICES, Good' supply of Smoke .. Cure on hand Furniture Reduced We are offering our Entire Stock of Furn. iture at Greatly Reduced ,Prates, which will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these low prices 1 WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Johnston Sa Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 11...+44+44++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++44+++++++++++4 N(pNll i!{N{NIIIINiININ(kgIN SNIINN{3IaiN1NIIIiNNNINlO il)liii A't�iNN{i!WIEINNERE111NLg21411i$N4111}NI!' MNMININNIIININllNkl4'JNINIDERIIRllG IIIIIIIIIIt WATCH THIS SPACE For Something Entirely New In Advertising. We Repair Wagons, Baggiesi ski o'-.• .i HESS the Repair Man IIMgMUruMAIN411IfI NIPNM14111((1 111111{IIIIIIIN1iIi NI{gNI111111 NNNH3IiI1Ni IUMMIMllf IIIINININItiNiNH{11NN!!tsr>MICIiINNNNE1N11111 1 ala ►it ******+.f ++++++4 ++,+l + ^i•+4 4+++f+,+ +++t4+4+N►'•* �t ZURICH " GARAGE ATTENTION! . TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW STILLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROJL OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUAI1ITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND QUER HAUL 'QRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H.Mouss'eau Zurich *t*tksl++iMM4+**4-641 4*+144+1+4++.441.**** **** 1:4. *CHER.LD OFFICE' it * * • Do You Know?, • THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST ++ . CLASS JOB PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS, , ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN 'STOCK; Alio ALSO PRINT, STATION. SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, EIIJ`i*BLOPIIS * * t' * 4• 'SAT WE_ FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTI emu 4. * A GOOD WRITING INS FOR 5 caws. LARGER QUA*, T'ITIES AT SIMILAR amuorliONS. Z • THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AIUCTION SALE POSTERS ME Cy1:'AT'Y'l .L' POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL P ' "; OM SPECIALTY. * ot t " STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS. SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOO() WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER; BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACE PAPER, HAND MEMOxtAL ENVELOPES 'WRITING A