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Zurich Herald, 1931-09-10, Page 4
ILLSQREEN "Mn, and Men :Ael n and son of "' 'illsonlulaairg apent' the °;weekend at 1ilth+e ;some of IVir, .nli4 Mrs. J. Rich- Illiiss Edith Foa}flout and Mrs. Lav- a9:le r �f Heenan' ,iced with friends mentis tly. ;tlflG... and 11St W. Blackwell andel ilsiren And M. . Jarvis of Lansing,; ,spent1ne week -end at the`: oaf 1VMra. V. Blackwell. Vire -are eanteed to report that 1 Wan as ole to be at home 'a-. n fter.l`aaving an operation ft "1iTicta�ria 7I'i+ l,ital in London recently `Mx --ears ADA k and Fred Steven Wrf :ll).cdront spmit the week -end with {fri-' ..;acmes nt''�itni around this vicinity. 11V1r Reins Dick of Toronto -spent n:div ifith friends here- Mr. J. zCoc?crane who has been spending a if'ew :weeks visiting in that eilty, ac- enompanied him home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner and Miss Eilenn,ss•pent Sunday at the ranine of ilMr_ ..ani Mrs. McLagan of Caromartya Mr. Herbert Stephenson and sister •; ieei na, spent the week -Find with riends in Lucknow. Pana Cochrane, R. N. )•eft?ex 'osnnto ion Sunday. Miss Ruth Richardson is spending a few weeks with her sister an 'Till- -•senhi r -g. NIT_ Albert Miller spent the weak - lend -with friends in St. Clemens. 1©a. utile Restemeyer is -flitting male her brother in Windsor. We are pleased to know that "Mrs. 'BSY— ' ;chert is doing nicely after. - .ving gone under an operation •re- .zn iyat Dr. O'Dwyer's Office in'Zur- 5ctc. "Aim- -The 'services will be conducted in iditie Uiliegreen church on Sunday, 9, ept. 12th at 2.30 p.m. Rev. A. :Sinclair of Hensall -will preside. 'The eeralar anniversary service win 'be .andu:'ietl by Rev. A. N. Rob'b, of Onfltt alfa, kilt ; Midi , Sept, ,dOt t at 11 a,nt. and 7.30 p,> I. Special orasic 1 Wing renewal 4by. the Kilt'1 'choir mut Itiill, teen a+lscasir members also, Met And Mie. ¥Horner e+f Varna and M. and Men, 4 W. Horner r of Zur- ich, were recent visitors V4 Ii, Mrs. L. Troyer. Mrs, R. •save spent ad/ay with fri- ends in Bilgden and Ail sa Craig. tate Mra. ft'.gan, One if the few anemaining of a generatic passed a4ay at her home on the lf`arr Line, 'flay Township on Sunday tevening, S ptember 6th 1931 in the person of the late Anne Hagan Wife the' 'late llrames Hagan. The deceased had been in her usual health until a : ilew weeks ago and, With the great ',advance of her age •shepassed peacefully away in the ripe age of 'tteearly 88 years. The funeral was held -from her late resini dance on Wednesday morning at 9.30i 'to the R. C. Church in Zurich of j 'vdhich the 'deceased was a devoted `member. 'Rev. Father L. Power of j Zurich conducting the service. Those left to mourn the loss of a kind j mother are: Five sons and five da lighters "and one son, Dr. Edward,! Who 'pre `deceased some years ago. Those "remaining at home are Miss! -Dolly' and Frank. Mother Angela of; 'Chatham; Mrs. Clark of Detroit; Dr., Uiolamna�titl'-Dr. Lawrence of Chicago;! Miss -Mary of London; James of Sea -i forth;73t ter of Portland, Oregon, and' Mrs.' Bigsby of Seattle. The sympathy l of their many friends is extended to; 'the bereft family in the loss of their' :nn bher. 'DRY'SDALE gathering,, The Weather s ideal ansa the gathering good. The net profit could net be ••expected to be excellent as the fainters willing as they we.'e, had tient .go7�!1 and •silver' 4n •a.bund arce, as tl'e ' bore been getting nothing for their eroduets 1 or the 'last year or so. However, ware thank the Lord, for cleaning $70..00. Everyone int. the parish stood ;like ,one masa behind the .p for anti dte+voted theteselves to the uhanost. The ladies are 4o be con- gratulated on their cooking and the manner in which they served the ta- blas, The .rnWt, ;in tthe •ilif k;rent booths. unturned to their box inn after epeaid- ing their vacation with Mr; and Mrs. Harry Kraft. andM Mr. rs. E. Tiernan, Mrs, Ire- land and Eugene Ti an attended the funeral ,of the late.Mr. A. Runt roar; at Stratford last eek, Mr, and M. Ha Kraft and sisters Pearl dnd M were Sun- day visitors in Kitchener. Rev, and Mrs. A. W. Sauer and Milton spent a few days in Hanover last week- IVMiss Margaret Cunningham of Kitchener •spent the eek -end with