HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-09-10, Page 1ZURIC Vol. XXXII No. ID ZURICH, THURSDAY Mon Pali Fair, ept. 28th -29 vouromorgaNIM.0/10100.01MON••••ar Workmen are 'busily engaged in 'trimming back the eve*. growing :branches that interfere with the Hy- dro wires, and: if a. little. of this will, be done each year or so,, the Sob will. :not be so big at any time. Sun -Scald Dries Trees, Scientists have. known for aloAg ...-41•••••••• time that trees eat, sleep, digest, and freeze after .the manner of humans. MV/ comes forward the Bartlett To'et. Research Laboratories, of Stamford, Conn., to state that trees suffer from sunburn. "Sun scald" as it is called is carried by the direct wilting and drying mit of bark tissues caused by excessive heat. • 01.100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • oao • • • ••• •••• 4 • 4• Harness, Eto. • • WE HAVE A LARGE, STOCK OF CHOICE HARNESS, TRUNKS, • 4.1 TRAVELLING BAGS., VALICES, ETC.. TO CHOOSE FROM, AND 14, ARE OFFERING THE SAME TO THE PUBLIC AT VERY 4 • ATTRACTIVE PRICES. • • • IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF ADDING A FINE NEW • PIANO TO THE PLEASURES OF YOUR HOME. BE SURE AND • CONSULT US, AS WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE POPULAR • SHERLOCK MANNING LINE. • ALSO AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE • • RFD TI-IIEL - ZURICH Pianos Pianos • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I F • • * • PHONE 102. • • 4••••••••••••••4444••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• s• •••••••••••sesesee*.e** 0400044140000004114N4114•••• We're Going Back to S C.V10. I GET IN LINE IT'S SCHOOL TIME, AND READING AICD 'WRITING AND RITHIVIETIC WILL 50.0N RE IN ORDER OF THE DAY- *OTH- ERS WILL. ALL. BE AT BROWN'S BOOT SHOP FOR THEIR SHOES-. WE HAVE LINES OF (CZIILDREE'S SHOES THAT MEET TSB REQUIREMENTS OF TiEALTHFUL FOOT DEVELOPMENT AND THAT WILL GIVE MANY AIONTIIS OF WEAR AND PTOPER PROTECTION TO• THE MOST .ACTIV.E YOUNGSTERS, REALLY SMART IN APPEA.11WICE WON'T YOU DROP IN AND LET IFS SJ1OW17 .ThEM 'TO YOU ERALD /SEPTEMBER 10 [931. Miester L. Smith, PULIFIsliZto Il.25 a year, U.S. $1.5Q h lama* 41.5o 14 AROMA RS, Et MAY a* WIAmag134, Zurich School Fair Sept. 14th., A goodly number from the v attended the funeral on Wedn4 morning of the late Mrs. Ann 1 an, which took place in St. Boit R. C. Church, of town, intermei ing made in the R. C. Cemetery. 1 Hagen, who was one of the o residents of the Township of was beloved by all who knew he especially on the Parr Line wher40.11 words we could find no more sill lived and raised her family. In way in expressing our feelings "The Grand Old Lady" Rev, F I ier L. Power her pastor conducted! service. And with her bereft f there now lingers the memory most devoted parent whose plac this world can never be filled. Held ConfereriCe A meeting of representatives .g•l South Huron municipalities, collet loY Thomas McMillan, M.P., was rec4tly.' held in the Henson town hall, fort13' purpose of considering the queitio of unemployment relief in conne4i01 with the plans of the Federal GoVerriO ment. Every municipality in the irkiV ing was represented. Reeve Beattie 64 Seaforth was voted to the coair lag N. W. Trewartha of Clinton acted 64 secretary. The following motions Vire-1:i, re discussed and passed: Singe there, are no Federal undertakings, build ings, public works, etc., urgently re- quired in the constituency at presen but would strongly press upon the; Government the urgency of constrio: cting a subway across the C.N.R. 'On the highway in the town of Clintchr which leads towards Bayfield, Sim- iliarly safeguarding the C.N.R. cros- sing at concession 4-5, Goderich The C.P.R. crossing at sideroad 30-31' and also at lots 35-36, both in Hill, lett Tp., and between the villages Blyth and Auburn. ---ziteter SLohoOl Has Big Year '1-4Iiss Muriel Eidt of Port Elgin, is lie guest of Miss Inez Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang visited 'th friends in Detroit over the we- )oend. number from the village attend - ',Me Heist re -union at Crediton on ondon. and Mrs. Herb. Krueger and odly were week -end visitors at Kit- ener and Tdronto. -:111,1r. and Mrs. J. V. Cook of Drum - o, were Sunday visitors at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flaxbard. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Haist of etroit, were week -end visitors with re. Haist's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke and . aimly who spent a few weeks with latives here, returned to their home t Windsor, on Monday. 