HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-10, Page 7ich in ,body Building , Vitamins Imp Made in Canada by the Makers of Velveeta and Kraft Salad Dressing Greenland Guar,ds Geology Secrets Win Honors at, Fair Percheron iiily bred by Canadian Pacific Ry. experimental fa •in at Tilley; Alta., which was reserve grand champion at recent 4ummer exhibi- tion at Regina. Owl Laffs "I refuse to send my girls tp col- lege," boasted Windy Wolf of Pea Though Depths of the Ice CapHave Been Sounded, a Vast Ridge,ll "becauseakthe placeafter all, eduCationsn g p will not take the of a husband." Land Area is Unknown Fixing the depth of, the Greenland Ice cap at 8,860 feet, as the German scientific group recently did by sonic depth soundings, hassolved a puzzle which has perplexed investigators //ince the earliest days of Arctic ex- ploration, writes Russell Owen, in the N.Y. Times. Greenland has turned out to be a rim of mountains encircling a bowl of ice. It is an anachronism, a survival of the Ice Age relatively close to civilization. The known geology of Greenland has always been meager, as is natural in a country of which only one-sixth is not covered by ice. It is a much larger land than is usually realized, the coast which are of value. for it covers an area of 827,000 square i The most important mineral in Greenland, however, is cryolite; the ' mine at Ivigtut is not only one of the `most northerly mines in the world but i also the only place at which cryolite occurs in commercial quantity. The of them extends back many miles un -1 royalties on it go far to pay the ex - til they are overwhelmed far inland; pauses of government. The Eskimos by the ice cap. But further north the ±called it "ice which would not melt in inland ice pushes out more and more 1 Summer," It is mind hi an open pit until it becomes difficult to tell where I right on the edge of ;fjord, and ap glacier ice ends and sea ice begins, parently the supply is sufficient to last and where for many miles the entire indefinitely. It is used largely In the coast line is ice, the mountains are metallurgy of aluminum. completely hidden beneath the white Greenland will probably never be crust. During the great Ice Age all of exploited commercially, not only be - Northern Europe and also Canada and cause of the meagerness of its ore e - the Northern United States were coy- ibesits, but also because of its climate Bred with a vast shield of ice, which and the desire of the Danish Govern - has left its traces all over the land. In meat to keep out all influences which Greenland this shield remains, held in will harm the :tativee It will remain, she mountain • however, ono of the greatest scenic by rim.mountain,spots in the world, and of continual It- was not alkiayl a cold country; interests to scientists. In fact, lt.was ;probably semltro tical "�• ':' Reynolds Worry keg* • t3 i thin." a o'3i s €rite, foie" S 'lIain sting tliat , _._ Head For "Mounties" Jenkins—"Joke, what on earth have would be a hard crust, more soft snow and then again a crust, and then two or three feet down snow so hard that • but they're awfully flighty and hard to keep," she confided. MEOW! "What are you writing?" "A joke," said Miss Dove, "Oh, said Lizzie, "Give him my love." Softly the leaves on the trees talked together, . Early fall fashions and colors their theme; the sticks would not penetrate it. And at times, near rocky peaks close to the I Paint us, Jaolr Frost, in the latest and rim of the inland ice, Sme Small lakes form Th tintyeso sunset's stf th red Gleam e,. on top of the icy cap, and streams run Each goldenrod yellow, her color will fro nethem down crevices or into ice bring, wells, deep cavities into which the Matchless brown and orange] take water falls hundreds of feet with a from the' butterfly's wing" thunderous echoing roar. But we need not all be alike, they But although the interior of Green- agree, so Glenna—"Mama was right when she cautioned me about marrying you!" Freddy—"Im sorry—and here I've been thinking she never considered my happiness." Night Club Sport (staggering out at 2 a.m.)—"Holy smoke, what is that strange smell around here?" Doorman (courteously)—"That, sir, is fresh air." land is merely a huge Ice cap, a pre- Each chooses a color, or historic remnant preserved by fortun- three. Daybreak in a Garden ate chance, there are some things inRound and round the orchard they I heard the farm cocks crowing, loud, the bare and scoriated mountains of and faint, and thin, When hooded night was going and one miles, as big as France, Germany, Spain, Poland, England and Hungary put together. In its southern part the mountains rise from the sea and fold after fold some .two danced, when Jack Frost the beauty of each ,d enhanced. They call a sailing vessel "she," not because her rigging is so expensive, but because she makes her best show- ing in the wind. There may not be much in a name, but some names have an awful lot of names in them, It's fortunate for the average men that he doesn't know half the things he would like to know. Jnavoidable poetry is the kind folks pay '• have printed. We can't recall ever having heard a soprano singing in such a way that her words could be understvtad; but then, we never rememeer feeling that it made much difference. Even if you can't tell a mother and her daughter apart nowadays there is little that you can't tell them together. The more ignorant