acted their 'parts like Trojans those •her sister Mrs. L. Mo z. enc em w Harry arie ne W aye un w ren mm hd continual roar of laughter with" her, ening was spent in games and con - singing and dancing. She was dreg-! tests„ ,prizes were won in the 'contests sed :in at anost :enticing manner andt'•bY Mrs. W. W olfe andEearl Wit must have made .a hit with many ? mer. At the .close a dainty lunch suitor. Miss Brunette Mousseau ac• ;was served by the Misses Laura Mae companied .her :in singing dialogues, and Phyllis. The guests of honor Between .intervals = different speaker;; was the xecipient .of many beautiful addressed the :audience for a few gifts;and good wishes. The out of moments only. _Mr. J. B. Laporte 'town ,guests were from Zurich and speaking in the .name of the pastor ;Bayfield. &peeled .one.anthall and thanked them : The Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of the for corning. Mr. John Bedard of Evaaagelical.chiueh held their first re - Stratford gave .us one of Drummond's ;gulag.' meeting after the summer va- famous poeti;y, -and Mr. Alixis Berta 'cation an Thursday afternoon in the rand of Marine City, an old boy of `church basement. The program con - the ,vanish told ,.of his joy in coming sided .of the topic on "Happiness" by back yeariv cto.the picnic to meet old. Mrs. A.. E. Oestreicher, solo by Rev. friends The pgpularity contest for ;Sauer .an address by Miss Gertrude Arnold undaunted :warriors of old. Trojans, the' Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mr. afternoon :a short _program was held, Jim Zimmer, of •St. Clair, Mich„ en-; tertained this listners with his tenon' voice and guitar. Vincent Jeofroy also •sang a beautiful number. Mrs;i Henry Smith of Detroit wilo person anted :a =belle .drbm-1Sfrica, caused a and and Mae. A. ,A.rsaoldsons all of i\iildmay were week-endvisitors with Mr. and .1Vfrce Alex. Zimmer. A number of friendsof Mrs. J. C. Reid surprised her at her home on Wednesday evening last when they met to honer .her birthday. The ev- the mos; popular young man of the ,Schade, a piano solo by Mrs. Vernon parish was won by Charley Rau and .,Schatz anal .a reading by Mrs. Wm. Philbert Denome coming second. Yoe Snell. Mrs. D. Tiernan presided over : mug ladies :get -your charms at work.the ,business .session which followed . The trip to .Montreal was won by H;! Plans were made to give a program Smith .h Go., -of Chicago, who trans$ for the .inmates of the House of Re- :Anbther picnic has come and gone fared it ,to .the :benefit of the church; fuge .in Clinton, on September 25th. ienly `to' be remembered as another' and the be.autifui.kodoc was won by necessary event in life, first to col- i Leroy Hadzel cif Detroit, and the lect money and secondly as a social hod ,,ainttoe.of the church by Grace Denome. .Father Sullivan of Clinton STANLEY TOWNSHIP gave us ;a selection in whistling and singing and Frank . Geoffroy and Al,, viii Stela played the violin for a few,; hops on the green grass. And now; till next year, goodbye all! 7 o'clock. Rev. Will Robinson, who for the past five years has been prea- ching in Sakatchewan, will be the an- niversary speaker for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin G. Keys left on Monday last for East Windsor, after spending part -of their holidays with their parents in Stanley and at lmira. He is principal of the Da- vid Maxwell school, E. Windsor, and is to be congratulated on the success of his entrance pupils this year, all 28 who wrote having passed, 17 with honors. Stuart K. Keys is visiting his par-, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, af- irx .spending the summer months on to engineering staff at Beauharnois. Diet but pretty wedding was eiitTnzed at high noon on Saturday August 29th, at the manse, Bruce- eld, when Miss Sarah Henderson Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs` Angus Brown, of Tuckersmith, be- came the bride of LIoyd Hayter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayter of St- anley. Rev. W. A. Bremner perfor- med the ceremony. The bride, who was becomingly dressed in beige, with all accessories to match, was attended by her sister, Margaret, while Elgin Hayter, the groom's brother, was gro- omsman. Following