HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1931-08-27, Page 8or r TUE STORE WITH THE STOCK Annual Summer Clearing. SALE Beginning Aug. 22nd. Ending Sept. 5th Do not miss this opportunity of procuring Seasonable Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices REGULAR PRICES OF MOST GOODS ARE DOWN AND WITH THESE EXTRA REDUCTIONS IT WILL CERTAINLY BE WORTH YCUR WHILE TO COME AND SHARE IN THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE OFFER. See large Posters for particulars SALE PRICES ALSO .APPLY. AT JOE'S PLACE,. DRYSDALE, WHERE WE CARRY A WELL ASSORTED. STOCK. OF .DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 lowsoarlonsimm Save Money by SAFE DRIVING Auto Insurance reduced for careful Drivers ZO% REDUCTION FOR 4 YEARS' DRIVING WITHOUT ACCIDENT 15% RFOUCTION FOR THREE YEARS' DRIVING WAC ITHOUT CIDEUT 10% :REDUCTION FOR TWO YEARS DRIVING HOUT ACCIDENT 'THE :REDUCTIONS APPLY TO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND COLLISION PREMIUMS FOR PRIVATE PAS- SENGER CARS ONLY. PROTECT YOURSELF! INSURE NOW! Andrew F. Hess, - . Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? — Roo' $ t'X*'t1;fA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL PRICES: THURSDAY', FRIDAY AND SATURDAY P. & G White Naptha Soap, T 6ais: for 25e Lux Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs for t,- .:• . , .15c New. Sultana Seedless Raisins, 2 ihs.. for 25c Maple Leaf Salmon, Half lb. tins `119e!Lb. ;tins . • . • .. 33e Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. far' .:.. - • • - 17e Corn Starch, 3 pkgs for . ....••..•••-•- ..25e Vinolia Pure Castile Soap, 8 cakes for 25c Calellis Spaghetti, or Macroni, per:. Package Kara Coffoee, sealed tins, per Tb. .... Family Blend Tea, per lb...................................39c Premium Tea with (cup and saucer..), per Iia..... ....., ... 59e 6 String. broom. ( a real broom) each . 59c 5 string broom, each • . ....... .,. «« • .. , . 25e '10c ......39c Ladies' Frail fashioned pure silk Hose;: c: «............ .....89c Ladies' Silk Hose, Reg. $1 Line„at,,px.. «. «........... ,..... «....69c Ladies No -Run Bloomers, at pawn ..... ....,:........:....•... - .49c J. W. MSRNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phan* 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy are haaviiig their vacation at present. avi�r. and Mrs. Ted. Faster of De- troit, spent the past week at the, home of Mr. and Mrs: Louis Weller:. Mrs. W. Finkbeiner and daugr„ Miss Hazel, of Stratford, were week- end eek -end visitors at the home of Mrs.. arxdl Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier: ne-i turned to Zurich on Thursday a en* -j ing after a pleasant two weell cation at Buffalo and Chautaxtsl:.'' 09•11,0044+000•001060404.00061141111011411114110001111110011114141411000111 lR! Seeds Seeds Having made some Changes in Prices WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH . ANYTHING .IN THE LINE OF CLOVER SEEDS. SUCH AS: ONTARIO RED CLOVER, IMPORTED NORTHERN RED CLOVER ALSIKE, ALFALFA, YELLOW AND WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch; arfxun- fly of Pigeon, Mich, who spant hob.- days olddays with relatives are leaving for their home at that place. DML Oesch recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, and is convelseett. HAY COUNCIL. The regular meeting of the council. of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, August 4th with all. members .present The minutes of the meetings of July 6th and July 17th were a ed as read. After disposing of the communi- cations, the following resolutions we- re passed: That the Clerk be authorized to enter on the Collector's Roll the as- sessments made in connection with the construction of the Helen Street Drain, Village of Dashwood. That the following rates be struck and lev- ied upon the rateable property of the Township of Hay for the year 1931 and that the Clerk prepare a by-law for passing at next council meeting confirming the rates: County rate, all purposes, 6.7 mills Township rate, 1.3 mills; Township road rate, 2. mills; Dashwood police Village rate 3.7 mills; Zurich Police Village rate, 5 mills; General school rate 3.9 mills; special school rates, U. FROST FENCING ANNOUNCING FROST ZINC BONDED FENCE, A SPECIALLY GALVANIZED AND IMPROVED FROST FENCE FOR LESS MONEY. THIS NEW FROST ZINC. BONDED FENCE SUR- PASSES EVERY FORMER ACHIEVEIVIENT IN FENCE HICTORY E T FLEXIBLE'ALSO RUST' RE - ZINC BONDED MAKES IT MORE FLEX SISTING AND LONGER LIFE. SIS HIS FIRST. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN FENCING SUPPLIES. GATES, BARB WIRE AND STEEL r't• ,A, r Your Hardware Store We can supply the Publicwith Seasonable t. Hardware at Moderate Prices Let Us Show You I OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. I s Good supply of Smoke Core on bend 2 Western Farms' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business int OntarIo- &mount of insurance at Risk on Deo. 'Ii1* 1928, 8222,206,275. Total Cash in Bask and Bonds $180;378.74 carer -44.0 per $1,NN for 1 year.: F. Klopp—Zurich Adent, Also Dealer in Lidhtnini Rods i and all kinds of Fire Insurance Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Sherwin - W i 11 tams Paints, year ear Tiress Etc. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! STADE&.WEIDO.