1.Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of wn attended a Mennonite church onvention at Kitchener over the we - k -end. MTS. Harry Yungblut and daughter nez, and Mr. Edward Deichert, the atter from Detroit, were visitors vith friends at Port Elgin the past eek. Mr. Jacob Brown spent a few days t Toronto the past week, returning ome on Monday with his son William ho motored to that city over the 3 I sohThe l rBegoaurladr was sethinelgd ofin thtieleEcxaernter, egie Library on last Tuesday evening. IAll the members being present. Prin- cipal E. J. Wethey thanked the board for the appreciation extended to the teaching staff of the Exeter High School, of which he was principal. 1 The Exeter schools this year are cro- • wded beyond capacity. The board has at not yet decided where it can put the • • incoming pupils. Notwithstanding the Ifact that the outside pupils' fees have been doubled and the train servico cut off, this year the desire to have • CHILDREN OXFORDS ISINIEt STEM) :METERS FROM $1 TO $1:56 • MISSES OXFORDS AND STRAP SLIPPERS FROM $1.50 to 82:95 • you= .AND BOYS wisiool. SCHOOL SEFOYM FROM $1.56 to V.11:5 REPAIRING MEATILT DONE BMWS'S hat Skop WINDOW DISPLAY • 01011 ao••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00000441444114400•11000 •444444444*********••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • 3 3 -• 4 • • • 4 44 4• • ITAr Ilognian&Son • • ? 11611WHOUR Ana SUSEIRAL OIVIECTORS • *****************A4**************1**********so "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" They Have Arrived The New Fail &Rings and Overimatings 'BEAUTIFUL. FAIIRTICS *ROM 41VOIRLD FAMOUS ENCa.331 LOOMS - WHAT A. VAIDETr. , PECW5IVELY PATTERHIED , . '.SUITINGS IN THE NEWEST OF TALL AND WINTER SHADES i -DARE BROWN'. SLUE XRD CoREY- LUXURIOUS,CEIM 'CHULA, VELOUR; liblIMI:NEY; VIM -10k 'AND TWEED OVER- ETAIMIS111. • . . ... - , . • . • ,(COME IN T6-1110THICEW-YOU VitHai. NOT BE UR4ED TO WT. SEE FOR YOURSELF TEE (01MTAIVDING QUALITY alkl\TOVAX, .0ES THAT HAVE 2.11AUE 1031.10THES OF QUALITY' FAXOTTS FROM COAST TO CAIAST. ILENEDIBER,. FTr AND SATISFACT- ION INEXOLOITEEEL 'CLOTHES OF -QUIMIITY" SOLD EXCLUSIVELY gm ME. comurre ,mitoRE VALUE the children attend Exeter schools for weremade. A number of judges were training seems to be inevitable. It appointed and other matters were was thought at the beginning of the discussed. The judges being supplied ri'etooffet-the School Fair, Monday next, Septernbe'r 14th. The kiddies are all excited over it and are indeed busy in getting their ex: hibits ready for this annual big ev- ent. And let us all just have that young spirit and come out and see what our young generation are in- terested in. This is a privilege most of us parents did not have when we attended public school. A. meeting of the directors of Zur- ich Agricultural Society was held on Saturday evening last at which final arrangements for the fall fair, to be held on September 28th and 29th, term that the school could be opei- ated with five teachers, but with the influx of scholars it was decided to engage the sixth teacher and at the meeting of the board it was decide( to engage Miss Evelyn Howard, B.A. Miss Howard taught in Listowel Col- Ilegiate last term. She is the daught- er of Principal Geo. S. Howard of the public school. Exeter citizens should be proud of the school board and the teaching staffs of both the high and public schools, when so many people by the Department of Agriculture for this year's fair are as follows: liorses, Mi... Oscar Lounsbury, of Wheatley; cattle, sheep and swine,Mr Thomas Henderson, of Glencoe; poui- try, Mr. Harry 111cKenney, of Aylmer ladies' work, Mrs. W. C. Caldwell, of Watford. The Executive Committee of West Hurot Teachers' Association met on Saturday to arrange for the conven- tion to be held October 8th and 9th. foam outside districts are .anxious to The first dors.' sessions will be held have their children taught there. in.Exeter and on Friday the teachers will visit the 0.A.C. at Guelph where they will be entertained by the Col- lege proffessors. Teachers going by train will have to be in Goclericla Clinton or Seaforth to catch the early "flyer". The committee are Miss Pridham„ Exeter; Miss Gaiser, Crediton; Messos. Keeler, Dashwood, Blowes Hensel; Howard, Exeter and Inspector Beacom, Godericb. -G. S. Howard, Secretary. GODERICH