the ceremony,Mr. and Mrs. Halter left by motor for Flint and Detroit and upon their re- turn will reside on the groom.'s farm in Stanley, accompanied by the: best wishes and congratulations of their many friends.. , A Hall -Keys reunion was held in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Tuesday afternoon last, when over 'l0 of the friends assembled to renew old ac- quaintances. Those who were pres- ent were: Mrs. Wm. L. Keys, of Sea - forth; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hail and son of Londesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Wm J. Hall of Toledo, Ohio; Annie Goven- lock of Seaforth; Janet Govenlock of Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Artie Keys and sons of Stanley Tp.; Mrs. John Me- Ash and sons of Varna; Rev Dr. and Mrs. J. Melvin Keys and Mildred of Piittsburg, Pa; Mrs. Annie Reid and Mary of Seaforth and Mrs. Melvin C:. Talbot and Maber and Ernie, of Kip - pen. The picnic was held in honor of the visit of Mr. and, Mrs. Hall eaf Toronto. and Dr.. and .'Mrs. Keys of Pittsburgh, Pa. :I a/D(li041rNO041OA11o•0490fri•0NI!lOr•Nwi O111N,r • FERTIL3ZER Let us have your order at once for Fall delivery of fertilizer POULTRY FOODS •iiia s le 12re ARE IN THE MARKET FOR GOOD r I.iOV..ER SEED. ALSO DO CUSTOM SEED CLE1?1NIN.G. Try our Chick Starters, Chick Feeds, Laying Mal, Etc, 'Save .,, r4- yrs° tee- winter's coal bill by ordering it NOW! al L. Schilbe & Son 5. q't ...sN.N.NN�MNe.. ..MsNemss s Anniversary Services will be held in Goshen United Church on Sunday September 13th. Services at 11 and DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goetz and son Miltozn., of Effie, Pa., spent the week -end With his mother, Mrs. J.K. Goetz. Mr. Ira 'Tiernan of Hamilton and Miss G. Cornell of New Hamburg, are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Flynn of London were Sunday visitors with re- latives. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfile of Detroi spent the week -end with rdr. a Mrs. Hy. 25l Mr. and Mrs. Milord IVMclsaac ''of Detroit spent the 'holiday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Melsaee. Miss Verna Birk is ,spending this. week of Toronto where she is taking part in the Household Science judg- ing competition. Mr. J. H. Lane and Lloyd Shields of Dorchester, spent 'last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. 'Oestreicher. Miss Evelyn Yates of Sarnia and Miss Jean Kitchen of Toronto has ti The MERCHANT, 'The FARMER, the BANK A% 1 ,* it•7tt;,, mac A' .."•e,..•1: -.. ."o'. • R,,�.p ftA°` 1 tl.. t''a. '"ir•;'4;-• • 1 �' ,,i , klel ,' r` is`,.` t � • ®M 1`11 'A n n1:f; i;a;irN! ; •,, i r aa' ireeit e ak'9� LILLY appreciating the seasonal credit needs of merchants and farm- ers, the Barak of Montreal always ready to discuss with customers the matter of temporary loans for busi- ness' purposes. The facilities of this Bank are cordially placed at your poi .l. To each and every customer we endeavour to give considerate and individual attention. BANK OF MON Established 1817' TOTAL, ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $750,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H, JOY, Manager, HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram of Ple- asantville, N.Y,, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin of Stratford, and Mrs. F. Corbett of Hay were guests with Mr and Mrs. Roy McLaren. Ruth Chapman left for London, where she will train for nurse at Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein have returned home after a pleasant visit with their son in Detroit. John Elder and John Traquair have returned from Georgian Bay district, where they spent two weeks fishing. Mr. and Mrs, J. Glouchester, New Jersey, and Rev, Paul Langly and Mrs. Langly of Camden, N.J., visited „Mr. and Mrs, D. Foss. Capt. Scott, head of the Marine Missrpn of the United Church in i3ritisE Goulmbia, gave an illustrate•' •dii,sa nit 'Ile United, Church on 1';"'o clay eve, Seen 7th, This 'vwTas a very f .1'lut, lie was sentenced to, tea. years itre;�taarg aatidi instructive' meeting- Grordon, 11'Citcha lk of. New Ontario visited at the hoane.