+fi�.+ ZURICH .: C1, "8 s LOCAL MARKET& (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter Iib ' 25 Eggs, dozen sees......... 13-18-21 Chickens ................. 12 to 28 Hens ..... sees{.. .. . 7 to 18 'Wheat 38 Oats .. .........,20 1 Furniture Reduced We are offering our Entire Stock of nun•. iture at GreatlyReduced Prices,which will move it out rapidly. Be sure and get your requirements at these low prices WE ALSO HAVE SOME USED FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP Joh Ston & Kalbllcisch tHardware & Furniture. Phone 83 .+++++++++.++++++++++++•*+++++++++++,++++++++. Flour a 1.75 2.80 'Shorts16.00 Bran . e.•.... ».. » ........ 16.00 flogs, ewt. 5.75 Y Northern Electric Co. material $226,- 87; 226.87;; Zurich Central, switching, 4 wks 68.00; C. L. Smith, printing account 20.35; E. R. Guenther, cartage 4.35; Ha G. Hess, labor, etc. 92.85. The council adjourned to meet a- gain on Tuesday, Sept. 8th 1931, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. A. F. Floss, Clerk. BUSY FARMER NEWS Tomatoes for West S.S. No. 1, 1.8 mills; No. 2, 1 mill;, ` Tomato shipments on a large scale No. 3, 1.8 mills; No. 4, 1.6 mills; No. from Southern Ontario to the West- 6 2 mills; No. 7, 3 mills; No. 8 1,4 'ern Canada market' represent a new mills; U.S.S. No. 9, 1.5 mills; No. 11 0.9 mills; No. 12, 2.7 mills; U. No. 13, 3.3 mills; No. 14, 2 mills; U. No. 16, 3.5 mills; U. No. 16, 2.1 mills; Separate No. 1, 12 mills. Accounts covering payments for Township Roads, Telephone and Gen, era) Accounts were passed as follows Tp. Roads—John Oesch, pay list,. road 8, $6.15; Urbari Pf.Ie rd. 14,. 109.20; W. Ducharme rd 16, $4; E. Deters Sr., pay list Z.P.Village $3.80 M. Tinney, pay list rd. 14 17.65; W. Grenier pay list rd 8, $20; C. Aids - worth, pay list rds 2, 3, 13, 14, 13.25 S. Martin, pay list rd. 6, 10.53; .A..L. Sreenan rd 18, 23.60;; T. Kyle rd. 5; $13; 8: Hoffman rd 8, 25.55; J. Ren nie, xd. 5, 9.40; M. M. Russell rd. 1, 19.60; J. Parke rd 1 16.50; lVty' Corriveau rd. 17,13; F. E. Denomme^ rd 10, 12.30; S. McArthur rd t 45,00;; C.N.R. express on repairs 75c; S. 1011 !IMS RIfi NpggigllgtaIMf1!gIll Utlg1g111Uilft'!Il gilt' IIIIHIMII_'-R MIII!' dl IIIIIIIIIH RIMIIllgf D111ilNIIII1111E11lli 1I I M WATCH THIS SPAQE For Something Entirely New In Advertising. We, :,. Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. HESS, the Repair Mali. gMNgilligpqlNqyilgGlE�NIMI11 IIIIll IfiU11111111a11111111111 MEMER I1q}IIMiMATINIIIgllUlllil} H laf ! development confidently expected as the result of recent orders for seven carloads of the fruit, especially pack- ed. The consignment, according to Charles W. Bauer, secretary of the Grower's Market Council, is to go forward packen in lugs and paper wrappers and he anticipates the day when a large proportion of the Ont- ario product will he marketed in this manner. Barley to Britain ' Final arrangements have been corn pleted by Hon. Thos. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture and Hon. G. H. Ferguson, Canadian High Com- missioner.to Brittain whereby Ontarlo will make a definite bid to capture the overseas'barley market this year. Test shipments of eight different grades of barley are being dispatlh- ed to Hngland and aftor the market consunien there Lave made their seI Kopp rd. 2, 100.99; A. Reichert rd 4, eetion a carload of the preferred gra- 46; R. Miller rd 9, 26.02; E. J. Stire de will be forwarded from here. It pay list, rd 10, 6.60; Wm. Fisher rd:: understood that 20,000,000 bushels 11, 3/.75; 3. Sararas rd 15, 13.10.; of barley can be taken from Ontario G. Armstrong rd. 3, 78.00; if conditions are satisfactory. At pr - Township accounts --Ont. Hospital esent a price of •$1..08 per bushel is re C. Rupp, 3 months $39; Troyet+ being paid, less costs of shipment.The Cemetery. grant $31.80;. Telephoner now that O A. C. No. 21 barred is British market is fairly well agreed Accounts—Bell Telephone.., Co.,. tolls May to' June, 140.94; Canada 'fele, the best barley that Gari he obtained' )phone & Supplies, material $5.47; for n►alting purposes. minion GARAGE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED e EXPERT WOKK IAN'SHIP ON REPAIR WORK AND OVER- RAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H. Mousseau Zurich rte. �: HERALD OFFICE • Do You Know?irk + THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS 3013 PRINTING! THAT WE SUPPLY AND PRINT WEDDING INVITATIONS MID ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. THAT CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO PRINT, STATION- ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES STA.TEMENT.S, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC. THAT WE CARRY TN STOCK. 00OD WRITING PAPERS CUT TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST CALLED FOR SIZES, CARD PAPER, BR1STOLS, CARBON OR TRACING FAME, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. + THAT WE FILL YOUR OtDINARY SIZE INTI ,BOTTLE 'WITH 4. A GOOD WRITING INE FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER QUA. 'TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. TUA.T WE PRINT. POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALT, POSTERS usacAr TILE POSTERS AND ALL ERA.L PRINUN( - oft SPECt. lir/ o4411441401060011414.60444.10000 000114.***141144444414.1401144.