she is of everything else, the better posted a gossip is on domestic affairs of everybody in the neighbor- hood. have been found, and it has coal beds which supply the local inhabitants. The mountains, at ]east in the north, you got to worry about?' Ottawa,—After forty-five years in' Reynolds—"I worry about getting the s: rvice Colonel Cortlandt Starnes stout." were much higher than they are now. has retired from the command of the A Chain of Islands Royal Canadian Mounted Police, form- erly known as the Royal Northwest These mountains extend westward Al.lunted. He is granted a pension to Grinnell Land, and eastward they with the rank of Major General, and run as et submarine ridge across to goes into private life with a diatin- Spitsbergen and then down through guished record of service in a unit Bear Island to the north of 'Norway which has a unique tradition. and form the Scandinavian chain Colonel Starnes is succeeded as which continues through Scotland. So• Chief Commissioner by Major Gen. J. the upper part of Greenland is linked H. MacBrien, a veteran of the South geologically to Europe. But all African war and the World War, around the edge of the island the former chief of the General Staff, mountains rise majestically from the sea, not always of great height, but coming as they do directly from sea theymost beautiful and im- Canadian Department of National De- fense, and still later president of the Aviation League of Canada. level are The retired Commissioner joined posing. Fold after fold they pass back the force in 1856 as an inspector, and into the interior until the ice swallows advanced on merit through all the thesis and tiny peaks, the tops of large ranks to the chief command. He had mountains, peep through the crust as small snow hills or nunataks, Finally personal acquaintance with all phases they also disappear and only the level of the multiplex duties of the mount - ice is left before the traveler, ed police. They patrol the interna - When the Ice Age came on the land tonal frontier, keep peace and order !n the vast sub -Arctic region, and Barber—"Your hair Is very dry and harsh, sir." Voice—Culture Expert—"So is your voice, but I didn't like to mention it." Hood—"I went to a spiritualist yes- terday." Fankboner—"Any good?" Hood—"Oh, just medium." Visitor—"Well, Joe, how do you like your new little sister?" Joe—"Oh, she's all right, I guess; but thete are lots of things we needed worse." To coin a phrase: Richard Rich paid the bill so often the young folks all began to take him as an after-dinner mint. The following item is taken from a recent issue of The Corpus Christi, a little snow collected in these inland Texas, Colley -Times: valleys and did not melt. It was add- maintain posts on the shores of Hud "Ilarrell's Business School, • in the ed to year by year until the valleysson Bay, in the Yukon, on Herschell Furman Building, announce the birth filled and the snow overflowed theIsland off the mouth of the Mackenzie of a daughter, Carolyn, Friday, Febr- River, and on some of the•Arctic is lower peaks. Under pressure it be - nary 13th." came ice and then .flowed outward lands. They represent . Canadian This column thanks H. S. of Corpus through the fjords, making the gla- authority amens the native Eskimos Christi for this pert item. and their record in the prevention and land. the detection of criminals has made A young girl from Brushville says tiers, of which there are 200 in Groan - "Only the man who has traveled for them famous throughout the world. she hates to move away from her weeks day after day along the Inland home town'and lose the reward of all ice without seeing land can rightly The Two Roads her hard work site has done on her appreciate the nature of the Ice When he was young and clays were boy friends. "They're not hard to get, Period," says Koch. "The first thing 1 full and bright, which impresses one is the enormous I He came through Every kind of youth- d'pnensions with which one must rack- fel fight ,,,n. The landscapes, which with their i By winning well. tg fjords and huge mountains seemNo praising word his many so large from the sea, now lie far be -1 would speak, neath the spectator as narrow rims of : But someone came and whisper: a was weak, And so he fell. friends land, quickly disappearing, to give room for a .perfectly even snow plain, A journey across this from north to south would be as long as from Cop- When he was frail and bled by sor- enhagen to the Sahara, and during this row's pain journey the landscape would not alter And shunned the fight and would not for a single instant, Nowhere would face again one see land; infinite as the sea lies A hill so long, the snow field, and life is represented There came a voice, as if from hope - neither by animal nor plant. Even less grave, the Sahara has its oases, between That called hill] strong and said that which men and animals move about; but here is nothing but snow -this Is the region on earth most inimical to life." What the Snow Shield Shows An examination of this snow shield shows curious stratification, for even at such an elevation and latitude the he he was brave, And he was strong. —Cabal Bradley, in Songs of a Com- mercial Traveller, Happiness We may safely call that man happy who, however lowly his position, and sun is hot enoug] in the middle of the limited his possessions, can always Suil/mer to melt partially the surface, Which