•of bis sister;.Mrs. Fred Kenning; Mrs. Chas. Jinks, to visiting, lien sis- ter in South Dakota. She will, be a- way for sevea:al, months.. Mrs. John Johnston and. daughter Margaret, visited with. relatives in Hyde Park. Florence Reynolds,, who, has spent the summer' here, returned to her hone in Calgary where she will re- sume her duties, as, school: teacher; Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Lindenfield of London visited a at, the home: of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield. Last week while engaged in draw- ing material from the barn. of the late Richard Welsh, Wm. Welsh. had the misfortune to fail from• a. wagon, bre- aking several ribs. He was taken to the Clinton Hospital fair. an, x-ray by Dr. L Smillie and will be in the hos- pital for some time. Wm. Hyde, of the London I d.just south of town, in. a fiddlers' contest held at Grand Bend, won the first prize, receiving a fine silver cup. There were three contestants. Ke was. accompanied by Effie Bell, on the guitar, who also received a prize in the way of a fine book cover. Gladys Luker, who has been spend- ing holidays at Stratford bass retawn ed and resumed her duties as book- keeper ook keeper• for T, C. Joynt. While working in Case's Bake shop Wm. Nichol got his band caunan in the mixing machine, badly crushing it. He areceived immediate medical attention and one fingure had to be amputated. Albert Spencer has the foundation. dug out for his new home on King Street and intends to erect the house immediately_ Madeline Higgins of Toronto: is spending her two week's uacation-vis- iting Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Higgins of Clinton, Mr.. and Mrs. Robt.. Higgins of Hensel.. COUNTY NEWS . Rev. Farther Goetz of Seaforth; has returned from Miami, Florida, where he slaera..t. the past eight. mon- ths. His many friends are glad. to learn that he is much improved: in health. Ruth Downing. who came sixth. in the ladies' 1.0 -mile marathon swtrnr ming contest at the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition,is: a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Se Platt, of Goderich. The Toronto papers speak very hiighly of her swimmitng. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Higgins of Bayfield announce the engagement of their eldest clang:li er; Ruth Helen, to: M. D. Smith, of West. Lorne, yongest son of Mr. and Mss; C. E. Smith of Forest, marriage ria take place early in September. Registration of atuemployed at the town hall, Godericle, cumber 192. Of these 82 are married and 110 single. Various construction projects, with the idea of providing work, are being talked of and no doubt the whole matter will receive the early consid- eration of the town cou'sci3'. The Bayfield Fall Fair; September 30th and Oct. 1st, prosnrses to be better than ever. For the evening en- tertainment, the committe have se- cured the Auburn Dramatic: Company who give the play "When a Fellbw- Neds a Friend." A transport truck, owned wadi op- erated by E. Epps A& Sons, Valetta, crashed into t hydro pole in front:of the Lions Park, on the Highway east of Seaforth, when the driver is al- leged to have fallen asleep. The truck returning home empty, was consider- ably damaged, as was the hydro pole but fortunately the driver escaped with minor cuts and bruises. Master Vaverne Christie met with ' an accident at S.S. No. 3, Stephen, the opening day of school. While. making a flying leap into the base- ment he struck his head against the inignatin, abon' ltOth, 190p,. aA. :. �.... .x,...,.,11.,, Capital West Si., nose 47, GODERICH A ahirter &ivll and a good show! Now flaying ---Clara Bow in , 'KICK IN" '. Mhos., Tues., and Wednesday EDWARD L. ROBINSON The screen's newest sensation with Alice White and Neil Hamilton in a picture tient tears the veil of secrecy from gangland ,"Tbe Widow from Chicago" Monday night only the season's newest fur creations will be shown by living manneguins. Thaw., Friday and Saturday Charlie Murray and GEORGE SIDNEY give you an exciting safari across • tthe African Veldt:: '"T.114E (COHENS amid KELLYS IN AFRICA".', You just 'bet you'll laugh:• Coming—SEED. Matinees Wed and Sat at 3'p.m. tl but they aen to run concurrently.,-. One :charge of robbery -while ;armed was •distnisseid. 'One of the -pioneer -residents .of Us- - borne paseeil away at. the ripe old i. 