FAIR NEXT WEEK Goderich Fair, September 15 and 1r6h., presents on Wednesday after- noone a program of five races -2.25 toot or pace; 2.15 trot or pace; relay running rase; open run; and three year-old 'colt race, for good purses. Hem. T. L. Kennedy, Ontario MY -lis- ter of Agriculture, opens the fair on Tuesday evening. ATTENTION! Edig hoffer Garage. HORSE SHOEING AND ALL KINDS OP BLACKSMITHING, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, FEND• ERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. No Matte o How Badly Damaged. BEST OIL OR GAS, AUTO ACCES- ORIES. CHARGER REASONABLE Give Us a Call!. JACK K1PPHN$ ZURICH Watch and Clock Repairing WE BELIEVE WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST IN WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS, WITH PRICES CONSIDERABLY LOWER THAN WHAT IS CHARGED IN THE LARGER CENTRES FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE. Special Attention to Mailed in Wat- ches. Rodney, Defeats Henson Again At Rodney on Monday, Labor Day, that team won from the fast Hensall baseball team by the score of 9 to 5 Rodney who have met defeat oaly pee this year turned back the Hen - sail boys for the second time and are now qualified to go on in the inter- mediate "B", 0.B.A.A. playoffs. rids was Hensall's second round, but they are flow out of it. There was a re- ord crowd present n,t Labor Day of enthusiastic spectators. Dorland and IVIcCallum formed the battery for Rodney while Welch and Kerslake divided mound duties for Herman, with Horton doing the catching. Legg and Dinsmore of London umpired the game.. The liensall team sure have had a good season of it, and if the 'OoysSty together by another year even better team is looked for. Edwin Goalie and Ivan Yungblut ef own were a big asset on the Hensel] dOring the stimmergums, • Hess, The Jeweller Yes! You will Find a DIFFERENCE IF YOU RUM Prices now at Rock Bottom low for the Season. STOCK UP NOW WITH THIS' GENUINE ANTHRACITE For Cash Payment a Discount of 5/42, per Ton wil be Aliowed.ij arlteic=fir. Phone lOw or 10,1 HENSALL„ + 'C' •t• if"' 4. NEVER. BEFORE ... ... .... .1. HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH .b .:11.. 4. 4, $ Quality at Such Low Prices . 4. I On Men's Women's and Boys' Footwear 44 4. 4. ÷ 4. ..1. • HERE ARE A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS WE HAVE TO I: -I. OFFER YOU. COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES WITH MAIL .... IORDER HOUSES, ETC., AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT or CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING. YOUR FOOTWEAR ,HE.. * - o. .4.. MEN'S TAN WORK SHOES, WITE- FULL LEATHER MIDDLE SOLES AND PANCO OUTSOLES, RUBBER HEELS .og, SPECIAL PRICE 32.35 • .1 or. + MEN'S BLACK MENNONITE BLUC. WITHT OUTSIDE GOUNTM And Sturdy Built with Leather Insoles and heavy Leather or Pant* Soles, Guaranteed the Best, $2.75 and. $3.00 Pair. -26 BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS IN A CO,MFORT..4BLE AND GOOD FITTING LAST, SIZES 1 to 5%, Reg. $3.50 Now $2.50 3 1 BOYS' WORK SHOES, BLACK OR TAN SOLID LEATHER Last year we sold these at $3.00, to -day only $2.25 WOMEN'S PAT STRAPS, Gores and Satins, Only $2.50, to $2-75 pr... WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS 1 STRAP HOUSE SUPPERS WIT1Z Leather Soles and Rubber Heels, Reg. $1.25, Now $1.00 a Pair CHILDRENS' PAT STRAP SLIPPERS, SIZES 8 TO 10% o•• Reg. $2.25 To -day. $1.30 Misses Sizes 11 to 2 Only $1.56... MEN'S SUNDAY BOOTS, HIGH TOPS, ONLY PAIR $2..TS -sr MEN'S OXFORDS, PRICER AT $2.95, 33.50, $3'.75, Woo& CANVAS FOOTWEAR, WITH RUBBER SOLES, OISc.„ 75c..„ $L -11: Childs', Boys', and Men's Included. 41. 4110 • MEMBERS OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES +O. The Largest eroup of Exdus-am Footwear Mel -chows la Cusack 0 FRITZ & SON Phone 82 or 115 Zurick +++44444444+44.44•4444444444444444444.44444404+4 Superior Quality Store t• We are now offering a full line of Spring and Summer Goods at Rock Bottom, Prices WE ASK YOU TO CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR IMPRGLYsIONE IN GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS, 1 YARD WIDE PRINTS AT EVA A YARD. canroNs AT lac AND 1Sc. A YARD. j SEE OUR OVERALLS AT $1.0 A PAIR, GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS OF hlkLL KINDS., HARNESS REPAIRS. SHOES, PAINTS, CMS, ETC.. ETC. R. N. DOUGLAS FotioNE it 97 131,-AKE GEIVEritAi. MERCHANT •auwam=uaggilisago.o.aailt