immediately freezes again, forming a crust. Nansen found that under soft uowriy fallen snow there hope for more than he has, and feel that . every moment of exertion tends to realize his aspiration, -Prof, Stan- ley Jevons. Children love it E deticlous flavor oFBortlen'a Chocolate Matted Milk makes an Irresistible appeal to young- ahm, Its wbndcrlullY' good for them too. It restores energy Spent on work or play end builds shoes sturdy IlttIo bodies. cm is ISSUE No. 36-x''31 clear planet winked: I heard shrill notes begin down the spired wood distinct, When cloudy shoals were chinked and gilt with ilres of day, White -misted was the weald; the lawns were silver-grey; e lark his lonely field for heaven had forsaken; d the wind upon its way whispered the boughs of May, d touched the nodding peony -flow- ers to bid them waken. —Siegfried Sassoon, in "Selected Poems." Th An An TO SUIT YOUR TASTE Special chair covers, tablecloths, and other draperies have been de- vised by French manufacturers so that travellers may alter their train or streamer accommodation to their'. own taste. HOrseiOSS '''venrcres with horse sense. 'sbor,i(/ be Ter At First Signs of Pimples Use CIJTJCCtJR•A Anoint with the Ointment. Alter five minutes bathe with the Soap. Soap 25c, Ointment 25c, and 50c. rt .3t41 k:�4_. wl�•�'i ".'.! `.gip' "Jib GOOD 232 a.'Motc .16.sus Oravikiicoe Counsel to a Young Sister Carry your bead up, proud and high, .Chinking no goal unworthy of a try, Patter/. your life more from the /-gs I preach Than from the nold my poor ex- amples teach. Decide which path your toes should • rightly take, And ' th .ugh it seems your tender he:.rt must break— Falter not once, but keep eyes straight ahead— A woman is hurt if rose -thorns make her bed. Should moments come with powerless- ness rife, Think: "These are but the lesser .over in life"; And if thy vestal reason chance to .+woon, Remember! There's a man up in the moon ! Surrender not on earth, but know full well— He is the only man who will not tell. —Eleanore Austin, in the New York Sun. The worms inside chestnuts are hatched in the nuts from eggs laid in the blossom by beetles. 1' Beal' forYou andBaby foa aby's Own 5 10 cents Individual 8.3i CONSTIPATION GUARD THE HEALTH OF THE FAMILY Eddy's soft, absorbent Tissues are hy- gienically safe because they are thoroughl sterilized by a process that removes all impurities and harmful irritants. °'WHITESWAN"Asnowy white Sterilized Tissue. In wrap- ped, dustproof Rolls of 750 sheets. Also made in "RECESS" size to fit modern built-in fixtures. "DREADNOUGHT" A big value Eddy line. Seven owlets of Sterilized creped tissue hs every roil. "NAVY" A full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue -7b0 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary paper. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED, HULL, CANADA Manufacturers of aFe�s Wide Range of tici turppps s, kr Commercial, 72 Classified Advertising rErnLLE HELP WANT$D LDZAES WANTED TO 2)0 -,IQFIT a sewing at home• good pay. Work sent, charges paid, Stamp for particu- lars, National Manufacturing Co., Mon- treal. iLEMNB.1t 13 0 LBS. PRINTS, SILK ORVELVET, t•$I,00, A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ontario. Love That which is to be loved long, must be loved With reason rather than with pas. sion. —Dr. Johnson. LOSSOF TIME Let him who regrets the loss of time make proper use of that which is to come. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-Lavidson Distribueorr Write at once for our bargain list at used motorcycles. Terms arranged, BITES Ins acts snake, or animal . the beat treatment is plenty of Minard'a at once. It 30 soothes, heats and cleanses. Draws out the p®isopoisonI &I WORRIED ABOUT HER WEIGHT " I stArte?1I' Tr:peace,: i;a e a txonth*apo • ` saveiost' 5 pout s ./n. weight, and I feel' as if I have lost 50 lbs. I am full of vigor, whereas before I was worried about my condi- tion, as I was listless and worried over little things. But I am thankful to say that, were my troubles doubled, they would not worry me to-day— thanks to Kruschen."—Miss V. P. IIere's the recipe that banishes fat—; take one-half teaspoon of Kruschen Salts fn a glass ,of hot water before breakfast. Be sure and do this every morning, for " It's the daily dose that takes off the fat."—Don't miss a morning. Kruschen daily means that every particle of poisonous waste matter and ]/armful acids and gases are expelled from the system. • Modify your diet, and take gentle' exercise. The stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are tuned up, and the pure, fresh blood containing these six salts is carried to every part of the body, and this is followed by " that Kruschen. feeling" of energetic health and activity that is reflected in bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vivacity and charming figure. Maternity Nurse Gives Advice `•'e ee' r' 0/ S-0" Wad, " AM a maternity nurse. In my 142nd year I used to have a sick spell every two weeks. "A woinan always seems to have some derangements at Change of Life. "The Vegetable Compound helped me so much that I recome mend it to mothers and young girls as well as older women." Mrs: Eugene St: Germain, 1604 Glad- stone Ave., Cote St. Paul, Montreal; Quebec: If youhave any weakness or pain, try Lydia B. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. It has benefited 98 out of every 100 who have used it. •