'age in the person of Mrs. Jane Mon- 'teit'fh, of the Thames :Road,' hi her 9.6 ; year. Of sturdy ;scotch parentage the ;deceased was one of a family of . ;longevity, and knew very little ill- ness during lier lifetiine: She is sur- - i•viverl by a ;sister; Mrs. Alex. Hack - zrey, Thames Brad he her •93rd year.. .Three brothers .and one sister prede- ceased her all liv ng to a good old ' ;gge. Her maiden name was Jane Mil-•• Iar,{ was hone at •Forfarsiiire;• Scotland; jar daughter of the late David Millar. The family left their native home in 153 and came to Canada on a sailing rve nel, taking seven weeks and three • days to cross the ocean. The death :occurred in Hospital at Seaforth on ..Aug. 15th of John F. Hamilton, a highly- respected farmer - of the district. He was in his 46th year and was known all' over West - ern Ontario as a breeder of thoro- Iired shorthorn rattier. He leaves to _ mourn itis loss hiss'widow,- formerly - Tes•-sae McKellar of Cromarty, to whom he was married' 18 years ago, tme son and two daughters. at home • Mrs. Robt. Keys, of Stephen Tp., who since last May has been ill at the florae of her sister; Mrs. Jas. Law- son, passed away in her 74th year. About Christmas time she was taken ill' and has been confined' ta•her bed? ovist of the time since then. Her - maiden name was Sarah Mawhinney.. Was born .at Mt. Bridges and moved with the family to Stephen Tp. Foll- owing her marriage to Robt. Keys; they farmed .on the /4th con., of St- - ephen, later moving to Parkhill. Play Safe Choose a Huron & Erie=: trustee debenture w h e 1@: %vesting your savings. Mutual farmers insurance' tr,cn. panies and executors. invest in Huron & Erie. debentures because they - are authorized by lawn far lust funds. per annum is paid half— yearly alf-ye y upon 1100 and over for 1 to 5 years. Applications are accepted by Zurich door casing and landed on his back on the basement floor inflicting a nasty gash in the head which requ- ired several stitches to close. A quiet wedding took place at St. George's church, Goderich on Aug.13 when Miss Florence E. Wont, aalen- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wolff,, of. ,Hent sail, was united in marriage to J. Helmer, son of 'Mrs. A. Rohner of Goderich. Rev. J. Mills, rector, per- formed the ceremony. Miss ',Edith Wolff sister of the bride, and Nor- man Baird of Brucefield, were the 'at- tendants. They will, reside in Goder- ich. Mrs. C. P. Harvey, Exeter, has dis- posed of the Harvey & Harvey, Red & White grocery business to R. Motz !who comes from Melfort,, Sask. He s a former Crediton boy and cond- ucted a bakery and confectionery business in the West. He has taken aio,c and will move his wife and two children in the; near future oc- ZURR H HERALD E..blish d 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESTIAlit NOON FROM THE Herald PrintingOlfice SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in iaraears or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discos» tinned until all arrears are paid un- less at option of publisher. The date of Which every Subscription is paid, is de:nated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES' Display .advertising made known'% on application. Miscellaneous articles of not more .than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, ,vrimptw, Lost. Found, etc., One inseam copying the residence in connection tine 25s, 2 lints. 40c., 3 ins. See. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.0M fair fast month, $1.00 for each fol- lowing month. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 2aeet wach the store. Guilty of two charges of robbery while armed, .Arnie .Lamontagne, 2.6 of Toronto, central figure in the thr- illing episode in Mitchell on the we- ak -end. of July 26, was sentenced to ten years in Portsmouth. Penitentiary with 16, strokes of the lash when he'rfW'r " °additional verse;. Card o'ft .appeared for sentence before Magis-' ° 0 sales-al$2A0 per sin let,, ,,.rate Makins in police court at Strat- insertion if not over four inches a3+4 ;ord on Wednesday' last. He: also � 'enmtlt. 'nice, fe ii'�y to a charge of wound- n ialcoln. Graham: and on this I Address all communications to:. ftERAL, , • 1